New Poll Shows Majority Of Americans Support Religious Freedom

You said that, not me. You obviously missed the point of the comment. Homosexuality was taboo and a sin in the days of Jesus, He didn't have to mention it, everyone knew it was wrong.

In the days of Jesus, they thought the sun went around the earth, diseases were caused by evil spirits, they stoned women for being witches or for not being virgins on their wedding nights or cheating on their husbands.

But Jesus (or the people who made him up) talked a lot about things everyone already knew were wrong. He (or the people who never made him up) didn't feel a need to talk about the Gay.
Majority of Americans used to favor racial segregation, slavery, and preventing niggas and 'good white folk' from getting married.

Sometimes you gotta say "I don't give a flying fuck what they want!" And do what's actually right.
So what? I mean, seriously, what difference does it make what people thought 100 years ago? They made laws then based on what people wanted. We do the same today.
The problem is you want unelected dictators telling you what you can and cannot do. The rest of us choose freedom.

These "unelected dictators" protect the constitutional rights of ALL Americans. That's their job. To protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority.
No, actually it is not. Their job is to interpret laws and dispense justice in cases of dispute. If what you said were true no law would ever be binding.

And that's exactly what they are doing. They are seeing if these gay marriage bans violate the Equal Protection clause of the 14th amendment. And they have found it does. That's how the courts work. They see if laws passed by legislatures violate the Constitution. Which they do.
Majority of Americans used to favor racial segregation, slavery, and preventing niggas and 'good white folk' from getting married.

Sometimes you gotta say "I don't give a flying fuck what they want!" And do what's actually right.
Agree, but that conclusion should be a personal decision. It should not be a government mandated "flying fuck". And if a business person decides they do give a fuck, then they will suffer the consequences of such a decision. Like it, or not, government cannot (never has, never will) legislate morality.
Majority of Americans used to favor racial segregation, slavery, and preventing niggas and 'good white folk' from getting married.

Sometimes you gotta say "I don't give a flying fuck what they want!" And do what's actually right.
So what? I mean, seriously, what difference does it make what people thought 100 years ago? They made laws then based on what people wanted. We do the same today.
The problem is you want unelected dictators telling you what you can and cannot do. The rest of us choose freedom.

Then I guess you oppose the Court overturning state and local laws banning guns.
I'm not sure how you extrapolated what I said to your conclusion.
Majority of Americans used to favor racial segregation, slavery, and preventing niggas and 'good white folk' from getting married.

Sometimes you gotta say "I don't give a flying fuck what they want!" And do what's actually right.
So what? I mean, seriously, what difference does it make what people thought 100 years ago? They made laws then based on what people wanted. We do the same today.
The problem is you want unelected dictators telling you what you can and cannot do. The rest of us choose freedom.

These "unelected dictators" protect the constitutional rights of ALL Americans. That's their job. To protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority.
No, actually it is not. Their job is to interpret laws and dispense justice in cases of dispute. If what you said were true no law would ever be binding.

And that's exactly what they are doing. They are seeing if these gay marriage bans violate the Equal Protection clause of the 14th amendment. And they have found it does. That's how the courts work. They see if laws passed by legislatures violate the Constitution. Which they do.
No, they have shopped until they found activist judges, some of them gay themselves, who will sign off on this nonsense. TThe truth is gays have all the rights that straigth people do. There is no difference.
No, they have shopped until they found activist judges, some of them gay themselves, who will sign off on this nonsense. TThe truth is gays have all the rights that straigth people do. There is no difference.

well, they do now in 38 states.

You guys realize the marriage argument is pretty much over, right?
Those poor Christians.

Funny, I can't find anything where Jesus refused to serve anyone...
That Jesus sure didnt believe in anything, did he?
A fail post.

What did Jesus have to say about homosexuals?

What did he say about pedophiles...or even murderers? Nothing, so that is OK?

Please answer the question. Do you think Jesus supported murder and pedophilia?

