Neighbor threatens to take down American flag if patriot doesn't

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Has the OP yet found out yet the name of the neighbor who wrote the note?
How many times are you going to troll with that question, America hater?
Still waiting to find out the name of the neighbor who sent the note. I know that trumpanzees don't care for reality...they only care for the fantasy story they can get faux outraged about...but a little truth is valuable here.
Has the OP yet found out yet the name of the neighbor who wrote the note?
How many times are you going to troll with that question, America hater?
Still waiting to find out the name of the neighbor who sent the note. I know that trumpanzees don't care for reality...they only care for the fantasy story they can get faux outraged about...but a little truth is valuable here.
I've already asked your stupid dick head ass how would I know? I don't live there ya troll scumbag. But if I had to guess, it was sent by a criminal like you.
Has the OP yet found out yet the name of the neighbor who wrote the note?
How many times are you going to troll with that question, America hater?
Still waiting to find out the name of the neighbor who sent the note. I know that trumpanzees don't care for reality...they only care for the fantasy story they can get faux outraged about...but a little truth is valuable here.
I've already asked your stupid dick head ass how would I know? I don't live there ya troll scumbag. But if I had to guess, it was sent by a criminal like you. are ramping your anger up for something that may not have even happened for someone you don't even know may exist.


That's an interesting existence you have there.

A bit sad.

But ok. :itsok:
Back to the we have a name for this evil neighbor yet?
I'm guessing some redneck staged this and posted a video of himself talking tough. Who films themselves coming home?
Who films themselves committing a crime?

People in general are pretty fucking stupid
Its not a crime to put a note on someones door and that wasnt what the video captured.

Trespassing is a crime
Who trespassed?
The person who put the note on the door of the house where the flag was flying

gerund or present participle: trespassing
  1. 1.
    enter the owner's land or property without permission.
The flag worship in this country is kind of gross.

But you would support an ISIS flag.

I served in the Army for 4 years. I joined when I was 18 and was deployed twice. I walked the walk and decided I hate this country.

Well, I do respect someone who is willing to leave the U.S. if they indeed do hate the country.
I truly hope you're not blowing smoke, and you do indeed walk the talk.

The ones that hate the U.S. but stay and do nothing but piss and moan, are the ones I loathe.

It's going to take a year or so, but yes, I am leaving, and I'm taking my son with me. He deserves better.

Oh, no! Tell me that you didn't reproduce!
The flag worship in this country is kind of gross.
That Flag embodies the men and women who died to protect the rights you seem to think are worthless... You don't like it and those who protect it... Go fuck yourself traitor... There are plenty of communist/socialist shit hole countries you can move to...

Yeah, some very close friends of mine gave their lives for our piece of shit government that never gave a fuck about them. I used to wear a uniform and fight for this shit hole. I was very young.
If you had espoused this attitude during deployment your chances of returning honorably would have been very low as I recollect my deployments. Individuals with your affliction were dealt with swiftly, so I question your deployment claims. Being branded a traitor doesn't end well after a court marshal.. Was your ETS due to Article 13 violations? It would explain a lot...

I was a brainwashed kid when I served. A good soldier. I've come a long way since then.

At least we all now know your true identity! Bowe Bergdahl.
The flag worship in this country is kind of gross.

But you would support an ISIS flag.

I served in the Army for 4 years. I joined when I was 18 and was deployed twice. I walked the walk and decided I hate this country.

And yet, here you are....
Do you eat shit you hate? Do you wear shit you hate? Do you watch movies you hate? Did you buy a house you hate? Then why do you live where you hate? You do know that there are 2 other different countries you could move to that are just one step beyond our borders, right? Or do you enjoy your bitterness too much to do anything about it?

I am leaving this country. I'm still in my 20s and I have a child. It's not easy or cheap to uproot your life and leave. That's the only reason why it hasn't happened sooner.

No, you don't have a child. You are a child.
This is from your post.....

