New GOP Trump Defense: He's A Fool. He's A Toddler. He Doesn't Know Any Better. He's New To Politics

Trump's not a's one thing that got him elected President.

Your statement about Paul Ryan's admission is FAKE NEWS.

Its also one thing that is enveloping his administration in multiple scandals at this time.
The source of the "scandals" is the MSM. Trump has been accused of a lot of things by a desperate liberal media. Their purpose is to undermine the Trump administration and waste time. There is no Russian collusion and no obstruction of justice. Comey deserved to be fired and his firing did not and will not affect the phony "collusion" investigation.

The MSM is pro-Democrat and are furious that Hillary lost and desperate to discredit Trump so they can put a Democrat in the White House next election cycle. They've lost all credibility.

I'm tired of the whole thing myself and am ready for government to get to work doing what they were elected to do.

So if Obama were to have told Comey to "let it go" and he was investigating Ms. Clinton and he guys would be fine with that?

Trump's scandals are Trump's creation. He fired his own pick for NSA. Nobody made him do that. This after he said, "I will pick the best people"....someone should tell his spokesperson about that lie.

As for collusion, one of his top advisors knew about Podesta's e-mails getting hacked 6 weeks before his e-mails were released. Unless you think that the advisor was just acting on his own....which would make you incredibly gullible...that is collusion.


Trump's not a's one thing that got him elected President.

Your statement about Paul Ryan's admission is FAKE NEWS.

Its also one thing that is enveloping his administration in multiple scandals at this time.
The source of the "scandals" is the MSM. Trump has been accused of a lot of things by a desperate liberal media. Their purpose is to undermine the Trump administration and waste time. There is no Russian collusion and no obstruction of justice. Comey deserved to be fired and his firing did not and will not affect the phony "collusion" investigation.

The MSM is pro-Democrat and are furious that Hillary lost and desperate to discredit Trump so they can put a Democrat in the White House next election cycle. They've lost all credibility.

I'm tired of the whole thing myself and am ready for government to get to work doing what they were elected to do.

So if Obama were to have told Comey to "let it go" and he was investigating Ms. Clinton and he guys would be fine with that?

Trump's scandals are Trump's creation. He fired his own pick for NSA. Nobody made him do that. This after he said, "I will pick the best people"....someone should tell his spokesperson about that lie.

As for collusion, one of his top advisors knew about Podesta's e-mails getting hacked 6 weeks before his e-mails were released. Unless you think that the advisor was just acting on his own....which would make you incredibly gullible...that is collusion.

You're another worn out hack. Youre never right but continue harping on anything possibly wrong with Trump and ignored mountains of corruption on Clinton.


Meanwhile back in reality, the investigations into the massive Trump scandals continue. In the next week or two, the first round of subpoenas will be issued.

Personally, I am hopping Kelly Anne Conway is the first witness. It will be gold!
Trump apologists make it sound like Trump should be wearing a new hat. I agree...

and same old lib tactics by the left. find another way to dog him when the previous lie falls apart.

I was watching local news and they were asking random people about all of it...the common theme was they are tired of it all. It's been done to death and not one ounce if proof offered up

I am not saying that Trump did what Nixon did, but the same burnout happened while trying to get to the truth in the 1970's.. It is much more emotional now because it is in our face,not just the newspapers.

There is so much corruption going on (from both sides ) on the backs of the American people.
Corruption??? Listening to the fat slob Hannity Have to turn it off before I throw my glass of scotch at his fat lying face
hes telling you what comey said. a few days ago you couldnt wait to hear him. now comey is a liar.

fuck dude, maybe its you.

Edward is talking about Hannity spinning things ..the first 2 minutes I listened Hannity was going off on how Comey didn't go to anyone to tell them Trump was doing things that concerned him...
But Comey did, he went to the attorney general and some of his colleagues .. He was left in the room with Trump when he asked for help from the attorney general...
comey himself said he wasnt strong enough to do the job.
I was watching local news and they were asking random people about all of it...the common theme was they are tired of it all. It's been done to death and not one ounce if proof offered up

I am not saying that Trump did what Nixon did, but the same burnout happened while trying to get to the truth in the 1970's.. It is much more emotional now because it is in our face,not just the newspapers.

There is so much corruption going on (from both sides ) on the backs of the American people.
Corruption??? Listening to the fat slob Hannity Have to turn it off before I throw my glass of scotch at his fat lying face
hes telling you what comey said. a few days ago you couldnt wait to hear him. now comey is a liar.

fuck dude, maybe its you.

Edward is talking about Hannity spinning things ..the first 2 minutes I listened Hannity was going off on how Comey didn't go to anyone to tell them Trump was doing things that concerned him...
But Comey did, he went to the attorney general and some of his colleagues .. He was left in the room with Trump when he asked for help from the attorney general...
comey himself said he wasnt strong enough to do the job.

I know that your busy with work iceburg .. but let me find the exact youtube for you.., he said it but not in that context ..let me go find it.
Apologies to the mods if this was already threaded...

