No shootings at parochial schools. Why? What are they doing right?

What are Catholic/private schools doing right that Public schools are not?

  • More discipline

    Votes: 12 48.0%
  • Religious teaching

    Votes: 8 32.0%
  • High tuition

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • More parental involvement

    Votes: 12 48.0%
  • Strict dress code

    Votes: 4 16.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 9 36.0%

  • Total voters
In 2012, a fired teacher walked into the offices of an Episcopal school in Jacksonville, FL and murdered the principal, then killed himself. I guess that doesn't fit the alleged pattern either.

What shows this teacher was fired on good reasons.

Are you on the German Olympic Team? You should be after making that leap!


Get someone who speaks English to explain it to you.

Aha - a typical uneducated and arrogant US-American asshole. You speak the language of your masters, colonist - ah sorry: imperialist. Times are changing. Now you are the asshole, your parents warned you never to be.

Uneducated? No. WTF is a US-American?

I speak bits of numerous languages, including yours. Some of my ancestors were here before any Europeans, so I suggest educating yourself if you do not understand our language.
I posted a source...your catholic schools only have 5% of the children, derp.

How many students will attend school in fall 2019?
About 56.6 million students will attend elementary, middle, and high schools across the United States (source).
  • 50.8 million students in public schools
  • 5.8 million students in private schools
(dont tell anyone, but that's 10% total students go to private schools, and about 5% to catholic schools)
dotgov source --> Fast Facts: Back to school statistics (372)

OK, use your numbers, students not schools. 10% go to private/Catholic schools

So, 10% x 200 shootings means that 20 (not 29) shootings should have been at private/Catholic schools, yet there were ZERO, WHY?
I'm not going to explain the math to you all over again, dude. It's a little ridiculous that you think that that's what you're supposed to extrapolate from that data, and that's like a bridge too far at that point.

I'd be happy for you to tell me ANY virtue that you think that POSSIBLY exists in schools getting 0% of school shootings in 19-years that the schools getting statistical zero magically don't have. If you cannot think about that and realize why it's a bad inference, cannot FORCE logic on the masses...

Better put:
ANY virtue....literally ANY virtue you want to apply to "Catholic" schools that you think is preventing them from school shootings? ALSO, by your own bad-inference-logic, applies to 99.97% of public schools. Does that make it clearer, for you?
If not, my arms are in the air man! Can't fix that.

We basically disagree on statistical inference vs statistical significance. I'm not looking at the probability of a school shooting, but at the statistical makeup of the 200 school shootings. What is the probability of a shooting at a public school vs a private/Catholic school, even correcting for the numerical difference in schools.
IMHO 200 school shootings, all at public schools,
when 71% of schools are public, and 29% private/Catholic is statistically significant.

I don't know why there haven''t been school shootings at private/Catholic schools. Why are nearly all school shooters young white males? Is it mental illness? Would profiling help? Is it related to their home life? Financial situation? Social life? Religious attitude, etc.

The only statistical significance is that your numbers are WAY off!
OMG. How about a few links to explain why you think the numbers are "way off". I have links documenting my posts and numbers:
"According to the latest research made in 2001, there are about 26,407 public secondary schools, and 10,693 private secondary schools in the USA."
So that's about 37,000 high schools, with 10,693/37,000 = 29% private/Catholic. Other links show about 53% of private schools are Catholic

About 10% of students attend private schools and another 3% are home schooled.. Again, you are using numbers incorrectly to justify your assertions. In many states, home schools are considered independent private schools, so your numbers are artificially inflated. Mom teaching a kid in her kitchen is not the same as a high school with 4000 students.

BTW, your figures are almost 20 years old.
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What shows this teacher was fired on good reasons.

Are you on the German Olympic Team? You should be after making that leap!


Get someone who speaks English to explain it to you.

Aha - a typical uneducated and arrogant US-American asshole. You speak the language of your masters, colonist - ah sorry: imperialist. Times are changing. Now you are the asshole, your parents warned you never to be.

