No one who loves America can vote Democrat after watching this explanation of the Left

I alread
I don't vote either party because you are a dope if you vote for either party.
the proper description is ,,,

kool-aid drinking mindless drone

Let's compare our respective goals and track records and see who is drinking the suicide juice.
I already won,,,now drink

You learned from the Nancy Pelosi political strategy of putting the cart before the horse.

Pelosi: Vote for the ACA bill BEFORE you read it.

You: I win. Now drink the Flavor Aid.
Funny how I read the bill before the congress voted for it. I liked it.

Then you (TAX MAN) admit to wanting to give the government the power to convert us from Sovereigns to Subjects.


You are now discredited as a misguided Leftist or Liberal who would give away our power to the government.

Who is the next contender?
Last edited:
Amazing how many people believe this myopic way of thinking is wisdom. It’s not.

Racist much???
Not hardly. My slaves love me.

Were you born Muslim or did you convert?

Islam and the Submission of Women

May 15 2008 | by Bill Warner

Islam and the Submission of Women - Political Islam

By Jamie Glazov | Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Bill Warner, the director of the Center for the Study of Political Islam (CSPI) and spokesman for’s goal is to teach the doctrine of political Islam through itsbooks and it has produced an eleven book series on political Islam. Mr.Warner did not write the CSPI series, but he acts as the agent for agroup of scholars who are the authors.

The Center’s latest book is The Submission of Women and Slaves, Islamic Duality.

FP: BillWarner, it’s a privilege to have you back at Frontpage Magazine. We aregoing to do a two-part series with you on the most recent book. In thisfirst part we will discuss Islam and its doctrine on the submission ofwomen and in the next part we will discuss the matter of slavery.
Welcome to Frontpage Interview.

Warner: Thank you, it is a pleasure.

FP: So tell us in general where Islam stands on women and why.
Warner: Islam’sstand on women is the same as its stand on every issue—duality andsubmission. Dualism demands that everything is seen, not as a unifiedwhole, but as divided. The primary political duality is the divisionbetween kafirs (unbelievers) and believers. The primary internalduality is the division between males and females.

The principle of submission means that one must rule over the other. No surprise, the women must submit to the men.

CSPI measured the submission of the female to the male by analyzing theIslamic doctrine. All of Islam’s doctrine is found in the Koran, theHadith (Traditions) and the Sira (the life of Mohammed), the Trilogy.We collected every verse, every paragraph and every sentence thatmentioned women and their power relationships. These were allcategorized into the women being superior, inferior, equal or merely mentioned.


Bill Warner, Jamie Glazov, women

Islam and the Submission of Women - Political Islam
I alread
I will bet One Cent (USD) that no one who loves America can vote Democrat after watching this explanation of why they shouldn't.

Agenda: Grinding America Down (2010) - Curtis Bowers

I don't vote either party because you are a dope if you vote for either party.

the proper description is ,,,

kool-aid drinking mindless drone

Let's compare our respective goals and track records and see who is drinking the suicide juice.

I already won,,,now drink

You learned from the Nancy Pelosi political strategy of putting the cart before the horse.

Pelosi: Vote for the ACA bill BEFORE you read it.

You: I win. Now drink the Flavor Aid.

ands the republicans not only left the ACA in place but said they want to expand on it and make it better

so are you drinking red kool-aid or the orange??
I alread
the proper description is ,,,

kool-aid drinking mindless drone

Let's compare our respective goals and track records and see who is drinking the suicide juice.
I already won,,,now drink

You learned from the Nancy Pelosi political strategy of putting the cart before the horse.

Pelosi: Vote for the ACA bill BEFORE you read it.

You: I win. Now drink the Flavor Aid.
Funny how I read the bill before the congress voted for it. I liked it.

Then you (TAX MAN) admit to wanting to give the government the power to convert us from Sovereigns to Subjects.


You are now discredited as a misguided Leftist or Liberal who would give away our power to the government.

Who is the next contender?
thats not what he said

drink up
I think the way it was actually pitched was that anyone can vote for whomever they choose.

That is the ONE thing all our country's enemies' hopes rest upon.

John Adams Quotes. "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

Immoral, irreligious and Islamist attackers are trying to use our Constitution to bring down America by using the sanctuary of the Constitution as their safe space and staging area.

