"No culture that has ever accepted normalization of same sex relationships..."


Rational and proud of it.
Oct 1, 2008
I've seen posted a few times that civilizations or cultures that have ever accepted homosexuality as normal have gone out of existence. Most recently I saw this posted by Katzndogs:

"No culture that has ever accepted normalization of same sex relationships has survived."

This is a statement that displays a fundamental ignorance of history, how cultures behave, and human nature.

Let me just begin with history.

No culture which has existed in the past exists today. None. Zero. Some because of genocide, some because of reduced population and assimilation into larger cultures, and all the rest because cultures evolve. Were the Spartans of ancient Greece exterminated because of widespread homosexuality? No. Did all of the Spartans slowly die off because of homosexuality? No. Are there descendents of those homosexual Spartans that exist today? Yes. But Sparta as it existed 2,500 years ago no longer exists because, like all cultures, it evolved. The ancient Greek cultures evolved. The Romans, the ancient Chinese, the Egyptians, the Jews. None of those cultures exist today as they once did.

Ok. Now if we were to change the word culture into civilization to redefine the argument, it is no less flawed. In fact, the argument becomes incoherent. Taking again the Spartans as an example: that the Spartan civilization no longer exists is true; however, neither do the ancient Greek civilization, nor the Persian, the Egyptian, the Roman, the Chinese dynasties, the ancient Americans, nor even the British Empire or any other civilization. Were any of them brought down by homosexuality being culturally accepted? No? Yet there is still a nation called Greece, and there is still Iran, Egypt, China, Rome which burned still stands, and the ancient Americans were destroyed by more powerful empires not homosexuality. The UK is currently one of our closest allies.

What I would guess is the people who actually have this irrational fear - that homosexuality rots cultures and civilizations - really fear that the United States will crumble, either through this so-called homosexual threat or perhaps some other reason. This fear is, needless to say, well founded. At some point the United States won't exist anymore, not like it did. The ancient Egyptians' empire lasted for thousands of years, yet no longer does it exist as it had. It is the nature of cultures to evolve and of civilizations to rise and fall on the tides of history. That which has come before will again be no more.

I think what these people really fear is that the US is leaving them behind. As cultures and civilizations come and go, and more and more history is recorded, people, as a group, have a clearer understanding of history. We've come to see that treating others as second class citizens or as inferior is wrong and detrimental to the well-being of a society as a whole. Our country, as it evolves, is becoming more accepting of minorities. It is also becoming more brown and liberal. In 50 years, if trends continue, white people will be a minority in the US. Christianity or perhaps religiosity may become a feature of only a minority.

History shows that, although it isn't a smooth trajectory, human civilizations are progressing into a more liberal ideology. Its called progress and the term progressive reflects that. Conservatives cling to traditional cultural values, but culture evolves and tradition disappears into the mists of the past. New traditions form and the progressives of today become the conservatives of tomorrow. That is human nature.

To be against the eventual acceptance of homosexuality as a norm for our society is to go against history, to try to stop something that is unstoppable, and only, at best, slows the wheels of progress as they roll over you.
Homosexuality in and of itself cannot be blamed for the fall of a civilization. Homosexuality and alleged "sexual freedom" and "enlightenment" has always been nothing more than a symptom of a nation's downfall. This is because a civilization is always doomed when it becomes sensate and begins to focus on sensationalism- doing what feels good, focusing on the flesh, etc., rather than seeking higher enlightenment.

Look it up. At some point in history, a culture becomes focused entirely on the focused, thinking it better to live for the moment than to live for wisdom. It is at that point that their doom is almost always guaranteed, because they begin to rule and be ruled foolishly. It's self-destruction to a civilization to be sensate.
I've seen posted a few times that civilizations or cultures that have ever accepted homosexuality as normal have gone out of existence. Most recently I saw this posted by Katzndogs:

"No culture that has ever accepted normalization of same sex relationships has survived."

'Normalizing' same sex relationships means, in keeping with the definition of 'normalize', that same sex relationships get treated in the same manner opposite sex relationships get treated.

Therefore, if somehow a culture's sexual practices have brought on its demise, it would be as much through heterosexual sex as homosexual sex,

given that both were considered 'normal' in that culture.
Look it up. At some point in history, a culture becomes focused entirely on the focused, thinking it better to live for the moment than to live for wisdom. .

Living for the moment - rightly understood - is wisdom.
Look it up. At some point in history, a culture becomes focused entirely on the focused, thinking it better to live for the moment than to live for wisdom. .

Living for the moment - rightly understood - is wisdom.

No it isn't, living for the moment is foolishness. Doing what you want, when you want, any time you want,leads to the loss of wisdom and restraint.
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Coloradomtnman, faced with the accomplished destruction of the OP, concedes.
Homosexuality in and of itself cannot be blamed for the fall of a civilization. Homosexuality and alleged "sexual freedom" and "enlightenment" has always been nothing more than a symptom of a nation's downfall. This is because a civilization is always doomed when it becomes sensate and begins to focus on sensationalism- doing what feels good, focusing on the flesh, etc., rather than seeking higher enlightenment.

Look it up. At some point in history, a culture becomes focused entirely on the focused, thinking it better to live for the moment than to live for wisdom. It is at that point that their doom is almost always guaranteed, because they begin to rule and be ruled foolishly. It's self-destruction to a civilization to be sensate.