Well, I'm attempting to find out the truth of this story, if it really happened.

And now you are saying you lied.

At least you are consistent.
You haven't noticed me asking the OP several times? Of course he's run away from his thread like he does. I will point out, he doesn't have a very good record for telling the truth or picking thread topics that are the truth either.
This might be worse than a video he posted about a "muslim riot" in London.

That was actually a peace demo in cardiff being attacked by neo nazis..

He just moves on to the next lie.

Is that speculation on your part (this might be worse) ? Or are you here to help the board liar in their attempt to find the truth of the story ?
The OP is the biggest liar on this board. He must be getting paid to post his shit.
I am still waiting for Obama to invade Korea to prevent a trump presidency.
Let's not forget that we started a civil war on the 4th of July.

WTF are you talking about?

Step away from the computer, call 911 and wait for the ambulance. You are stroking out on us!
I'm guessing some redneck staged this and posted a video of himself talking tough. Who films themselves coming home?
Who films themselves committing a crime?

People in general are pretty fucking stupid
Its not a crime to put a note on someones door and that wasnt what the video captured.

Trespassing is a crime
Who trespassed?
The person who put the note on the door of the house where the flag was flying

gerund or present participle: trespassing
  1. 1.
    enter the owner's land or property without permission.
And that person was.......................................?
The flag worship in this country is kind of gross.
Not to the tens of thousands of American heroes who gave their lives to make sure the American flag could still fly in the US instead of the Nazi/Japanese flag............YOU ASSHOLE!!!!!!!
No matter where you go, you will never experience more freedom and opportunity than you have here. I have a feeling you'll be back, pup. Good Luck where ever you land.

There are almost two dozen countries that regularly kick America's ass when it comes to the happiness of the people that live there. This place sucks. The culture is shit, the people are shit and the government is shit. I will never come back.

Then stop talking and get the fuck out ya wet behind the ears punk

I'll talk all I want you fuckmouthed hick.

That's just it...youre all talk. Just do it. wont be missed little boy

You're seeking attention is all

I'm young, and it takes time and money to uproot your life and move across the world, especially when you have a child. I assure you it's happening soon, though. I'll be living in a much better country within about a year. I can't wait to leave this shit hole and never look back.

No. It does not. Walking is free.
You haven't noticed me asking the OP several times? Of course he's run away from his thread like he does. I will point out, he doesn't have a very good record for telling the truth or picking thread topics that are the truth either.
This might be worse than a video he posted about a "muslim riot" in London.

That was actually a peace demo in cardiff being attacked by neo nazis..

He just moves on to the next lie.

Is that speculation on your part (this might be worse) ? Or are you here to help the board liar in their attempt to find the truth of the story ?
The OP is the biggest liar on this board. He must be getting paid to post his shit.
I am still waiting for Obama to invade Korea to prevent a trump presidency.
Let's not forget that we started a civil war on the 4th of July.

WTF are you talking about?

Step away from the computer, call 911 and wait for the ambulance. You are stroking out on us!
You missed that? Alex Jones announced that Liberals were starting a civil war on July 4th.....Alex Jones says Democrats are planning a July Fourth second Civil War - Twitter quickly responds 'Second civil war letters' take over Twitter Analysis | A short history of Alex Jones claiming that the left is about to start a second Civil War Social media trolls Alex Jones with 'Second Civil War' letters
This might be worse than a video he posted about a "muslim riot" in London.

That was actually a peace demo in cardiff being attacked by neo nazis..

He just moves on to the next lie.

Is that speculation on your part (this might be worse) ? Or are you here to help the board liar in their attempt to find the truth of the story ?
The OP is the biggest liar on this board. He must be getting paid to post his shit.
I am still waiting for Obama to invade Korea to prevent a trump presidency.
Let's not forget that we started a civil war on the 4th of July.

WTF are you talking about?