Our enemies' hopes rest upon the fact that we have free and open elections, where we can vote for whoever we want?

You're going to have to explain that one to me.
I alread
I don't vote either party because you are a dope if you vote for either party.
the proper description is ,,,

kool-aid drinking mindless drone

Let's compare our respective goals and track records and see who is drinking the suicide juice.
I already won,,,now drink

You learned from the Nancy Pelosi political strategy of putting the cart before the horse.

Pelosi: Vote for the ACA bill BEFORE you read it.

You: I win. Now drink the Flavor Aid.

ands the republicans not only left the ACA in place but said they want to expand on it and make it better

so are you drinking red kool-aid or the orange??
Thank you for putting the POS in it's place.
For what it's worth, it's a decent video to watch. I bit the bullet and suffered through.

It definitely filled in a couple of gaps for me.

Yes, it's basically a history of Communism in the world, and how we got here in America today.
I alread
I don't vote either party because you are a dope if you vote for either party.
the proper description is ,,,

kool-aid drinking mindless drone

Let's compare our respective goals and track records and see who is drinking the suicide juice.
I already won,,,now drink

You learned from the Nancy Pelosi political strategy of putting the cart before the horse.

Pelosi: Vote for the ACA bill BEFORE you read it.

You: I win. Now drink the Flavor Aid.

ands the republicans not only left the ACA in place but said they want to expand on it and make it better

so are you drinking red kool-aid or the orange??


In the summer of 2013, Cruz started a "nationwide tour" sponsored by the Heritage Foundation to promote a congressional effort to defund the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, arguing that Republicans should unite in upcoming Continuing Resolution negotiations to defund Obamacare and with regard to a potential government shutdown Cruz downplayed worries of the political risk to Republicans by citing the results of the 1996 midterm elections.[53][54]

On September 24, 2013, Cruz began a speech on the floor of the Senate regarding the Affordable Care Act relative to a continuing resolution designed to fund the government and avert a government shutdown.[55][56] Cruz promised to keep speaking until he was "no longer able to stand".[57] Cruz yielded the floor at noon the following day for the start of the proceeding legislative session after twenty-one hours nineteen minutes.[58] His speech was the fourth-longest in United States Senate history.[59] Following Cruz's speech, the Senate voted 100–0 regarding a "procedural hurdle toward passing a stopgap funding bill to avert a government shutdown".[60] Cruz was joined by 18 Republican senators in his effort to prevent stripping out a clause that would have defunded the Affordable Care Act by voting against the cloture motion, leaving the effort 21 votes short of the required number to deny cloture.[61]

Political positions of Ted Cruz - Wikipedia
Were you born Muslim or did you convert?

I'm as Catholic as a Lenten fish fry. :lol:

Here is the memo you apparently failed to get.

If you POST like an Islamist, you get treated like an Islamist.

Catholics don't keep slaves as part of Catholic doctrine.

Muslims do.

Amir Taheri: "Islam Is Incompatible With Democracy"
Benador Associates ^ | May 19, 2004 | Amir Taheri
Posted on 5/19/2004, 9:36:50 PM by F14 Pilot

Amir Taheri's remarks during the debate on " Islam Is Incompatible With Democracy"
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am glad that this debate takes place in English.

Because, were it to be conducted in any of the languages of our part of the world, we would not have possessed the vocabulary needed.

To understand a civilisation it is important to understand its vocabulary.

If it was not on their tongues it is likely that it was not on their minds either.

There was no word in any of the Muslim languages for democracy until the 1890s. Even then the Greek word democracy entered Muslim languages with little change: democrasi in Persian, dimokraytiyah in Arabic, demokratio in Turkish.

Democracy as the proverbial schoolboy would know is based on one fundamental principle: equality.
The Greek word for equal isos is used in more than 200 compound nouns; including isoteos (equality) and Isologia (equal or free speech) and isonomia (equal treatment).

But again we find no equivalent in any of the Muslim languages. The words we have such as barabari in Persian and sawiyah in Arabic mean juxtaposition or levelling.

Nor do we have a word for politics.

