New poll shows solid majority of Americans support same-sex marriage


VIP Member
Jun 9, 2014
The Randy Report: New poll shows solid majority of Americans support same-sex marriage

There's no denying that LGBT citizens are now being Accepted more and more by those who previously may not have accepted them. And the Numbers Continue to GROW in their favor! There is still a lot of work to be done towards full acceptance and equality but if these numbers are indicative of anything it's that the barriers that existed in the not-so-distant past are now being torn down by people with an unbiased mind and a good head on their shoulders who believe that Gays and Lesbians are, after all, members of their own families, their friends, their neighbors, etc. and that they too are citizens who work, pay their taxes, go to church like anyone else, and raise or adopt children. Therefore, the hard-lined stance of denying these citizens their civil and human rights is fast deteriorating. We are all grateful when the citizenry can come to realize this and then move to be more loving and accepting of their fellow man.
Oh well, no matter how big their supportive camp grows, it won't stop those who disagree with them from disagreeing with them as long as they have a right to disagree with them. They may score rights that they didn't have already, but that doesn't mean that everyone else is going to lose rights that they already have.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Some on that side may not care how much they are disliked. Well that right there is not a one way street. Some on the other side will not care how much they are disliked either.
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A new McClatchy-Marist Poll shows opinions towards the LGBT community continue to change for the better at an exponential rate. [link posted above]

From the new poll:

• Adults as a whole support marriage equality 54-38 percent

• Young adults 18-29 favor same-sex marriage by 75-18 percent

• Adults 30-44 favor same-sex marriage 55-38 percent

• Adults 45-59 favor same-sex marriage 49-40

• 71 percent of American adults say they know someone who’s gay. In 1999, a Pew poll showed that 60 percent of Americans said they didn’t know anyone who was gay.

• 48 percent said they wouldn’t be upset if one of their children told them they were gay.
Can you muster an argument in support of your position that doesn't involve other people agreeing with you? If not, you really don't believe in what you think you do, you just want to go with the flow.
QWB just gave the silliest come back of the day.

What a stupid ass comment by him.

If the majority agreed with you, dud, we would sure hear about it.
Oh well, no matter how big their supportive camp grows, it won't stop those who disagree with them from disagreeing with them as long as they have a right to disagree with them. They may score rights that they didn't have already, but that doesn't mean that everyone else is going to lose rights that they already have.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Some on that side may not care how much they are disliked. Well that right there is not a one way street. Some on the other side will not care how much they are disliked either.
As a Christian, I'm sure you know and realize the value of loving your neighbor. I can't believe that you would think that LGBT folks would not care about how much they are disliked. Of course they care! They have been spat on, taunted, scorned, beaten, and even killed for who they are and whom they love. That has to hurt plenty. But when you're sitting on your side of the fence I can see how a heart full of hate can make you say what you have said. And I can't believe that you would wish us to be blessed by God on the one hand while on the other to be despised by prejudiced haters.

And no, of course Straight people are not going to lose the rights they already have. That's a foregone conclusion. But wouldn't it be so much better to be known for believing in Equality for all rather than for being on the side of and in favor of division and discrimination?
1.) Most Americans are stupid. Look at who they sent to the White House. More to the point though, homosexuals comprises between 1% and 2% of the population, but polls show that 50% of Americans believe that homosexuals comprise 20% or more of the population. Being off by a factor of 10x or 20x doesn't speak well about whether people are informed about issues.


2.) A lot of this is simply fatigue, they're giving in on principle in order to avoid being the target of reprisal attacks from liberals. People like to keep going to their jobs, they don't like be victims of liberal hate crimes.

3.) As with most issues of political correctness, people lie in public and their own private thoughts don't match their public lies.
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The OP is just another perverted fudge packer hoping straight people will validate his deviant lifestyle. ... :cuckoo:
The more hispanic and muslims there are the more likely gays will be killed. Demographics are against gays. The more the demographic changes there are the more likely gays will lose what they gained.
I wonder why every vote on the issue lost then. Good thing for activist judges, huh?
Same Sex marriage passed by popular vote in Maryland and by law in New York. Judicial rulings are good too though.
Yes, but try to explain that to the zombies who oppose SSM. They are so stuck in the Sixteenth Century I'm afraid and can't move any faster towards the 21st Century than the zombies you have pictured on your icon.
The more hispanic and muslims there are the more likely gays will be killed. Demographics are against gays. The more the demographic changes there are the more likely gays will lose what they gained.

