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No President Has Been Treated As Badly As Trump

If your worst criticism is that he speaks his mind and is painfully blunt... I can accept that. It's one of the reasons we elected him.
No, my worst criticism of him is that he is childish, boorish, undignified, unpresidential, an embarrassment to the country, and lacks both the intellectual capacity and the temperament for the office. And that's before we even get to any issues.
As opposed to a two-faced man-child who never grew up and needed something to do to keep him busy, like exchanging jerseys with championship teams every other day. A guy who wasn't allowed to say what was on his mind and simply read it off a teleprompter. Just a plastic..packaged...empty suit with zero leadership skills and lots of skeletons in his closet. A guy with ties to foreign and domestic terrorists.
Trump is what he is, as I described.
You want him to act a specific way.
Trump is redefining what is presidential, because what is considered presidential is really just superficial and dishonest as established by Washington insiders and their corrupt media friends.
So you think a President should lie all of the time & call people childish names, stomp his feet & whine & throw tantrums?

Like Obama does?
Hillary Clinton: "deplorables, racists, sexist, homophobes, bigots, traitors" . . . and the list goes on.
"We are racists, sexists, bigots, homophobes. We discriminate against people who worship differently than we do, have skin color different from ours, and we have not always behaved properly in the world. And we torture." - Rush Limbaugh
That is Rush paraphrasing what snowflakes think about normal patriotic Americans.
Those are HIS exact words that came out of HIS mouth.
So what.
He was repeating what the left always claims whether its true or not. It's false rhetoric, better known as branding. False stereotypes and false propaganda.
Based on the way your MessiahRushie quotes others, those are Fatso's description of his audience.
Based on your previous posts, you're a fucking moron.
"We are racists, sexists, bigots, homophobes. We discriminate against people who worship differently than we do, have skin color different from ours, and we have not always behaved properly in the world. And we torture." - Rush Limbaugh
That is Rush paraphrasing what snowflakes think about normal patriotic Americans.
Those are HIS exact words that came out of HIS mouth.
So what.
He was repeating what the left always claims whether its true or not. It's false rhetoric, better known as branding. False stereotypes and false propaganda.
Based on the way your MessiahRushie quotes others, those are Fatso's description of his audience.
It's not. Insulting one's audience is something that Hillary likes to do, not Rush.
No, Rush was simply repeating and focusing on what Democrats feel about most of America.
No, I quoted your lying MessiahRushie exactly the way HE quoted Tom Brokaw. Brokaw was simply repeating and focusing on what CON$ervoFascists were saying about Obama and Fatso turned it into a direct quote from Brokaw expressing Brokaw's opinion, therefore the above quote is a direct quote from Lying Limbaugh expressing HIS opinion.
"We are racists, sexists, bigots, homophobes. We discriminate against people who worship differently than we do, have skin color different from ours, and we have not always behaved properly in the world. And we torture." - Rush Limbaugh
That is Rush paraphrasing what snowflakes think about normal patriotic Americans.
Those are HIS exact words that came out of HIS mouth.
So what.
He was repeating what the left always claims whether its true or not. It's false rhetoric, better known as branding. False stereotypes and false propaganda.
Based on the way your MessiahRushie quotes others, those are Fatso's description of his audience.
Based on your previous posts, you're a fucking moron.
Based on all your posts you are a lying scum :asshole:
So Democrats can call Republicans racists, sexists, fill-in-the-blank-ophobes and behave like vile venom spitting snakes and Republicans have to behave like the Pope? Because that's what's been going on for decades, Dem's are now getting a taste of their own medicine boo hoo.
That doesn't change what I said.

Good grief, call me when Trump cheats on his wife, in the White House, with an intern half his age, then lies to the American people about it on national tv throwing the intern under the bus. How many workplace laws did that break? You want to compare Trump's behavior to Clinton by all means lets have that discussion.
It would be useless to have such a discussion. If you can't admit his behavior has been an ongoing, daily national embarrassment, I'd be wasting my time.
The only thing that has been a daily embarassment is the democrat controlled media seizing on everything Trump does and twisting it up to make it as bad as possible.

If you cannot admit that the media has been extremely dishonest, lying when they have nothing, then you are indeed wasting your time.

I appears Mac has gone over to the liberal side or someone hacked his account.

In what world does being critical of Trump's juvenile behavior transform one into a liberal? :dunno:
That doesn't change what I said.