Paul Ryan in what I'm sure was an uncontrollable carom into the truth, ripped POTUS a new one

“He’s new to government,” Ryan said. “And so he probably wasn’t steeped in the long-running protocols that establish the relationships between DOJ, FBI, and White Houses. He’s just new to this.”

That Mr. Trump is 100% unqualified to be our President was clear on the day he announced his candidacy; at least it was to anyone with two working brain cells.

It is refreshing (though surprising) to hear the Speaker of the House confirm it.

Ah, Candy? The REASON people sent Trump to Washington was that he isn't "steeped" in the Beltway bullshit! I'm glad he's "new to this" because "this" is business as usual in Washington and that's the problem! You couldn't find someone MORE "steeped" than Hillary Clinton...which is why we didn't want her anywhere near the Oval Office!
I was watching local news and they were asking random people about all of it...the common theme was they are tired of it all. It's been done to death and not one ounce if proof offered up

I am not saying that Trump did what Nixon did, but the same burnout happened while trying to get to the truth in the 1970's.. It is much more emotional now because it is in our face,not just the newspapers.

There is so much corruption going on (from both sides ) on the backs of the American people.
Corruption??? Listening to the fat slob Hannity Have to turn it off before I throw my glass of scotch at his fat lying face
hes telling you what comey said. a few days ago you couldnt wait to hear him. now comey is a liar.

fuck dude, maybe its you.

Edward is talking about Hannity spinning things ..the first 2 minutes I listened Hannity was going off on how Comey didn't go to anyone to tell them Trump was doing things that concerned him...
But Comey did, he went to the attorney general and some of his colleagues .. He was left in the room with Trump when he asked for help from the attorney general...
comey himself said he wasnt strong enough to do the job.

No, NaziCon snowflake, that's not what he said.
New GOP Trump Defense: He's A Fool. He's A Toddler. He Doesn't Know Any Better. He's New To Politics

Umm, no.

Actually that was the Democrats' defense of Hillary. As articulated by James Comey as he described all the things she had done wrong, and then fished for an excuse to not charge her anyway.

Nice try.
I was watching local news and they were asking random people about all of it...the common theme was they are tired of it all. It's been done to death and not one ounce if proof offered up

I am not saying that Trump did what Nixon did, but the same burnout happened while trying to get to the truth in the 1970's.. It is much more emotional now because it is in our face,not just the newspapers.

There is so much corruption going on (from both sides ) on the backs of the American people.
Corruption??? Listening to the fat slob Hannity Have to turn it off before I throw my glass of scotch at his fat lying face
hes telling you what comey said. a few days ago you couldnt wait to hear him. now comey is a liar.

fuck dude, maybe its you.

Edward is talking about Hannity spinning things ..the first 2 minutes I listened Hannity was going off on how Comey didn't go to anyone to tell them Trump was doing things that concerned him...
But Comey did, he went to the attorney general and some of his colleagues .. He was left in the room with Trump when he asked for help from the attorney general...
comey himself said he wasnt strong enough to do the job.

I can't find the exact quote..but when you have time, here in the testimonial

The dem's big "key witness" was a big "nothingburger". Got anything indictable? NO. Trump wins.
Comey: He dangled my job. Demanded loyalty. Wanted Flynn case dropped. Wanted Russia cloud lifted. Fired me.
Trump: I'm totally vindicated!
GOP’s New Defense of Trump: The Guy’s A Toddler, He Doesn’t Know Any Better.

From taking sides in the Qatar dispute to leaning on an FBI director to drop an investigation, Trump’s blunders should be excused, the argument goes.

WASHINGTON – Republicans attempting to explain President Donald Trump’s behavior appear to be trying out a novel approach: He ought not to be blamed for his mistakes because he doesn’t know any better.

“He’s new at government and so, therefore, I think that he’s learning as he goes,” House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) told reporters Thursday, explaining how Trump could have thought it was OK to lean on the FBI director to drop a criminal investigation.

Call it the toddler defense. Trump cannot be expected to understand appropriate behavior for a president because he is a businessman, not a politician, and is still only learning.

“Trump is like a parasite that invaded the body politic, and the part that is most rotten right now is the RNC,” said John Weaver, who ran Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s presidential campaign last year. “They should be ashamed of themselves.”

Weaver added that in addition to being wrong, reflexively defending Trump was bad politics. “Handcuffing yourself to a president who’s at 34 percent and sinking is not a good strategy,” he said.

More: GOP's New Defense of Trump: The Guy's A Toddler, He Doesn't Know Any Better

So, he doesn't know any better? We all remember how Trump campaigned against being "politically correct" and how his supporters applauded and cheered him on. Therefore, Trump and his supporters cannot now plead ignorance as an excuse by saying this is all new to Trump since he had no prior political background.
The left need a Costco size tube of Preparation H.
It sounds like the end is near for Trump.

The Tramp is reckless and arrogant. He'll continue to flaunt the laws to the point he'll do something unmistakeably impeachable where the House republicans will look like traitors to the oath they took if they don't start impeachment hearings.
Give it time.
It's only a matter of time before Tramp brings down his own presidency all by himself.

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