New House Speaker flying christian nationalist flag outside his office.

What laws were overruled? The business owners discriminated. That is against the law.
The Supreme Court said the First Amendment is law. Religious rights cannot be trampled by any law. No discrimination. Everyone has the right to their religious beliefs. You can't force me to violate my beliefs by forcing me to do your bidding by claiming discrimination. It would be like me using a law to force you to attend my church and when you refuse I get a lawyer and sue you for discrimination. How would you like that?
DOnald isn't flying any flag at the white house, and I've never even heard of a "queer flag".
HE CAN FLY any flag he wants or support anyone he wants.
ITS A FACT, he supports both Trump and Christian Nationalism.
OK all am saying is we need leaders more interested in what works for the many, not a select group.
WE set up our system so they would at least attempt to work together,
Too much party over country, not enough work together for the greater good.
Those days seem long gone, sorry to say…but, just as it takes two to tango, what’s happened for at least the last three years, is clear. Dems no longer want to share anything with anyone who doesn’t think “the proper, progressive way”… it’s a non starter for either side..
An historical Murican flag is anti-Murican....
Your Taliban and Mullahs have always been with you.

The United States has a long history of Christian nationalism, despite the Founding Fathers’ dedication to the separation of church and state (see also The Founding Fathers, Deism, and Christianity). The First Amendment (1791) to the U.S. Constitution further clarified the ideological pluralism of the young country by prohibiting the establishment of religion and guaranteeing its free exercise.
The mythology of the United States as “a Christian nation” has likely always been a part of the American fabric. This narrative burgeoned in the years after George Washington’s death, having been promoted by Evangelical historians and pundits as a means to sacralize the nation’s founding.
Christian nationalism experienced a resurgence in the 1930s with a push from anti-New Deal business interests that wanted to link American capitalism to Christianity. In 1956, during the Cold War, the U.S. Congress adopted the religiously vague but galvanizing “In God We Trust” as the national motto and added the words “under God” to the Pledge of Allegiance.
Yeah, nothing to see here to be fair, standard loony fantasy. I wonder when and why life's protection was cut so abruptly. Reality in the form of IVF appeared and collapsed their logic bubble?

[...] ATH began because we saw far too few men and women entering politics who took their Christian faith seriously. We heard the usual excuses. "Politicians are dirty." "The Lord isn't welcome in government anymore." "My family and job take up my time so I don't have time to get involved in something where I really can't make a difference."
With that reality in mind, we are gathering a network of fellow believers serving Christ in public office to fellowship, encourage, and serve one another in our common mission.


ATH members share the following convictions:Individuals have the right to worship God freely without the threat of government intrusion.Marriage was created by God as the union of one man and one woman for life as the basic building block of society.Life begins at conception and should be protected until. [...]
That's part of it. Jesus forgives you, then you stop thinking wrong about abortion and same-sex marriage, etc. That's when the rubber meets the road.
Oh, so its not real forgiveness. It's conditional.

Weird how the bible never mentions that.
"And where the body of the people, or any single man, is deprived of their right, or is under the exercise of a power without right, and have no appeal on earth, then they have a liberty to appeal to heaven, whenever they judge the cause of sufficient moment. And therefore, though the people cannot be judge, so as to have, by the constitution of that society, any superior power, to determine and give effective sentence in the case; yet they have, by a law antecedent and paramount to all positive laws of men, reserved that ultimate determination to themselves which belongs to all mankind, where there lies no appeal on earth, viz. to judge, whether they have just cause to make their appeal to heaven."

Locke's works were well-known and frequently quoted by colonial leaders, being the most quoted authority on the government in the 1760–1776 period prior to American independence. It's widely thought that his writings contributed to the Declaration of Independence.

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