Zone1 No Wonder Why I Had Doubts In God's Existence Before

You can build a wonderful castle but, if you build it on a flawed foundation, it will not serve you.
Agreed. But if that is the case it's quite easy to demonstrate how and why the foundation is flawed which you haven't even attempted to do.
In an infinite universe with infinite time, is there a potential for Hamlet?
This isn't an infinite universe. But if intelligence is given enough time, the answer is yes because the potential for that does exist.
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I disagree. Christianity and God have no control over me. Can you say the same?

Most people have either an internal or external locus of control. Those with an internal locus of control believe that their actions matter, and they are the authors of their own destiny. Those with an external locus of control attribute outcomes to circumstances or chance.
And yet you continue to transfer your power and control to external sources without even knowing it.

FWIW I've studied locus of control extensively too. Enough so that it looks like you spent 5 minutes researching it and copying and pasting something you just found on the internet.
I disagree. Christianity and God have no control over me. Can you say the same?
I totally agree that Christianity and God have no control over you. Except of course until you blame them for your beliefs. That's you transferring your control and power without realizing you are doing it.

Can I say the same? Yes and no. The difference is when the answer is no I don't blame them for my actions.
Yes you would think using the actual definition is a poor example.

Tell you what when you publish your own dictionary then you can use your made up definitions
It wasn't your definition that was poor it was your analogy (i.e. example) that was poor and revealed your bias.
Only fragile people like you whine about being disrespected all the time.
That's exactly the kind of response that someone with an external locus of control would make. It's not your fault that you are being rude, it's our fault. We deserved it. SMH.
Gods are a construct of man

You cannot just come across religion in nature it doesn't exist in the natural world just like good and evil don't exist in nature. Religion is a product of the intellectual capacity of people
No. God is the source of all reality. Our existence is the alternate reality. We are constructs of God. This is a life‑breeding, intelligence creating universe because the constant presence of mind made it so.
Christianity requires acceptance of Jesus as the only way to salvation.
There are a few denominations of Christianity that teach this, but they are in the minority. Catholics and Orthodox teach redemption of all the world, and that the way of salvation is open to everyone.
Pretty arrogant assumption on your part. I'd be the first to admit you may know their theology better than I do but I don't know if you understand their context any better.
I never claimed to know theology. Only that I studied these texts to seek the intent of the author. Theology is actually quite boring to me.

But I certainly do understand the context of these accounts better than you because I have studied them more than you. There's nothing arrogant about that statement at all. A good example of understanding the context of these accounts would be understanding the significance of the woman at the well being by herself or the behavior of the father and brother in the parable of the prodigal son. Or Jesus' behavior towards the woman seeking help for her daughter. Because when you understand the significance of these things, the accounts will mean more to you.
It wasn't your definition that was poor it was your analogy (i.e. example) that was poor and revealed your bias.
The analogy was perfectly in line with the definition.

And yes I am biased against religion So what? You are biased against agnosticism and atheism.

Here's a hint for you. Everyone is biased about everything they hold an opinion on.

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