No criminal charges against Biden

Well, that and you can't indict a sitting president. All you can do is make a referral for impeachment, and Dur admitted that Biden's conduct didn't rise to that level.
I'm curious. How do you continue to defend a man who is clearly not capable of leading the greatest nation the world has ever seen? Why do you hate America so much as to demand that we abuse an elderly, infirm man and expose us to such dangers?



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Yes, but he did not hide them from the DOJ, as the report states. He did not get others to move them around, like trump did, as the report says. And he did not lie about having them, like trump did, as the report says. Conclusion:

This is your guy. And your party. He is criminal. He is suffering from dementia. Now you're stuck with him and we're gonna ride this till November 2024. And all the while you're gonna have to deal with the reality that he's getting worse and the country is being compromised and Trump is gaining more and more support.
You ascribe the Orange Perv's faults to Dark Brandon. Does not work because that is not reality.
How do you figure that? The reason he said not to bring charges was because he's a mentally impaired old man

Well, you haven't any defenses yet have you? And Biden's DOJ just handed him a slam dunk motion to dismiss.
No one said that but you, butt ranger.
Look at what capacity when he talked about Benedict Donald. Comparing the aspects Benedict's indictment to the lack of criminal indictments against Joe and why the former so called President was charged from the legal determinations, not a his subjective opinions.
And you didn't find it odd that he was talking about Trump in his report about Biden stealing classified documents?

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