New Yorker; Christoper Steele, the man behind the Dossier


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Christopher Steele, the Man Behind the Trump Dossier

This is one of the most chilling articles I have ever listened to. Please take a hour and fifty minutes out of your day and listen to it. The FBI was warned about Trump months before his election and they did nothing. They used two standards when dealing with Clinton and Trump.

-They told voters just eight days before the election that more Hillary emails had been found and that she was again under investigation....and yet Trump and his association with Russia had been under investigation for months and not a peep. How can he can anyone argue that the FBI, a historically conservative organization, could be bias towards Clinton when they hid the fact that Trump was under investigation?

Again, please read or listen to this reporting. We have been invaded and are under the influence of Putin as I type. When Trump won....Putin won.
The actual 'Collusion' was between Clinton, Obama, the Brits, and Russians. All folks need to do is look into the Ohr-Steele connection. Why it isn't being investigated, is just truly shocking. I guess the fix really is in. It's only about getting Donald Trump.
Dear JimH52 Thanks for posting this so I can review both sides.
In general I do not understand why Russians would want to hack
and harm Democrats under Clinton if Russia was benefitting
from corrupt dealings by Clinton to hand Uranium over to Russia.

Either the Russians derailing Democrats, by exposing Clinton's corruption
which is her own fault, could be rebels AGAINST the arming of Putin,
or it could be the Russians didn't want Clinton exposing Trump's dealings
as you believe this article was saying was a legitimate investigation of real threats.

On the other side, the "reports of compromising prostitution stories"
that could be used to blackmail Trump were debunked as baseless.
This article states them as true and used as leverage.

This article says no charges in the dossier "have been refuted."
but the rightwing media is reporting that nothing has been substantiated either!

Furthermore, the rightwing is reporting conflicts of interest
such as the report for by political sources, including a husband/wife
relationship with the wife being hired without disclosing this
up front in applying for a warrant based solely on this "dossier"
paid for by politically biased interests, with blatant conflicts, that stood to gain.

They deliberately omitted such disclosures, masking them
with careful legal language, to justify getting a warrant
without a valid investigation of any substantiated charges.

sean hannity said:
And here's what the left and your corrupt media won't tell you: the FISA judge was never told that Hillary Clinton was paying for the phony dossier containing Russian intelligence lies about Donald Trump. And they don’t seem to care that it was first used to try to influence an election, then to get a warrant to spy on an opposition candidate.

The incestuous ties between Fusion, Steele, the Clinton campaign and the Obama Justice Department are alarming. Clinton hired Fusion, which hired Steele. Steele was working with the FBI at the same time. The wife of a top Justice Department official, Bruce Ohr, was hired by Fusion to work with Steele.

Which way is it?

Why would Russia have motives to either derail Clinton
if the uranium deals were so beneficial?

The common factor in any of these charges of "collusion"
is Clinton wanting to bring down Trump to get elected.

The other arguments seem to run into conflicts,
where there was no motivation for those things to take place.

I don't get it, can someone please explain it to me
in other terms besides Democrats trying to derail Trump???
Last edited:
Dear JimH52 Thanks for posting this so I can review both sides.
In general I do not understand why Russians would want to hack
and harm Democrats under Clinton if Russia was benefitting
from corrupt dealings by Clinton to hand Uranium over to Russia.

Either the Russians derailing Democrats, by exposing Clinton's corruption
which is her own fault, could be rebels AGAINST the arming of Putin,
or it could be the Russians didn't want Clinton exposing Trump's dealings
as you believe this article was saying was a legitimate investigation of real threats.

On the other side, the "reports of compromising prostitution stories"
that could be used to blackmail Trump were debunked as baseless.
This article states them as true and used as leverage.

This article says no charges in the dossier "have been refuted."
but the rightwing media is reporting that nothing has been substantiated either!

Furthermore, the rightwing is reporting conflicts of interest
such as the report for by political sources, including a husband/wife
relationship with the wife being hired without disclosing this
up front in applying for a warrant based solely on this "dossier"
paid for by politically biased interests, with blatant conflicts, that stood to gain.