Uneducated? No. WTF is a US-American?

An American from the USA.

I speak bits of numerous languages, including yours.

A good joke, Mark Twain.

Some of my ancestors were here before any Europeans,

Then I don't understand your rude behavior. From which tribe do you come?

so I suggest educating yourself if you do not understand our language.

Okay - I'm not a member of an Olympic team. This is now the answer to your question. Makes this answer any sense for you?

Last edited:
OK, use your numbers, students not schools. 10% go to private/Catholic schools

So, 10% x 200 shootings means that 20 (not 29) shootings should have been at private/Catholic schools, yet there were ZERO, WHY?
I'm not going to explain the math to you all over again, dude. It's a little ridiculous that you think that that's what you're supposed to extrapolate from that data, and that's like a bridge too far at that point.

I'd be happy for you to tell me ANY virtue that you think that POSSIBLY exists in schools getting 0% of school shootings in 19-years that the schools getting statistical zero magically don't have. If you cannot think about that and realize why it's a bad inference, cannot FORCE logic on the masses...

Better put:
ANY virtue....literally ANY virtue you want to apply to "Catholic" schools that you think is preventing them from school shootings? ALSO, by your own bad-inference-logic, applies to 99.97% of public schools. Does that make it clearer, for you?
If not, my arms are in the air man! Can't fix that.

We basically disagree on statistical inference vs statistical significance. I'm not looking at the probability of a school shooting, but at the statistical makeup of the 200 school shootings. What is the probability of a shooting at a public school vs a private/Catholic school, even correcting for the numerical difference in schools.
IMHO 200 school shootings, all at public schools,
when 71% of schools are public, and 29% private/Catholic is statistically significant.

I don't know why there haven''t been school shootings at private/Catholic schools. Why are nearly all school shooters young white males? Is it mental illness? Would profiling help? Is it related to their home life? Financial situation? Social life? Religious attitude, etc.

The only statistical significance is that your numbers are WAY off!
OMG. How about a few links to explain why you think the numbers are "way off". I have links documenting my posts and numbers:
"According to the latest research made in 2001, there are about 26,407 public secondary schools, and 10,693 private secondary schools in the USA."
So that's about 37,000 high schools, with 10,693/37,000 = 29% private/Catholic. Other links show about 53% of private schools are Catholic

About 10% of students attend private schools and another 3% are home schooled.. Again, you are using numbers incorrectly to justify your assertions. In many states, home schools are considered independent private schools, so your numbers are artificially inflated. Mom teaching a kid in her kitchen is not the same as a high school with 4000 students. BTW, your figures are almost 20 years old.

Agree figures are about 20 years old, so are the shooters we're studying.
My calcs are rough at best. 53% of private schools were Catholic, so even saying 50%, assuming home schooled kids weren't counted, the numbers don't change much. As far as counting HS student populations instead of schools, its still about 10% private, and of that about 5% Catholic.
The "big picture" finding I'm trying to determine is the correlation between the ~200 school shootings, while zero were at Catholic schools.
Is there an actuary in the house?? <g>
I'm not going to explain the math to you all over again, dude. It's a little ridiculous that you think that that's what you're supposed to extrapolate from that data, and that's like a bridge too far at that point.

I'd be happy for you to tell me ANY virtue that you think that POSSIBLY exists in schools getting 0% of school shootings in 19-years that the schools getting statistical zero magically don't have. If you cannot think about that and realize why it's a bad inference, cannot FORCE logic on the masses...

Better put:
ANY virtue....literally ANY virtue you want to apply to "Catholic" schools that you think is preventing them from school shootings? ALSO, by your own bad-inference-logic, applies to 99.97% of public schools. Does that make it clearer, for you?
If not, my arms are in the air man! Can't fix that.