Step away from the computer, call 911 and wait for the ambulance. You are stroking out on us!
You missed that? Alex Jones announced that Liberals were starting a civil war on July 4th.....Alex Jones says Democrats are planning a July Fourth second Civil War - Twitter quickly responds 'Second civil war letters' take over Twitter Analysis | A short history of Alex Jones claiming that the left is about to start a second Civil War Social media trolls Alex Jones with 'Second Civil War' letters

How would I know what Alex Jones said? Is the ambulance on the way yet?
Who films themselves committing a crime?

People in general are pretty fucking stupid
Its not a crime to put a note on someones door and that wasnt what the video captured.

Trespassing is a crime
Who trespassed?
The person who put the note on the door of the house where the flag was flying

gerund or present participle: trespassing
  1. 1.
    enter the owner's land or property without permission.
And that person was.......................................?
Don't give a shit
There are almost two dozen countries that regularly kick America's ass when it comes to the happiness of the people that live there. This place sucks. The culture is shit, the people are shit and the government is shit. I will never come back.

Then stop talking and get the fuck out ya wet behind the ears punk

I'll talk all I want you fuckmouthed hick.

That's just it...youre all talk. Just do it. wont be missed little boy

You're seeking attention is all

I'm young, and it takes time and money to uproot your life and move across the world, especially when you have a child. I assure you it's happening soon, though. I'll be living in a much better country within about a year. I can't wait to leave this shit hole and never look back.

No. It does not. Walking is free.

You're a moron. I'll leave as soon as I'm ready, which is soon, and in the mean time I'll continue to talk shit about this garbage nation as much as I want. Does that upset you? Fuck the United States and fuck the trash like you that populates it.
Is that speculation on your part (this might be worse) ? Or are you here to help the board liar in their attempt to find the truth of the story ?
The OP is the biggest liar on this board. He must be getting paid to post his shit.
I am still waiting for Obama to invade Korea to prevent a trump presidency.
Let's not forget that we started a civil war on the 4th of July.

WTF are you talking about?

Step away from the computer, call 911 and wait for the ambulance. You are stroking out on us!
You missed that? Alex Jones announced that Liberals were starting a civil war on July 4th.....Alex Jones says Democrats are planning a July Fourth second Civil War - Twitter quickly responds 'Second civil war letters' take over Twitter Analysis | A short history of Alex Jones claiming that the left is about to start a second Civil War Social media trolls Alex Jones with 'Second Civil War' letters

How would I know what Alex Jones said? Is the ambulance on the way yet?
It's out there...but the main reason I mentioned it because he's the OPs go to guy for news.
Its not a crime to put a note on someones door and that wasnt what the video captured.

Trespassing is a crime
Who trespassed?
The person who put the note on the door of the house where the flag was flying

gerund or present participle: trespassing
  1. 1.
    enter the owner's land or property without permission.
And that person was.......................................?
Don't give a shit
That seems to be a theme with the trumpanzees on this thread ranting and raving about........................................someone that might not even exist.
Then stop talking and get the fuck out ya wet behind the ears punk

I'll talk all I want you fuckmouthed hick.

That's just it...youre all talk. Just do it. wont be missed little boy

You're seeking attention is all

I'm young, and it takes time and money to uproot your life and move across the world, especially when you have a child. I assure you it's happening soon, though. I'll be living in a much better country within about a year. I can't wait to leave this shit hole and never look back.

No. It does not. Walking is free.

You're a moron. I'll leave as soon as I'm ready, which is soon, and in the mean time I'll continue to talk shit about this garbage nation as much as I want. Does that upset you? Fuck the United States and fuck the trash like you that populates it.
Big words for a little faggot hiding behind stolen valor.
Trespassing is a crime
Who trespassed?
The person who put the note on the door of the house where the flag was flying

gerund or present participle: trespassing
  1. 1.
    enter the owner's land or property without permission.
And that person was.......................................?
Don't give a shit
That seems to be a theme with the trumpanzees on this thread ranting and raving about........................................someone that might not even exist.
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