They deliberately omitted such disclosures, masking them
with careful legal language, to justify getting a warrant
without a valid investigation of any substantiated charges.

sean hannity said:
And here's what the left and your corrupt media won't tell you: the FISA judge was never told that Hillary Clinton was paying for the phony dossier containing Russian intelligence lies about Donald Trump. And they don’t seem to care that it was first used to try to influence an election, then to get a warrant to spy on an opposition candidate.

The incestuous ties between Fusion, Steele, the Clinton campaign and the Obama Justice Department are alarming. Clinton hired Fusion, which hired Steele. Steele was working with the FBI at the same time. The wife of a top Justice Department official, Bruce Ohr, was hired by Fusion to work with Steele.

Which way is it?

Why would Russia have motives to either derail Clinton
if the uranium deals were so beneficial?

The common factor in any of these charges of "collusion"
is Clinton wanting to bring down Trump to get elected.

The other arguments seem to run into conflicts,
where there was no motivation for those things to take place.

I don't get it, can someone please explain it to me
in other terms besides Democrats trying to derail Trump???

Lots of questions there, and not practical to try answering all at once. You can mark that one about Hillary selling uranium to Russia off the list. That never happened. I won't go into all the reasons why it would be impossible for Hillary to do what the right accuses her of, because it's been posted and explained ad nauseam. You might have missed that if you only watch some of fox, but all other networks covered that completely. Even Shepard Smith of fox said the right wing claims were lies, but most don't really consider him to be in the fox bubble

A Fox News host has infuriated viewers after debunking their favourite Hillary Clinton 'scandal'
Thanks but I listen to MSNBC and knew all this but its a good review. Putin didn't want Clinton in the worst way, but I think he has been working with Trump since at least 2013 when he went there. Like his son said, they got lots of Russian money since 06 and many Russian Oligarchs were staying in his building at Trump Tower.
Christopher Steele, the Man Behind the Trump Dossier

This is one of the most chilling articles I have ever listened to. Please take a hour and fifty minutes out of your day and listen to it. The FBI was warned about Trump months before his election and they did nothing. They used two standards when dealing with Clinton and Trump.

-They told voters just eight days before the election that more Hillary emails had been found and that she was again under investigation....and yet Trump and his association with Russia had been under investigation for months and not a peep. How can he can anyone argue that the FBI, a historically conservative organization, could be bias towards Clinton when they hid the fact that Trump was under investigation?

Again, please read or listen to this reporting. We have been invaded and are under the influence of Putin as I type. When Trump won....Putin won.

Jane Mayer is awesome. I watched her on Rachel Maddow last night. She really did some groundbreaking reporting on the dossier. The Trump/Nunes NaziCons really won't like what she discovered and reported. I'm sure even Mueller will be very interested.
Dear JimH52 Thanks for posting this so I can review both sides.
In general I do not understand why Russians would want to hack
and harm Democrats under Clinton if Russia was benefitting
from corrupt dealings by Clinton to hand Uranium over to Russia.

Either the Russians derailing Democrats, by exposing Clinton's corruption
which is her own fault, could be rebels AGAINST the arming of Putin,
or it could be the Russians didn't want Clinton exposing Trump's dealings
as you believe this article was saying was a legitimate investigation of real threats.

On the other side, the "reports of compromising prostitution stories"
that could be used to blackmail Trump were debunked as baseless.
This article states them as true and used as leverage.

This article says no charges in the dossier "have been refuted."
but the rightwing media is reporting that nothing has been substantiated either!

Furthermore, the rightwing is reporting conflicts of interest
such as the report for by political sources, including a husband/wife
relationship with the wife being hired without disclosing this
up front in applying for a warrant based solely on this "dossier"
paid for by politically biased interests, with blatant conflicts, that stood to gain.

They deliberately omitted such disclosures, masking them
with careful legal language, to justify getting a warrant
without a valid investigation of any substantiated charges.

sean hannity said:
And here's what the left and your corrupt media won't tell you: the FISA judge was never told that Hillary Clinton was paying for the phony dossier containing Russian intelligence lies about Donald Trump. And they don’t seem to care that it was first used to try to influence an election, then to get a warrant to spy on an opposition candidate.

The incestuous ties between Fusion, Steele, the Clinton campaign and the Obama Justice Department are alarming. Clinton hired Fusion, which hired Steele. Steele was working with the FBI at the same time. The wife of a top Justice Department official, Bruce Ohr, was hired by Fusion to work with Steele.

