No Women: You Do NOT Have the Right To Choose

Very well said.
you have the dubious distinction of being (I believe) the first poster to give me a compliment..

I just don't know what to say...

except thanks.


I know a woman who didn't want to be pregnant (date rape) but didn't believe in murder so she gave the child up for adoption and now all parties are happy. Some couples would love to adopt but since Roe, there haven't been many babies to adopt. It's only 9 months out of a woman's life and then she can do whatever she wants, and know at the same time that her sacrifice has made others happy..

But the Left?

Just kill the damn thing. What's to regret?
How are these federal legislators going to do anything when the Supreme Court already ruled that abortion law will be decided in the states on an individual basis? This is just a phony argument to make up for the fact that the Democrat party has no good positions to help the American worker.
Yeh, they think most Ameicans are ignorant about how the gummit is run.. and maybe, unfortunately, they are correct. The rest of us have a job to do:

Get people to understand how much deception is being tossed at them every day by the elites in DC who lie their asses off... and get paid by YOU to do so.. also get paid to waste your hard-earned money on really, really stupid stuff (Green New Steal).. studying the mating habits of the fruitfly.. :rolleyes:
you have the dubious distinction of being (I believe) the first poster to give me a compliment..

I just don't know what to say...

except thanks.


I know a woman who didn't want to be pregnant (date rape) but didn't believe in murder so she gave the child up for adoption and now all parties are happy. Some couples would love to adopt but since Roe, there haven't been many babies to adopt. It's only 9 months out of a woman's life and then she can do whatever she wants, and know at the same time that her sacrifice has made others happy..

But the Left?

Just kill the damn thing. What's to regret?

The left loves 'killing fields'; but only when their majority Gov't is behind it!
you have the dubious distinction of being (I believe) the first poster to give me a compliment..

I just don't know what to say...

except thanks.


I know a woman who didn't want to be pregnant (date rape) but didn't believe in murder so she gave the child up for adoption and now all parties are happy. Some couples would love to adopt but since Roe, there haven't been many babies to adopt. It's only 9 months out of a woman's life and then she can do whatever she wants, and know at the same time that her sacrifice has made others happy..

But the Left?

Just kill the damn thing. What's to regret?
What about the "activist" who admonished pregnant women to "rip the bastards out".

Reward people for not having kids. That's a start.
If we only taught young people how much work and worry it takes to raise one kid (and do a good job of it), that would do the trick. But no, we teach kids how to despise their own gender.. how to look at their race as evil and disgusting.. but we don't teach them about Most Important Job in the World
A brain dead human is on their way to death a fetus is on their way to life killing a fetus is taking that life away.
Is it possible to take away something that doesn't yet exist? My sister-in-law gave birth to an autistic son many years ago. She chose not to ever have another baby. Did that autistic son take away a life that she might have had otherwise?
Is it possible to take away something that doesn't yet exist? My sister-in-law gave birth to an autistic son many years ago. She chose not to ever have another baby. Did that autistic son take away a life that she might have had otherwise?

Don't ask the son, whatever you do.
I had to think this one over for quite a while. In fact, I debated it in my mind for about a month before deciding on a policy. Finally, I am seeing this a bit more complex than most people (especially Democrats) are seeing it.

Florida Congresswoman, Debbie Wasserman Shultz, has said that abortion is a matter between a woman and her doctor. FALSE! I don't mean to pick on Debbie Wasserman Shultz, because there are thousands of people (mostly Democrats) who say the same thing. The fact is, abortion is a matter between 3 entities. The woman, her doctor, and the person attempting to be born.

Who has the choice between birth and abortion, should be determined by who has the most at stake. For the doctor, it's a paycheck. For the expectant woman, it is a matter of convenience, while for the developing baby, it is a matter of life and death. Bases on that, it is the fetus who should have the right to choose, no one else.

Those who support abortion, under the most liberal circumstances, should think about this. What if some months before you were born, your mother decided to abort YOU. Can you say now that you are in favor of that abortion ? If you say no, then you are in agreement with thousands of adults whose parents contemplated aborting them some decades ago. 100% of the respondents surveyed, chose life.
I choose choice.

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