No criminal charges against Biden

Who said they were related to national defense? They weren't even highly classified documents.
NARA never had them you idiot!!! Biden said the Docs were HIS OWN PERSONAL PROPERTY!!! Trump said the same about some of them also. THAT was the issue with NARA!!


"They said I had to keep the classified documents in a skiff and here it is!" -- Biden
Know what else happened yesterday that the left was so busy with Biden's 'innocence' that a lot of people missed? MOderna scientists admitted there are lipid NANOPARTICLES In the vaccine...TOX. IC. ITY. IIN your body, they knew, they hid it. and you are at risk. SO...all those researchers/doctors/scientists who were cancelled for trying to warn all of us ARE RIGHT>..and they paid a price for speaking the truth. And those of us here who said, this isn't right, there's something wrong with the timing, the rollout, the results, the deaths, the side effects............................................ARE. RIGHT.

people are gonna be dropping dead SUDDENLY for a long long long time.
His doddering senility protects this effer from prosecution. He took these documents, KNEW he took those documents, did not keep them secured, and he SHARED THEM WITH OTHERS.

And yet, they had no problem going after President Trump for Classified doc.
No charges of theft, no allegations of national import

Go away, MAGA

You got nothing... again
LOLOL Special council said he was guilty but too old and stupid to be prosecuted. DO YOU NOT get that?? Would that work for you or your daddy? If you had any sense, you'd stop talking about this and get your dumbass out of this topic. Stat. LOLOL

i think you also missed the fact the left threw this poor old elderly man under the bus that evening...they let the press maul him. His wife and the dem party should be charged with Elder Abuse.
Hur did not indict the President.

Everything else is opinion, and yours is mixed up.
NOT OPINION. HUR SAID, he did all that. Took the docs, knew he took the docs, did not store them properly and shared them. YOU don't know what you're talking about. HUR had to tell the truth and then he told the truth that the old man was compromised as to age and mental no charges. Well THAT"S the precedent has been set. NO prosecuting or persecuting former presidents for classified documents. I'm glad you're good with that.

I'm curious. How do you continue to defend a man who is clearly not capable of leading the greatest nation the world has ever seen? Why do you hate America so much as to demand that we abuse an elderly, infirm man and expose us to such dangers?
It's easy. He's not a racist dictator who channels Adolf Hitler like Trump does.

I really don't care that he occasionally blunders while talking or says Mexico when he meant Egypt.

Biden half asleep is better than Trump Wide Awake.

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