Which way is it?

Why would Russia have motives to either derail Clinton
if the uranium deals were so beneficial?

The common factor in any of these charges of "collusion"
is Clinton wanting to bring down Trump to get elected.

The other arguments seem to run into conflicts,
where there was no motivation for those things to take place.

I don't get it, can someone please explain it to me
in other terms besides Democrats trying to derail Trump???

You cannot be so stupid. Why do you think Trump has not implemented the congressionally approved Russian sanctions.

Sure trump colluded with the Russian. A deal with Moscow had been made years before. Mueller is going to find one of the most treasonous acts in the history of the world....

Trump is a Putin plant....
Dear JimH52 Thanks for posting this so I can review both sides.
In general I do not understand why Russians would want to hack
and harm Democrats under Clinton if Russia was benefitting
from corrupt dealings by Clinton to hand Uranium over to Russia.

Either the Russians derailing Democrats, by exposing Clinton's corruption
which is her own fault, could be rebels AGAINST the arming of Putin,
or it could be the Russians didn't want Clinton exposing Trump's dealings
as you believe this article was saying was a legitimate investigation of real threats.

On the other side, the "reports of compromising prostitution stories"
that could be used to blackmail Trump were debunked as baseless.
This article states them as true and used as leverage.

This article says no charges in the dossier "have been refuted."
but the rightwing media is reporting that nothing has been substantiated either!

Furthermore, the rightwing is reporting conflicts of interest
such as the report for by political sources, including a husband/wife
relationship with the wife being hired without disclosing this
up front in applying for a warrant based solely on this "dossier"
paid for by politically biased interests, with blatant conflicts, that stood to gain.

They deliberately omitted such disclosures, masking them
with careful legal language, to justify getting a warrant
without a valid investigation of any substantiated charges.

sean hannity said:
And here's what the left and your corrupt media won't tell you: the FISA judge was never told that Hillary Clinton was paying for the phony dossier containing Russian intelligence lies about Donald Trump. And they don’t seem to care that it was first used to try to influence an election, then to get a warrant to spy on an opposition candidate.

The incestuous ties between Fusion, Steele, the Clinton campaign and the Obama Justice Department are alarming. Clinton hired Fusion, which hired Steele. Steele was working with the FBI at the same time. The wife of a top Justice Department official, Bruce Ohr, was hired by Fusion to work with Steele.

Which way is it?

Why would Russia have motives to either derail Clinton
if the uranium deals were so beneficial?

The common factor in any of these charges of "collusion"
is Clinton wanting to bring down Trump to get elected.

The other arguments seem to run into conflicts,
where there was no motivation for those things to take place.

I don't get it, can someone please explain it to me
in other terms besides Democrats trying to derail Trump???

You cannot be so stupid. Why do you think Trump has not implemented the congressionally approved Russian sanctions.

Sure trump colluded with the Russian. A deal with Moscow had been made years before. Mueller is going to find one of the most treasonous acts in the history of the world....

Trump is a Putin plant....

I agree! So is Rex Tillerson!
Last edited:
Steele tried to sound the alarm bells....but no one answered. The Russians have been successful in their attempt to infiltrate the highest positions in the US government.

If the Romney- Tillerson story us true....this country is in BIG trouble.
Dear JimH52 Thanks for posting this so I can review both sides.
In general I do not understand why Russians would want to hack
and harm Democrats under Clinton if Russia was benefitting
from corrupt dealings by Clinton to hand Uranium over to Russia.

Either the Russians derailing Democrats, by exposing Clinton's corruption
which is her own fault, could be rebels AGAINST the arming of Putin,
or it could be the Russians didn't want Clinton exposing Trump's dealings
as you believe this article was saying was a legitimate investigation of real threats.

On the other side, the "reports of compromising prostitution stories"
that could be used to blackmail Trump were debunked as baseless.
This article states them as true and used as leverage.

This article says no charges in the dossier "have been refuted."
but the rightwing media is reporting that nothing has been substantiated either!

Furthermore, the rightwing is reporting conflicts of interest
such as the report for by political sources, including a husband/wife
relationship with the wife being hired without disclosing this
up front in applying for a warrant based solely on this "dossier"
paid for by politically biased interests, with blatant conflicts, that stood to gain.