The word siassah, now used as a synonym for politics, initially meant whipping stray camels into line.( Sa'es al-kheil is a person who brings back lost camels to the caravan. )The closest translation may be: regimentation.

Nor is there mention of such words as government and the state in the Koran.

It is no accident that early Muslims translated numerous ancient Greek texts but never those related to political matters. The great Avicenna himself translated Aristotle's Poetics. But there was no translation of Aristotle's Politics in Persian until 1963.

Lest us return to the issue of equality.
The idea is unacceptable to Islam.
For the non-believer cannot be the equal of the believer.
Even among the believers only those who subscribe to the three so-called Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam ( Ahl el-Kitab) are regarded as fully human.
Here is the hierarchy of human worth in Islam:
At the summit are free male Muslims
Next come Muslim male slaves
Then come free Muslim women
Next come Muslim slave women.
Then come free Jewish and /or Christian men
Then come slave Jewish and/or Christian men
Then come slave Jewish and/or Christian women.

Amir Taheri: "Islam Is Incompatible With Democracy"
Were you born Muslim or did you convert?

I'm as Catholic as a Lenten fish fry. :lol:

Here is the memo you apparently failed to get.

If you POST like an Islamist, you get treated like an Islamist.

Catholics don't keep slaves as part of Catholic doctrine.

Muslims do.

Amir Taheri: "Islam Is Incompatible With Democracy"
Benador Associates ^ | May 19, 2004 | Amir Taheri
Posted on 5/19/2004, 9:36:50 PM by F14 Pilot

Amir Taheri's remarks during the debate on " Islam Is Incompatible With Democracy"
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am glad that this debate takes place in English.

Because, were it to be conducted in any of the languages of our part of the world, we would not have possessed the vocabulary needed.

To understand a civilisation it is important to understand its vocabulary.

If it was not on their tongues it is likely that it was not on their minds either.

There was no word in any of the Muslim languages for democracy until the 1890s. Even then the Greek word democracy entered Muslim languages with little change: democrasi in Persian, dimokraytiyah in Arabic, demokratio in Turkish.

Democracy as the proverbial schoolboy would know is based on one fundamental principle: equality.
The Greek word for equal isos is used in more than 200 compound nouns; including isoteos (equality) and Isologia (equal or free speech) and isonomia (equal treatment).

But again we find no equivalent in any of the Muslim languages. The words we have such as barabari in Persian and sawiyah in Arabic mean juxtaposition or levelling.

Nor do we have a word for politics.

The word siassah, now used as a synonym for politics, initially meant whipping stray camels into line.( Sa'es al-kheil is a person who brings back lost camels to the caravan. )The closest translation may be: regimentation.

Nor is there mention of such words as government and the state in the Koran.

It is no accident that early Muslims translated numerous ancient Greek texts but never those related to political matters. The great Avicenna himself translated Aristotle's Poetics. But there was no translation of Aristotle's Politics in Persian until 1963.

Lest us return to the issue of equality.
The idea is unacceptable to Islam.
For the non-believer cannot be the equal of the believer.
Even among the believers only those who subscribe to the three so-called Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam ( Ahl el-Kitab) are regarded as fully human.
Here is the hierarchy of human worth in Islam:
At the summit are free male Muslims
Next come Muslim male slaves
Then come free Muslim women
Next come Muslim slave women.
Then come free Jewish and /or Christian men
Then come slave Jewish and/or Christian men
Then come slave Jewish and/or Christian women.

Amir Taheri: "Islam Is Incompatible With Democracy"

I don’t actually own slaves, dip shit. :lol:

Myopic and humorless. What a dull combo.
Were you born Muslim or did you convert?

I'm as Catholic as a Lenten fish fry. :lol:

Here is the memo you apparently failed to get.

If you POST like an Islamist, you get treated like an Islamist.

Catholics don't keep slaves as part of Catholic doctrine.

Muslims do.

Amir Taheri: "Islam Is Incompatible With Democracy"
Benador Associates ^ | May 19, 2004 | Amir Taheri
Posted on 5/19/2004, 9:36:50 PM by F14 Pilot

Amir Taheri's remarks during the debate on " Islam Is Incompatible With Democracy"
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am glad that this debate takes place in English.

