New Trump Indictment Says He Ordered Mar-a-Lago Camera Footage Deleted

Just stop. Your cult has made you a slobbering moron.

The second anyone attempts to have anywhere near an intelligence conversation with you, it’s over.

There’s no way you’re capable of actually discussing this topic. None of your fellow cultists have.

Maybe you should log off and find someplace more to your liking.
Can right wingers stop being stupid?

Clinton ordered those personal files deleted months prior to any subpoena. That is why there were no obstruction charges.

Just try that “well she did it first “ stupidity in a court room. Good luck

THIS is obstruction of Justice and Trump is on trouble

Timeline -

July 23, 2014 - State Department agrees to produce the records.

December 2014 - Clinton Aide Cheryl Mills Orders Deletion of records - that the State Department has already agreed to produce.

March 4th, 2015 Congress issued a subpoena requiring Clinton to turn over the Documents.

March 25th, 2015 Staff realizes that the documents had not been destroyed, destroys them.

When Clinton is called to testify, She adds Chery Mills to her legal team to invoke attorney client privilege.

So, The documents were indeed destroyed while under a subpoena.

Again, we see the Double Standard between Cult Politics and Politicians and Normal citizens in general and President Trump in particular.
It’s definitely a crime.

It’s just that some people like yourself forget that you actually have to prove they committed a crime before you can charge it.
Hillary admitted to it. It was thoroughly proven without a shred of doubt. You can destroy servers under subpoena. It isnt a big deal. :dunno:
She didn’t. It wasn’t proven. You just believe lies.

Same old story.
Making up obvious lies is dumb bro. Where do you think youre going with this weird shit? For fuck sake man, dont you care about integrity? You dont give a shit how this makes you look? Why the fuck not? Whats wrong with you?
You can delete servers, even if they are under subpoena. Just ask Hillary. It apparently isnt a crime. :dunno:
Her Server was NOT under subpoena when the computer tech in Colorado bleach bit it. I don't know why all of you have to keep regurgitating that lie?

Only Benghazi and Lybia related emails were subpoenaed by Congress in March 2015. Her private, personal, emails were not subpoenaed by them and her Tech guy did not commit a crime.

Her lawyers had already gone through all of her emails to pull out all government related emails, and had already sent them to the National Archives and the State Dept in December 2014, and then sent the server to her Computer tech company to repurpose for personal use.

She wasn't charged for that, because she nor the tech guy, or her lawyers, committed a crime by doing what they did.

The subpoena by the House Benghazi Select Committee was on March 4th, 2015.



It is U.S. POLICY to NOT send any personal emails to be Archived.

After her emails were gone through by the Archivists, they found two email chains they believed to be top secret, gave it to the Inspector General, and the inspector general referred the case to the FBI, as required by law when classified top secret info, is found.

The FBI then got a subpoena for her server, that was August of 2015.
Making up obvious lies is dumb bro
You’re the one making up lies.

Clinton didn’t tell anyone to delete the server after they received a subpoena. She told her tech support to delete it months before the subpoena after her lawyer sent over the work related emails. That’s not illegal.

This was thoroughly investigated by the FBI and detailed in their report.

Obviously you didn’t read it.
There's the rub. This isn't destroying evidence. Nobody said any evidence was destroyed, as was the case with Hillary.
The DOJ has only alledged that Trump told somebody to destroy evidence. They have to prove he said it. Good luck doing that.
There was no evidence destroyed in this case.
They can't prove that any evidence was destroyed because none of the evidence is missing.
It's simply their word against his.
There is a possibility that they got somebody to flip and sign a false statement, but that's all they have.
This is probably going to blow up in their faces like the Hunter Biden plea deal did because they're lying....and any judge worth a shit will call them on it.
You don't seem to know much about Jack Smith.
Hide and watch and then get back to me after the evidence (that you claim doesn't exist) is presented at Trump's trial.
At that point you'll have to switch your excuse for the guilty verdict to "that's just because the jury was biased and it wasn't a fair trial!"
But that's ok.
He'll still be a multiple felon headed for prison.
Her Server was NOT under subpoena when the computer tech in Colorado bleach bit it. I don't know why all of you have to keep regurgitating that lie?

Only Benghazi and Lybia related emails were subpoenaed by Congress in March 2015. Her private, personal, emails were not subpoenaed by them and her Tech guy did not commit a crime.

Her lawyers had already gone through all of her emails to pull out all government related emails, and had already sent them to the National Archives and the State Dept in December 2014, and then sent the server to her Computer tech company to repurpose for personal use.

She wasn't charged for that, because she nor the tech guy, or her lawyers, committed a crime by doing what they did.

The subpoena by the House Benghazi Select Committee was on March 4th, 2015.

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It is U.S. POLICY to NOT send any personal emails to be Archived.

After her emails were gone through by the Archivists, they found two email chains they believed to be top secret, gave it to the Inspector General, and the inspector general referred the case to the FBI, as required by law when classified top secret info, is found.

The FBI then got a subpoena for her server, that was August of 2015.
WRONG!!!! From the Washington Post...

On March 4, 2015, the Benghazi Committee issued a subpoena requiring Clinton to turn over her emails relating to Libya. Three weeks later, between March 25 and March 31, the employee had an “oh s—” moment and realized he did not delete the emails that Mills requested in December 2014, he told the FBI. The employee then deleted the emails and used a program called BleachBit to delete the files.


Timeline -

July 23, 2014 - State Department agrees to produce the records.

December 2014 - Clinton Aide Cheryl Mills Orders Deletion of records - that the State Department has already agreed to produce.

March 4th, 2015 Congress issued a subpoena requiring Clinton to turn over the Documents.

March 25th, 2015 Staff realizes that the documents had not been destroyed, destroys them.

When Clinton is called to testify, She adds Chery Mills to her legal team to invoke attorney client privilege.

So, The documents were indeed destroyed while under a subpoena.

Again, we see the Double Standard between Cult Politics and Politicians and Normal citizens in general and President Trump in particular.
And as you stated, Clinton had ordered them destroyed well before any subpoena.
WRONG!!!! From the Washington Post...

On March 4, 2015, the Benghazi Committee issued a subpoena requiring Clinton to turn over her emails relating to Libya. Three weeks later, between March 25 and March 31, the employee had an “oh s—” moment and realized he did not delete the emails that Mills requested in December 2014, he told the FBI. The employee then deleted the emails and used a program called BleachBit to delete the files.

Good job! You found a credible report.

What you might have not noticed is that the employee deleted the emails, not Clinton.
Good job! You found a credible report.

What you might have not noticed is that the employee deleted the emails, not Clinton.
You think some low level employee is going to blow up Hillar Clintons server without her expressed permission? You can play dumb all you want, but that shit isnt going to convimce anyone else to join you. Stop saying stupid shit that makes you look like an idiot. Have some self respect for fuck sake.
What is happening to Trump and hiding subpoenaed records, is Karma showing up!

Everything Trump ever falsely claimed about Hillary doing with her emails, he did himself, and got caught! LOCK HIM UP! ;)
Too bad that footage is gone. Maybe he was covering up a crime. I guess we will never know. Oh well. :dunno:

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