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New Evidence of Voter Fraud and California continues to refuse cooperation

Trump's calling the Democrats' bluff. And i love it. They've consistently ridiculed him and vowed that there's 'No Voter Fraud.' Well, here's their chance to prove that. Yet they're refusing to cooperate. They're cowardly pissants. It is what it is.
Putz.... most of the states refusing to turn over their voter data are Republican states that went for Trump. :eusa_doh: HTF does that reflect on Democrats??
Anyone with any common sense at all knows Democrats welcomed millions of illegal votes in 2016 alone.
People who ignore the push to give illegals drivers licenses, the fight against requirements for Voter ID and the hustling of millions of illegals across the border by the Democrats leading up to the Nov 2016 elections are not only in denial and dead wrong, but are openly in agreement with this illegal activity if not blatantly in support of it.

The Administration has been too busy fighting false allegations to get to it but when it does it will open eyes.

Of course, you'll have the morons on forums balk at the suggestion, ridicule to possibility......call it funny etc...those are radical left bent idiots who still believe the Left has their back (fools).

But FACTS show just how much of a fool they are. In Rhode Island alone, where the vote was heavily for Sanders and Clinton, it has been discovered that over 30% of voters who participated did not have a registered Social Security Number nor driver license number. The two primary means with which to identify a voters identity. Without them, it is nearly impossible to determine even the nation of origin of a voter yet in Democrat states, this is the standard operating procedure.

As evidence continues to mount, those mocking the suggestion of widespread voter fraud look more and more like imbeciles. And mounting evidence agrees with those who suggest the vast majority of it took place on the Left.

It is my opinion that the people perpetrating these offenses and those cheering it should all be deported, at the very least. Tried for treason and dealt with accordingly ideally.

Anyway......here's the new report...
New Report Exposes Thousands of Illegal Votes from 2016 Election
Yes, because Republicans like to vote more than once.

Iowa woman who tried to vote for Trump twice pleads guilty to election misconduct

is that or is that not voter fraud

pointing out voter fraud from either party does not

help the leftarded position that voter fraud does not happen

there is no evidence of voter fraud.

trump loons are so desperate. :cuckoo:
You need new news sources, there were many arrests across the country due to voter fraud and some States did a special accounting and one of them came up with a whopping 6% of their total votes were illegal voting.

The fact MSM hosts, people like yourself and Dem politicians said the word "zero" means you guys are either psychopathic liars or extremely delusional and in your own little world.

Going by memory, but I think I saw that piece and it was a poll of illegals, 6% of whom said they have voted in at least one US election.

It is not 6% of votes that are illegal, but 6% of illegals voting IIRC.

no.. it said 6 people...

but the level of prevarication on this subject is quite something to behold. although it isn't surprising

I think y'all are talking about 2 different things but I could be wrong. It's happened before.

Something the poster said made me think it was the poll, not the audit, he was remembering. I'll look back and find it.
That poll was an unscientific poll taken over the course of two election cycles where many of the respondents who said the were U.S. citizens in the first poll; said there were not U.S. citizens in the second poll. That poll is not reliable.

Meanwhile, 4 states have since reviewed their 2016 ballots. Accounting for one fifth of all the ballots cast nationwide in 2016 and they found an incidence rate ranging between 0.003% and 0.0005%

Just the Facts on Fraud

All total, they found 324 [possible] cases of voter fraud out of 29 million votes cast.

Yes, I agree it was a poll, so not scientific. Polls can be easily manipulated and are often wrong like the last election. I also believe the states aren't exactly looking hard for fraud. The number is higher than they admit. It is difficult to catch by design it seems, or at least by not upgrading verification. Our current verification is quite lacking, no? Personally, I'd address absentee and mail ins first if I ruled the world. Alas, I can't even take over my own house, so my world takeover is delayed a bit.
How many illegally cast votes are acceptable?


One hundred?

One thousand?

One million?

The law says zero - all illegally cast votes are, well, illegal and, therefore, unacceptable.

But of course laws are only for non-Democrats.
There's no such thing as a perfect crime free election. Just as there's crime in most aspects . But Trump, and his acolytes by extension, are pressing the ludicrous, and unsubstantiated, claim that more than 2% of the vote was cast illegally when the actual number is far closer to 0.001%. Meaning Trump's bullshit claim, which originated from some guy tweeting the number, "3,000,000", on the Internet with no corroborating evidence, is roughly exaggerated by a factor of a whopping 2000.

