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No time to gloat...

His idea of bipartisanship was then, as it is now, "Do things my way and we'll get along just fine."

Thats what your idea of bipartisanship is too so whats the heck does it matter? That is why so called bipartisanship is a joke.
Thats what your idea of bipartisanship is too so whats the heck does it matter? That is why so called bipartisanship is a joke.

Not really. I hate the Rush Limbaugh school of debate. I think we've lost all gentility. Bi-partisanship takes respect and work... like any other difficult relationship. FWIW, your guy Bush has handled himself with aplomb the past couple of days. He's far less offensive when he isn't smug and smirking and talks straight.

Easy enough to be bi-partisan. You start with the issues which aren't divisive.

For example: we could start by implementing the 9/11 Committee recomendations for our security. We can all agree on that.

We can start by getting rid of the prohibition against medicare/medicaid negotiating price with pharmaceutical companies... something every other country does based on it's purchasing power. Difficult to disagree on that one.

We can listen to what Jim Baker's report on Iraq is and see if we can't get control over the out-of-control situation in Iraq.

See... it's a start. Yes?
"I don't believe in negotiating with libs. Y'all are stupid and don't deserve to get even one of your retarded wishes."

So you want a 1 party DICTATORSHIP right. Democracy does SUCK doesn't it??
"I don't believe in negotiating with libs. Y'all are stupid and don't deserve to get even one of your retarded wishes."

So you want a 1 party DICTATORSHIP right. Democracy does SUCK doesn't it??

Did I say that? You assume much.

I don't care how many political parties there are just so long as the Dum-o-craps ain't one of them. When democracy allows a political party exists thats main objective is the destruction of the very principles that built that democracy, something is wrong.
"I don't believe in negotiating with libs. Y'all are stupid and don't deserve to get even one of your retarded wishes."

So you want a 1 party DICTATORSHIP right. Democracy does SUCK doesn't it??

You have the traditionalists in this country, whom are the conservatives, and then you have the secular progressives, whom are the liberals. The conservatives want to preserve America and it's values, and the liberals want to tear it down and make it into something like the sess pool europe is.

Liberals are bad for America.
You have the traditionalists in this country, whom are the conservatives, and then you have the secular progressives, whom are the liberals. The conservatives want to preserve America and it's values, and the liberals want to tear it down and make it into something like the cesspool Europe is.

Liberals are bad for America.

You are so right, Pale...
The Democrats want to turn our country into a socialist one, what better way to control all the little sheep.....
What better way for them to stay in Power...
They don't care about the people, they just want THEIR POWER....

If I wanted to live in a socialist country, I'd move to one....
Thats what your idea of bipartisanship is too so whats the heck does it matter? That is why so called bipartisanship is a joke.

Wrong again. An honest debate of the issues with real compromise, as in taking and using the best of each others ideas, is what I'm hoping for. And that is most definitely not what the GOP controlled Congress has been doing. So let's wait and see. If the Democrats start acting like the Republicans in Congress, at least before the election, we'll toss them out on their ear too.
Wrong again. An honest debate of the issues with real compromise, as in taking and using the best of each others ideas, is what I'm hoping for. And that is most definitely not what the GOP controlled Congress has been doing. So let's wait and see. If the Democrats start acting like the Republicans in Congress, at least before the election, we'll toss them out on their ear too.

Practice you ear-tossing skills Bully--you know full well the democrats feel this election to be a mandate to do anything they want. They will persue thier own agenda but I'm glad you'll be there to pitch them out. Politics is a war to keep your job --not a hug fest of compromises for the good of the people. We're just the excuse they use to do whatever they want.
Bullypulpit said:
There is no time for gloating...

You're right, Bully - and I'm not. It's tempting, though, when I see Democrat pissants strutting around as if they weren't just handed a victory by conservative America. I'll try to hold it down, though.
Which Bush then failed to secure funding for... :rolleyes:

Right, bipartisan failure. First they directly fund education, totally against the 10th Amendment. Then they "fail" to "fully" fund it.

I'd prefer if they left education to the local populace as it should be.
Personally, the lead post in this thread is almost a verbatim quote of one I posted on a different forum.

The people have spoken and they have told the Republican crowd to take your "holier than thou, if you don't agree with me you are a coward, a traitor, a girlie man and a wimp" attitude and shove it up your asses. :finger:

Predictably, the shouting and finger pointing goes on unabated.

The lead post was thoughtful and wise. The Dems have a very short time to earn the respect of the voters. Hopefully, they know it. But after suffering the most humiliating defeat in modern US history, the Reps seem to have nothing at all, at least by reading the comments on this board.