Always remember, Liberals are immune to facts and logic. They're focused on feelings and perceptions.

If you think Amsterdam is the gay capital of Europe, you're half-right, but 10 years out of date. Today it's the gay-bashing capital of Europe.

Because Amsterdam isn't just gay. Now it's Muslim, too. A million Moroccans and Turks have immigrated to the Netherlands, and sharia law rules the streets.

If you doubt it, then you haven't been paying attention. Actually, that's not fair. Gay-bashing is front-page news only when it's committed by a straight, white male.

The media is terribly uncomfortable writing about gay-bashing by minorities. It's the same reason why Canadian feminists are so eerily quiet about honour killings of Muslim girls.

According to an "offender study" by the University of Amsterdam, there were 201 reports of anti-gay violence in that city in 2007 - and researchers believe for every reported case there are as many as 25 unreported ones. Two thirds of the predators are Muslim youths.

The violence couldn't be more brazen. It's not in the back alleys in the dark, it's in the heart of the city, often in broad daylight. It's a direct dare to the Dutch government to show who rules the streets.

In 2008, 10 Muslim youths broke into a fashion show, dragged gay model Michael du Pree off the stage and beat him bloody. Last month, several lesbians were hit by beer bottles thrown at their heads as they marched in a parade of thousands to protest violence against gays. There's a gay community centre in Amsterdam - you'd think that would be safe. Wrong. It's a target, with home-invasion style beatings. No one is immune. Last year Hugo Braakhuis, the founder of Amdsterdam's gay pride parade, was attacked.

In 2005, Chris Crain, former editor of America's leading gay magazine, Washington Blade, was swarmed by seven Moroccan youths. "I was really surprised," Crain told reporters at the time. "I felt comfortable because it is San Francisco times 10." Or it used to be.​
The OP is just another perverted fudge packer hoping straight people will validate his deviant lifestyle. ... :cuckoo:
Says the guy who's prophet by modern standards is a pedophile, sexist, racist, and war-monger who delighted in mass genocide and massacres. Not that parts of the bible are any better, though at least Jesus was a pacifist.

Before you start accusing entire groups of society of being 'deviants' undeserving of human rights examine your own beliefs before imposing them on others. LGBT people have lower rates of crime and sex crimes than heterosexuals, if anyone is a 'deviant' you are for following a 'sick and twisted'* religion.

Sure in your dreams that you want LGBT people in a gas chamber, a mental asylum or to hack my head off with a sword. But this is America, not a theocracy, so that will never happen.

Call LGBT people deviant and expect them to turn your own logic of LGBT people being morally inferior against you. My ancestors were genocided by so-called 'moral and honourable' Muslims. You have no right to a moral high ground any more than anyone else.

*Since by your logic just a single crime makes an entire group collectively guilty.
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1.) Most Americans are stupid. Look at who they sent to the White House. More to the point though, homosexuals comprises between 1% and 2% of the population, but polls show that 50% of Americans believe that homosexuals comprise 20% or more of the population. Being off by a factor of 10x or 20x doesn't speak well about whether people are informed about issues.


2.) A lot of this is simply fatigue, they're giving in on principle in order to avoid being the target of reprisal attacks from liberals. People like to keep going to their jobs, they don't like be victims of liberal hate crimes.

3.) As with most issues of political correctness, people lie in public and their own private thoughts don't match their public lies.
So you basically said Americans are stupid liars. Why are you even in this country?
The more hispanic and muslims there are the more likely gays will be killed. Demographics are against gays. The more the demographic changes there are the more likely gays will lose what they gained.
Excuse me? Killed? I don't know about Muslims though many say they are in the minority in this country. As for Hispanics, don't kid yourself, they are not against Gays. A vast majority are FOR Gays.

Half of Hispanics Support Marriage Equality, Poll Says | The Bilerico Project

Gay Marriage Poll: More than 50 Percent of Latinos Support Same Sex Marriage - Mic

Latino groups launch groundbreaking gay rights public service campaign. | Freedom to Marry

Congressional Hispanic Caucus Supports LGBT-Inclusive Immigration Reform | Young People For

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