So since the occurrence of fraud is a minuscule 0.00001 and since the states are already litigating many, if not most, cases of fraud; the better question is .... why should all 57 states turn over all of the sensitive data the federal government is seeking to centralize? The release of some data, violated some of the individual states' own privacy laws.
there is no evidence of voter fraud.

trump loons are so desperate. :cuckoo:

Desperate for what??? WE WON and we will win every time you run the piles of shit communist against even an ax murderer. It is the communist dimshits who are crying, and trying to get votes by reinstating the votes of felons, keeping the rolls from being updated so they can vote for dead people and letting illegals vote. The idea that a voter ID would impact anyone BUT a felon, or an illegal is ludicrous. You can BS your idiot pets, but you are full of shit and everyone knows it. liberal dimshit communist are the most dishonest, most vile scum to inhabit the Earth and they know it themselves.
Anyone with any common sense at all knows Democrats welcomed millions of illegal votes in 2016 alone.
People who ignore the push to give illegals drivers licenses, the fight against requirements for Voter ID and the hustling of millions of illegals across the border by the Democrats leading up to the Nov 2016 elections are not only in denial and dead wrong, but are openly in agreement with this illegal activity if not blatantly in support of it.

The Administration has been too busy fighting false allegations to get to it but when it does it will open eyes.

Of course, you'll have the morons on forums balk at the suggestion, ridicule to possibility......call it funny etc...those are radical left bent idiots who still believe the Left has their back (fools).

But FACTS show just how much of a fool they are. In Rhode Island alone, where the vote was heavily for Sanders and Clinton, it has been discovered that over 30% of voters who participated did not have a registered Social Security Number nor driver license number. The two primary means with which to identify a voters identity. Without them, it is nearly impossible to determine even the nation of origin of a voter yet in Democrat states, this is the standard operating procedure.

As evidence continues to mount, those mocking the suggestion of widespread voter fraud look more and more like imbeciles. And mounting evidence agrees with those who suggest the vast majority of it took place on the Left.

It is my opinion that the people perpetrating these offenses and those cheering it should all be deported, at the very least. Tried for treason and dealt with accordingly ideally.

Anyway......here's the new report...
New Report Exposes Thousands of Illegal Votes from 2016 Election
Illegals don't vote. They limit their contacts with government as much as they possibly can. Because more contact with government agencies (at any level), means a greater chance of getting caught being in the country illegally.

Voter fraud is practically non-existent. But they don't teach that in home school. All they teach in home school, is how to be a dumbass.

If you really care about voter fraud, then why don't you go ask Diebold why their electronic voting machines can be so easily hacked?
there is no evidence of voter fraud.

trump loons are so desperate. :cuckoo:
You need new news sources, there were many arrests across the country due to voter fraud and some States did a special accounting and one of them came up with a whopping 6% of their total votes were illegal voting.

The fact MSM hosts, people like yourself and Dem politicians said the word "zero" means you guys are either psychopathic liars or extremely delusional and in your own little world.

Going by memory, but I think I saw that piece and it was a poll of illegals, 6% of whom said they have voted in at least one US election.

It is not 6% of votes that are illegal, but 6% of illegals voting IIRC.
Yes that's an older polln but this was a certain State which I thought was Ohio that shockingly had 6% illegal votesout of their total vote numbers, but online doesn't show it was Ohio unless the 1 site is wrong or fake info. Online is tough researching thanks to Google seemingly burying news or info sources.
What's strange is one site said 440,000 low Ohio turnout total yet the break down of votes equalled a lot higher over half million.
Glad these people aren't my accountants.
Translation: you can't prove your obvious hallucination is real.

there is no evidence of voter fraud.

trump loons are so desperate. :cuckoo:
You need new news sources, there were many arrests across the country due to voter fraud and some States did a special accounting and one of them came up with a whopping 6% of their total votes were illegal voting.

The fact MSM hosts, people like yourself and Dem politicians said the word "zero" means you guys are either psychopathic liars or extremely delusional and in your own little world.

Going by memory, but I think I saw that piece and it was a poll of illegals, 6% of whom said they have voted in at least one US election.

It is not 6% of votes that are illegal, but 6% of illegals voting IIRC.

no.. it said 6 people...

but the level of prevarication on this subject is quite something to behold. although it isn't surprising

I think y'all are talking about 2 different things but I could be wrong. It's happened before.

Something the poster said made me think it was the poll, not the audit, he was remembering. I'll look back and find it.
That poll was an unscientific poll taken over the course of two election cycles where many of the respondents who said the were U.S. citizens in the first poll; said there were not U.S. citizens in the second poll. That poll is not reliable.

