NFL makes TERRIBLE announcement (fans shocked!)

One of the problems with the Sunday night games was viewership and attendance, but not what you think. The game would be ending just before midnight on New Year's Eve. Not a good time. It's difficult to celebrate New Year's trying to get back to your car or taking a taxi back to your hotel. Everyone would probably leave at half-time or just not go.

One of the games that was supposed to be rescheduled to the prime time show was Tenn-Jacksonville. My daughter and her boyfriend are attending that game and the weather forecast is already going to be cold enough to keep fans away. These aren't Buffalo or Green Bay fans who think any temp above freezing is time to break out the shorts and T-shirts.

There are few matchups with any other playoff implications and last weeks game made that game moot, as Jacksonville took the AFC South.Better to just forget the whole thing and put on a couple of good reruns in place of the game.
Everybody is sick of these illiterate blacks making millions a year for playing a game and then attacking america as a hotbed of racial oppression!!!
Most of those illterate blacks have college experience and many have degrees. So your racism is showing. I guess they have a legitmit gripe. Mean while the NFL is not going any where.
The NFL decides there isn't a strong enough matchup to put on New Year's Eve that wouldn't be affected by earlier games, and instead keeps all the games in the afternoon time slots....and this is somehow both related to people boycotting and shocking to fans? :lol:

NFL cancels Sunday Night Football game on New Year’s Eve
Corporations use those end of year totals to set ad revenue for the coming year. If only 40 people are watching, the NFL won't get as much cash because of the lower ratings.

Not a good thing, especially considering the drop already incurred this year.

Wouldn't that mean this move makes sense? If the NFL anticipates the Sunday night game could end up meaningless for the playoff standings, and New Year's Eve is usually bad for ratings, this avoids a potentially low-rated final broadcast.
Yes. Not that they worried about it in years past.
Fuck the NFL. A bunch of spoiled assholes who make millions playing a kid's game say America is evil and racist?

See if you could make the same money or have the same opportunities in ...oh...let's say Congo? Go fuck yourselves. Seriously.:boohoo:
Fuck the NFL. A bunch of spoiled assholes who make millions playing a kid's game say America is evil and racist?

See if you could make the same money or have the same opportunities in ...oh...let's say Congo? Go fuck yourselves. Seriously.

One thing I'll say for RWNJ - He surely do bring the racists out of the woodwork!

WelfareQueen is your handle? That's awesome dude :D

The NFL included the spirit of American patriotism, now they don't ..they had their chance and they turned their backs, it's a yuge loss to the NFL and the fans...
I saw this coming months ago. This has to be one of the most successful boycotts in American history. Read on to discover just how bad it is for the NFL...

NFL makes TERRIBLE announcement (fans shocked!)

We love your anti-NFL propaganda from TheHorn. Boy they sure do hate the NFL. :D

Trump claims kneeling players hurt NFL attendance. Facts say otherwise.

Tax bill includes breaks for things Trump has railed against — like NFL stadiums
Everybody is sick of these illiterate blacks making millions a year for playing a game and then attacking america as a hotbed of racial oppression!!!

Illiterate blacks? LoL - Most of them graduated from college. Beats your GED! :D

HAHAHA. Are you serious?? The country is full of star athletes (mostly black) who graduated from college and can't read. Where have you been?
Most of those illterate blacks have college experience and many have degrees. So your racism is showing. I guess they have a legitmit gripe. Mean while the NFL is not going any where.

Another stupid negro who thinks black athletes do not get special treatment in college!!!. Very few blacks are literate. MLK got a PHD and practically the lowest GRE scores in history.
Most of those illterate blacks have college experience and many have degrees. So your racism is showing. I guess they have a legitmit gripe. Mean while the NFL is not going any where.

Another stupid negro who thinks black athletes do not get special treatment in college!!!. Very few blacks are literate. MLK got a PHD and practically the lowest GRE scores in history.
One problem I am not black. You are a racist idiot. I know many black people that are brighter than you. And again yoo keep proving they have a legitimate gripe.
Most of those illterate blacks have college experience and many have degrees. So your racism is showing. I guess they have a legitmit gripe. Mean while the NFL is not going any where.

Another stupid negro who thinks black athletes do not get special treatment in college!!!. Very few blacks are literate. MLK got a PHD and practically the lowest GRE scores in history.
One problem I am not black. You are a racist idiot. I know many black people that are brighter than you. And again yoo keep proving they have a legitimate gripe.
These kinds of convos always swing back and forth, depending on the point being made. Are we talking about black people as a whole? Black Americans as a culture? Some black people you know personally?

The answer would be different for all of them, depending.
Most of those illterate blacks have college experience and many have degrees. So your racism is showing. I guess they have a legitmit gripe. Mean while the NFL is not going any where.

Another stupid negro who thinks black athletes do not get special treatment in college!!!. Very few blacks are literate. MLK got a PHD and practically the lowest GRE scores in history.
One problem I am not black. You are a racist idiot. I know many black people that are brighter than you. And again yoo keep proving they have a legitimate gripe.
These kinds of convos always swing back and forth, depending on the point being made. Are we talking about black people as a whole? Black Americans as a culture? Some black people you know personally?

The answer would be different for all of them, depending.
We are talking about the blacksa in the NFL, or I am anyway that was the thread. College football teams are a feader for the NFL. Most NFL players went to college.

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