We basically disagree on statistical inference vs statistical significance. I'm not looking at the probability of a school shooting, but at the statistical makeup of the 200 school shootings. What is the probability of a shooting at a public school vs a private/Catholic school, even correcting for the numerical difference in schools.
IMHO 200 school shootings, all at public schools,
when 71% of schools are public, and 29% private/Catholic is statistically significant.

I don't know why there haven''t been school shootings at private/Catholic schools. Why are nearly all school shooters young white males? Is it mental illness? Would profiling help? Is it related to their home life? Financial situation? Social life? Religious attitude, etc.

The only statistical significance is that your numbers are WAY off!
OMG. How about a few links to explain why you think the numbers are "way off". I have links documenting my posts and numbers:
"According to the latest research made in 2001, there are about 26,407 public secondary schools, and 10,693 private secondary schools in the USA."
So that's about 37,000 high schools, with 10,693/37,000 = 29% private/Catholic. Other links show about 53% of private schools are Catholic

About 10% of students attend private schools and another 3% are home schooled.. Again, you are using numbers incorrectly to justify your assertions. In many states, home schools are considered independent private schools, so your numbers are artificially inflated. Mom teaching a kid in her kitchen is not the same as a high school with 4000 students. BTW, your figures are almost 20 years old.

Agree figures are about 20 years old, so are the shooters we're studying.
My calcs are rough at best. 53% of private schools were Catholic, so even saying 50%, assuming home schooled kids weren't counted, the numbers don't change much. As far as counting HS student populations instead of schools, its still about 10% private, and of that about 5% Catholic.
The "big picture" finding I'm trying to determine is the correlation between the ~200 school shootings, while zero were at Catholic schools.
Is there an actuary in the house?? <g>
I was curious if any school shootings happened at Catholic schools, so far there were none. There were about 200 public school shootings since 2000.
This is significant since about 25% of US students attend Catholic/private schools. Should public schools learn from what Catholic schools are doing right? Maybe buying bullet-proof backpacks isn't the answer?

Catholic schools, spared from mass school shootings, remain vigilant

Lets take a poll...

The problem and solution with Catholic institutions
is knowledge of spiritual healing that can cure mental addictions and abusive disorders.

The good sign is that schools screen out problems in advance
by having high consistent standards. So anyone with mental or
criminal issues or disabilities/disorders would be identified in advance,
get help and not be allowed to disrupt school by going undetected and lost in chaotic
crowds if the schools remain strict and orderly.

The FLIP side is the scourge of sexual abuse from unchecked pedophilia
by priests who DIDN'T get this help from their own Catholic programs that
have the best system of diagnosis, treatment and cure of demonic disorders and ills.

So we may not have school shootings
but a long history of sexual abuse from priests not following
their own programs that can diagnose and cure these ills far in advance.
I was curious if any school shootings happened at Catholic schools, so far there were none. There were about 200 public school shootings since 2000.
This is significant since about 25% of US students attend Catholic/private schools. Should public schools learn from what Catholic schools are doing right? Maybe buying bullet-proof backpacks isn't the answer?

Catholic schools, spared from mass school shootings, remain vigilant

Lets take a poll...

The problem and solution with Catholic institutions
is knowledge of spiritual healing that can cure mental addictions and abusive disorders.

The good sign is that schools screen out problems in advance
by having high consistent standards. So anyone with mental or
criminal issues or disabilities/disorders would be identified in advance,
get help and not be allowed to disrupt school by going undetected and lost in chaotic
crowds if the schools remain strict and orderly.

The FLIP side is the scourge of sexual abuse from unchecked pedophilia
by priests who DIDN'T get this help from their own Catholic programs that
have the best system of diagnosis, treatment and cure of demonic disorders and ills.

So we may not have school shootings
but a long history of sexual abuse from priests not following
their own programs that can diagnose and cure these ills far in advance.

You've hit on something, private schools won't tolerate disruptions and troublemakers.

As for sexual abuse? Better take a long hard look at what's happening in public schools with staff and teachers, it's an epidemic
Are you on the German Olympic Team? You should be after making that leap!


