NFL makes TERRIBLE announcement (fans shocked!)

I'm sure that is true. Nonetheless, revenues have fallen considerably. The very fact that they actually cancelled a game is...let's say difficult to rationalize meaningfully. Attendance, viewership, cable deals...they all make up their profits. It will probably survive, but they have peaked as a business commodity.

No game was cancelled. All of the teams will play. There will not be a Sunday night game, but all of the games will be played.

I agree that the NFL has probably peaked, and may now decline.
Yes, yes. They cancelled the broadcast, admittedly for lack of interest. For their final game of a dismal season. It does not bode well.
Put your money where your mouth is! I will take wagers on where the NFL will be in ten years. You do not understand the fan base, we will not let it die!
You do not understand neither of us will be able to collect in ten years. haha

I have never had an interest in football. I've seen the numbers, and they are not good. It would be like betting on Hillary after seeing one of her crowds.
I have taken sports book for years, I have a number of ten year old bets on the books. They do get paid. You are right how ever to not bet due to the fact you are not a fan. You do not understand how this has become a part of our lives over the years and what we will do to defend it.
The betting won't go away. Neither will the league. It just won't make as much money as an entity. All things must pass. They were the cause of their own downfall.
Here it is from cnn, with the opposite spin, ie downplaying this all. The show was cancelled.

However, the final line, that they put there specifically to avoid people reading it tells the truth story.

(have you heard of the reverse pyramid?)

NFL cancels Sunday Night Football this week

"2017 has been a tough year for the NFL. The ratings for this NFL's season are down 9% from last year."
I have this to say anyone want to wager? The NFL will be playing ten years from now! The NFL is going no where.

A 9% drop in one year is a serious blow.

And it will keep going down.

That 9% drop is not, however, unique to the NFL. From what I have read, it is common among all broadcast television.
How Much Each Broadcast Net's TV Ratings Are Down From Last Year
Yes, the NFL's TV ratings are down but so is the rest of network television
Has the Bottom Fallen Out of the Broadcast TV Ratings?

The NFL also just recently came to a new 5 year agreement with Verizon for $25 billion.

The NFL is certainly experiencing a ratings decline. Some of that has to do with the protests, and a lot is probably because of a general trend away from traditional broadcast TV. I don't think the NFL is in any danger of going out of business or even losing its spot as the top US sport, though.

Keep insulting your customers and the future is going to be worse and worse for you.

How is the NFL insulting you? Are you a fan of police brutality? Are you a fan of racist behavior?

I laugh at how you assholes cheered all those black players on the field but ignored it when black people when they were gunned down by police without repercussions.

How do you do that?

They insult me by supporting the disrespect shown to the symbol of the nation, and it's citizens for which it stands.
I have this to say anyone want to wager? The NFL will be playing ten years from now! The NFL is going no where.

A 9% drop in one year is a serious blow.

And it will keep going down.

That 9% drop is not, however, unique to the NFL. From what I have read, it is common among all broadcast television.
How Much Each Broadcast Net's TV Ratings Are Down From Last Year
Yes, the NFL's TV ratings are down but so is the rest of network television
Has the Bottom Fallen Out of the Broadcast TV Ratings?

The NFL also just recently came to a new 5 year agreement with Verizon for $25 billion.

The NFL is certainly experiencing a ratings decline. Some of that has to do with the protests, and a lot is probably because of a general trend away from traditional broadcast TV. I don't think the NFL is in any danger of going out of business or even losing its spot as the top US sport, though.

Keep insulting your customers and the future is going to be worse and worse for you.
Ya, come down to the Bdubs I watch at and insult the NFL, you will not make it out in one peice. The NFL has real hard core fans it is going no where!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sure. But the far larger number of fans that watch the game on tv, and that bring in the advertising dollars?

They probably don't like being treated like shit by the people they support.

The next generation? What kind of kid wants to idolize some rich piece of shit that kneels during the Anthem?
A kid that believes in equality of all Americans & would admire a player for advocating for a just cause.
I have this to say anyone want to wager? The NFL will be playing ten years from now! The NFL is going no where.
We can only hope those future players will play for the love of the game.