Because, were it to be conducted in any of the languages of our part of the world, we would not have possessed the vocabulary needed.

To understand a civilisation it is important to understand its vocabulary.

If it was not on their tongues it is likely that it was not on their minds either.

There was no word in any of the Muslim languages for democracy until the 1890s. Even then the Greek word democracy entered Muslim languages with little change: democrasi in Persian, dimokraytiyah in Arabic, demokratio in Turkish.

Democracy as the proverbial schoolboy would know is based on one fundamental principle: equality.
The Greek word for equal isos is used in more than 200 compound nouns; including isoteos (equality) and Isologia (equal or free speech) and isonomia (equal treatment).

But again we find no equivalent in any of the Muslim languages. The words we have such as barabari in Persian and sawiyah in Arabic mean juxtaposition or levelling.

Nor do we have a word for politics.

The word siassah, now used as a synonym for politics, initially meant whipping stray camels into line.( Sa'es al-kheil is a person who brings back lost camels to the caravan. )The closest translation may be: regimentation.

Nor is there mention of such words as government and the state in the Koran.

It is no accident that early Muslims translated numerous ancient Greek texts but never those related to political matters. The great Avicenna himself translated Aristotle's Poetics. But there was no translation of Aristotle's Politics in Persian until 1963.

Lest us return to the issue of equality.
The idea is unacceptable to Islam.
For the non-believer cannot be the equal of the believer.
Even among the believers only those who subscribe to the three so-called Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam ( Ahl el-Kitab) are regarded as fully human.
Here is the hierarchy of human worth in Islam:
At the summit are free male Muslims
Next come Muslim male slaves
Then come free Muslim women
Next come Muslim slave women.
Then come free Jewish and /or Christian men
Then come slave Jewish and/or Christian men
Then come slave Jewish and/or Christian women.

Amir Taheri: "Islam Is Incompatible With Democracy"

I don’t actually own slaves, dip shit. :lol:

Myopic and humorless. What a dull combo.

Don't say you didn't get the memo.
For what it's worth, it's a decent video to watch. I bit the bullet and suffered through.

It definitely filled in a couple of gaps for me.

Yes, it's basically a history of Communism in the world, and how we got here in America today.

With that act, we can see that you are most likely the smartest poster here.

(Other than myself, mebbe. LOLOL)

Who is going to watch an hour and a half video.
I watched a few minutes of it. It’s just another, Librulism is evil and must be wiped out, conservatism is the cure, propaganda film.
Were you born Muslim or did you convert?

I'm as Catholic as a Lenten fish fry. :lol:

Here is the memo you apparently failed to get.

If you POST like an Islamist, you get treated like an Islamist.

Catholics don't keep slaves as part of Catholic doctrine.

Muslims do.

Amir Taheri: "Islam Is Incompatible With Democracy"
Benador Associates ^ | May 19, 2004 | Amir Taheri
Posted on 5/19/2004, 9:36:50 PM by F14 Pilot

Amir Taheri's remarks during the debate on " Islam Is Incompatible With Democracy"
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am glad that this debate takes place in English.

Because, were it to be conducted in any of the languages of our part of the world, we would not have possessed the vocabulary needed.

To understand a civilisation it is important to understand its vocabulary.

If it was not on their tongues it is likely that it was not on their minds either.

There was no word in any of the Muslim languages for democracy until the 1890s. Even then the Greek word democracy entered Muslim languages with little change: democrasi in Persian, dimokraytiyah in Arabic, demokratio in Turkish.

Democracy as the proverbial schoolboy would know is based on one fundamental principle: equality.
The Greek word for equal isos is used in more than 200 compound nouns; including isoteos (equality) and Isologia (equal or free speech) and isonomia (equal treatment).

But again we find no equivalent in any of the Muslim languages. The words we have such as barabari in Persian and sawiyah in Arabic mean juxtaposition or levelling.

Nor do we have a word for politics.

The word siassah, now used as a synonym for politics, initially meant whipping stray camels into line.( Sa'es al-kheil is a person who brings back lost camels to the caravan. )The closest translation may be: regimentation.

Nor is there mention of such words as government and the state in the Koran.

It is no accident that early Muslims translated numerous ancient Greek texts but never those related to political matters. The great Avicenna himself translated Aristotle's Poetics. But there was no translation of Aristotle's Politics in Persian until 1963.

