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No Longer David:*The State of Israel As Goliath

Duly noted that the ONLY one to voice support for these egregious insults to ADD and MR individuals is the Nazi-sucking sherrithing.......anyone who opposed the Nazi murder programs against 'untermenschen' would not find those bold comments offensive.

As to the 'proof' - simply repeating unfounded allegations does not constitute 'proof' by even the most liberal of interpretations.
It's not "unfounded allegations". In 2008, there was a 4 month ceasefire that was broken when Israel launched a commando raid inside Gaza to kill some more government officials.

the self-defense claim propagated by Israeli and U.S. politicians since the initiation of Operation Cast Lead is inconsistent with both the facts and the law. Within weeks of entering into the Egyptian-brokered ceasefire agreement, Hamas rocket fire had come to a halt. According to the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the ceasefire was so successful that it brought “normal life and “calm” back to Israeli towns near Gaza. In an article posted on July 27, 2008, the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs even lauds Hamas, stating:

Publicly, Hamas leaders have stated time and again that the lull is a Palestinian national interest. On several occasions, Hamas members have arrested Fatah operatives who were involved in firing at Israel and confiscated their arms.

Calm prevailed for four months until Israeli forces broke the ceasefire agreement on November 4, 2008. While the world’s gaze turned to one of the U.S.’s most historic elections that day, Israel launched an armed incursion into Gaza, accompanied by aerial bombing, killing six Hamas members and catapulting the region into a renewed wave of violent hostilities. Hamas rocket fire immediately followed the Israeli attack. Two weeks later Israel’s largest circulation paper quoted Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak admitting that “the recent waves of rocket attacks are a result of our operations, which have resulted in the killing of twenty Hamas gunmen.” Barak’s admission, consistent with the fact that Israel broke the ceasefire, makes Israel’s self-defense claim baseless.
Even after that, Hamas offered to re-instate the ceasefire, but Israel refused.

Hamas offered to reinstate and extend the ceasefire a month later on December 23, 2008. Israel refused, ducking the chance to reach a diplomatic agreement that would have again ended rocket fire and brought the security desired by Israel. Instead, Israel chose massive escalation and four days later launched a gruesome aerial offensive against Gaza.
Israel doesn't want peace. They think they can solve all their problems by having the biggest stick and using it as much as possible.

Now, prove that's unfounded!
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"...Israel doesn't want peace..."
At this late stage, I would say that this is probably accurate, in the main.

Which is a pity, because, for many years after 1948, they did want peace.

Now, collectively, they seem to be interested in peace, but only after they finish shoving the Palestinians over the border and into Jordan.

The Palestinians should have cut a deal while there was still time.

By now, I think the Israelis are done with these Losers.

"...Israel doesn't want peace..."
At this late stage, I would say that this is probably accurate, in the main.

Which is a pity, because, for many years after 1948, they did want peace.

Now, collectively, they seem to be interested in peace, but only after they finish shoving the Palestinians over the border and into Jordan.

The Palestinians should have cut a deal while there was still time.

By now, I think the Israelis are done with these Losers.

Israel is the one violating international law, committing war crimes and clearly denying the Pals their right to self-determination, but it's the Pals that are losers?

Israeli military shoots at people fishing and farming, but it's the Pals that are the problem.

There's really no deal to cut. Israel needs to obey the law and leave the Pals alone.
"...There's really no deal to cut..."

The Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza have very little choice in the long run other than to (1) unconditionally surrender and (2) evacuate to Jordanian territory, in keeping with their Jordanian citizenship.

Or they can continue firing rockets, and dying in disproportionate numbers.

The Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza have very little choice in the long run other than to (1) unconditionally surrender and (2) evacuate to Jordanian territory, in keeping with their Jordanian citizenship.

Or they can continue firing rockets, and dying in disproportionate numbers.
That would be like Hitler telling all the Poles they have to move to Belgium.
"...That would be like Hitler telling all the Poles they have to move to Belgium."
More like the Algerians or Barhrainians or Egyptians or Iraqis or Lebanese or Libyans or Moroccans or Sudanese or Syrians or Tunisians or Yemenese or Adeni or Djiboutians or Afghans or Iranians or Pakistanis or Turks either (1) expelling Jews by telling them flat-out that they have to leave or (2) putting pressure on them to leave or (3) creating conditions or circumstances designed to convince them to leave or greatly diminish their numbers - all of which have happened since 1948, in all of those countries...

What's good for the goose...

And now the shoe's on the other foot, and everyone is supposed to put-on hair shirts and pour earth over their heads and wail and gnash their teeth, when no such thing was done over the large-scale Expulsions of Jews from those countries, within Living Memory?

At least the Palestinians are Jordanian Citizens and have a country to go to.

A country that should be taking care of them, and taking them in, to relieve their misery.

Doubly-true, in light of the idea that the unprovoked attack by Jordan upon Israel in 1967 is directly responsible for the West Bank no longer being under Arab control...

Jordan needs to step up to the plate and finish cleaning-up the mess that it made in 1967 - doing right by today's West Bankers - by relocating those poor people back within present-day Jordanian borders...
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More like the Algerians or Barhrainians or Egyptians or Iraqis or Lebanese or Libyans or Moroccans or Sudanese or Syrians or Tunisians or Yemenese or Adeni or Djiboutians or Afghans or Iranians or Pakistanis or Turks either (1) expelling Jews by telling them flat-out that they have to leave or (2) putting pressure on them to leave or (3) creating conditions or circumstances designed to convince them to leave or greatly diminish their numbers - all of which have happened since 1948, in all of those countries...

What's good for the goose...

