Neighbor threatens to take down American flag if patriot doesn't

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You're pathetic. Hurry and leave this nation nobody will miss you. Do kid

I'll leave when I'm good and ready you worthless hick.

I could buy you kid. Fact. You're the one that can't afford to leave lol....need a handout lil boy?

You're just blabbering to blabber...and being mocked

You're probably old as fuck and being taken care of by some dude. I can afford to leave and I'm still in my 20s. It takes time to gain citizenship

I'm 33, degree in economics and walked away from a career to raise our children to prevent them from ending up like you....worthless and weak.

How'd that work out for ya, kid?

I'm surprised you find time to work or raise kids with all of the time you spend here. I'm even more surprised your barely literate ass made it through a college course. I earn good money and I'll earn even better money after I leave this shit hole filled with trash like you. In the meantime, like I said, I'll talk all the shit I want. Deal with it, hick.
What a typical leftist prick. LOL
The flag worship in this country is kind of gross.

But you would support an ISIS flag.

I served in the Army for 4 years. I joined when I was 18 and was deployed twice. I walked the walk and decided I hate this country.

Why didn't you just desert and stay over there?
They should have put him on point more often. In Fahallah.

He'd have wet himself. My best friend fell in Fallujah. It was a meat grinder
My nephew got hit by IED Ramallah after the first Fahallah campaign.
There are almost two dozen countries that regularly kick America's ass when it comes to the happiness of the people that live there. This place sucks. The culture is shit, the people are shit and the government is shit. I will never come back.

Then stop talking and get the fuck out ya wet behind the ears punk

I'll talk all I want you fuckmouthed hick.

That's just it...youre all talk. Just do it. wont be missed little boy

You're seeking attention is all

I'm young, and it takes time and money to uproot your life and move across the world, especially when you have a child. I assure you it's happening soon, though. I'll be living in a much better country within about a year. I can't wait to leave this shit hole and never look back.

No. It does not. Walking is free.
IllI buy this prick a 1 way bus ticket.
Don't give a shit
That seems to be a theme with the trumpanzees on this thread ranting and raving about........................................someone that might not even exist.
View attachment 204931
All I have been asking since the beginning of this thread is some kind of verification that this really happened which could be done by naming the perpetrator. Obviously, that stands in the way of your angry rant against.........what exactly?

Again, must be sad to live such a life that: a) you get angry at something which hasn't even been proven to exist, and b) you get even angrier at those who simply point out that there's no verification yet.
You keep saying i'm angry. :21::21::21::21::21::21::21:, say it again to make it really be true! lol! Keep repeating your lies, it's what scum do.
Ok you aren't angry....your language is calm and civilized. :71:
No my language is chosen over polite and civilized because it's the most effective when dealing with rabid animals such as yourself. 98 percent of the time harsh rude and profane language is over the top and useless, but the other two percent of the time it is a useful tool in dealing with scum. Should have seen the little old lady in prison that day set the filthy cons straight! lol
But you would support an ISIS flag.

I served in the Army for 4 years. I joined when I was 18 and was deployed twice. I walked the walk and decided I hate this country.

Why didn't you just desert and stay over there?
They should have put him on point more often. In Fahallah.

He'd have wet himself. My best friend fell in Fallujah. It was a meat grinder
My nephew got hit by IED Ramallah after the first Fahallah campaign.

IED got my friend too. Bless your nephew
That seems to be a theme with the trumpanzees on this thread ranting and raving about........................................someone that might not even exist.
View attachment 204931
All I have been asking since the beginning of this thread is some kind of verification that this really happened which could be done by naming the perpetrator. Obviously, that stands in the way of your angry rant against.........what exactly?

Again, must be sad to live such a life that: a) you get angry at something which hasn't even been proven to exist, and b) you get even angrier at those who simply point out that there's no verification yet.
You keep saying i'm angry. :21::21::21::21::21::21::21:, say it again to make it really be true! lol! Keep repeating your lies, it's what scum do.
Ok you aren't angry....your language is calm and civilized. :71:
No my language is chosen over polite and civilized because it's the most effective when dealing with rabid animals such as yourself. 98 percent of the time harsh rude and profane language is over the top and useless, but the other two percent of the time it is a useful tool in dealing with scum. Should have seen the little old lady in prison that day set the filthy cons straight! lol're not angry. :71:
I'll leave when I'm good and ready you worthless hick.

I could buy you kid. Fact. You're the one that can't afford to leave lol....need a handout lil boy?

You're just blabbering to blabber...and being mocked

You're probably old as fuck and being taken care of by some dude. I can afford to leave and I'm still in my 20s. It takes time to gain citizenship

I'm 33, degree in economics and walked away from a career to raise our children to prevent them from ending up like you....worthless and weak.

How'd that work out for ya, kid?

I'm surprised you find time to work or raise kids with all of the time you spend here. I'm even more surprised your barely literate ass made it through a college course. I earn good money and I'll earn even better money after I leave this shit hole filled with trash like you. In the meantime, like I said, I'll talk all the shit I want. Deal with it, hick.
You're probably a fat redneck on the verge of kicking the bucket due to heart disease.
You'd like to think so, but stolen valor is far worse. You should be ashamed.

There is no valor in serving the United States government. I am ashamed of my service. I trashed all of my uniforms years ago.
That's right traitor, that's how you should feel. In fact you should be tried for treason.
I love how trumpanzees completely ignore the law and want to "try" people with no evidence.....
The evidence you are a traitor is right here on this forum and black and white.