Lest us return to the issue of equality.
The idea is unacceptable to Islam.
For the non-believer cannot be the equal of the believer.
Even among the believers only those who subscribe to the three so-called Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam ( Ahl el-Kitab) are regarded as fully human.
Here is the hierarchy of human worth in Islam:
At the summit are free male Muslims
Next come Muslim male slaves
Then come free Muslim women
Next come Muslim slave women.
Then come free Jewish and /or Christian men
Then come slave Jewish and/or Christian men
Then come slave Jewish and/or Christian women.

Amir Taheri: "Islam Is Incompatible With Democracy"

I don’t actually own slaves, dip shit. :lol:

Myopic and humorless. What a dull combo.

Who is going to watch an hour and a half video.
I watched a few minutes of it. It’s just another, Librulism is evil and must be wiped out, conservatism is the cure, propaganda film.

There's a saying that, "a word to the wise is sufficient."

Apparently you think so little of the American public that you really can not realize how much of an insult your comment is.

You think that we can hear and read and see that the leftists have taken over America over the decades and remain stupid indefinitely!

If it is just one more proof of the fact that the Left are evil, how many more times should we hear the warning and NOT pay attention?

Do you hope we stay stuck on stupid long enough for the imposition of Sharia law here?
Were you born Muslim or did you convert?

I'm as Catholic as a Lenten fish fry. :lol:

Here is the memo you apparently failed to get.

If you POST like an Islamist, you get treated like an Islamist.

Catholics don't keep slaves as part of Catholic doctrine.

Muslims do.

Amir Taheri: "Islam Is Incompatible With Democracy"
Benador Associates ^ | May 19, 2004 | Amir Taheri
Posted on 5/19/2004, 9:36:50 PM by F14 Pilot

Amir Taheri's remarks during the debate on " Islam Is Incompatible With Democracy"
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am glad that this debate takes place in English.

Because, were it to be conducted in any of the languages of our part of the world, we would not have possessed the vocabulary needed.

To understand a civilisation it is important to understand its vocabulary.

If it was not on their tongues it is likely that it was not on their minds either.

There was no word in any of the Muslim languages for democracy until the 1890s. Even then the Greek word democracy entered Muslim languages with little change: democrasi in Persian, dimokraytiyah in Arabic, demokratio in Turkish.

Democracy as the proverbial schoolboy would know is based on one fundamental principle: equality.
The Greek word for equal isos is used in more than 200 compound nouns; including isoteos (equality) and Isologia (equal or free speech) and isonomia (equal treatment).

But again we find no equivalent in any of the Muslim languages. The words we have such as barabari in Persian and sawiyah in Arabic mean juxtaposition or levelling.

Nor do we have a word for politics.

The word siassah, now used as a synonym for politics, initially meant whipping stray camels into line.( Sa'es al-kheil is a person who brings back lost camels to the caravan. )The closest translation may be: regimentation.

Nor is there mention of such words as government and the state in the Koran.

It is no accident that early Muslims translated numerous ancient Greek texts but never those related to political matters. The great Avicenna himself translated Aristotle's Poetics. But there was no translation of Aristotle's Politics in Persian until 1963.

Lest us return to the issue of equality.
The idea is unacceptable to Islam.
For the non-believer cannot be the equal of the believer.
Even among the believers only those who subscribe to the three so-called Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam ( Ahl el-Kitab) are regarded as fully human.
Here is the hierarchy of human worth in Islam:
At the summit are free male Muslims
Next come Muslim male slaves
Then come free Muslim women
Next come Muslim slave women.
Then come free Jewish and /or Christian men
Then come slave Jewish and/or Christian men
Then come slave Jewish and/or Christian women.

Amir Taheri: "Islam Is Incompatible With Democracy"

I don’t actually own slaves, dip shit. :lol:

Myopic and humorless. What a dull combo.

Do you support equality or don't you???
Interesting video, got up to half hour mark and gotta go. Will finish later. Not sure I agree so far since yeah, Obama did mingle with marxists, socialists etc. but when push came to shove, as soon as he became prez, his allegiance was to the banks and wall street, just like a republican.

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