Get someone who speaks English to explain it to you.

Aha - a typical uneducated and arrogant US-American asshole. You speak the language of your masters, colonist - ah sorry: imperialist. Times are changing. Now you are the asshole, your parents warned you never to be.

Uneducated? No. WTF is a US-American?

An American from the USA.

I speak bits of numerous languages, including yours.

A good joke, Mark Twain.

Some of my ancestors were here before any Europeans,

Then I don't understand your rude behavior. From which tribe do you come?

so I suggest educating yourself if you do not understand our language.

Okay - I'm not a member of an Olympic team. This is now the answer to your question. Makes this answer any sense for you?

The biggest ethnicity in the USA is German, no wonder why they're so messed up.

Get someone who speaks English to explain it to you.

Aha - a typical uneducated and arrogant US-American asshole. You speak the language of your masters, colonist - ah sorry: imperialist. Times are changing. Now you are the asshole, your parents warned you never to be.

Uneducated? No. WTF is a US-American?

An American from the USA.

I speak bits of numerous languages, including yours.

A good joke, Mark Twain.

Some of my ancestors were here before any Europeans,

Then I don't understand your rude behavior. From which tribe do you come?

so I suggest educating yourself if you do not understand our language.

Okay - I'm not a member of an Olympic team. This is now the answer to your question. Makes this answer any sense for you?

The biggest ethnicity in the USA is German, no wonder why they're so messed up.

60% of all US-Americans have a Geman ancestor. This means not Germans are or were a big ethnic group in the USA - this means only the Germans in the USA never were racists. Your ideas about ethnic groups and nations are by the way not a theme here. And also not a theme in other contextes.

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Post # 187: the contradiction is spiritual healing coupled with pedophilia from the same protection racket. Knowledge is replacing faith planetwide, another contradiction and catholicism's problem. This current exodus from protection rackets is not a plea for morality, which plea was also intimate to the nazi regime, but a distancing from religions in general because they generate crimes. Brains under 25 years of age are not fully developed, fertile territory for victimage by the pedophiliac pedogogue. catholic language of instruction comes post-genocide of the American Indigene which had 300 languages in place to thwart this mafia's homogenizing tendencies and the castration of Difference.
I was curious if any school shootings happened at Catholic schools, so far there were none. There were about 200 public school shootings since 2000.
This is significant since about 25% of US students attend Catholic/private schools. Should public schools learn from what Catholic schools are doing right? Maybe buying bullet-proof backpacks isn't the answer?

Catholic schools, spared from mass school shootings, remain vigilant

Lets take a poll...

Well, when you've got two separate populations with an obvious deficit, it's a good starting place to look into other correlations.

Makes me wonder about the percentage of kids on antidepressants in private vs public schools.

Its not the percentage of kids on antidepressants, but the number of shooters that were on them. That is a MAJOR factor in mass school shootings:.
The Role of Psychiatric Medications in School Shootings Medications and fatherlessness are factors
Antidepressants Are a Prescription for Mass Shootings – Citizens Commission on Human Rights, CCHR Antidepressants are a major factor
Prescription For Violence: The Corresponding Rise of Antidepressants, SSRIs & Mass Shootings - The Libertarian Institute Antidepressants again

OK, so it looks like antidepressants are a MAJOR factor in public school shootings. No clue how many Catholic vs Public school kids use them????
Are you on the German Olympic Team? You should be after making that leap!


Get someone who speaks English to explain it to you.

Aha - a typical uneducated and arrogant US-American asshole. You speak the language of your masters, colonist - ah sorry: imperialist. Times are changing. Now you are the asshole, your parents warned you never to be.

Uneducated? No. WTF is a US-American?

An American from the USA.

I speak bits of numerous languages, including yours.

A good joke, Mark Twain.

Some of my ancestors were here before any Europeans,

Then I don't understand your rude behavior. From which tribe do you come?

so I suggest educating yourself if you do not understand our language.

