New House Speaker flying christian nationalist flag outside his office.

NOpe. I've read the bible, I was raised episcopalian. Jesus and I would be friends.

YOu creeps on the other hand, if he were real you would be in serious trouble.
Why would you be friends with Jesus when He's offensive to your beliefs? Jesus doesn't support abortion, same-sex marriage, illegal immigrants, big government, etc.
So? That's called democracy. Some you win, some you lose. Do you really believe that people shouldn't be allowed to have freedom of speech and religion?

First of all, we are not a democracy.

Second of all, I never said that people should not be allowed to have freedom of speech and religion.
Never heard that... :linky:
DO not care about his flag, its just a reflection of who he is,
Not A POLITICAL leader who is interested in support of Anything that could be the better choice for US the many.
Only interested in winning for his tribe. WE need people willing to work for All OF US
Then you need to vote for Donald Trump who was neither partisan nor ideologue and did what was good for America and Americans regardless of their political or religious affiliations.
Pagans worshipping creation instead of the Creator. I bet you call yourself a "progressive", huh.

I don't believe in either one. But I will fight for your right to worship Jesus and the pagan's right to worship their Goddess/God.
The godless leftists.

You have attempted to brand me as a "godless leftist", but I have never tried to stop anyone from saying "Jesus". In fact, I don't know of a single instance of it happening, unless it is a gov't function.
Why would you be friends with Jesus when He's offensive to your beliefs? Jesus doesn't support abortion, same-sex marriage, illegal immigrants, big government, etc.
Jesus isn't a tRumpling. We could agree to disagree and still be buddies.
And who is it that is trying to stop anyone from mentioning the name 'Jesus'?
Pretty much any student who stands up to proclaim his/her faith in Jesus will be subject to being told to be quiet or even receive disciplinary action. Very little public school curriculum includes the history of Christianity and its affect or importance in American life. A student can go through 12 years of undergraduate schooling all the way to the PhD and be oblivious to such an important component in American culture.

I don't believe in either one. But I will fight for your right to worship Jesus and the pagan's right to worship their Goddess/God.
I have no problem with that. The problem is when one side tries to silence the other. Remember when same-sex marriage was illegal and the queers kept saying there's no problem with same-sex won't hurt anybody. Remember? Ask the Christians who lost businesses because of same-sex marriage. The left lies.
Correct , on one point , there was no Insurrection , the attempt was thwarted. Who did trump release from prison , or I should say who did trump release from prison the week before he was to serve 4 years for his felony crimes , one of which was lying to Congress for trump. Roger Stone never served a single day of his prison sentence. Who do we have footage of at Insurrection Headquarters on Jan. 6th. And who referred to." The troops " in regard to the militias. Who also met with the militia leaders on the Capitol grounds on Jan. discuss strategy with the militia leaders. Of course it wasn't trump , he wouldn't allow himself to get directly involved in the scheme they plotted. As usual Stone was there to take the fall IF need be. The problem with you is you actually believe in a con man. Good luck with that. You're not the first sucker to cross paths with trump. They are millions of people and now a nation of people that he's victimized.
You really REALLY need to study up on what an insurrection is and what it is not.
Pretty much any student who stands up to proclaim his/her faith in Jesus will be subject to being told to be quiet or even receive disciplinary action. Very little public school curriculum includes the history of Christianity and its affect or importance in American life. A student can go through 12 years of undergraduate schooling all the way to the PhD and be oblivious to such an important component in American culture.

Like I said, a gov't function.
I have no problem with that. The problem is when one side tries to silence the other. Remember when same-sex marriage was illegal and the queers kept saying there's no problem with same-sex won't hurt anybody. Remember? Ask the Christians who lost businesses because of same-sex marriage. The left lies.

If someone lost a business it was because they violated the rules of business, like discrimination.

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