They deliberately omitted such disclosures, masking them
with careful legal language, to justify getting a warrant
without a valid investigation of any substantiated charges.

sean hannity said:
And here's what the left and your corrupt media won't tell you: the FISA judge was never told that Hillary Clinton was paying for the phony dossier containing Russian intelligence lies about Donald Trump. And they don’t seem to care that it was first used to try to influence an election, then to get a warrant to spy on an opposition candidate.

The incestuous ties between Fusion, Steele, the Clinton campaign and the Obama Justice Department are alarming. Clinton hired Fusion, which hired Steele. Steele was working with the FBI at the same time. The wife of a top Justice Department official, Bruce Ohr, was hired by Fusion to work with Steele.

Which way is it?

Why would Russia have motives to either derail Clinton
if the uranium deals were so beneficial?

The common factor in any of these charges of "collusion"
is Clinton wanting to bring down Trump to get elected.

The other arguments seem to run into conflicts,
where there was no motivation for those things to take place.

I don't get it, can someone please explain it to me
in other terms besides Democrats trying to derail Trump???

You cannot be so stupid. Why do you think Trump has not implemented the congressionally approved Russian sanctions.

Sure trump colluded with the Russian. A deal with Moscow had been made years before. Mueller is going to find one of the most treasonous acts in the history of the world....

Trump is a Putin plant....

A agree! So is Rex Tillerson!

And yet Tillerson may not even know he was chosen by Putin.
If 70-80 percent of the dossier is true....our president is a Putin Plant.
Dear JimH52 Thanks for posting this so I can review both sides.
In general I do not understand why Russians would want to hack
and harm Democrats under Clinton if Russia was benefitting
from corrupt dealings by Clinton to hand Uranium over to Russia.

Either the Russians derailing Democrats, by exposing Clinton's corruption
which is her own fault, could be rebels AGAINST the arming of Putin,
or it could be the Russians didn't want Clinton exposing Trump's dealings
as you believe this article was saying was a legitimate investigation of real threats.

On the other side, the "reports of compromising prostitution stories"
that could be used to blackmail Trump were debunked as baseless.
This article states them as true and used as leverage.

This article says no charges in the dossier "have been refuted."
but the rightwing media is reporting that nothing has been substantiated either!

Furthermore, the rightwing is reporting conflicts of interest
such as the report for by political sources, including a husband/wife
relationship with the wife being hired without disclosing this
up front in applying for a warrant based solely on this "dossier"
paid for by politically biased interests, with blatant conflicts, that stood to gain.

They deliberately omitted such disclosures, masking them
with careful legal language, to justify getting a warrant
without a valid investigation of any substantiated charges.

sean hannity said:
And here's what the left and your corrupt media won't tell you: the FISA judge was never told that Hillary Clinton was paying for the phony dossier containing Russian intelligence lies about Donald Trump. And they don’t seem to care that it was first used to try to influence an election, then to get a warrant to spy on an opposition candidate.

The incestuous ties between Fusion, Steele, the Clinton campaign and the Obama Justice Department are alarming. Clinton hired Fusion, which hired Steele. Steele was working with the FBI at the same time. The wife of a top Justice Department official, Bruce Ohr, was hired by Fusion to work with Steele.

Which way is it?

Why would Russia have motives to either derail Clinton
if the uranium deals were so beneficial?

The common factor in any of these charges of "collusion"
is Clinton wanting to bring down Trump to get elected.

The other arguments seem to run into conflicts,
where there was no motivation for those things to take place.

I don't get it, can someone please explain it to me
in other terms besides Democrats trying to derail Trump???

You cannot be so stupid. Why do you think Trump has not implemented the congressionally approved Russian sanctions.

Sure trump colluded with the Russian. A deal with Moscow had been made years before. Mueller is going to find one of the most treasonous acts in the history of the world....

Trump is a Putin plant....

Dear JimH52
If there are such deals, wouldn't Clinton have found more to expose on Trump? Rather than spending 12 million reportedly
just to get questionable reports that are contested.

Trump's bad deals are not that hard to find.
Why wouldn't that have been exposed BEFORE the election?