Because that's what they'll be playing for.
A good percentage of the people I know love the NFL. You will have as easy of a time pulling the NFL from my cold dead hands as you will my fire arm. Most the people I see on saterday and sunday feel the same way.
I'm sure that is true. Nonetheless, revenues have fallen considerably. The very fact that they actually cancelled a game is...let's say difficult to rationalize meaningfully. Attendance, viewership, cable deals...they all make up their profits. It will probably survive, but they have peaked as a business commodity.

No game was cancelled. All of the teams will play. There will not be a Sunday night game, but all of the games will be played.

I agree that the NFL has probably peaked, and may now decline.
Yes, yes. They cancelled the broadcast, admittedly for lack of interest. For their final game of a dismal season. It does not bode well.
How did they cancel something which was never scheduled to begin with? :cuckoo:
Did the NFL really cancel televising a game? That is really shocking if true.

I'd like to see it from a more reliable source. :rolleyes:

Here it is from cnn, with the opposite spin, ie downplaying this all. The show was cancelled.

However, the final line, that they put there specifically to avoid people reading it tells the truth story.

(have you heard of the reverse pyramid?)

NFL cancels Sunday Night Football this week

"2017 has been a tough year for the NFL. The ratings for this NFL's season are down 9% from last year."
I have this to say anyone want to wager? The NFL will be playing ten years from now! The NFL is going no where.

A 9% drop in one year is a serious blow.

And it will keep going down.
Not when you factor in the increase of people streaming; figures excluded from TV ratings.

Got any numbers to support that?
Everybody is sick of these illiterate blacks making millions a year for playing a game and then attacking america as a hotbed of racial oppression!!!
Another supporter of police brutality against black people. Anorher Trump voter ion action.

THERE IS NO POLICE BRUTALITY AGAINST BLACKS! If blacks would stop getting violent with the cops they would stop getting killed, it's that simple.

The notion of cause and effect escapes some people, I guess.

What a mess we are living in thanks to these fascist leftists playing identity politics that we can't hold black people to the same standards as we do anybody else without being called "racist".
A 9% drop in one year is a serious blow.

And it will keep going down.

That 9% drop is not, however, unique to the NFL. From what I have read, it is common among all broadcast television.
How Much Each Broadcast Net's TV Ratings Are Down From Last Year
Yes, the NFL's TV ratings are down but so is the rest of network television
Has the Bottom Fallen Out of the Broadcast TV Ratings?

The NFL also just recently came to a new 5 year agreement with Verizon for $25 billion.

The NFL is certainly experiencing a ratings decline. Some of that has to do with the protests, and a lot is probably because of a general trend away from traditional broadcast TV. I don't think the NFL is in any danger of going out of business or even losing its spot as the top US sport, though.

Keep insulting your customers and the future is going to be worse and worse for you.

How is the NFL insulting you? Are you a fan of police brutality? Are you a fan of racist behavior?

I laugh at how you assholes cheered all those black players on the field but ignored it when black people when they were gunned down by police without repercussions.

How do you do that?
Get um Dave!! They are fucking with my last bastion of happiness. Take my sunday away and suffer mine and every other rabid NFL fans wrath!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep, you liberals have minds that automatically revert to violence about everything. You don't know how to deal with anything in any other way but have a baby tantrum.
That's kinda funny. I get conservatives telling me all the time what pussy's we are. tryin to tell me how bullets are gunna miss due to your political leanings. Also not a liberal, just love my NFL and will not stop loving it just because your poor wittle feelings are hurt because some else did not act like you would like. So which is it are you a gun toting bad ass alt right dude or are you a whinning, sniveling, non violent wimp. You can not have it both ways.
A 9% drop in one year is a serious blow.

And it will keep going down.

That 9% drop is not, however, unique to the NFL. From what I have read, it is common among all broadcast television.
How Much Each Broadcast Net's TV Ratings Are Down From Last Year
Yes, the NFL's TV ratings are down but so is the rest of network television
Has the Bottom Fallen Out of the Broadcast TV Ratings?