And now the shoe's on the other foot, and everyone is supposed to put-on hair shirts and pour earth over their heads and wail and gnash their teeth, when no such thing was done over the large-scale Expulsions of Jews from those countries, within Living Memory?

At least the Palestinians are Jordanian Citizens and have a country to go to.

A country that should be taking care of them, and taking them in, to relieve their misery.

Doubly-true, in light of the idea that the unprovoked attack by Jordan upon Israel in 1967 is directly responsible for the West Bank no longer being under Arab control...

Jordan needs to step up to the plate and finish cleaning-up the mess that it made in 1967 - doing right by today's West Bankers - by relocating those poor people back within present-day Jordanian borders...
The Pals don't have to do anything.

They're not the ones in violation of international law.
"...The Pals don't have to do anything..."

They can sit there and continue to slowly rot in their shitholes, like they have for the past 65 years.

Or they can continue to fire-off rockets and die in hugely disproportionate numbers.

Or they can leave, and build new and far happier lives, elsewhere, and put this behind them.
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They can sit there and continue to slowly rot in their shitholes, like they have for the past 65 years.

Or they can continue to fire-off rockets and die in hugely disproportionate numbers.

Or they can leave, and build new and far happier lives, elsewhere.
In order to keep the Jewish race pure?
"...In order to keep the Jewish race pure?"
Nope. In order to complete the acquisition and consolidation of Eretz Yisrael as a final redoubt and sanctuary for the Jews of the world, whose practitioners span a wide variety of ethnicities. According to plan.
Nope. In order to complete the acquisition and consolidation of Eretz Yisrael as a final redoubt and sanctuary for the Jews of the world, whose practitioners span a wide variety of ethnicities. According to plan.
Zionist ideology is making that the most dangerous place in the world for jews.
Zionist ideology is making that the most dangerous place in the world for jews.
Pfffffttt... wake me up when you've got a credible force marshaled to threaten them.
Well, currently you got the entire world against what you're doing. Is that credible enough?
Fickle to-and-fro shifts in the World Opinion du jour do not constitute a credible force marshalled to threaten them.

Wake me up when you've got one of those.
More like the Algerians or Barhrainians or Egyptians or Iraqis or Lebanese or Libyans or Moroccans or Sudanese or Syrians or Tunisians or Yemenese or Adeni or Djiboutians or Afghans or Iranians or Pakistanis or Turks either (1) expelling Jews by telling them flat-out that they have to leave or (2) putting pressure on them to leave or (3) creating conditions or circumstances designed to convince them to leave or greatly diminish their numbers - all of which have happened since 1948, in all of those countries...

What's good for the goose...

And now the shoe's on the other foot, and everyone is supposed to put-on hair shirts and pour earth over their heads and wail and gnash their teeth, when no such thing was done over the large-scale Expulsions of Jews from those countries, within Living Memory?

At least the Palestinians are Jordanian Citizens and have a country to go to.

A country that should be taking care of them, and taking them in, to relieve their misery.

Doubly-true, in light of the idea that the unprovoked attack by Jordan upon Israel in 1967 is directly responsible for the West Bank no longer being under Arab control...

Jordan needs to step up to the plate and finish cleaning-up the mess that it made in 1967 - doing right by today's West Bankers - by relocating those poor people back within present-day Jordanian borders...
The Pals don't have to do anything.

They're not the ones in violation of international law.

The beauty in this is the Palestinian people, they win by surviving as victims of Occupation.

The same was true of the Jews in the Holocaust.

Warmongers seem blind to these Truths.

Poor pitiful creatures Zionists are!

They can sit there and continue to slowly rot in their shitholes, like they have for the past 65 years.

Or they can continue to fire-off rockets and die in hugely disproportionate numbers.

Or they can leave, and build new and far happier lives, elsewhere.
In order to keep the Jewish race pure?

Jewish Supremacism, that is what the Zionist experiment in Palestine is all about!
"...The beauty in this is the Palestinian people, they win by surviving as victims of Occupation..."
Then they'd better hurry up and win...


Because, according to your own propaganda maps, the game-clock is running down.

Another 10-15 years at this rate, and every living Muslim-Arab Palestinian will be living in Jordan or Lebanon...

And Eretz Yisrael will finally be completed...
"...Jewish Supremacism, that is what the Zionist experiment in Palestine is all about!"

Making the Jews supreme within a reborn Eretz Yisrael.

I doubt they give a damn for what goes on beyond those borders, though, other than to guard against further aggressions.

The Muslim-Arabs have their own lands.

The Jews are in the process of taking theirs back.

And that job is nearly completed now.
"...The beauty in this is the Palestinian people, they win by surviving as victims of Occupation..."
Then they'd better hurry up and win...


Because, according to your own propaganda maps, the game-clock is running down.

Another 10-15 years at this rate, and every living Muslim-Arab Palestinian will be living in Jordan or Lebanon...

And Eretz Yisrael will finally be completed...

Palestinians already exceed in number the Jews in Palestine once again.

Occupations in Palestine always fail, it is just a matter of time!

No idea why those colonist outside Zionists want to be in Palestine, and that right there explains much of todays migration from Palestine and the migration we shall see in coming days!

Look at you, you are a Zionist here in the US and you choose to live here and not there!
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"...Palestinians already exceed in number the Jews in Palestine once again. Occupations in Palestine always fail, it is just a matter of time!.. "
Numbers don't matter at all when you're being quickly squeezed off the land and forced across the border.

"...you choose to live here and not there!"
That's 'cause I'm an Irish-German American with Roman Catholic roots on both the maternal and paternal sides of my family. I'm not a Jew and have no business nor desire to live in Israel. They're not my people. I'm not a stakeholder. I'm not emotionally involved. I'm just an observer with strong Israeli and Jewish sympathies.
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