Why was there no talk of Russian collusion until AFTER his election? Why not come out with that while running against him?
Dear JimH52 Thanks for posting this so I can review both sides.
In general I do not understand why Russians would want to hack
and harm Democrats under Clinton if Russia was benefitting
from corrupt dealings by Clinton to hand Uranium over to Russia.

Either the Russians derailing Democrats, by exposing Clinton's corruption
which is her own fault, could be rebels AGAINST the arming of Putin,
or it could be the Russians didn't want Clinton exposing Trump's dealings
as you believe this article was saying was a legitimate investigation of real threats.

On the other side, the "reports of compromising prostitution stories"
that could be used to blackmail Trump were debunked as baseless.
This article states them as true and used as leverage.

This article says no charges in the dossier "have been refuted."
but the rightwing media is reporting that nothing has been substantiated either!

Furthermore, the rightwing is reporting conflicts of interest
such as the report for by political sources, including a husband/wife
relationship with the wife being hired without disclosing this
up front in applying for a warrant based solely on this "dossier"
paid for by politically biased interests, with blatant conflicts, that stood to gain.

They deliberately omitted such disclosures, masking them
with careful legal language, to justify getting a warrant
without a valid investigation of any substantiated charges.

sean hannity said:
And here's what the left and your corrupt media won't tell you: the FISA judge was never told that Hillary Clinton was paying for the phony dossier containing Russian intelligence lies about Donald Trump. And they don’t seem to care that it was first used to try to influence an election, then to get a warrant to spy on an opposition candidate.

The incestuous ties between Fusion, Steele, the Clinton campaign and the Obama Justice Department are alarming. Clinton hired Fusion, which hired Steele. Steele was working with the FBI at the same time. The wife of a top Justice Department official, Bruce Ohr, was hired by Fusion to work with Steele.

Which way is it?

Why would Russia have motives to either derail Clinton
if the uranium deals were so beneficial?

The common factor in any of these charges of "collusion"
is Clinton wanting to bring down Trump to get elected.

The other arguments seem to run into conflicts,
where there was no motivation for those things to take place.

I don't get it, can someone please explain it to me
in other terms besides Democrats trying to derail Trump???

You cannot be so stupid. Why do you think Trump has not implemented the congressionally approved Russian sanctions.

Sure trump colluded with the Russian. A deal with Moscow had been made years before. Mueller is going to find one of the most treasonous acts in the history of the world....

Trump is a Putin plant....

A agree! So is Rex Tillerson!

And yet Tillerson may not even know he was chosen by Putin.

Apparently JimH52
Trump doesn't even know he was chosen.
How rude of Putin.
The least thing he should have done is informed Trump
so he wouldn't look so ignorant denying all of this!!! :)
The actual 'Collusion' was between Clinton, Obama, the Brits, and Russians. All folks need to do is look into the Ohr-Steele connection. Why it isn't being investigated, is just truly shocking. I guess the fix really is in. It's only about getting Donald Trump.

Steele has no reason to be a political pundit or operative. He knows the health of Great Britian is dependent on the independence and intelligence of the United States. What he found out about trump has frightened him to a point that he brought his findings to the FBI.

Little did he realise that he would be battling the Republican political machine. In their ignorance or complicity....they have chose to believe the Putin Plant. They are committing treason against the United States.
Christopher Steele, the Man Behind the Trump Dossier

This is one of the most chilling articles I have ever listened to. Please take a hour and fifty minutes out of your day and listen to it. The FBI was warned about Trump months before his election and they did nothing. They used two standards when dealing with Clinton and Trump.

-They told voters just eight days before the election that more Hillary emails had been found and that she was again under investigation....and yet Trump and his association with Russia had been under investigation for months and not a peep. How can he can anyone argue that the FBI, a historically conservative organization, could be bias towards Clinton when they hid the fact that Trump was under investigation?

Again, please read or listen to this reporting. We have been invaded and are under the influence of Putin as I type. When Trump won....Putin won.

I wouldn't waste 5 minutes on this. So, the DNC pays for a dossier to be written, much based on things provided by Russians, with such stupidity as hookers peeing on beds, all pretty damaging to Trump, and they conclude Trump colluded with Russians?
Dear JimH52 Thanks for posting this so I can review both sides.
In general I do not understand why Russians would want to hack
and harm Democrats under Clinton if Russia was benefitting
from corrupt dealings by Clinton to hand Uranium over to Russia.

