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New Evidence of Voter Fraud and California continues to refuse cooperation

Anyone with any common sense at all knows Democrats welcomed millions of illegal votes in 2016 alone.
People who ignore the push to give illegals drivers licenses, the fight against requirements for Voter ID and the hustling of millions of illegals across the border by the Democrats leading up to the Nov 2016 elections are not only in denial and dead wrong, but are openly in agreement with this illegal activity if not blatantly in support of it.

The Administration has been too busy fighting false allegations to get to it but when it does it will open eyes.

Of course, you'll have the morons on forums balk at the suggestion, ridicule to possibility......call it funny etc...those are radical left bent idiots who still believe the Left has their back (fools).

But FACTS show just how much of a fool they are. In Rhode Island alone, where the vote was heavily for Sanders and Clinton, it has been discovered that over 30% of voters who participated did not have a registered Social Security Number nor driver license number. The two primary means with which to identify a voters identity. Without them, it is nearly impossible to determine even the nation of origin of a voter yet in Democrat states, this is the standard operating procedure.

As evidence continues to mount, those mocking the suggestion of widespread voter fraud look more and more like imbeciles. And mounting evidence agrees with those who suggest the vast majority of it took place on the Left.

It is my opinion that the people perpetrating these offenses and those cheering it should all be deported, at the very least. Tried for treason and dealt with accordingly ideally.

Anyway......here's the new report...
New Report Exposes Thousands of Illegal Votes from 2016 Election
The source for your thread is "CNS News". Here is info about it:
Cybercast News Service (CNS) is a subsidiary of the conservative news monitoring group, the Media Research Center (MRC). Originally calling itself the "Conservative News Service," CNS changed its name to Cybercast in 2000.
Cybercast News Service - SourceWatch

If California was ever allowed to leave the Union the Democrats would never win another Presidential election...

Hardly. Take out California and no Presidential election results would have been changed.
Anyone with any common sense at all knows Democrats welcomed millions of illegal votes in 2016 alone.
People who ignore the push to give illegals drivers licenses, the fight against requirements for Voter ID and the hustling of millions of illegals across the border by the Democrats leading up to the Nov 2016 elections are not only in denial and dead wrong, but are openly in agreement with this illegal activity if not blatantly in support of it.

The Administration has been too busy fighting false allegations to get to it but when it does it will open eyes.

Of course, you'll have the morons on forums balk at the suggestion, ridicule to possibility......call it funny etc...those are radical left bent idiots who still believe the Left has their back (fools).

But FACTS show just how much of a fool they are. In Rhode Island alone, where the vote was heavily for Sanders and Clinton, it has been discovered that over 30% of voters who participated did not have a registered Social Security Number nor driver license number. The two primary means with which to identify a voters identity. Without them, it is nearly impossible to determine even the nation of origin of a voter yet in Democrat states, this is the standard operating procedure.

As evidence continues to mount, those mocking the suggestion of widespread voter fraud look more and more like imbeciles. And mounting evidence agrees with those who suggest the vast majority of it took place on the Left.

It is my opinion that the people perpetrating these offenses and those cheering it should all be deported, at the very least. Tried for treason and dealt with accordingly ideally.

Anyway......here's the new report...
New Report Exposes Thousands of Illegal Votes from 2016 Election
CNS News is the kissing cousin to the Gateway Pundit in the far far right media.
Hasn't it hit you yet that if ANY of this was true, it would be picked up by the national media?
They would love a story like this IF IT WERE TRUE, but it's not..
So you Trump whores get into a corner and have your little circle jerk pretending this is a big news story.
Day after day we get BIG NEWS STORIES from you dopes and they NEVER go anywhere because they're not valid news stories.
You haven't figured this out yet so you keep repeating the same mistake..
You boneheads are a hoot..
Anyone with any common sense at all knows Democrats welcomed millions of illegal votes in 2016 alone.
People who ignore the push to give illegals drivers licenses, the fight against requirements for Voter ID and the hustling of millions of illegals across the border by the Democrats leading up to the Nov 2016 elections are not only in denial and dead wrong, but are openly in agreement with this illegal activity if not blatantly in support of it.