Nope. Murder and pedophilia have victims who are harmed. Didn't he say something along the lines of love your neighbor as you would yourself?

Perhaps you can explain why you place homosexuality in same category as pedophilia and murder.
Those poor Christians.

Funny, I can't find anything where Jesus refused to serve anyone...
That Jesus sure didnt believe in anything, did he?
A fail post.

What did Jesus have to say about homosexuals?
That he was not here to abolish the law. and the law states that homosexuality is an abomination.

So is eating seafood.

Why isn't there a national outcry from the religious community over this?
That Jesus sure didnt believe in anything, did he?
A fail post.

What did Jesus have to say about homosexuals?

What did he say about pedophiles...or even murderers? Nothing, so that is OK?

Please answer the question. Do you think Jesus supported murder and pedophilia?

Nope. Murder and pedophilia have victims who are harmed. Didn't he say something along the lines of love your neighbor as you would yourself?

Perhaps you can explain why you place homosexuality in same category as pedophilia and murder.

Perhaps you should understand the intent of my post. Jesus never mentioned many sins, that doesn't mean He didn't think they were sins.
Those poor Christians.

Funny, I can't find anything where Jesus refused to serve anyone...
That Jesus sure didnt believe in anything, did he?
A fail post.

What did Jesus have to say about homosexuals?
That he was not here to abolish the law. and the law states that homosexuality is an abomination.

So is eating seafood.

Why isn't there a national outcry from the religious community over this?

Eating seafood is no longer a sin and never was for the Gentiles
Those poor Christians.

Funny, I can't find anything where Jesus refused to serve anyone...
That Jesus sure didnt believe in anything, did he?
A fail post.

What did Jesus have to say about homosexuals?
That he was not here to abolish the law. and the law states that homosexuality is an abomination.

So is eating seafood.

Why isn't there a national outcry from the religious community over this?

Eating seafood is no longer a sin and never was for the Gentiles

So you get to pick and choose your abominations? How convenient.
That Jesus sure didnt believe in anything, did he?
A fail post.

What did Jesus have to say about homosexuals?
That he was not here to abolish the law. and the law states that homosexuality is an abomination.

So is eating seafood.

Why isn't there a national outcry from the religious community over this?

Eating seafood is no longer a sin and never was for the Gentiles

So you get to pick and choose your abominations? How convenient.

Eating shellfish was Mosaic Law, or ceremonial law and it was done away with by the New Covenant. Christ himself did away with the Mosaic dietary laws
What did Jesus have to say about homosexuals?
That he was not here to abolish the law. and the law states that homosexuality is an abomination.

So is eating seafood.

Why isn't there a national outcry from the religious community over this?

Eating seafood is no longer a sin and never was for the Gentiles

So you get to pick and choose your abominations? How convenient.

Eating shellfish was Mosaic Law, or ceremonial law and it was done away with by the New Covenant. Christ himself did away with the Mosaic dietary laws
And it was downhill after that. Just saying.
Eating seafood is no longer a sin and never was for the Gentiles

Okay, this raises a whole bunch of questions.

Why do the gentiles get off easy? IT seems to me that Yahweh puts out all these whacky laws for his "Chosen People", and most of them aren't even going to get the payoff of Puppies and Sunshine Heaven because they didn't take Jesus into their souls.

Meanwhile, these "Gentiles" just kind of hop on the Jesus Bandwagon and they don't even have to follow the stupid dietary laws?

Or we can take the simple approach. The stupid rules about Seafood probably got put in there because someone had a seafood allergy, and not knowing about science or having invented epineprhine yet, they just passed a rule.

So in that context, the no-homo rule might have made sense for a Hebrew tribe fighting to stay alive with a 50% infant mortality rate... today. Not so much.
Eating shellfish was Mosaic Law, or ceremonial law and it was done away with by the New Covenant. Christ himself did away with the Mosaic dietary laws

Really? When did he do that? I think you would have a hard time finding that verse in the Gospel.