Someone once said "We must all hang together or we will surely hang separately." Apparently, the second alternative is just fine with the majority here. Sorry, I have no time for such chest thumping, blame it all on someone else bullshit. Those who refuse to learn from their errors are beyond help.

Enjoy your little sandbox, boys and girls. There are few people here with a mental age much above 4 and half. :puke3:
Wrong again. An honest debate of the issues with real compromise, as in taking and using the best of each others ideas, is what I'm hoping for. And that is most definitely not what the GOP controlled Congress has been doing. So let's wait and see. If the Democrats start acting like the Republicans in Congress, at least before the election, we'll toss them out on their ear too.

It's very true the republicans pissed off their base. That's how the libs got in. Republicans voted AGAINST their party by NOT VOTING. The libs are spinning it that they won on their ideas. Well, we all know you liberals don't have any ideas, so it'll be very interesting to see what happens in the next two years. If tax cuts get repeelled, if homo marriage is push through, if amnesty is granted to illegal aliens, if, if, if, after that, when the next voting term rolls around, the liberals will be handed another defeat that will make the conservative defeat look like chump change.
Personally, the lead post in this thread is almost a verbatim quote of one I posted on a different forum.

The people have spoken and they have told the Republican crowd to take your "holier than thou, if you don't agree with me you are a coward, a traitor, a girlie man and a wimp" attitude and shove it up your asses. :finger:

Yep, now we get YOUR "holier than thou if you don't agree with me you are a moron, warmonger and homophobe" attitude which yo can shove up YOUR ass!

Predictably, the shouting and finger pointing goes on unabated.

Who would have thought, huh?

The lead post was thoughtful and wise. The Dems have a very short time to earn the respect of the voters. Hopefully, they know it. But after suffering the most humiliating defeat in modern US history, the Reps seem to have nothing at all, at least by reading the comments on this board.

Which poster on this board is an elected official? What are YOU bringing to the table except pleasing the Euros and terrorists (or hadn't you noticed their gloating et?)

Someone once said "We must all hang together or we will surely hang separately." Apparently, the second alternative is just fine with the majority here. Sorry, I have no time for such chest thumping, blame it all on someone else bullshit. Those who refuse to learn from their errors are beyond help.

Really??? So it isn't all Bush's and the Republicans who are at fault entirely? I think you are trying to bullshit us. You DO have time for blaming it all on someone else! By the way, I prefer the chest thumpers around here to the pud pounders!

Enjoy your little sandbox, boys and girls. There are few people here with a mental age much above 4 and half.

You three year olds are always jealous that way...you will grow out of it...maybe.


Great post.....gave me a chance to get it off my chest. I needed the room to do some chest thumping!
Personally, the lead post in this thread is almost a verbatim quote of one I posted on a different forum.

Ah - so, you, too, are either willfully blind or woefully ignorant. Which is it?

MGB said:
The people have spoken and they have told the Republican crowd to take your "holier than thou, if you don't agree with me you are a coward, a traitor, a girlie man and a wimp" attitude and shove it up your asses. :finger:

BOTH! Oh, goody...

MGB said:
The Dems have a very short time to earn the respect of the voters. Hopefully, they know it.

Well, let's see...they're already consulting George McGovern on the conduct of the war; Al Queda is declaring victory; the stock market's down, and Barbara Boxer is tuning up her vocal cords for the Kyoto aria - all this, before the ink is even dry on the ballots. It's going to be an entertaining two years - a sustained, singleminded rush to oblivion. What, in your experience, or your understanding of modern history, could possibly suggest otherwise? Oh - and. speaking of your understanding of modern history:

MGB said:
But after suffering the most humiliating defeat in modern US history,

Oh, great - another outright liar! Your stay here is going to be a rocky one, I think.

MGB said:
the Reps seem to have nothing at all, at least by reading the comments on this board.

Try a little comprehension as a companion piece to your reading. The two go together SO well...

MGB said:
Someone once said "We must all hang together or we will surely hang separately." Apparently, the second alternative is just fine with the majority here. Sorry, I have no time for such chest thumping, blame it all on someone else bullshit. Those who refuse to learn from their errors are beyond help.

Enjoy your little sandbox, boys and girls. There are few people here with a mental age much above 4 and half. :puke3:

That's OK - there's hope. Now we've got YOU to enlighten us...
Wrong again. An honest debate of the issues with real compromise, as in taking and using the best of each others ideas, is what I'm hoping for. And that is most definitely not what the GOP controlled Congress has been doing. So let's wait and see. If the Democrats start acting like the Republicans in Congress, at least before the election, we'll toss them out on their ear too.

Compromise! Compromise! Compromise! You mean agree with you. Why should we compromise with you? You're ideas are bad. And quite often insane and destructive. Why should we compromise with bad ideas? We should defeat them.

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