The Administration has been too busy fighting false allegations to get to it but when it does it will open eyes.

Of course, you'll have the morons on forums balk at the suggestion, ridicule to possibility......call it funny etc...those are radical left bent idiots who still believe the Left has their back (fools).

But FACTS show just how much of a fool they are. In Rhode Island alone, where the vote was heavily for Sanders and Clinton, it has been discovered that over 30% of voters who participated did not have a registered Social Security Number nor driver license number. The two primary means with which to identify a voters identity. Without them, it is nearly impossible to determine even the nation of origin of a voter yet in Democrat states, this is the standard operating procedure.

As evidence continues to mount, those mocking the suggestion of widespread voter fraud look more and more like imbeciles. And mounting evidence agrees with those who suggest the vast majority of it took place on the Left.

It is my opinion that the people perpetrating these offenses and those cheering it should all be deported, at the very least. Tried for treason and dealt with accordingly ideally.

Anyway......here's the new report...
New Report Exposes Thousands of Illegal Votes from 2016 Election
1- this has nothing to do with illegal aliens voting, but possible American citizens voting in two different States.

2. You obviously did not read your own link and the links offered as support by your link...

California WAS ONE OF THE FEW STATES WHO....drum roll......

COOPERATED with the Federal government's request. . :rolleyes:
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

It was six cases, not six percent.

In six of the new cases, voting records show the same people voting twice in Colorado elections

Sherlock, the link is to voter fraud not the States that did the audit. There is no online account of the audits or link and along with States refusing the audits it should worry you that the gov't is covering it up in order that people should not be discouraged from voting or lose faith in the system.
That being said, don't turn this around, the Politicians used the words "Zero" and "none" and now you admit that is a delusional lie.
The MSM and Politicians are Pathological liars about something that should concern them since they claim that integrity is their concern regarding Russians.=caught lying about concern=busted you lose!
If that link doesn't prove your idiotic claim that some states found 6% of the votes cast in their state were fraudulent, why did you post it?

And where is your link to prove your idiotic claim?

Again, in the worst case found so far, which was in a state that went for Trump, they found only 0.003% of fraudulent votes. Nowhere near your claim of 6%.

Prove it or you prove you're an imbecile.

1) you moved the decimal & added a 0 in front of your undocumented pie in the sky number
2)even Obama is being accused by a State of possibly cheating his election.
According to this audit by the North Carolina Elections Oversight Committee, at least 81 dead people have been voting from the grave, and more than 35,000 people with matching full names and dates of birth voted in both North Carolina and another state in the 2012 general election. To put that number in context, Barack Obama carried North Carolina by fewer than 15,000 votes in 2008.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Exactly how rightarded are you??

I first said ".00003" and then said "0.003%"

Imbecile-- .00003 equals 0.003%. :eusa_doh::eusa_doh::eusa_doh:

And Obama has nothing to do with the 2016 election. You failed to prove you claim that some states found 6% of fraud and between failing to prove that, along with demonstrating such abject ignorance with basic math, have proven beyond any shadow of doubt that you are a flaming imbecile.
Then you just admitted to a bigger lie.
You were using percet in context of how you compared it to percent.
quote: "fraudulent votes was .00003. Nowhere near 6%."
You are also calling the MSM news that reported the State audits surprising find morons and liars.
Wow. You are proving to be one of the dumber idiots on this forum, and that is really saying something.
there is no evidence of voter fraud.

trump loons are so desperate. :cuckoo:
You need new news sources, there were many arrests across the country due to voter fraud and some States did a special accounting and one of them came up with a whopping 6% of their total votes were illegal voting.

The fact MSM hosts, people like yourself and Dem politicians said the word "zero" means you guys are either psychopathic liars or extremely delusional and in your own little world.
No state determined 6% of the votes cast in their state were illegal. What the fuck is wrong with you? Several states did review their ballots and the worst occurrences of fraudulent votes was .00003. Nowhere near 6%.