In the ACTS of the Apostles, Peter rolls them back for the Gentiles.
Eating seafood is no longer a sin and never was for the Gentiles

Okay, this raises a whole bunch of questions.

Why do the gentiles get off easy? IT seems to me that Yahweh puts out all these whacky laws for his "Chosen People", and most of them aren't even going to get the payoff of Puppies and Sunshine Heaven because they didn't take Jesus into their souls.

Meanwhile, these "Gentiles" just kind of hop on the Jesus Bandwagon and they don't even have to follow the stupid dietary laws?

Or we can take the simple approach. The stupid rules about Seafood probably got put in there because someone had a seafood allergy, and not knowing about science or having invented epineprhine yet, they just passed a rule.

So in that context, the no-homo rule might have made sense for a Hebrew tribe fighting to stay alive with a 50% infant mortality rate... today. Not so much.
Simplistic explanations from a simplistic mind.
Eating seafood is no longer a sin and never was for the Gentiles

Okay, this raises a whole bunch of questions.

Why do the gentiles get off easy? IT seems to me that Yahweh puts out all these whacky laws for his "Chosen People", and most of them aren't even going to get the payoff of Puppies and Sunshine Heaven because they didn't take Jesus into their souls.

Meanwhile, these "Gentiles" just kind of hop on the Jesus Bandwagon and they don't even have to follow the stupid dietary laws?

Or we can take the simple approach. The stupid rules about Seafood probably got put in there because someone had a seafood allergy, and not knowing about science or having invented epineprhine yet, they just passed a rule.

So in that context, the no-homo rule might have made sense for a Hebrew tribe fighting to stay alive with a 50% infant mortality rate... today. Not so much.
Nice o be able to make up your own history,some big assumptions sparky.
Those poor Christians.

Funny, I can't find anything where Jesus refused to serve anyone...
Luke 23:8Herod was delighted at the opportunity to see Jesus, because he had heard about him and had been hoping for a long time to see him perform a miracle. 9He asked Jesus question after question, but Jesus refused to answer.
You're quoting the real Jesus who can never compete with the South Park plastic dashboard Jesus the Left believes in.
Nice o be able to make up your own history,some big assumptions sparky.

Yeah.. about that.

Which is more logical.

That they passed a law about shellfish because someone had a serious allergic reaction?


That they passed a law about shellfish because a Magic Fairy in the Sky just really, really hates shrimp.

ROFL! They 'boycotted another Christian business into the best year they ever had... (and in just 36 hours).

But the news seems to indicate that the reason is, that by 80%, people are getting sick of the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality abusing innocent people:

"A new poll released by WPA Opinion Research on behalf of the Family Research Councill shows that the vast majority of Americans support religious liberty in the workplace. Last week saw Governor Mike Pence (R-IN) signing Indiana's "Religious Freedom Restoration Act,” infuriating liberals zealots whom alleged his legislation encouraged discrimination against gays. It's safe to assume these delusional liberal "activists" neglected to even read the bill before taking an extremist stance against it. Yes, these are very the same left wing activists whom accuse Republicans of intolerance.

Unsurprisingly the Obama administration, fueled by Democratic dissolution, is once again executing their big government agenda, stripping away freedoms -- the very same freedoms protected by the Constitution. Last week we witnessed a family restaurant in Indiana, Memories Pizza, threatened and forced into foreclosure after exercising their rights to freedom of religion. Memories Pizza, a family owned restaurant in Indiana, is just one example of several businesses publicly shamed for exercising their American rights. Accusing Memories Pizza employees as homophobic is as outrageous as it is inaccurate. Crystal O’Connor, owner of Memories Pizza attempted to clarify the misunderstanding of his business decisions:

The news took it totally out of proportion. They lied about it. We said that we would serve anyone that walked in that door, even gays…”But we would not condone a wedding… That’s against our religious beliefs.”


New Poll Shows Majority Of Americans Support Religious Freedom Dana Loesch Radio

Overwhelming support for people to be free to follow their beliefs about marriage equals overwhelming support for those who believe in the right to same sex marriage.

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