Okay - I'm not a member of an Olympic team. This is now the answer to your question. Makes this answer any sense for you?

An American from the USA? What other kind of American is there?

You obviously need more work on the language.

I have begun to be rude with you yet!

It was a joke.

Here is another one to illustrate it for you:

Why does the Mexican Olympic team do so poorly in the competitions?

Because any Mexican that can run, jump, or swim is already in the US!
I was curious if any school shootings happened at Catholic schools, so far there were none. There were about 200 public school shootings since 2000.
This is significant since about 25% of US students attend Catholic/private schools. Should public schools learn from what Catholic schools are doing right? Maybe buying bullet-proof backpacks isn't the answer?

Catholic schools, spared from mass school shootings, remain vigilant

Lets take a poll...

Well, when you've got two separate populations with an obvious deficit, it's a good starting place to look into other correlations.

Makes me wonder about the percentage of kids on antidepressants in private vs public schools.

Its not the percentage of kids on antidepressants, but the number of shooters that were on them. That is a MAJOR factor in mass school shootings:.
The Role of Psychiatric Medications in School Shootings Medications and fatherlessness are factors
Antidepressants Are a Prescription for Mass Shootings – Citizens Commission on Human Rights, CCHR Antidepressants are a major factor
Prescription For Violence: The Corresponding Rise of Antidepressants, SSRIs & Mass Shootings - The Libertarian Institute Antidepressants again

OK, so it looks like antidepressants are a MAJOR factor in public school shootings. No clue how many Catholic vs Public school kids use them????

How many school shootings would there be if no kids took any type of antidepressant? There would likely be an explosion of school shootings for all of those depressed kids not on any medication!
I was curious if any school shootings happened at Catholic schools, so far there were none. There were about 200 public school shootings since 2000.
This is significant since about 25% of US students attend Catholic/private schools. Should public schools learn from what Catholic schools are doing right? Maybe buying bullet-proof backpacks isn't the answer?

Catholic schools, spared from mass school shootings, remain vigilant

Lets take a poll...
I have a better one for you most schools in the world never had a mass shooting....crazy huh? Guess why? most of those countries have super strict gun laws, and in most cases no love for guns. The problem with america and Americans they are still stuck in the 18th century, both mentalities need to change, laws and also the Constitution.

Get someone who speaks English to explain it to you.

Aha - a typical uneducated and arrogant US-American asshole. You speak the language of your masters, colonist - ah sorry: imperialist. Times are changing. Now you are the asshole, your parents warned you never to be.

Uneducated? No. WTF is a US-American?

An American from the USA.

I speak bits of numerous languages, including yours.

A good joke, Mark Twain.

Some of my ancestors were here before any Europeans,

Then I don't understand your rude behavior. From which tribe do you come?

so I suggest educating yourself if you do not understand our language.

Okay - I'm not a member of an Olympic team. This is now the answer to your question. Makes this answer any sense for you?

An American from the USA? What other kind of American is there?

It's arrogant to call only the people of the USA Americans. You are an US-American. Americans are all Americans.

You obviously need more work on the language.

And you need to work on your prejudices.

I have begun to be rude with you yet!

It was a joke.

Here is another one to illustrate it for you:

Why does the Mexican Olympic team do so poorly in the competitions?

Olympic team of Mexico? Always fascinating to see Mexicans in their traditional clothing with Sombrero.

Because any Mexican that can run, jump, or swim is already in the US!

Aha. A racist joke. Nevertheless a kind of brain drain too.

We made for example Mesut Özil to a famous football player. Everything what this man is he has to thank Germany and its institutions, specially the German football clubs and organisations. His "thank you" was to call the German football a racist organisation. He is meanwhile one of the best friends of the tyrant Erdogan. This ugly anti-kurdish idiot is by the way not shy to bring wastewater into rivers of the Kurds, so they are not able to use this water any longer for crop production and have problems with germs and infections. But is anyone in the world upset about the use of this biological weapon against civilists in times of world peace?