Just the Facts on Fraud
It was on ABC or NBC news they discussed a few states found 1% another more, but this state Which was a Northern Middle American State which surprised me with 6%. The fact you mentioned a fraction in the way you did means your news source is tainted as is fact check which claimed there was no evidence even though a simple search shows arrests made.
That means even Factcheck is rigged and tainted.

You link mentions 12 cases, idiot. Not 6 percent of the votes cast. And they aren't even all from the 2016 election.

And the three examples they specify are Republicans!

Lincoln Wilson, a registered Republican from Hale, in Northeast Colorado, is accused of voting in both Colorado and Kansas in 2010, 2012 and again in 2014. Wilson told CBS4 he voted in both states, but only “voted on local issues” and “didn’t vote twice for President.”

Kansas has also charged James Criswell, a Republican from Douglas County, and Sharon Farris, a Republican from Denver, with double voting. Their cases have not been resolved yet.

Goddam, you are one stupid idiot.
Really, from the link:

The Institute found 45,880 votes cast by individuals whose dates of birth were more than 115 years before the election.

I don't think we have that many 115 years old people in the country, if any.

It's just sad that you people don't research anything you read.

At any rate, there's a reason for voters seemingly older than 115; as in the case of North Carolina...

Are there really 112 year old voters on the State’s Voter Rolls?

Over the past several days, the State Board of Elections has answered numerous inquiries concerning alarming reports that there are 112 years old on the voter rolls and many of them have already voted in the 2012 General Election. Are these reports accurate? No. The facts are that prior to the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA), there was no requirement in North Carolina law for a voter registration applicant to provide his or her date of birth. After the enactment of NVRA, North Carolina law was changed to require voter registration applicants to provide their full date of birth. Prior to this change a mere 20 years ago, while most registered voters had provided their date of birth, many had not. Since these “legacy” registered voters registered prior to the new requirement, our county boards of elections do not have these voters’ accurate date of birth. Instead, these voters were given a “legacy” birth date. The most common legacy birth date is 01/01/1900, hence the reason why certain voters appear to be at least 112 years old. This default date was chosen so these “legacy” voters would be obvious within the database to allow the county boards to take measures to ascertain these voters’ correct birth date.

So what you're saying is in the past 20 years they haven't bothered to correct their records?

no, what I'm saying is that finding 46K voters whose birthdate indicates they're older than 115 is not evidence of voter fraud.

Then why are they still in the systems 20 years later, I have to verify my name address and DOB every time I vote. Are other States so pathetically lax they just don't give a shit. If that's the case what else are they not checking?

Irrelevant. Those folks are already legally registered to vote. Their birthdate is irrelevant. In my state, I simply show my voter registration card and I get to vote. And my birthdate appears nowhere on my voter registration card. So whatever their reason for not updating many of their votes' birthdate, it's still not evidence of voter fraud.

You can claim that, but you're ignoring the legal requirement to maintain voter rolls. You don't even know if these people from 20 years ago are still alive. This is a very good reason to have voter ID.

Anyone with any common sense at all knows Democrats welcomed millions of illegal votes in 2016 alone.
People who ignore the push to give illegals drivers licenses, the fight against requirements for Voter ID and the hustling of millions of illegals across the border by the Democrats leading up to the Nov 2016 elections are not only in denial and dead wrong, but are openly in agreement with this illegal activity if not blatantly in support of it.

The Administration has been too busy fighting false allegations to get to it but when it does it will open eyes.

Of course, you'll have the morons on forums balk at the suggestion, ridicule to possibility......call it funny etc...those are radical left bent idiots who still believe the Left has their back (fools).

But FACTS show just how much of a fool they are. In Rhode Island alone, where the vote was heavily for Sanders and Clinton, it has been discovered that over 30% of voters who participated did not have a registered Social Security Number nor driver license number. The two primary means with which to identify a voters identity. Without them, it is nearly impossible to determine even the nation of origin of a voter yet in Democrat states, this is the standard operating procedure.