Good grief, call me when Trump cheats on his wife, in the White House, with an intern half his age, then lies to the American people about it on national tv throwing the intern under the bus. How many workplace laws did that break? You want to compare Trump's behavior to Clinton by all means lets have that discussion.
It would be useless to have such a discussion. If you can't admit his behavior has been an ongoing, daily national embarrassment, I'd be wasting my time.
The only thing that has been a daily embarassment is the democrat controlled media seizing on everything Trump does and twisting it up to make it as bad as possible.

If you cannot admit that the media has been extremely dishonest, lying when they have nothing, then you are indeed wasting your time.

I appears Mac has gone over to the liberal side or someone hacked his account.

In what world does being critical of Trump's juvenile behavior transform one into a liberal? :dunno:

In the liberal world of hypocrisy and double standards. You walked right into that one. :laugh:
Good grief, call me when Trump cheats on his wife, in the White House, with an intern half his age, then lies to the American people about it on national tv throwing the intern under the bus. How many workplace laws did that break? You want to compare Trump's behavior to Clinton by all means lets have that discussion.
It would be useless to have such a discussion. If you can't admit his behavior has been an ongoing, daily national embarrassment, I'd be wasting my time.
The only thing that has been a daily embarassment is the democrat controlled media seizing on everything Trump does and twisting it up to make it as bad as possible.

If you cannot admit that the media has been extremely dishonest, lying when they have nothing, then you are indeed wasting your time.

I appears Mac has gone over to the liberal side or someone hacked his account.

In what world does being critical of Trump's juvenile behavior transform one into a liberal? :dunno:

In the liberal world of hypocrisy and double standards. You walked right into that one. :laugh:

In the world of USMB, where disagreement means a person is on the "other side," is more like it. :p
It would be useless to have such a discussion. If you can't admit his behavior has been an ongoing, daily national embarrassment, I'd be wasting my time.

Bill Clintons behavior was going on for decades, Bill embarrassed us on the world stage. Just admit defeat and go lick your wounds, Trump has a long way to go before he reaches the heights of depravity the Clintons gave us.
I'm not sure the world is as prudish as American evangelicals are. After learning of Clinton's tryst with Monica
there was probably a collective wink and a nod accompanying uncontrollable chuckling heard' round the world. The. Gutteral sounds of "Atta boys" were carried by the winds to the far corners of the earth . immoral? Improper? Yes to both questions. But in retrospect we knew that Clinton was a man ...and that Lewinsky was a woman... Bill Clinton wouldn't fall out of favor because of his indiscretion.
Too many viewers identified with that kind of earthiness. Clinton just revealed his human side and the public loved it.
At his age back then Clinton cannot be compared to a 70 year old Trump. Given.some of the sordid statements uttered by a younger Trump discovered during the campaign i believe Trump would have been just as bad or worse than Clinton with female interns.
You just proved that you're nothing but a lying douche bag. You've been told 10,000 times that wasn't about sex, it was about perjuring himself while he was under oath and his subsequent efforts to obstruct justice. No matter how many times the facts are pointed out, you all revert to the same old lie. I believe this syndrome is pathological.
And You just proved you're nothing but a troll. Pay attention to the ongoing conversation before you jump in with irrelevant drivel. The present dialogue isn't about the impeachment process of Clinton we're talking about the alleged embarrassment we suffered on the world stage because of his indiscretion
In the oral orifice. It never came. Clinton emerged from the scandal more popular than ever...especially among women.

Again, you only proved that you're a lying douche bag. Clinton's popularity is a reflection on the people who approved of him. The feminists all showed what utter hypocrites they are when Clinton did everything they claim to despise and they defended it. None of you have any credibility attacking Trump when you cheered Slick for doing far worse.
Aw STFU you kool- aid drinking hypocrite. Unless you are a congressman or a news reporter on the scene, you don't have an inkling of what the truth about anything is. The exception is when you see Trump lie to you and the rest of the nation on live TV.
You know the bahs-turd is a liar from experience but you still keep your lips glued to his ass.sucking drops of kool- aid off it.
No President has behaved like this, ever, not even close. From the nominating process on.

Yes, the media is biased to begin with, but he's made it EASY for them to attack.

All those who behaved differently fell by the way side, all 16 of them, one by one.

Then he beat the one who was by divine design and by unbeatable odds, the next president.

If, for nothing else, he should have respect, which he deserves.