Everything is black and white when you're a fucking idiot.
All I have been asking since the beginning of this thread is some kind of verification that this really happened which could be done by naming the perpetrator. Obviously, that stands in the way of your angry rant against.........what exactly?

Again, must be sad to live such a life that: a) you get angry at something which hasn't even been proven to exist, and b) you get even angrier at those who simply point out that there's no verification yet.
You keep saying i'm angry. :21::21::21::21::21::21::21:, say it again to make it really be true! lol! Keep repeating your lies, it's what scum do.
Ok you aren't angry....your language is calm and civilized. :71:
No my language is chosen over polite and civilized because it's the most effective when dealing with rabid animals such as yourself. 98 percent of the time harsh rude and profane language is over the top and useless, but the other two percent of the time it is a useful tool in dealing with scum. Should have seen the little old lady in prison that day set the filthy cons straight! lol're not angry. :71:
Keep repeating it troll, it's what liars do.
You'd like to think so, but stolen valor is far worse. You should be ashamed.

There is no valor in serving the United States government. I am ashamed of my service. I trashed all of my uniforms years ago.

You're pathetic. Hurry and leave this nation nobody will miss you. Do kid

I'll leave when I'm good and ready you worthless hick.

I could buy you kid. Fact. You're the one that can't afford to leave lol....need a handout lil boy?

You're just blabbering to blabber...and being mocked

You're probably old as fuck and being taken care of by some dude. I can afford to leave and I'm still in my 20s. It takes time to gain citizenship
Get busy traitor
All I have been asking since the beginning of this thread is some kind of verification that this really happened which could be done by naming the perpetrator. Obviously, that stands in the way of your angry rant against.........what exactly?

Again, must be sad to live such a life that: a) you get angry at something which hasn't even been proven to exist, and b) you get even angrier at those who simply point out that there's no verification yet.
You keep saying i'm angry. :21::21::21::21::21::21::21:, say it again to make it really be true! lol! Keep repeating your lies, it's what scum do.
Ok you aren't angry....your language is calm and civilized. :71:
No my language is chosen over polite and civilized because it's the most effective when dealing with rabid animals such as yourself. 98 percent of the time harsh rude and profane language is over the top and useless, but the other two percent of the time it is a useful tool in dealing with scum. Should have seen the little old lady in prison that day set the filthy cons straight! lol're not angry. :71:
Keep repeating it troll, it's what liars do.
Not the least bit angry......:auiqs.jpg:
But you would support an ISIS flag.

I served in the Army for 4 years. I joined when I was 18 and was deployed twice. I walked the walk and decided I hate this country.

Why didn't you just desert and stay over there?
They should have put him on point more often. In Fahallah.

He'd have wet himself. My best friend fell in Fallujah. It was a meat grinder
My nephew got hit by IED Ramallah after the first Fahallah campaign.

I pity your nephew. I'm sure he's a good guy, and he had to suffer for the treacherous cock suckers that took advantage of him.
I served in the Army for 4 years. I joined when I was 18 and was deployed twice. I walked the walk and decided I hate this country.

Why didn't you just desert and stay over there?
They should have put him on point more often. In Fahallah.

He'd have wet himself. My best friend fell in Fallujah. It was a meat grinder
My nephew got hit by IED Ramallah after the first Fahallah campaign.

I pity your nephew. I'm sure he's a good guy, and he had to suffer for the treacherous cock suckers that took advantage of him.

His nephew took a man's path...a warrior. He is to be are to be mocked like the treacherous lemming you are.
I served in the Army for 4 years. I joined when I was 18 and was deployed twice. I walked the walk and decided I hate this country.

Why didn't you just desert and stay over there?
They should have put him on point more often. In Fahallah.

He'd have wet himself. My best friend fell in Fallujah. It was a meat grinder
My nephew got hit by IED Ramallah after the first Fahallah campaign.

I pity your nephew. I'm sure he's a good guy, and he had to suffer for the treacherous cock suckers that took advantage of him.
Take your pity and stick it traitor
The flag worship in this country is kind of gross.
------------------------------ looks like you have an OPINION and i guess that your opinion is cool . But isn't the issue the threat to take down a Privately owned American Flag Confounding .
Over 200 posts and no proof that this actually happened. Mental !!
A lot of anger towards what may be a non-person, tho.....and against those pointing out the simple fact that this might not be more than a person getting internet attention.
Over 200 posts and no proof that this actually happened. Mental !!

Prove it didn't happen, pee wee puffer

Of course you're a flamer and your ilk is constantly getting caught hoaxing hate crimes. Let's discuss homos pulling that shit shall we?
Ok, give us the name of the neighbor who left the note.

And, Mal, I see that you still have gays on the brain.
Reads like fake news
Too corny to be written by a real person

Montana? Everyone is a Trump voter
Over 200 posts and no proof that this actually happened. Mental !!

Prove it didn't happen, pee wee puffer

Of course you're a flamer and your ilk is constantly getting caught hoaxing hate crimes. Let's discuss homos pulling that shit shall we?
Is that how your whacko brain works ?
Make up shit then ask normal folk to prove your fantasy didnt actually happen.
You are a loon.
Several posters have asked for any sort of corroborating evidence on this thread but the silence is deafening.
Please provide a link of any sort. The lying trash OP hs run away already.
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