As evidence continues to mount, those mocking the suggestion of widespread voter fraud look more and more like imbeciles. And mounting evidence agrees with those who suggest the vast majority of it took place on the Left.

It is my opinion that the people perpetrating these offenses and those cheering it should all be deported, at the very least. Tried for treason and dealt with accordingly ideally.

Anyway......here's the new report...
New Report Exposes Thousands of Illegal Votes from 2016 Election
The source for your thread is "CNS News". Here is info about it:
Cybercast News Service (CNS) is a subsidiary of the conservative news monitoring group, the Media Research Center (MRC). Originally calling itself the "Conservative News Service," CNS changed its name to Cybercast in 2000.
Cybercast News Service - SourceWatch
CNS News is one of the most hack propaganda sites out there. They hoax their rubes regularly.

And they rubes get right back in line to be lied to again and again.

is that or is that not voter fraud

pointing out voter fraud from either party does not

help the leftarded position that voter fraud does not happen

You're sadly mistaken as neither mine, nor the "leftarded position, is that there is absolutely no fraud at all occurring. Just that it's miniscule and already handled by the states.

yeah sure pal

you fucked up once again shit for brains
If I fucked up, you should be able to quote me saying there wasn't a single case of voter fraud. If you can't, well... everyone here will know what that means.

fuck you slime bag
Thanks for admitting you're a lying dumbfuck *

* = not that further evidence was needed.
So far, the only evidence provided for voter fraud in this topic has been all Republicans. :lol:
It's just sad that you people don't research anything you read.

At any rate, there's a reason for voters seemingly older than 115; as in the case of North Carolina...

Are there really 112 year old voters on the State’s Voter Rolls?

Over the past several days, the State Board of Elections has answered numerous inquiries concerning alarming reports that there are 112 years old on the voter rolls and many of them have already voted in the 2012 General Election. Are these reports accurate? No. The facts are that prior to the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA), there was no requirement in North Carolina law for a voter registration applicant to provide his or her date of birth. After the enactment of NVRA, North Carolina law was changed to require voter registration applicants to provide their full date of birth. Prior to this change a mere 20 years ago, while most registered voters had provided their date of birth, many had not. Since these “legacy” registered voters registered prior to the new requirement, our county boards of elections do not have these voters’ accurate date of birth. Instead, these voters were given a “legacy” birth date. The most common legacy birth date is 01/01/1900, hence the reason why certain voters appear to be at least 112 years old. This default date was chosen so these “legacy” voters would be obvious within the database to allow the county boards to take measures to ascertain these voters’ correct birth date.

So what you're saying is in the past 20 years they haven't bothered to correct their records?

no, what I'm saying is that finding 46K voters whose birthdate indicates they're older than 115 is not evidence of voter fraud.

Then why are they still in the systems 20 years later, I have to verify my name address and DOB every time I vote. Are other States so pathetically lax they just don't give a shit. If that's the case what else are they not checking?

Irrelevant. Those folks are already legally registered to vote. Their birthdate is irrelevant. In my state, I simply show my voter registration card and I get to vote. And my birthdate appears nowhere on my voter registration card. So whatever their reason for not updating many of their votes' birthdate, it's still not evidence of voter fraud.

You can claim that, but you're ignoring the legal requirement to maintain voter rolls. You don't even know if these people from 20 years ago are still alive. This is a very good reason to have voter ID.

If they're dead, fixing their birthdate does no good.
Really, from the link:

The Institute found 45,880 votes cast by individuals whose dates of birth were more than 115 years before the election.

I don't think we have that many 115 years old people in the country, if any.

It's just sad that you people don't research anything you read.

At any rate, there's a reason for voters seemingly older than 115; as in the case of North Carolina...

Are there really 112 year old voters on the State’s Voter Rolls?