And has this anything to do with anyone who lives here in Germany, wether he has a turkish roots or not? No!!! Everyone who is here has always all chances.

Last edited:
I was curious if any school shootings happened at Catholic schools, so far there were none. There were about 200 public school shootings since 2000.
This is significant since about 25% of US students attend Catholic/private schools. Should public schools learn from what Catholic schools are doing right? Maybe buying bullet-proof backpacks isn't the answer?

Catholic schools, spared from mass school shootings, remain vigilant

Lets take a poll...

Well, when you've got two separate populations with an obvious deficit, it's a good starting place to look into other correlations.

Makes me wonder about the percentage of kids on antidepressants in private vs public schools.

Its not the percentage of kids on antidepressants, but the number of shooters that were on them. That is a MAJOR factor in mass school shootings:.
The Role of Psychiatric Medications in School Shootings Medications and fatherlessness are factors
Antidepressants Are a Prescription for Mass Shootings – Citizens Commission on Human Rights, CCHR Antidepressants are a major factor
Prescription For Violence: The Corresponding Rise of Antidepressants, SSRIs & Mass Shootings - The Libertarian Institute Antidepressants again

OK, so it looks like antidepressants are a MAJOR factor in public school shootings. No clue how many Catholic vs Public school kids use them????

How many school shootings would there be if no kids took any type of antidepressant?

One momemt - you give kids antidepressants? I hope extremely seldom or much more extremely seldom than only most extremely seldom.

There would likely be an explosion of school shootings for all of those depressed kids not on any medication!

Good grief. No wonder that the USA is full of drug addicts.

Last edited:
I was curious if any school shootings happened at Catholic schools, so far there were none. There were about 200 public school shootings since 2000.
This is significant since about 25% of US students attend Catholic/private schools. Should public schools learn from what Catholic schools are doing right? Maybe buying bullet-proof backpacks isn't the answer?

Catholic schools, spared from mass school shootings, remain vigilant

Lets take a poll...

Well, when you've got two separate populations with an obvious deficit, it's a good starting place to look into other correlations.

Makes me wonder about the percentage of kids on antidepressants in private vs public schools.

Its not the percentage of kids on antidepressants, but the number of shooters that were on them. That is a MAJOR factor in mass school shootings:.
The Role of Psychiatric Medications in School Shootings Medications and fatherlessness are factors
Antidepressants Are a Prescription for Mass Shootings – Citizens Commission on Human Rights, CCHR Antidepressants are a major factor
Prescription For Violence: The Corresponding Rise of Antidepressants, SSRIs & Mass Shootings - The Libertarian Institute Antidepressants again

OK, so it looks like antidepressants are a MAJOR factor in public school shootings. No clue how many Catholic vs Public school kids use them????

How many school shootings would there be if no kids took any type of antidepressant?

One momemt - you give kids antidepressants? I hope extremely seldom or much more exrtemly seldom than only most extremely seldom.

There would likely be an explosion of school shootings for all of those depressed kids not on any medication!

Good grief. No wonder that the USA is full of drug addicts.

With every post, you just show how little you know about this country. Why don't you sit back and learn because everything you have posted so far has been wrong?
I was curious if any school shootings happened at Catholic schools, so far there were none. There were about 200 public school shootings since 2000.
This is significant since about 25% of US students attend Catholic/private schools. Should public schools learn from what Catholic schools are doing right? Maybe buying bullet-proof backpacks isn't the answer?

Catholic schools, spared from mass school shootings, remain vigilant

Lets take a poll...

Well, when you've got two separate populations with an obvious deficit, it's a good starting place to look into other correlations.

Makes me wonder about the percentage of kids on antidepressants in private vs public schools.