Either the Russians derailing Democrats, by exposing Clinton's corruption
which is her own fault, could be rebels AGAINST the arming of Putin,
or it could be the Russians didn't want Clinton exposing Trump's dealings
as you believe this article was saying was a legitimate investigation of real threats.

On the other side, the "reports of compromising prostitution stories"
that could be used to blackmail Trump were debunked as baseless.
This article states them as true and used as leverage.

This article says no charges in the dossier "have been refuted."
but the rightwing media is reporting that nothing has been substantiated either!

Furthermore, the rightwing is reporting conflicts of interest
such as the report for by political sources, including a husband/wife
relationship with the wife being hired without disclosing this
up front in applying for a warrant based solely on this "dossier"
paid for by politically biased interests, with blatant conflicts, that stood to gain.

They deliberately omitted such disclosures, masking them
with careful legal language, to justify getting a warrant
without a valid investigation of any substantiated charges.

sean hannity said:
And here's what the left and your corrupt media won't tell you: the FISA judge was never told that Hillary Clinton was paying for the phony dossier containing Russian intelligence lies about Donald Trump. And they don’t seem to care that it was first used to try to influence an election, then to get a warrant to spy on an opposition candidate.

The incestuous ties between Fusion, Steele, the Clinton campaign and the Obama Justice Department are alarming. Clinton hired Fusion, which hired Steele. Steele was working with the FBI at the same time. The wife of a top Justice Department official, Bruce Ohr, was hired by Fusion to work with Steele.

Which way is it?

Why would Russia have motives to either derail Clinton
if the uranium deals were so beneficial?

The common factor in any of these charges of "collusion"
is Clinton wanting to bring down Trump to get elected.

The other arguments seem to run into conflicts,
where there was no motivation for those things to take place.

I don't get it, can someone please explain it to me
in other terms besides Democrats trying to derail Trump???

You cannot be so stupid. Why do you think Trump has not implemented the congressionally approved Russian sanctions.

Sure trump colluded with the Russian. A deal with Moscow had been made years before. Mueller is going to find one of the most treasonous acts in the history of the world....

Trump is a Putin plant....

Dear JimH52
If there are such deals, wouldn't Clinton have found more to expose on Trump? Rather than spending 12 million reportedly
just to get questionable reports that are contested.

Trump's bad deals are not that hard to find.
Why wouldn't that have been exposed BEFORE the election?

Why was there no talk of Russian collusion until AFTER his election? Why not come out with that while running against him?

Read it listen to the report....questions answered....the US is being sold....
Christopher Steele, the Man Behind the Trump Dossier

This is one of the most chilling articles I have ever listened to. Please take a hour and fifty minutes out of your day and listen to it. The FBI was warned about Trump months before his election and they did nothing. They used two standards when dealing with Clinton and Trump.

-They told voters just eight days before the election that more Hillary emails had been found and that she was again under investigation....and yet Trump and his association with Russia had been under investigation for months and not a peep. How can he can anyone argue that the FBI, a historically conservative organization, could be bias towards Clinton when they hid the fact that Trump was under investigation?

Again, please read or listen to this reporting. We have been invaded and are under the influence of Putin as I type. When Trump won....Putin won.

I wouldn't waste 5 minutes on this. So, the DNC pays for a dossier to be written, much based on things provided by Russians, with such stupidity as hookers peeing on beds, all pretty damaging to Trump, and they conclude Trump colluded with Russians?

Good idea....stay as ignorant as possible. When Mueller's report comes out...them maybe u will listen.

Steele shared his methods and sources with Mueller.
Dear JimH52 Thanks for posting this so I can review both sides.
In general I do not understand why Russians would want to hack
and harm Democrats under Clinton if Russia was benefitting
from corrupt dealings by Clinton to hand Uranium over to Russia.

Either the Russians derailing Democrats, by exposing Clinton's corruption
which is her own fault, could be rebels AGAINST the arming of Putin,
or it could be the Russians didn't want Clinton exposing Trump's dealings
as you believe this article was saying was a legitimate investigation of real threats.

On the other side, the "reports of compromising prostitution stories"
that could be used to blackmail Trump were debunked as baseless.
This article states them as true and used as leverage.

