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No One Has a Right to Health Care

Well then I look forward to the conservative candidates to propose ending SS, medicare, and medicaid. When is the announcement coming? My dad was in the hospital 17 times the last year he was alive. Medicare was the savior that enabled my mom to avoid going into debt. Nobody should have to go into major debt when they get sick.NOBODY. if we are going to base every decision on money then I will come out and say america isn't all that great.
One reason everyone has a right to healthcare is that the US has subsidized every faction of it. All the entities that provide healthcare in any form have collected taxpayer assistance and subsidies that make their existence possible.
Even prior to the ACA nobody was denied access to healthcare. If you walked into a publicly funded hospital with a stab wound or drug overdose they were required to take care of you.
An E.R. charges a thousand dollars for a visit, where people with pneumonia, gastroenteritis, panic attacks, etc. go when a doctor's visit would be vastly less expensive, if they had the insurance coverage. Who's really paying?
I am paying for it, as are other taxpayers. Nonetheless, I have no interest in paying for your "preventative care", rubbers, or cock enhancement surgery. However, since I have no desire to move elsewhere to live with Muslims and other trash I am stuck having to pay for YOUR healthcare, aren't I?
And I pay for yours. Where's the unfairness in that?
I have a grandfathered individual policy, the premiums on which have more than doubled since the enactment of the ACA. I suspect that I am footing more of my medical bills than you are of mine, honey.
Don't you get it? You aren't going to be paying premiums anymore.
No One Has a Right to Health Care
by Jacob G. Hornberger February 3, 2016

Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders says that everyone has a right to health care. Unfortunately, none of his presidential opponents, Democrat or Republican, is going to challenge him on the point. They’re too scared that they’d lose votes by challenging a standard socialist shibboleth in America.

Sanders’ assertion only goes to show how American socialists (i.e., progressives) have warped and perverted the concept of rights within the minds of the American people. The fact is that no one has a right to health care any more than he has a right to a home, a car, food, spouse, or anything else.

The correct concept of rights was enunciated by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence, the document that Americans ironically celebrate every Fourth of July. Jefferson observed that people have been endowed with certain unalienable rights, among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Where does the right to life fit in with healthcare





I am also a taxpaying neighbor, gainfully employed, and I would be buying yours, as well as mine!
To claim a "right" to health care, one must claim a right to be served by others.

Most normal people appreciate the fact that their mothers were "served" by the medical staff in the delivery room.

And they should appreciate it. But should they demand it as their right?
Healthcare often means life itself. It is not a constitutional right, but a moral imperative. Unless you're channeling Malthus today.
You ever heard of something called Hippocratic Oath?

The answer to this question is quite simple:

If a doctor is refusing to apply the science, he has been taught to apply on the sick, for the sole reason of "money", he should not be forced to do anything, he should be kicked straight out of the practice.

By whom? And what does any of this have to do with rights?

What is by whom?

This has a lot to do with the rights,

Doctors are people who are taught the science of medicine to cure the sick. This concludes that your "forcing the doctor" argument is irrelevant.

Blocking peoples access to the medicine, is nothing different from blocking people from accessing to the internet, or clean water, or air... which is against the human rights in the first place..

So who is blocking access to healthcare? Nobody.

And who is blocking you from that Ferrari and yacht? No one, right? Just go get them. It's that simple. Right?
Society. I can't pay for that so you have to pay for it for me. OTherwise you're denying me my rights.

Why can't you pay for it? You must be lazy.
Okay, so we end Medicaid and every other government program that to some degree gives people a right to healthcare regardless of their ability to pay.

How does that make America better? Be specific.
It will lower healthcare costs for everyone. Those in need will access private charities, funded in part by the savings from ending Medicaid.

You're not a very deep thinker, are you?
Okay, so we end Medicaid and every other government program that to some degree gives people a right to healthcare regardless of their ability to pay.

How does that make America better? Be specific.
It will lower healthcare costs for everyone. Those in need will access private charities, funded in part by the savings from ending Medicaid.

Where has that ever worked?

Get ready for this response..."I'm not doing your research for you"
Everyone has a right to life, hence healthcare.

What denies me that right are government workers. Every government worker takes away part of my rights. Each day the government grows, my right to healthcare disappear.

It is overpaid university professors stealing my right to healthcare. Their salaries require my money, and when they are busy chasing bullshit theories, that hurts my life. Designing a 1000 foot tall wind mill in a university diverts funds that can be used to cure cancer. It makes school too expensive for me so I can never improve my life.

The government destroys our economy, as the government grows it consumes private jobs that used to pay enough that one did not need health insurance.

How about having babies, it used to be free, then it cost a little for a doctor and a hospital room, now it costs 30,000 here in the usa but only a 1000 on the third world. But we got government laws, regulations, malpractice insurance, and lawyers all demanding money so that we can have a baby.

Does anyone really think about how it is the government that created this crisis, making healthcare so expensive ee are literally begging the government workers fir aspirins.

Everyone in the government is safe though. Forever. It us the government sgainst the people. They hold our health hostage.
By whom? And what does any of this have to do with rights?

What is by whom?

This has a lot to do with the rights,

Doctors are people who are taught the science of medicine to cure the sick. This concludes that your "forcing the doctor" argument is irrelevant.

Blocking peoples access to the medicine, is nothing different from blocking people from accessing to the internet, or clean water, or air... which is against the human rights in the first place..
No one's access is blocked. Doctors charge for their services. They aren't free.