Its not the percentage of kids on antidepressants, but the number of shooters that were on them. That is a MAJOR factor in mass school shootings:.
The Role of Psychiatric Medications in School Shootings Medications and fatherlessness are factors
Antidepressants Are a Prescription for Mass Shootings – Citizens Commission on Human Rights, CCHR Antidepressants are a major factor
Prescription For Violence: The Corresponding Rise of Antidepressants, SSRIs & Mass Shootings - The Libertarian Institute Antidepressants again

OK, so it looks like antidepressants are a MAJOR factor in public school shootings. No clue how many Catholic vs Public school kids use them????

I thought first this is a side issue. ... In Germany I never heard that they used antidepressants. Whatever we did - one or more of the procedures seemed to help. Since a long time now we had no school shooting. Toi toi toi!

In the German school massacres were by the way often teachers the first victims. Teachers play a key role too. This means not school massacres are a fault of teachers - but children have conflicts, which they attribute to teachers. I guess this leaded to a better education of teachers in context prevention of violence and solving of psychological problems.
And I know that they made sometimes a kind of prewarn system. If someone has a problem then the pupils call each other and under special circumstances they inform the school or other people. I don't know whether such systems are still active today. But in this way they minimized the number of outsiders - everyone is embedded. And yes - we decided to close the doors of our schools. Unfamiliar. Not nice. But if this is good for the security of the children - why not? Your schools have additionally security services, I heard.

Other ways - as for example a more strict weapon control in general - are in the USA unfortunatelly impossible. Sarcastically let me say: You prefer to poison your children, because you don't like to fight against your weapon addicts and your drug addicts. You would be astonished how extremely angry a German policeman - and all other Germans too - can become, when someone makes only a most little break of our very detailed weapon laws. In general: weapons are for professionals and nothing for idiots.

It's by the way one of the most stupid ideas, I ever heard, to give teachers a weapon to defend pupils. I never would send a child in a class with an armed teacher. Much to dangerous. If the teacher gets not a short circuit then he is perhaps mad or clumsy or he knows not, where his weapons is, or ... .

in memoriam of the victims of all school massacres
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I was curious if any school shootings happened at Catholic schools, so far there were none. There were about 200 public school shootings since 2000.
This is significant since about 25% of US students attend Catholic/private schools. Should public schools learn from what Catholic schools are doing right? Maybe buying bullet-proof backpacks isn't the answer?

Catholic schools, spared from mass school shootings, remain vigilant

Lets take a poll...

Well, when you've got two separate populations with an obvious deficit, it's a good starting place to look into other correlations.

Makes me wonder about the percentage of kids on antidepressants in private vs public schools.

Its not the percentage of kids on antidepressants, but the number of shooters that were on them. That is a MAJOR factor in mass school shootings:.
The Role of Psychiatric Medications in School Shootings Medications and fatherlessness are factors
Antidepressants Are a Prescription for Mass Shootings – Citizens Commission on Human Rights, CCHR Antidepressants are a major factor
Prescription For Violence: The Corresponding Rise of Antidepressants, SSRIs & Mass Shootings - The Libertarian Institute Antidepressants again

OK, so it looks like antidepressants are a MAJOR factor in public school shootings. No clue how many Catholic vs Public school kids use them????

How many school shootings would there be if no kids took any type of antidepressant?

One momemt - you give kids antidepressants? I hope extremely seldom or much more exrtemly seldom than only most extremely seldom.

There would likely be an explosion of school shootings for all of those depressed kids not on any medication!

Good grief. No wonder that the USA is full of drug addicts.

With every post, you just show how little you know about this country. Why don't you sit back and learn because everything you have posted so far has been wrong?

Why should I know something about the USA? You are the US-American, not so I. But I have the feeling, if I like to know something about the USA, it could be you are the wrong person for my questions, because you are a propagator of rhethoric nonsense. But who is not a propagator of rhethoric nonsense in the USA?

Nevertheless it is a crime to give children antidepressants - except on very extremely seldom reasons under full control of high qualified doctors. You are misusing by the way also opioids in your clinics. This too produces drug addicts.

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