I don't remember Edward Gibbon using that as an argument in his monumental "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire".

Nonetheless, it is irrelevant. Read the OP. Your argument does not conform with reality or history or logic.
Homosexuality in and of itself cannot be blamed for the fall of a civilization. Homosexuality and alleged "sexual freedom" and "enlightenment" has always been nothing more than a symptom of a nation's downfall. This is because a civilization is always doomed when it becomes sensate and begins to focus on sensationalism- doing what feels good, focusing on the flesh, etc., rather than seeking higher enlightenment.

Look it up. At some point in history, a culture becomes focused entirely on the focused, thinking it better to live for the moment than to live for wisdom. It is at that point that their doom is almost always guaranteed, because they begin to rule and be ruled foolishly. It's self-destruction to a civilization to be sensate.

I don't remember Edward Gibbon using that as an argument in his monumental "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire".

Nonetheless, it is irrelevant. Read the OP. Your argument does not conform with reality or history or logic.

Rome -
Marcus Aurelius is quite possibly one of the most enlightened emperors of the Roman Empire. Yet his son, Commodus, was a sensate fool and single-handedly stuck the knife in that killed Rome. That is not to say that Commodus himself caused the fall of Rome entirely- he removed the enlightened level of authority and made the nation, on the whole, sensate from the lowest pleb to the highest government official. His father kept the empire afloat by not being sensate, thus directing his rule towards more "enlightened" goals of the intellectual, wiser sort.
There were 12 ceasars...and I think one of them, maybe 2, died natural deaths.

The Romans were famous for killing thousands of people and animals in the arena as entertainment, and enjoyed a society built completely upon the backs of slaves.

So is this what we're aspiring to emulate?
Nazi Germany was viciously anti-gay and is that the type of society we wish to imitate?
I've seen posted a few times that civilizations or cultures that have ever accepted homosexuality as normal have gone out of existence. Most recently I saw this posted by Katzndogs:

"No culture that has ever accepted normalization of same sex relationships has survived."

This is a statement that displays a fundamental ignorance of history, how cultures behave, and human nature.

Let me just begin with history.

No culture which has existed in the past exists today. None. Zero. Some because of genocide, some because of reduced population and assimilation into larger cultures, and all the rest because cultures evolve. Were the Spartans of ancient Greece exterminated because of widespread homosexuality? No. Did all of the Spartans slowly die off because of homosexuality? No. Are there descendents of those homosexual Spartans that exist today? Yes. But Sparta as it existed 2,500 years ago no longer exists because, like all cultures, it evolved. The ancient Greek cultures evolved. The Romans, the ancient Chinese, the Egyptians, the Jews. None of those cultures exist today as they once did.

Ok. Now if we were to change the word culture into civilization to redefine the argument, it is no less flawed. In fact, the argument becomes incoherent. Taking again the Spartans as an example: that the Spartan civilization no longer exists is true; however, neither do the ancient Greek civilization, nor the Persian, the Egyptian, the Roman, the Chinese dynasties, the ancient Americans, nor even the British Empire or any other civilization. Were any of them brought down by homosexuality being culturally accepted? No? Yet there is still a nation called Greece, and there is still Iran, Egypt, China, Rome which burned still stands, and the ancient Americans were destroyed by more powerful empires not homosexuality. The UK is currently one of our closest allies.

What I would guess is the people who actually have this irrational fear - that homosexuality rots cultures and civilizations - really fear that the United States will crumble, either through this so-called homosexual threat or perhaps some other reason. This fear is, needless to say, well founded. At some point the United States won't exist anymore, not like it did. The ancient Egyptians' empire lasted for thousands of years, yet no longer does it exist as it had. It is the nature of cultures to evolve and of civilizations to rise and fall on the tides of history. That which has come before will again be no more.

I think what these people really fear is that the US is leaving them behind. As cultures and civilizations come and go, and more and more history is recorded, people, as a group, have a clearer understanding of history. We've come to see that treating others as second class citizens or as inferior is wrong and detrimental to the well-being of a society as a whole. Our country, as it evolves, is becoming more accepting of minorities. It is also becoming more brown and liberal. In 50 years, if trends continue, white people will be a minority in the US. Christianity or perhaps religiosity may become a feature of only a minority.

History shows that, although it isn't a smooth trajectory, human civilizations are progressing into a more liberal ideology. Its called progress and the term progressive reflects that. Conservatives cling to traditional cultural values, but culture evolves and tradition disappears into the mists of the past. New traditions form and the progressives of today become the conservatives of tomorrow. That is human nature.

To be against the eventual acceptance of homosexuality as a norm for our society is to go against history, to try to stop something that is unstoppable, and only, at best, slows the wheels of progress as they roll over you.


It’s the hallmark of the fearful reactionary, terrified of change, diversity, expressions of dissent and individual liberty. They lash out blindly as a consequence of that fear at those whom they perceive as vulnerable in a futile attempt to stem the tide of change.
Nazi Germany was viciously anti-gay and is that the type of society we wish to imitate?

Definitely not.

Nor do I want to imitate the way that Hitler wanted to take away gun rights, the way he spied on citizens and invaded their privacy, the way he would attack dissenters calling out gov't wrongdoing, and the way he perpetuated and encouraged a state-run media system that always painted the administration (or regime) in a positive light.

Something to think about...

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