No Women: You Do NOT Have the Right To Choose

wow.. such logic

If she is pregnant, then nature has said her body is fit. But then libtards don't like nature.. until they want to use it as an excuse to extract massive amounts of cash from the taxpayers (Green New Steal).

A 12 year old, believe it or not, is not ready, any more than any other person of either gender.. to be a murderer of her own child.. But that doesn't concern you, does it?

you couldn't care less what women go through after an abortion.. Post Abortion syndrome.. No, the loony left are like

Just kill that child and go your merry way
Why don’t you let women make that decision for themselves?
You can’t 100%. But you can reduce unwanted pregnancies with mandatory fact based sex ed, easily available, cheap contraception, and as a last resort safe legal abortion with some restrictions.
We already have fact based sex ed, and cheap contraception. It ain't working. Having irresponsible sex and not thinking twice about killing the consequence is, IMO, more of a moral issue. I mean, what kid of child bearing age doesn't know that having unprotected sex will, most likely, result in a pregnancy?
My bride, Precious Flower, ladylike as she so reliably is....will state demurely to all who are reckless enough to ask her about abortion: "If you don't have a uterus...shut the f*ck up."

I note also that America needs a bunch of white men legislators ....big government.....ruling on what a woman and her uterus can be up to.
Is there a disconnect there?

I get it that Catholics are really into this "No Abortion"-thingy.
I get it.
Really I do.
And I say to my Catholic friends.....make "No Abortions" a Catholic thingy.

And let the rest of the world and the rest of the world's it their way.
The Catholic way. The Jesus way. Ain't the only way.
There are many roads to Salvation....and a partnership with a God.

I notice that republicans have no problems with school children getting wasted by killers with guns. I mean, we have more guns out there than people and they won't budge on controlling guns, no way Jose. So why are they acting like they give a damn about the unborn?
woman goes out gets drunk, has sex with some random dude, finds out she is knocked up...solution...kill a beautiful innocent child....makes sense to any sicko out there
Woman goes out, gets raped, ends up pregnant.

Her choice unless you want to offer your body as a foster womb.
We already have fact based sex ed, and cheap contraception. It ain't working. Having irresponsible sex and not thinking twice about killing the consequence is, IMO, more of a moral issue. I mean, what kid of child bearing age doesn't know that having unprotected sex will, most likely, result in a pregnancy?
“Just say no” is not fact based and some states don’t make it manditory in schools. The availability and cost of contraception depends on where you are and if you have insurance.

Countries that have these factors also have lower abortion rates than we do,
Woman goes out, gets raped, ends up pregnant.

Her choice unless you want to offer your body as a foster womb.
Yeah but, you forgot the getting drunk and having consensual sex. Men do that but don't get pregnant, why would a woman act like a man when she is the one to bear the brunt of the one night stand? Seems pretty stupid to me.
Yeah but, you forgot the getting drunk and having consensual sex. Men do that but don't get pregnant, why would a woman act like a man when she is the one to bear the brunt of the one night stand? Seems pretty stupid to me.
Women don’t have to be drunk to get raped. Other than that, she wants the same freedoms.
“Just say no” is not fact based and some states don’t make it manditory in schools. The availability and cost of contraception depends on where you are and if you have insurance.

Countries that have these factors also have lower abortion rates than we do,
I never mentioned 'just say no' I actually mentioned teaching proper objective morals, not leftist, relative morality. Teaching WHY it is immoral to have irresponsible sex, the consequences, why it is immoral to kill a developing human being, etc. Education with objective morals. Contraception is readily available in the U.S. that's a leftist canard.
0.01 percent (eight abortions) of the total number were sought “due to incest,” the statistics revealed.
5% of pregnancies in total nationwide are from rape

1% of abortions, nationally, is from rape or incest.

7% of all abortions are because of health reasons for either the mother or fetus.

Men do that but don't get pregnant,

Just a thought: How 'bout a surety bond of, say $25,000 posted by all men who are sexually active outside of marriage, and un-vasecotomied?

Their partner for a hot-sheet night gets 'with child'....they pay up immediately?

Let's do something to equalize the risk.

Is $25,000 to low?

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