Meanwhile, 4 states have since reviewed their 2016 ballots. Accounting for one fifth of all the ballots cast nationwide in 2016 and they found an incidence rate ranging between 0.003% and 0.0005%

Just the Facts on Fraud

All total, they found 324 [possible] cases of voter fraud out of 29 million votes cast.
Ok now I see your problem, you have admission issues,
by your standard you are making fun of yourself for writing 6% instead of .06 when comparing
.00003 to 6%. ;-)
I see your source problem, You are using bad data I already blasted as bad info.
One site showed only 440,000 voters on Ohio but another totals just over half million.
The site you get your illegal voters numbers from is made up as the site is owned by
electioninnovation.org whois lookup - who.is
But You lose, because you said None and now you admit there were.
Then you use games to avoid the fact:
Mexico interfered with the election signing up permanent residents of their country

to stop Trump,

behind the voter registration effort, led by Immigrant Voters Win PAC — a group of 30 community organizer groups dedicated to promoting illegal immigrants.

Even residents of other countries got naturalized to get in on this voter fraud.

One woman from Honduras said she responded to the Mexican government’s initiative. For Media and Senators to say ZERO registered voted is so insult to intelligence when the information and studies of past elections show this problem and we knew of these rush naturalization tricks Hillary and Obama was using to cheat the elections. Obama risked our national security to cheat and interfere with the election for Hillary.
There are people with the same name and date of birth. I encounter them all the time just within California. There is simply no evidence of wide scale voter fraud that would change a presidential election. Give it up. Crooked Donnie lost the popular vote.

Hillary lost the popular vote too, she didn't get 50 % So what is you liberal shit pumps point? If historical trends held and there was a runoff in the Presidential election Trump would have been the popular winner AND the EC winner. Just the FACTS. we know liberals like to invent their own facts, but truth is truth.
there is no evidence of voter fraud.

trump loons are so desperate. :cuckoo:
You need new news sources, there were many arrests across the country due to voter fraud and some States did a special accounting and one of them came up with a whopping 6% of their total votes were illegal voting.

The fact MSM hosts, people like yourself and Dem politicians said the word "zero" means you guys are either psychopathic liars or extremely delusional and in your own little world.

Going by memory, but I think I saw that piece and it was a poll of illegals, 6% of whom said they have voted in at least one US election.

It is not 6% of votes that are illegal, but 6% of illegals voting IIRC.
Yes that's an older polln but this was a certain State which I thought was Ohio that shockingly had 6% illegal votesout of their total vote numbers, but online doesn't show it was Ohio unless the 1 site is wrong or fake info. Online is tough researching thanks to Google seemingly burying news or info sources.

Whoever reported 6% of votes cast were illegal is wrong or misrepresenting. No audits have found that.

That being said, ONE illegal vote is too many. In effect, it cancels/steals the vote from a citizen. Unacceptable.
I disagree. It's not unacceptable. With 130 million people voting, there is going to be some fraud. There are also going to be mistakes and some miscounting. It's unavoidable and there is no perfect voting process. That's why states currently manage voter fraud judiciously themselves. That's why every state allows for recounts in razor close elections.

Bear in mind, it's virtually almost always the loser of an election who contests the validity of their election. We are faced with the bizarre possibility of what may be the first time ever where the winner is contesting the outcome of an election because we're dealing with a bizarre character as president whose 12 year old mentality can't accept the reality that his primary opponent got more votes than him; even though it's meaningless in terms of electing a president. But his 12 year old mentality isn't feeling the love he craves from a nation which cast more votes for Hillary than for him.

So here we are.
There are people with the same name and date of birth. I encounter them all the time just within California. There is simply no evidence of wide scale voter fraud that would change a presidential election. Give it up. Crooked Donnie lost the popular vote.

Hillary lost the popular vote too, she didn't get 50 % So what is you liberal shit pumps point? If historical trends held and there was a runoff in the Presidential election Trump would have been the popular winner AND the EC winner. Just the FACTS. we know liberals like to invent their own facts, but truth is truth.
A plurality, and not a majority, is all that is needed to win that. And a plurality is what she achieved.
Trump's calling the Democrats' bluff. And i love it. They've consistently ridiculed him and vowed that there's 'No Voter Fraud.' Well, here's their chance to prove that. Yet they're refusing to cooperate. They're cowardly pissants. It is what it is.
Putz.... most of the states refusing to turn over their voter data are Republican states that went for Trump. :eusa_doh: HTF does that reflect on Democrats??