The NFL also just recently came to a new 5 year agreement with Verizon for $25 billion.

The NFL is certainly experiencing a ratings decline. Some of that has to do with the protests, and a lot is probably because of a general trend away from traditional broadcast TV. I don't think the NFL is in any danger of going out of business or even losing its spot as the top US sport, though.

Keep insulting your customers and the future is going to be worse and worse for you.
Ya, come down to the Bdubs I watch at and insult the NFL, you will not make it out in one peice. The NFL has real hard core fans it is going no where!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sure. But the far larger number of fans that watch the game on tv, and that bring in the advertising dollars?

They probably don't like being treated like shit by the people they support.

The next generation? What kind of kid wants to idolize some rich piece of shit that kneels during the Anthem?
A kid that believes in equality of all Americans & would admire a player for advocating for a just cause.

Not if he advocates for it, by disrespecting America and all Americans.
We can only hope those future players will play for the love of the game.

Because that's what they'll be playing for.
A good percentage of the people I know love the NFL. You will have as easy of a time pulling the NFL from my cold dead hands as you will my fire arm. Most the people I see on saterday and sunday feel the same way.
I'm sure that is true. Nonetheless, revenues have fallen considerably. The very fact that they actually cancelled a game is...let's say difficult to rationalize meaningfully. Attendance, viewership, cable deals...they all make up their profits. It will probably survive, but they have peaked as a business commodity.

No game was cancelled. All of the teams will play. There will not be a Sunday night game, but all of the games will be played.

I agree that the NFL has probably peaked, and may now decline.
Yes, yes. They cancelled the broadcast, admittedly for lack of interest. For their final game of a dismal season. It does not bode well.
How did they cancel something which was never scheduled to begin with? :cuckoo:

OK. Things are going swimmingly for the NFL. Couldn't be better. Turns out kneeling during the anthem was a brilliant business decision.
No game was cancelled. All of the teams will play. There will not be a Sunday night game, but all of the games will be played.

I agree that the NFL has probably peaked, and may now decline.
Yes, yes. They cancelled the broadcast, admittedly for lack of interest. For their final game of a dismal season. It does not bode well.
Put your money where your mouth is! I will take wagers on where the NFL will be in ten years. You do not understand the fan base, we will not let it die!
You do not understand neither of us will be able to collect in ten years. haha

I have never had an interest in football. I've seen the numbers, and they are not good. It would be like betting on Hillary after seeing one of her crowds.
I have taken sports book for years, I have a number of ten year old bets on the books. They do get paid. You are right how ever to not bet due to the fact you are not a fan. You do not understand how this has become a part of our lives over the years and what we will do to defend it.
The betting won't go away. Neither will the league. It just won't make as much money as an entity. All things must pass. They were the cause of their own downfall.

The NFL won’t make as much money??

In what altered rightard universe?

As revenues are up this year...

NFL ad revenue is rising amid a ratings decline
A good percentage of the people I know love the NFL. You will have as easy of a time pulling the NFL from my cold dead hands as you will my fire arm. Most the people I see on saterday and sunday feel the same way.
I'm sure that is true. Nonetheless, revenues have fallen considerably. The very fact that they actually cancelled a game is...let's say difficult to rationalize meaningfully. Attendance, viewership, cable deals...they all make up their profits. It will probably survive, but they have peaked as a business commodity.

No game was cancelled. All of the teams will play. There will not be a Sunday night game, but all of the games will be played.

I agree that the NFL has probably peaked, and may now decline.
Yes, yes. They cancelled the broadcast, admittedly for lack of interest. For their final game of a dismal season. It does not bode well.
How did they cancel something which was never scheduled to begin with? :cuckoo:

OK. Things are going swimmingly for the NFL. Couldn't be better. Turns out kneeling during the anthem was a brilliant business decision.
The NFL is making more money this year than ever before. Your ridiculous boycott is a fabulous flop.

