No EU slavery, Germans call for DEXIT a week after hailing Brexit succes

EU has been a Deep State project.

Putin: " One of the EU leaders – a former leader—told me that the ratio of binding decisions adopted by the European Parliament is higher than made by the USSR Supreme Soviet in relation to Soviet republics.
This means that the concentration of power at the top there is very high. Some like it and want to continue down this road of erasing national borders, whereas others do not like it.
Answers to media questions

Victor Orban:” For so long the things were so simple: a human being was a man or a woman. A mother, a father, Hungarian, German or Russian, Christian or Muslim. Now they want to drag us into a world where these natural and clear concepts are definitely missing. That world has no sure boundaries. It’s not clear who’s a man or a woman, what a family is, what it means to be Hungarian and Christian. They qualify families as unnecessary, nations as outdated.
Yes, there will be Frexit, Austexit, and so on and on, this ugly Deep State construction is gonna collapse. Brexit gave a green light and a hope for all the normal people in EU.
Putin is getting his ass kicked by EU...

Orban is getting the most amount from the EU per Captia.... Orban is the bottom feeder of the EU... Orban is getting to the stage if he wants to stick the hand out he will take the rules too... EU is not paying for Hungry to enrich Orban's family and friends... We are paying to develop Hungry into a market...
Orban is a fucking thief... He steal from his own people...
The Brexit was mainly made from the USA and not from Great Britain. And a Dexit would destroy Germany and the European Union. A destroyed European Union is for sure in the interest of the tyranny US-Russia under the geriatric president Donald Trump and his cold master Vladimir Putin.

I think Nikki Haley is your sister. I fear she has no chance - but she is your sister.

A destroyed European Union would be a good thing, we could replace it with.....errr....let me see....I dunno....say an European Economic Community. Let's abbreviate that to EEC and give it a commission that could just focus on trade.

I think Biden is your intimate lover.
Why hasn't the EU delivered cheap energy, low inflation, and low interest rates to the Euro currency member states?
I think they are are all lower than the EU...

Energy in Europe is generally cheaper
Lower Inflation in EU
Lower Interest rates too...

We also have media based in reality... Where are you getting your information from? The guys that told you to leave and everything would be Great!!!...

Brexit was a con job and UK are seeing it now...
I think they are are all lower than the EU...

Energy in Europe is generally cheaper
Lower Inflation in EU
Lower Interest rates too...

We also have media based in reality... Where are you getting your information from? The guys that told you to leave and everything would be Great!!!...

Brexit was a con job and UK are seeing it now...
The information was in the news over the COVID period as different countries and the EU bloc dipped in and out of recession.
Well, it makes you wonder why be part of an expensive dictatorship.

Germany should leave, it'll be in their best interest. Unfortunately, they'll land connected.
So we have established in the previous post that you are misinformed and gullible enough to believe Brexit was a good idea..

Now we already know you are going to cry that you are not the gullible one and everyone else is...

But we already shown that you were misinformed,

So why would anyone listen to you?
So we have established in the previous post that you are misinformed and gullible enough to believe Brexit was a good idea..

Now we already know you are going to cry that you are not the gullible one and everyone else is...

But we already shown that you were misinformed,

So why would anyone listen to you?
Brexit is a good idea, explain why sovereignty is not good.

You will find, that since Brexit, the remoaners have been crying, and they'll continue to cry forever and a day. And you want to know why? Remoaners/Lefties are undemocratic. The vote went the Leavers way, and you can't and never will handle it. A Remoaner is a person who pisses on the fallen's grave, so I fucking hate them with every bone in my body. The UK wouldn't remain the UK without the brave men and women that saved sovereignty, the EU wants to take country's sovereignty away.

So if you're a remoaner, in the words of Frankie Boyle, "Go and put your head in a meat grinder and go live in the woods, and if you were raped, I wouldn't feel a flicker of emotion". Don't take it as literal, take it as symbolic.
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Brexit is a good idea, explain why sovereignty is not good.

You will find, that since Brexit, the remoaners have been crying, and they'll continue to cry forever and a day. And you want to know why?

Because it had been totally idiotic to make such an important decision with a ~50:~50 mayorite (= "I don't know what's the best to do") - while Brits who lived since more than 15 years outside of GB had no right to vote? And because the USA under Donald Trump manipulated in many ways this votings? And because super-Brits and supporters of the Brexit "Britain to the Brits" - as for example a famous British car company - invested immediatelly after the Brexit in building factories in the EU while European car companies not stopped their investements in British products and British workers?

Remoaners/Lefties are undemocratic.

Trump is undemocratic. This high traitor took care that the first time in history of the USA the change of a government was accompanied from violent attacks against an institution and the political system of the USA (who was once called "the democracy" and who is now in danger to degenerate to one of the totally normal and stupid tyrannies of world history).

The vote went the Leavers way, and you can't and never will handle it. A Remoaner is a person who pisses on the fallen's grave,

Trump pissed on all graves of all US-soldiers of world war 2 in Europe. He did not like to visit the graves of this "losers" because he had problems with his outfit and hair-style when it rained. Not to call this soldiers "heroes of the USA" but "losers" is by the way indeed Trumps word for them; winners do not die!

so I fucking hate

is typical for Donald Trump.

them with every bone in my body.

Good grief. What kind of totally degenerated mind is in your hole which you call "my head"?

The UK wouldn't remain the UK without the brave men and women that saved sovereignty, the EU wants to take country's sovereignty away.

Or with other words: GB is now without any influence in Europe.

So if you're a remoaner, in the words of Frankie Boyle, "Go and put your head in a meat grinder and go live in the woods, and if you were raped, I wouldn't feel a flicker of emotion".

This reminds me to the old racist sentence: The only good Frankie Boyle I ever saw had been dead Frankie Boyles.

Don't take it as literal, take it as symbolic.

As a symbol for a total degeneration under a deepest level of what exactly?
Why hasn't the EU delivered cheap energy, low inflation, and low interest rates to the Euro currency member states?
Because they went green instead of nuclear, and that wasn't really the underlying goal of all that stuff that Merkel did.

The goal is to ration resources to the Hoi Polloi and limit mobility.
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Brexit is a good idea, explain why sovereignty is not good.

You will find, that since Brexit, the remoaners have been crying, and they'll continue to cry forever and a day. And you want to know why? Remoaners/Lefties are undemocratic. The vote went the Leavers way, and you can't and never will handle it. A Remoaner is a person who pisses on the fallen's grave, so I fucking hate them with every bone in my body. The UK wouldn't remain the UK without the brave men and women that saved sovereignty, the EU wants to take country's sovereignty away.

So if you're a remoaner, in the words of Frankie Boyle, "Go and put your head in a meat grinder and go live in the woods, and if you were raped, I wouldn't feel a flicker of emotion". Don't take it as literal, take it as symbolic.
Time for a revote then... Look at the polls..


British people have discovered that the Leavers were just a bunch of liars...

But we are looking at a 20% margin for joining EU.. And this is only getting worse as the leavers die off...

The poll in 2016 was actually quite undemocratic for making a decision...
The question was do to you want to leave EU... i.e. do you want to reject one choice... Not what do you want.. UK didn't vote on what they wanted...
This explains the complete mess that occurred afterwards. It turns out that while a majority might have stated they wanted to leave EU, being in the EU was by far the most popular single solution when compared to Soft Brexit, Hard Brexit, Norway Deal,....)...

The first thing a new goverment is going to do is join the common market and end the insanity... There will be the eating of a small bit of crow and won't be full integration but the insanity will stop...

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