dogshitbama used federal funds to do house to house research for his reelection campaign. the idea was to see how many immigrants he would have to move to an area to flip it for dimshits. That was what the targeted areas for immigration was all about like the large number he sent to Texas in areas that voted Republican. SO any BS you lying dimshits post about the dims not pushing voter fraud is just a joke.
And it only takes one illegal vote to prove the Politicians and TV tabloid news hosts wrong since they used the insane claim of zero/none.
The 6% figure was
Just one state, northern midwest state thus surprising the others were about 1%.
Not all illegal votes are coming out of one country, we have vacationers from all over the globe, work visas, long visas, people who never went home from all lands, people who sneak in, and people over the border just to vote thanks to Mexico interference and collusion with imigration activist org, and Canadian snowbirds. So the number of possible illegals voting is beyond the numbers floating around that mistakingly are leaving out the full scope of non citizens.
Northern States have many people from all over, especially Canadian residents who might be voting, some unwitting to their not supposed to be.
Stop lying.

No state reported 6% fraud. :cuckoo:

That was demonstrated by your woeful inability to post a link to any state rendering such a ludicrous claim.
There are people with the same name and date of birth. I encounter them all the time just within California. There is simply no evidence of wide scale voter fraud that would change a presidential election. Give it up. Crooked Donnie lost the popular vote.

Hillary lost the popular vote too, she didn't get 50 % So what is you liberal shit pumps point? If historical trends held and there was a runoff in the Presidential election Trump would have been the popular winner AND the EC winner. Just the FACTS. we know liberals like to invent their own facts, but truth is truth.
A plurality, and not a majority, is all that is needed to win that. And a plurality is what she achieved.

A new description to bolster a LIE, she did not win the popular vote. To win the popular vote she would have had to get OVER 50% she did not. And she did not WIN. Trump is president.
Anyone with any common sense at all knows Democrats welcomed millions of illegal votes in 2016 alone.
People who ignore the push to give illegals drivers licenses, the fight against requirements for Voter ID and the hustling of millions of illegals across the border by the Democrats leading up to the Nov 2016 elections are not only in denial and dead wrong, but are openly in agreement with this illegal activity if not blatantly in support of it.

The Administration has been too busy fighting false allegations to get to it but when it does it will open eyes.

Of course, you'll have the morons on forums balk at the suggestion, ridicule to possibility......call it funny etc...those are radical left bent idiots who still believe the Left has their back (fools).

But FACTS show just how much of a fool they are. In Rhode Island alone, where the vote was heavily for Sanders and Clinton, it has been discovered that over 30% of voters who participated did not have a registered Social Security Number nor driver license number. The two primary means with which to identify a voters identity. Without them, it is nearly impossible to determine even the nation of origin of a voter yet in Democrat states, this is the standard operating procedure.

As evidence continues to mount, those mocking the suggestion of widespread voter fraud look more and more like imbeciles. And mounting evidence agrees with those who suggest the vast majority of it took place on the Left.

It is my opinion that the people perpetrating these offenses and those cheering it should all be deported, at the very least. Tried for treason and dealt with accordingly ideally.

Anyway......here's the new report...
New Report Exposes Thousands of Illegal Votes from 2016 Election
Yes, because Republicans like to vote more than once.

Iowa woman who tried to vote for Trump twice pleads guilty to election misconduct

is that or is that not voter fraud

pointing out voter fraud from either party does not

help the leftarded position that voter fraud does not happen

You're sadly mistaken as neither mine, nor the "leftarded position, is that there is absolutely no fraud at all occurring. Just that it's miniscule and already handled by the states.
there is no evidence of voter fraud.

trump loons are so desperate. :cuckoo:

Really, from the link:

The Institute found 45,880 votes cast by individuals whose dates of birth were more than 115 years before the election.

I don't think we have that many 115 years old people in the country, if any.

Illegals don't vote. They limit their contacts with government as much as they possibly can. Because more contact with government agencies (at any level), means a greater chance of getting caught being in the country illegally.

Voter fraud is practically non-existent. But they don't teach that in home school. All they teach in home school, is how to be a dumbass.

If you really care about voter fraud, then why don't you go ask Diebold why their electronic voting machines can be so easily hacked?

Bullshit as usual. illegals have done just as they wish in this country for the last eight years. NO ELECTION MACHINES WERE HACKED in the last election, they are stand alone until they are linked to a dedicated receptor to upload their counts. They are tested for proper operation before the election, and after each upload. Another liberal "shitbitch won" lie.
You need new news sources, there were many arrests across the country due to voter fraud and some States did a special accounting and one of them came up with a whopping 6% of their total votes were illegal voting.

