No criminal charges against Biden

"allegedly".................................................."according to indictment".....not found guilty of any of it. This is preposterous!! Why was Trump's matter even considered when considering Biden? Biden's willful taking of the Docs predated Trump by many years!! Yes Tommy murdered Jan, but Atilla the Hun murdered more a thousand years ago?? Where is the relevance?? Biden HID THE DOCUMENTS. He only became "co-operative" after he was caught!!!

Except he wasn't caught, he self-reported.

His lawyers found these documents. He could have just as easily directed them to bring them to the White House and quietly shredded them.

Instead, he fessed up about them, and appointed an independent counsel to investigate the matter.

The problem with IC's, of course, is they always feel a need to slander their targets, even if they find nothing actionable. This isn't on the level of "Well, after 5 years, I found nothing on whitewater, but he lied about a blow job! That was 70 million well spent!" But it still shows why ICs are generally a bad idea.
Except he wasn't caught, he self-reported.

His lawyers found these documents. He could have just as easily directed them to bring them to the White House and quietly shredded them.

Instead, he fessed up about them, and appointed an independent counsel to investigate the matter.

The problem with IC's, of course, is they always feel a need to slander their targets, even if they find nothing actionable. This isn't on the level of "Well, after 5 years, I found nothing on whitewater, but he lied about a blow job! That was 70 million well spent!" But it still shows why ICs are generally a bad idea.
WRONG!!! His staff identified them; they weren't LOST!! They were stolen (taken inappropriately) and the others were found by investigators. READ THE BLOODY THING YOU IDIOT!!!

Another Independent Counsel making claims he can't back up in a court.

That's nice.

It shows why IC's are generally a bad idea. Unless they can file charges, they should probably keep their mouths shut.
WRONG!! You're only saying that because Hur has found that Biden WILLFULLY took the Docs and is too fucking demented to stand trial!!

Another Independent Counsel making claims he can't back up in a court.

That's nice.

It shows why IC's are generally a bad idea. Unless they can file charges, they should probably keep their mouths shut.
I would hope the Court Case starts in February next year!!!

Jury selection will be a hoot. "Do you support Hamas"...YES!! You're on the jury!!!

“Diminished faculties” ! *Joeys own DOJ had to admit he’s too old and dementia riddled to answer questions concerning the classified documents.
War in Ukraine. War in the Middle East. Possible war on the brink in Asia and the Commander In Chief suffers from “Diminished faculties “.
Bull shit. The hack was appointed by Benedict Donald
So let me get this straight. If Trump and Biden decide to rob a bank of 10k, split the money, and then they get caught. Remember, they robbed a bank, which is a federal crime and results in incarceration with no wiggle room for either.

Trump, decides to stall the investigation and goes to jail.
Biden pleads senility, says I am so, so sorry, and goes free.

Sure would look like somebody was getting special consideration, just like Biden is getting re: classified documents.
False comparison. Biden never plead, and Benedict Donald has not gone to jail for his delay tactics. Why do you have to ignore the fact that Benedict Donald ignored a valid subpoena and lied about what documents he had and forced his lawyers to lie for him? It's a rhetorical question because we all know why he did it. Did President Biden lie about the documents that were found and try to hide them? If anybody else has pulled the bullshit Benedict pulled, they would have gone to jail. So it is Benedict Donald who is getting special consideration.
Did you ask yourself why Hur is talking about President Trump?
Look at what capacity when he talked about Benedict Donald. Comparing the aspects Benedict's indictment to the lack of criminal indictments against Joe and why the former so called President was charged from the legal determinations, not a his subjective opinions.
Translation: CrusaderFrank's confession that he is an extreme crybaby loser, just like Benedict Donald is funny as hell.
Peter Navarro, defies Congressional subpoena, 4 months; Hunter Influence Peddling, Coke in the WH, gun felonies Biden ignores subpoena, how many months?
"allegedly".................................................."according to indictment".....not found guilty of any of it. This is preposterous!! Why was Trump's matter even considered when considering Biden? Biden's willful taking of the Docs predated Trump by many years!! Yes Tommy murdered Jan, but Atilla the Hun murdered more a thousand years ago?? Where is the relevance?? Biden HID THE DOCUMENTS. He only became "co-operative" after he was caught!!!



#1 You leave out Pence.

#2 FPOTUS#45 isn't being charged with taking the documents either.

Peter Navarro, defies Congressional subpoena, 4 months; Hunter Influence Peddling, Coke in the WH, gun felonies Biden ignores subpoena, how many months?
It was not a congressional subpoena Benedict Donald ignored was it?

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