Over the past several days, the State Board of Elections has answered numerous inquiries concerning alarming reports that there are 112 years old on the voter rolls and many of them have already voted in the 2012 General Election. Are these reports accurate? No. The facts are that prior to the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA), there was no requirement in North Carolina law for a voter registration applicant to provide his or her date of birth. After the enactment of NVRA, North Carolina law was changed to require voter registration applicants to provide their full date of birth. Prior to this change a mere 20 years ago, while most registered voters had provided their date of birth, many had not. Since these “legacy” registered voters registered prior to the new requirement, our county boards of elections do not have these voters’ accurate date of birth. Instead, these voters were given a “legacy” birth date. The most common legacy birth date is 01/01/1900, hence the reason why certain voters appear to be at least 112 years old. This default date was chosen so these “legacy” voters would be obvious within the database to allow the county boards to take measures to ascertain these voters’ correct birth date.

So what you're saying is in the past 20 years they haven't bothered to correct their records?

no, what I'm saying is that finding 46K voters whose birthdate indicates they're older than 115 is not evidence of voter fraud.

Then why are they still in the systems 20 years later, I have to verify my name address and DOB every time I vote. Are other States so pathetically lax they just don't give a shit. If that's the case what else are they not checking?

Many states left voter registers personal info spidered on the internet, so potential employees or potential relationships can discriminate against your party affiliation when researching your name.
*shaking my head*

In TX you don't register for a particular party, you just ask for a Dem or Rep ballot in a primary.

It's just sad that you people don't research anything you read.

At any rate, there's a reason for voters seemingly older than 115; as in the case of North Carolina...

Are there really 112 year old voters on the State’s Voter Rolls?

Over the past several days, the State Board of Elections has answered numerous inquiries concerning alarming reports that there are 112 years old on the voter rolls and many of them have already voted in the 2012 General Election. Are these reports accurate? No. The facts are that prior to the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA), there was no requirement in North Carolina law for a voter registration applicant to provide his or her date of birth. After the enactment of NVRA, North Carolina law was changed to require voter registration applicants to provide their full date of birth. Prior to this change a mere 20 years ago, while most registered voters had provided their date of birth, many had not. Since these “legacy” registered voters registered prior to the new requirement, our county boards of elections do not have these voters’ accurate date of birth. Instead, these voters were given a “legacy” birth date. The most common legacy birth date is 01/01/1900, hence the reason why certain voters appear to be at least 112 years old. This default date was chosen so these “legacy” voters would be obvious within the database to allow the county boards to take measures to ascertain these voters’ correct birth date.

So what you're saying is in the past 20 years they haven't bothered to correct their records?

no, what I'm saying is that finding 46K voters whose birthdate indicates they're older than 115 is not evidence of voter fraud.

Then why are they still in the systems 20 years later, I have to verify my name address and DOB every time I vote. Are other States so pathetically lax they just don't give a shit. If that's the case what else are they not checking?

Irrelevant. Those folks are already legally registered to vote. Their birthdate is irrelevant. In my state, I simply show my voter registration card and I get to vote. And my birthdate appears nowhere on my voter registration card. So whatever their reason for not updating many of their votes' birthdate, it's still not evidence of voter fraud.

You can claim that, but you're ignoring the legal requirement to maintain voter rolls. You don't even know if these people from 20 years ago are still alive. This is a very good reason to have voter ID.

I registered to vote at 18, just before I joined the military. I was still voting by absentee ballot in the same state 20 years later, and I can assure you I am still alive.

I cast my very first vote at home before I joined the military. For Ronald Reagan and the straight GOP ticket.

Back then, I just walked up to the nice old lady and told her my name, and she pointed me to a voting booth as she checked my name off on the list of registered voters.

The way fraud is prevented is that if someone else had voted in my name, when I showed up to vote and they told me my name was already checked off, the jig would have been up.
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It's just sad that you people don't research anything you read.

At any rate, there's a reason for voters seemingly older than 115; as in the case of North Carolina...