Nobody beat odds like Trump, and that is why you see envy, hatred and malignant ill will like you never saw before.

Those who oppose Trump oppose him at their own peril.
Funny chit, Trumpette. Trump supporters are mostly dumbass uneducated white people.

Of course, the support of educated non-white geniuses like you catapulted Hilary in the White House, right?
She did get 3 million more votes.

We can't help it you uneducated whites are so many in numbers
Crazy cali does not count, The electoral college is needed to keep the crazies at bay.
Really? What happened during that last national election? Looks like one of the crazies got through and now he's the president.
Anyone claiming this non-stop 24 hour attack on the President is typical is full of crap. Period.
Nobody is claiming that such coverage and criticism is 'typical'.

Many, however, will observe that (1) the Imperial Cheeto is uniquely unqualified and incompetent and dangerous, and (2) the criticism is entirely warranted and necessary.

Any demogogue who declares a Free Press to be the Enemy of the People deserves everything that a Free Press can throw at him.

The Chief Twit... and his tweets and his Big Mouth... are his own worst enemies... he brings this on himself.

Trying to keep up and defend this Creature day after day must be like playing whack-a-mole with the vile, embarrassing outrage du jour... a thankless job... my condolences.

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"We are racists, sexists, bigots, homophobes. We discriminate against people who worship differently than we do, have skin color different from ours, and we have not always behaved properly in the world. And we torture." - Rush Limbaugh
That is Rush paraphrasing what snowflakes think about normal patriotic Americans.
Those are HIS exact words that came out of HIS mouth.
So what.
He was repeating what the left always claims whether its true or not. It's false rhetoric, better known as branding. False stereotypes and false propaganda.
Based on the way your MessiahRushie quotes others, those are Fatso's description of his audience.
It's not. Insulting one's audience is something that Hillary likes to do, not Rush.
No, Rush was simply repeating and focusing on what Democrats feel about most of America.
A Rush Limbaugh defender. Can't get more ridiculous than that.

Limbaugh laid down cover for his racist & bigoted buddies.
It would be useless to have such a discussion. If you can't admit his behavior has been an ongoing, daily national embarrassment, I'd be wasting my time.

Bill Clintons behavior was going on for decades, Bill embarrassed us on the world stage. Just admit defeat and go lick your wounds, Trump has a long way to go before he reaches the heights of depravity the Clintons gave us.
I'm not sure the world is as prudish as American evangelicals are. After learning of Clinton's tryst with Monica
there was probably a collective wink and a nod accompanying uncontrollable chuckling heard' round the world. The. Gutteral sounds of "Atta boys" were carried by the winds to the far corners of the earth . immoral? Improper? Yes to both questions. But in retrospect we knew that Clinton was a man ...and that Lewinsky was a woman... Bill Clinton wouldn't fall out of favor because of his indiscretion.
Too many viewers identified with that kind of earthiness. Clinton just revealed his human side and the public loved it.
At his age back then Clinton cannot be compared to a 70 year old Trump. Given.some of the sordid statements uttered by a younger Trump discovered during the campaign i believe Trump would have been just as bad or worse than Clinton with female interns.
You just proved that you're nothing but a lying douche bag. You've been told 10,000 times that wasn't about sex, it was about perjuring himself while he was under oath and his subsequent efforts to obstruct justice. No matter how many times the facts are pointed out, you all revert to the same old lie. I believe this syndrome is pathological.
And You just proved you're nothing but a troll. Pay attention to the ongoing conversation before you jump in with irrelevant drivel. The present dialogue isn't about the impeachment process of Clinton we're talking about the alleged embarrassment we suffered on the world stage because of his indiscretion
In the oral orifice. It never came. Clinton emerged from the scandal more popular than ever...especially among women.

Again, you only proved that you're a lying douche bag. Clinton's popularity is a reflection on the people who approved of him. The feminists all showed what utter hypocrites they are when Clinton did everything they claim to despise and they defended it. None of you have any credibility attacking Trump when you cheered Slick for doing far worse.
See, this is why you're a fucking moron.

No one approved of Clinton's sexual activities outside his marriage. But Bill & his wife worked it out & are still married. That is far more than you can say for your orange buddy who was cheating on his mistress with who he was cheating when his wife was pregnant. The difference between me & you is that I never voted for Bill Clinton. You did vote for Donald Trump. That makes you the hypocrite & total asshole for even discussing Bill Clinton. You have no ground. You proved you support sex outside the marriage & you proved you approve of a man dumping one wife to get married to his girlfriend and you trounced the sanctity of marriage.