I'm sure that is true. Nonetheless, revenues have fallen considerably. The very fact that they actually cancelled a game is...let's say difficult to rationalize meaningfully. Attendance, viewership, cable deals...they all make up their profits. It will probably survive, but they have peaked as a business commodity.

No game was cancelled. All of the teams will play. There will not be a Sunday night game, but all of the games will be played.

I agree that the NFL has probably peaked, and may now decline.
Yes, yes. They cancelled the broadcast, admittedly for lack of interest. For their final game of a dismal season. It does not bode well.
How did they cancel something which was never scheduled to begin with? :cuckoo:

OK. Things are going swimmingly for the NFL. Couldn't be better. Turns out kneeling during the anthem was a brilliant business decision.
The NFL is making more money this year than ever before. Your ridiculous boycott is a fabulous flop.

I was way ahead of the curve. :)

Play your games. Bet on Hillary despite what your own eyes tell you.
No game was cancelled. All of the teams will play. There will not be a Sunday night game, but all of the games will be played.

I agree that the NFL has probably peaked, and may now decline.
Yes, yes. They cancelled the broadcast, admittedly for lack of interest. For their final game of a dismal season. It does not bode well.
How did they cancel something which was never scheduled to begin with? :cuckoo:

OK. Things are going swimmingly for the NFL. Couldn't be better. Turns out kneeling during the anthem was a brilliant business decision.
The NFL is making more money this year than ever before. Your ridiculous boycott is a fabulous flop.

I was way ahead of the curve. :)

Play your games. Bet on Hillary despite what your own eyes tell you.
This ain't about Hillary she lost. This is about the NFL an American Past Time. Where real men spent their sundays for over half a century. It will go no where.
No game was cancelled. All of the teams will play. There will not be a Sunday night game, but all of the games will be played.

I agree that the NFL has probably peaked, and may now decline.
Yes, yes. They cancelled the broadcast, admittedly for lack of interest. For their final game of a dismal season. It does not bode well.
How did they cancel something which was never scheduled to begin with? :cuckoo:

OK. Things are going swimmingly for the NFL. Couldn't be better. Turns out kneeling during the anthem was a brilliant business decision.
The NFL is making more money this year than ever before. Your ridiculous boycott is a fabulous flop.

I was way ahead of the curve. :)

Play your games. Bet on Hillary despite what your own eyes tell you.

It was a stellar year for the NFL.

NFL TV Ad Revenue Hits Record $3.5 Billion Despite Drop In Ratings

It was a twofer for me. I got to enjoy watching NFL games this year AND watching rightwingers futile whining about boycotting the NFL.
Yes, yes. They cancelled the broadcast, admittedly for lack of interest. For their final game of a dismal season. It does not bode well.
How did they cancel something which was never scheduled to begin with? :cuckoo:

OK. Things are going swimmingly for the NFL. Couldn't be better. Turns out kneeling during the anthem was a brilliant business decision.
The NFL is making more money this year than ever before. Your ridiculous boycott is a fabulous flop.

I was way ahead of the curve. :)

Play your games. Bet on Hillary despite what your own eyes tell you.
This ain't about Hillary she lost. This is about the NFL an American Past Time. Where real men spent their sundays for over half a century. It will go no where.
Losers deflect. That’s what they do.
I have this to say anyone want to wager? The NFL will be playing ten years from now! The NFL is going no where.
We can only hope those future players will play for the love of the game.

Because that's what they'll be playing for.
A good percentage of the people I know love the NFL. You will have as easy of a time pulling the NFL from my cold dead hands as you will my fire arm. Most the people I see on saterday and sunday feel the same way.
I'm sure that is true. Nonetheless, revenues have fallen considerably. The very fact that they actually cancelled a game is...let's say difficult to rationalize meaningfully. Attendance, viewership, cable deals...they all make up their profits. It will probably survive, but they have peaked as a business commodity.

No game was cancelled. All of the teams will play. There will not be a Sunday night game, but all of the games will be played.

I agree that the NFL has probably peaked, and may now decline.

Maybe they should not insult their fans?

