New Covid Variant Discovered In The US BA.2

Stupid report in the OP. True to dem-nazi media control, the anal retention is to keep the prisoners dumbed down and not mention any pertinent amino acids so that the only thing they can say is, "Another variant. Do we get another check?"
Our latest surge is finally dissipating here in Nebraska, I'm hoping it's the last one. I hope I don't live to see another pandemic. Lost too many friends and relatives to this. I'm not interested in trying to downplay the crisis.
Did you lose both friends?
There was an article a few weeks back about an old man dying from complications related to covid. I dug around and found out he had stage 4 cancer too. Imagine that.
Surprised me - but a local TV station broke the story about IU Health (BIG organization) admitted that it was not delineating patients in the hospital DUE to Covid, and those that are there WITH Covid but not why they are there. After repeatedly getting insider staff telling the station that the numbers IU Health keep reporting simply isn't true. The station did investigative reporting and IU Health was forced to admit they were elevating their numbers significantly by basically cheating.

Trying to find that story now... Google makes this hard
Surprised me - but a local TV station broke the story about IU Health (BIG organization) admitted that it was not delineating patients in the hospital DUE to Covid, and those that are there WITH Covid but not why they are there. After repeatedly getting insider staff telling the station that the numbers IU Health keep reporting simply isn't true. The station did investigative reporting and IU Health was forced to admit they were elevating their numbers significantly by basically cheating.

Trying to find that story now... Google makes this hard
Yes, google is totally biased in search results. I use duckduckgo.
It is still pandemic, and it's not good to compare it with the flu, it is more contagious, it is more virulent and is more lethal.
That assessment is outdated as other posters have stated. At least for a few weeks now global virologists have been calling it an endemic. This has been expressed by many scientists via Science mag and Nature articles

But good news for you Stan! You do not have to lose sleep thinking the pandemic will soon be over! Check this out:

“There may be more than 1.67 million unknown viruses infecting the animals of Earth — and scientists want to find them.” So the plan, going on now for many years: increase human intervention a thousandfold to raise the odds of a initiating a global catastrophe. All it takes is one act of negligence.

Just what we need, a global challenge to race to find more unknown viruses. Most of which have been here since homo erectus, but have never contaminated humans before, and why is that exactly, do readers think? Because it’s a global race, how does that negatively impact safety measures being utilized?

So one team scouring for infected animals, cutting them open in the field and leaving behind healthy dead carcasses is considered to be within the perimeters of safe measures? One team of research scientists, recently working in the Amazon, thought it was a good idea to do this and carry back all contaminated animals in a cooler… wth. Evidently, there is still a lot of stupidity going on among those who are absolute geniuses! Reminds me of a math teacher who had absolutely zero common sense but could write complicated formulas from memory at the drop of a hat.
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Will this pandemic ever end?

Not if we don't have a complete investigation into it's origins, and somehow lock the people up responsible for it. For all we know these variants are being developed in a lab also or rather they were already developed in a lab awaiting their call to be released. Who knows anymore ?? We won't know because we are being forbidden to know.

The variants have a super suspicious coincidental correlation to the elections, the power structure being developed, and the transformations taking place. Call me a conspiracy nut, but one can't help but wonder what in the heck is going on ?

Ebola came here out of Africa, and we quickly arrested it in the hospital, otherwise never allowing it to escape into our population, but for some reason we can't stop COVID ?? Well hell I guess we can't with a President like Biden in office, who has went along with the radical left on everything it chose to do politically to this nation, and even if it meant sacrificing American lives in doing so.
There's already a test for this variant? Seems more like you're just lying.
The test is whether or not we believe it before the election, and it could be that they alledgedly hope maybe that we do in order to put in place the tool's that can fix an election result ?? You think that maybe they are crazy and desperate enough to stay on track for their global wishes to finally be fulfilled ?

Is it us trying to take over the world or someone else these days ? Whenever a nation attempted to take over the world in the past, and therefore was seeking to destroy another's culture, government, and belief system, then it was met with war, and a very tough resistance. These days it could be that they think that they've figured out a way to somehow force the world into some kind of one world order Utopia they are speeding towards.

Such fantasies won't have a happy ending.. I mean look at what COVID is doing to us right now. COVID is a result of our mixing up with the world in ways that has since come back to haunt us terribly. I'm not an isolationists, but I am for border's, and keeping our border's safe for our population.

Anyone who was guilty in taking our border's down, and all for the thinking that we would be safe after doing so, uhhhhh needs to be locked up, tried, and sentenced to prison for it.

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