The fact MSM hosts, people like yourself and Dem politicians said the word "zero" means you guys are either psychopathic liars or extremely delusional and in your own little world.

Going by memory, but I think I saw that piece and it was a poll of illegals, 6% of whom said they have voted in at least one US election.

It is not 6% of votes that are illegal, but 6% of illegals voting IIRC.

no.. it said 6 people...

but the level of prevarication on this subject is quite something to behold. although it isn't surprising

I think y'all are talking about 2 different things but I could be wrong. It's happened before.

Something the poster said made me think it was the poll, not the audit, he was remembering. I'll look back and find it.
That poll was an unscientific poll taken over the course of two election cycles where many of the respondents who said the were U.S. citizens in the first poll; said there were not U.S. citizens in the second poll. That poll is not reliable.

Meanwhile, 4 states have since reviewed their 2016 ballots. Accounting for one fifth of all the ballots cast nationwide in 2016 and they found an incidence rate ranging between 0.003% and 0.0005%

Just the Facts on Fraud

All total, they found 324 [possible] cases of voter fraud out of 29 million votes cast.
Ok now I see your problem, you have admission issues,
by your standard you are making fun of yourself for writing 6% instead of .06 when comparing
.00003 to 6%. ;-)
I see your source problem, You are using bad data I already blasted as bad info.
One site showed only 440,000 voters on Ohio but another totals just over half million.
The site you get your illegal voters numbers from is made up as the site is owned by
electioninnovation.org whois lookup - who.is
But You lose, because you said None and now you admit there were.
Then you use games to avoid the fact:
Mexico interfered with the election signing up permanent residents of their country

to stop Trump,

behind the voter registration effort, led by Immigrant Voters Win PAC — a group of 30 community organizer groups dedicated to promoting illegal immigrants.

Even residents of other countries got naturalized to get in on this voter fraud.

One woman from Honduras said she responded to the Mexican government’s initiative. For Media and Senators to say ZERO registered voted is so insult to intelligence when the information and studies of past elections show this problem and we knew of these rush naturalization tricks Hillary and Obama was using to cheat the elections. Obama risked our national security to cheat and interfere with the election for Hillary.
Great, now you're piling on lie upon lie. You have extinguished all credibility doing so.

For starters, when it comes to election fraud, I never said there is "none." That's a lie.

I never changed my numbers. So that's another lie.

Despite your fallacious claim I didn't post a link to my source, I actually did. Another lie. I count three, so far. And I'm not done counting.

You claimed a state reported 6% of fraud. Unable to demonstrate that means lie #4.

As far as your hail Mary of attacking the validity of my source because they conceal their true identity behind 'Domains By Proxy, LLC' .... it falls harmlessly to the turf as Just the Facts on Fraud includes links to corroborate all of the numbers they posted. Their credibility, unlike yours, remains intact.
Trump's calling the Democrats' bluff. And i love it. They've consistently ridiculed him and vowed that there's 'No Voter Fraud.' Well, here's their chance to prove that. Yet they're refusing to cooperate. They're cowardly pissants. It is what it is.
Putz.... most of the states refusing to turn over their voter data are Republican states that went for Trump. :eusa_doh: HTF does that reflect on Democrats??

dogshitbama used federal funds to do house to house research for his reelection campaign. the idea was to see how many immigrants he would have to move to an area to flip it for dimshits. That was what the targeted areas for immigration was all about like the large number he sent to Texas in areas that voted Republican. SO any BS you lying dimshits post about the dims not pushing voter fraud is just a joke.
There are people with the same name and date of birth. I encounter them all the time just within California. There is simply no evidence of wide scale voter fraud that would change a presidential election. Give it up. Crooked Donnie lost the popular vote.

Hillary lost the popular vote too, she didn't get 50 % So what is you liberal shit pumps point? If historical trends held and there was a runoff in the Presidential election Trump would have been the popular winner AND the EC winner. Just the FACTS. we know liberals like to invent their own facts, but truth is truth.
A plurality, and not a majority, is all that is needed to win that. And a plurality is what she achieved.

A new description to bolster a LIE, she did not win the popular vote. To win the popular vote she would have had to get OVER 50% she did not. And she did not WIN. Trump is president.
You can repeat that till you're blue in the face, it matters not. Unlike the electoral vote, which does require a majority to win, the popular vote does not. To win the popular vote, one needs only get more votes than any other candidate.

Hell, even rightwing Fox says Hillary won the popular vote.

Trump Wins the Electoral Vote

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