If player conduct is an insult to fans, the NFL has been insulting their fans for years and years. We've had cheaters, wife beaters, drug users, multiple offenders, accused rapists, convicted animal abusers, and DUI killers in the league.

I consider it strange that the protests cause people to stop watching when all those other issues did not, but I realize it's true that some have stopped watching the NFL because of the protests. However, the NFL has far more issues than the protests. Overall declining TV viewing, overpriced taxpayer-funded stadiums, teams moving to markets which don't necessarily want them (hello LA), and changes to the way the game is played all have an affect on viewership. I think that latter factor is probably the biggest one. Player safety seems like the most likely reason for the NFL to fall out of favor; such a violent sport is inherently dangerous, and trying to remove the danger may cause such a dilution of the product that fans will no longer be interested.

The NFL may be declining a bit, but they are still easily the biggest revenue sport in the US. So far as I know, it isn't even close; the NFL makes billions more than the next closest league. It will be a while before the NFL loses its spot as top dog in US sports.
Yes, yes. They cancelled the broadcast, admittedly for lack of interest. For their final game of a dismal season. It does not bode well.
How did they cancel something which was never scheduled to begin with? :cuckoo:

OK. Things are going swimmingly for the NFL. Couldn't be better. Turns out kneeling during the anthem was a brilliant business decision.
The NFL is making more money this year than ever before. Your ridiculous boycott is a fabulous flop.

I was way ahead of the curve. :)

Play your games. Bet on Hillary despite what your own eyes tell you.

It was a stellar year for the NFL.

NFL TV Ad Revenue Hits Record $3.5 Billion Despite Drop In Ratings

It was a twofer for me. I got to enjoy watching NFL games this year AND watching rightwingers futile whining about boycotting the NFL.
OK, OK you win. The NFL is doing great.
We can only hope those future players will play for the love of the game.

Because that's what they'll be playing for.
A good percentage of the people I know love the NFL. You will have as easy of a time pulling the NFL from my cold dead hands as you will my fire arm. Most the people I see on saterday and sunday feel the same way.
I'm sure that is true. Nonetheless, revenues have fallen considerably. The very fact that they actually cancelled a game is...let's say difficult to rationalize meaningfully. Attendance, viewership, cable deals...they all make up their profits. It will probably survive, but they have peaked as a business commodity.

No game was cancelled. All of the teams will play. There will not be a Sunday night game, but all of the games will be played.

I agree that the NFL has probably peaked, and may now decline.

Maybe they should not insult their fans?

If player conduct is an insult to fans, the NFL has been insulting their fans for years and years. We've had cheaters, wife beaters, drug users, multiple offenders, accused rapists, convicted animal abusers, and DUI killers in the league.

I consider it strange that the protests cause people to stop watching when all those other issues did not, but I realize it's true that some have stopped watching the NFL because of the protests. However, the NFL has far more issues than the protests. Overall declining TV viewing, overpriced taxpayer-funded stadiums, teams moving to markets which don't necessarily want them (hello LA), and changes to the way the game is played all have an affect on viewership. I think that latter factor is probably the biggest one. Player safety seems like the most likely reason for the NFL to fall out of favor; such a violent sport is inherently dangerous, and trying to remove the danger may cause such a dilution of the product that fans will no longer be interested.

The NFL may be declining a bit, but they are still easily the biggest revenue sport in the US. So far as I know, it isn't even close; the NFL makes billions more than the next closest league. It will be a while before the NFL loses its spot as top dog in US sports.

Individual actions is bad enough.

Far worse for large percentages of players to disrespect the flag and be supported by the nfl.
I saw this coming months ago. This has to be one of the most successful boycotts in American history. Read on to discover just how bad it is for the NFL...

NFL makes TERRIBLE announcement (fans shocked!)

That first line is very telling.

"Ever since NFL players decided to use their television time to shove their liberal politics down Americans throats, ratings for the league have plummeted."

IOW, police brutality and lack of freedom and basic rights are RW values.

Also RW is trump's total lack of knowledge of the US Constitution, the law that forbids anyone forcing or ordering standing or saluting and his refusal to stand for the oath of office he swore to uphold.

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