Bill gained back some support when your hypocritical party spearheaded by the cheating Gingrich went after Clinton for the Lewinski thing. I know you assholes don't get it but consensual sex between adults is not illegal.

So you are a reflection of Trump. An orange business cheat, fraud, groper, liar, and bigot.
No President has behaved like this, ever, not even close. From the nominating process on.

Yes, the media is biased to begin with, but he's made it EASY for them to attack.

So Democrats can call Republicans racists, sexists, fill-in-the-blank-ophobes and behave like vile venom spitting snakes and Republicans have to behave like the Pope? Because that's what's been going on for decades, Dem's are now getting a taste of their own medicine boo hoo.

Everyone including Republicans agree that 'racists, sexists, fill-in-the-blank-ophobes' vote en mass for one party and that is Republican. Does that mean all Republicans are racist? No... But Trump knew there was a large portion there and he went after that vote...

He called Mexicans Rapists, hired an AG who is a boilerplate racist...

His behaviour since President and before has been embarrassing for America... Just look at the boy scout speech, Hitler's speech to the Hitler Youth in 1939 (Full text of "Adolf Hitler Speech to the German Youth 1939") had more positive tones and less vindictive...
No President has behaved like this, ever, not even close. From the nominating process on.

Yes, the media is biased to begin with, but he's made it EASY for them to attack.

Hillary Clinton calling millions of American voters Deplorable?

She was right about a fair few of them:
Alt right activists celebrating McCain’s cancer diagnosis as ‘God’s punishment’

"The far-right message board 4chan was awash with toxic comments, with Newsweek quoting one post saying: “The last president for McCain will be Trump.

“There’s some godly justice right there.”

Another wrote: “I’m pretty sure that God is punishing him. God made it pretty clear that he supports New Right now.”

Others social media sites were also filled with messages for Mr McCain, with one twitter user posting: “Finally cancer has helped our society.”

Another tweeted: “Hey John !! How’s The Headache??"

That is an American Hero they are talking about and no much better has been said on this forum about him after he crossed Trump
No President has behaved like this, ever, not even close. From the nominating process on.

Yes, the media is biased to begin with, but he's made it EASY for them to attack.

Hillary Clinton calling millions of American voters Deplorable?

She was right about a fair few of them:
Alt right activists celebrating McCain’s cancer diagnosis as ‘God’s punishment’

"The far-right message board 4chan was awash with toxic comments, with Newsweek quoting one post saying: “The last president for McCain will be Trump.

“There’s some godly justice right there.”

Another wrote: “I’m pretty sure that God is punishing him. God made it pretty clear that he supports New Right now.”

Others social media sites were also filled with messages for Mr McCain, with one twitter user posting: “Finally cancer has helped our society.”

Another tweeted: “Hey John !! How’s The Headache??"

That is an American Hero they are talking about and no much better has been said on this forum about him after he crossed Trump

^^^ why you people lost, your intolerance.
No President has behaved like this, ever, not even close. From the nominating process on.

Yes, the media is biased to begin with, but he's made it EASY for them to attack.

Hillary Clinton calling millions of American voters Deplorable?

She was right about a fair few of them:
Alt right activists celebrating McCain’s cancer diagnosis as ‘God’s punishment’

"The far-right message board 4chan was awash with toxic comments, with Newsweek quoting one post saying: “The last president for McCain will be Trump.

“There’s some godly justice right there.”

Another wrote: “I’m pretty sure that God is punishing him. God made it pretty clear that he supports New Right now.”

Others social media sites were also filled with messages for Mr McCain, with one twitter user posting: “Finally cancer has helped our society.”

Another tweeted: “Hey John !! How’s The Headache??"

That is an American Hero they are talking about and no much better has been said on this forum about him after he crossed Trump

1. 4chan is a "far-right" board?
2. What do you expect from 4chan? It's notorious for having a bunch of extreme trolls.
I have to agree that the press has shamefully had a field day. When the media caught on that Trump could dish it out but not take it they really started to pile it on.

By reporting what he does, what he twits and what he says.


No, by this crap being posted under their "news" division: Trump and SNL: Lampooning the President’s First 100 Days
the fuhrer put the government on them:

Government overreach is ok if it punishes liberals in some way

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