This article says no charges in the dossier "have been refuted."
but the rightwing media is reporting that nothing has been substantiated either!

Furthermore, the rightwing is reporting conflicts of interest
such as the report for by political sources, including a husband/wife
relationship with the wife being hired without disclosing this
up front in applying for a warrant based solely on this "dossier"
paid for by politically biased interests, with blatant conflicts, that stood to gain.

They deliberately omitted such disclosures, masking them
with careful legal language, to justify getting a warrant
without a valid investigation of any substantiated charges.

sean hannity said:
And here's what the left and your corrupt media won't tell you: the FISA judge was never told that Hillary Clinton was paying for the phony dossier containing Russian intelligence lies about Donald Trump. And they don’t seem to care that it was first used to try to influence an election, then to get a warrant to spy on an opposition candidate.

The incestuous ties between Fusion, Steele, the Clinton campaign and the Obama Justice Department are alarming. Clinton hired Fusion, which hired Steele. Steele was working with the FBI at the same time. The wife of a top Justice Department official, Bruce Ohr, was hired by Fusion to work with Steele.

Which way is it?

Why would Russia have motives to either derail Clinton
if the uranium deals were so beneficial?

The common factor in any of these charges of "collusion"
is Clinton wanting to bring down Trump to get elected.

The other arguments seem to run into conflicts,
where there was no motivation for those things to take place.

I don't get it, can someone please explain it to me
in other terms besides Democrats trying to derail Trump???

Lots of questions there, and not practical to try answering all at once. You can mark that one about Hillary selling uranium to Russia off the list. That never happened. I won't go into all the reasons why it would be impossible for Hillary to do what the right accuses her of, because it's been posted and explained ad nauseam. You might have missed that if you only watch some of fox, but all other networks covered that completely. Even Shepard Smith of fox said the right wing claims were lies, but most don't really consider him to be in the fox bubble

A Fox News host has infuriated viewers after debunking their favourite Hillary Clinton 'scandal'

Thank you for your explanation and references BULLDOG
I will check with other sources to see if they had this information
when they concluded the claims of conflicts of interest are valid against Clinton.

I looked up how Snopes described it, and although they
list it as "unsubstantiated" the players and money involved
do give a clear APPEARANCE of a conflict of interest:
FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?

When that much is at stake with such high offices,
honest people I know with common sense AVOID the transactions
because it even LOOKS questionable and suspicious.

So anyone like Obama and Clinton who "engages in business
that seems in conflict with govt duties" either doesn't KNOW or doesn't CARE
and both counts are dangerous and not consistent with govt duty.

When in doubt, such leaders should know to turn down offers
that even APPEAR to be conflicts of interest and common sense ethics.

So they helped create this perception of wrongdoing and abuse,
whether legally they can claim there was no impropriety. It clearly looks improper,
and thus should be avoided for that reason.

As for claims accusing Clinton and Trump they both deny are inflated
and false, it will be interesting to see which people can really answer
and prove what is real or not.

It seems to me if there was real dirt on Trump it would have come
up sooner so Clinton could clinch the election. The Clinton camp
does not play polite, waiting on things to be proven before announcing.
If they had found any proof that Obama was lying about his birth certificate,
they would have used that to void his nomination so Hillary could win.

And likewise with Trump.

He would already be taken down by now.
He does not have legal lobbies and corporate plants
in govt to prop him up and cover the messes he makes or leaves.

Why didn't Clinton already pull those cards before
the election so she could bring down Trump and win??
The actual 'Collusion' was between Clinton, Obama, the Brits, and Russians. All folks need to do is look into the Ohr-Steele connection. Why it isn't being investigated, is just truly shocking. I guess the fix really is in. It's only about getting Donald Trump.

Steele has no reason to be a political pundit or operative. He knows the health of Great Britian is dependent on the independence and intelligence of the United States. What he found out about trump has frightened him to a point that he brought his findings to the FBI.

Little did he realise that he would be battling the Republican political machine. In their ignorance or complicity....they have chose to believe the Putin Plant. They are committing treason against the United States.

Look into the Ohr-Steele connection yourself. Clinton and Obama clearly colluded with the Brits and Russians to influence our Election. They need to be thoroughly investigated.

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