Then they are not doctors, but bankers.

Doctors get paid for their job, which is, treating the sick.

Nobody forcing people to go to med school. They choose to do so with their free will...
Maybe the government should pay their way in med school, and then expect fair and good results in return, such as treating the sick on equal terms instead of using class warfare to determin who wins and who loses as based upon the services rendered, and all because of money. By qualification to keep down fraud, the government should also be willing to assist those who can't legitimately pay for vital services in which they may need from the health care industry... I think it does this, but it hasn't been doing such a good job just like it hadn't done in regards to the vets.... There is enough blame to go around for all, and it has to be fixed.
Hell, while we're at it, let's have the government flush our toilets and brush our teeth. Hell, maybe even make our coffee in the morning. That would be awesome.
. That's your answer to it all ? Who do you think your foolin with that kind of response ? You see folks, this is the kind of idiotic response to a complicated issue regarding one subject, and yet it is always used to cast fear suggesting that it can't be done without government taking over everything with that kind of blabbering being spewed..
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Well you definitely have the right to keep yourself healthy. If you want to smoke two packs of cigarettes and wash down a couple of pizzas with a case of beer everyday, why in hell should I have to pay for your health care?
So, no pizza, beer and Marlboro's for you, huh? When you are out of work and out of funds and your appendix bursts through absolutely no fault of your own, of you break your leg falling on a patch of ice, you would probably appreciate it if we helped you out. Which we would.
Sometimes I unfairly assume things, but I have a feeling you've never been down and out or even close to it. Otherwise you wouldn't have such a cavalier attitude toward life saving care. And IF we had universal healthcare, you wouldn't be paying mine, we would be paying each other's, or if you like, we would be all be paying for our own. Totally fair.
To claim a "right" to health care, one must claim a right to be served by others.

Most normal people appreciate the fact that their mothers were "served" by the medical staff in the delivery room.

And they should appreciate it. But should they demand it as their right?
Healthcare often means life itself. It is not a constitutional right, but a moral imperative. Unless you're channeling Malthus today.

The nation's health is directly connected to our nation's safety and security. National health is a vital interest,

therefore, the federal government is wholly justified in acting to protect and improve our people's health.
The whole idea of "rights" has been thoroughly corrupted to the point that people actually buy the notion that a right means the taxpayers must provide something.

Yup. Loads of people have grown up thinking the Govt., i.e. the taxpayers of America, owe them for food, housing and medical care.

If anyone has ever read the Constitution you won't find the word Charity in it anywhere and I doubt the FF envisioned one class of people, the taxpaying class supporting the none taxpaying or freeloader class.

The FF were pretty damned smart and its not their fault that America has loads of freeloaders who feel someone else should bankroll their lives for em.
GFY, Claudette. I am no free loader; I have worked all my life and have never taken a dime from the government even when things were really tough. And I still believe universal healthcare is the only fair and moral solution for our country.
"No One Has a Right to Health Care"

No one of significance or consequence says one does.

Anyone who maintains such a thing is wrong.

Many people do, however, and it displays a disturbing level of ignorance regarding the concept of rights. It's disturbing because our primary defense against losing our rights, is our collective will to defend them. These people don't even understand what rights are.

But the Constitution does authorize Congress to enact any manner of healthcare legislation at the behest of the people, including a single-payer program such as Medicare.

No, it actually doesn't. Even in it's current state of neglect and disrepair, the Constitution prohibits many "manners" of potential healthcare legislation.

Something doesn't need to be a 'right' for it to be the wise and appropriate thing to do.

The question is whether providing citizens with healthcare is an appropriate thing for government to do. I don't believe it is. The coercive power of government should be reserved for problems that justify such extreme measures. No one should go to jail over a difference of opinion regarding health care.
To claim a "right" to health care, one must claim a right to be served by others.

Most normal people appreciate the fact that their mothers were "served" by the medical staff in the delivery room.

And they should appreciate it. But should they demand it as their right?
Healthcare often means life itself. It is not a constitutional right, but a moral imperative. Unless you're channeling Malthus today.

The nation's health is directly connected to our nation's safety and security. National health is a vital interest,

therefore, the federal government is wholly justified in acting to protect and improve our people's health.

This is a frighteningly fascist point of view. And I don't use that word lightly.
To claim a "right" to health care, one must claim a right to be served by others.

Most normal people appreciate the fact that their mothers were "served" by the medical staff in the delivery room.

And they should appreciate it. But should they demand it as their right?
Healthcare often means life itself. It is not a constitutional right, but a moral imperative. Unless you're channeling Malthus today.

The nation's health is directly connected to our nation's safety and security. National health is a vital interest,

therefore, the federal government is wholly justified in acting to protect and improve our people's health.

This is a frighteningly fascist point of view. And I don't use that word lightly.

What do you dispute?
Most normal people appreciate the fact that their mothers were "served" by the medical staff in the delivery room.

And they should appreciate it. But should they demand it as their right?
Healthcare often means life itself. It is not a constitutional right, but a moral imperative. Unless you're channeling Malthus today.

The nation's health is directly connected to our nation's safety and security. National health is a vital interest,

therefore, the federal government is wholly justified in acting to protect and improve our people's health.

This is a frighteningly fascist point of view. And I don't use that word lightly.

What do you dispute?

That citizens are the property of the state. It's the other way around.

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