Are there really 112 year old voters on the State’s Voter Rolls?

Over the past several days, the State Board of Elections has answered numerous inquiries concerning alarming reports that there are 112 years old on the voter rolls and many of them have already voted in the 2012 General Election. Are these reports accurate? No. The facts are that prior to the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA), there was no requirement in North Carolina law for a voter registration applicant to provide his or her date of birth. After the enactment of NVRA, North Carolina law was changed to require voter registration applicants to provide their full date of birth. Prior to this change a mere 20 years ago, while most registered voters had provided their date of birth, many had not. Since these “legacy” registered voters registered prior to the new requirement, our county boards of elections do not have these voters’ accurate date of birth. Instead, these voters were given a “legacy” birth date. The most common legacy birth date is 01/01/1900, hence the reason why certain voters appear to be at least 112 years old. This default date was chosen so these “legacy” voters would be obvious within the database to allow the county boards to take measures to ascertain these voters’ correct birth date.

So what you're saying is in the past 20 years they haven't bothered to correct their records?

no, what I'm saying is that finding 46K voters whose birthdate indicates they're older than 115 is not evidence of voter fraud.

Then why are they still in the systems 20 years later, I have to verify my name address and DOB every time I vote. Are other States so pathetically lax they just don't give a shit. If that's the case what else are they not checking?

Irrelevant. Those folks are already legally registered to vote. Their birthdate is irrelevant. In my state, I simply show my voter registration card and I get to vote. And my birthdate appears nowhere on my voter registration card. So whatever their reason for not updating many of their votes' birthdate, it's still not evidence of voter fraud.

You can claim that, but you're ignoring the legal requirement to maintain voter rolls. You don't even know if these people from 20 years ago are still alive. This is a very good reason to have voter ID.

TRump pulled out one of his biggest whoppers yet when he lied and said 3-6 million illegals voted W/O A SHRED OF EVIDENCE TO BACK IT UP.
Did you DEPLORABLES call him out on his lie?
Does the sun rise in the west?
You bought his bullshit and now he's wasting some serious tax dollars for one reason only.
He's so butt hurt and insecure that Hillary beat him in the popular vote.
And not one of you trump whores has the integrity to admit this.
there is no evidence of voter fraud.

trump loons are so desperate. :cuckoo:

Really, from the link:

The Institute found 45,880 votes cast by individuals whose dates of birth were more than 115 years before the election.

I don't think we have that many 115 years old people in the country, if any.


That's because before a certain date, registration forms did not ask for year of birth. When registrars went to a computer based system that required one, these voters were given a year, usually like 1900.

They've been required for more than 20 years, why aren't States maintaining their rolls?

there is no evidence of voter fraud.

trump loons are so desperate. :cuckoo:

Really, from the link:

The Institute found 45,880 votes cast by individuals whose dates of birth were more than 115 years before the election.

I don't think we have that many 115 years old people in the country, if any.


That's because before a certain date, registration forms did not ask for year of birth. When registrars went to a computer based system that required one, these voters were given a year, usually like 1900.

They've been required for more than 20 years, why aren't States maintaining their rolls?

Who says they're not changing them? They just haven't changed them all yet. It's entirely possible they're only fixing the birhdate when there's a change requested to the status of each affected registrant.
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I accompanied my dad to vote in 2016. He has been registered to vote in the same state for over 50 years. My mother died suddenly in late July last year, just a few months before the election. She was still on the voter registration list. Just because a dead person is on the registered voter list does not mean the dead are voting.

There should be a process where your name is take off the voter registration in a timely manner after you die. I think within a year is reasonable.

My mom was a Ted Cruz supporter. She hated Trump. Haaaaaaaaaated him. As does my dad.

My dad still voted for Trump because as he told me, "I just don't want Hillary to win big." Even he thought Clinton was going to win. He was voting against Hillary, not for Trump.

I don't think my mother could have brought herself to vote for Trump. Neither could I. I just could not stomach voting for that piece of shit.

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