Noah and his boat -

obviously whatever number you've used to calculate there was no room for them....
My number of species is around 8.7 million, and even if you discount that number for the aquatic species, you're still talking millions who need food for a year. That's how I conclude there was no room.

BBC News - Species count put at 8.7 million

you didn't answer the last time I asked...did God have to bring all 37k species of beetle?.....

Good question.
It directly addresses the topic of evolution. If they could evolve into 37k species in a matter of a few thousand years, perhaps not. Maybe only one or two would do.
If you did this reduction process for all the species do you think you would have enough room for all the species that are left, and then allow for a few thousand years for everything else to evolve?
My number of species is around 8.7 million, and even if you discount that number for the aquatic species, you're still talking millions who need food for a year. That's how I conclude there was no room.

BBC News - Species count put at 8.7 million

you didn't answer the last time I asked...did God have to bring all 37k species of beetle?.....

Good question.
It directly addresses the topic of evolution. If they could evolve into 37k species in a matter of a few thousand years, perhaps not. Maybe only one or two would do.
If you did this reduction process for all the species do you think you would have enough room for all the species that are left, and then allow for a few thousand years for everything else to evolve?

well let's see....let's say I'm an Intelligent Designer who 1) created the universe, 2) created life, 3) created DNA, 4) created the reproductive process........

and now you think I'm stuck with sitting around waiting for random chance to produce what I want?.......

I'd say He could do it in a single generation if he wanted to.......after all, even being stuck with the natural process of reproduction humans were able to breed both St Bernards and chihuahuas from wolves in less than two thousand years......
you didn't answer the last time I asked...did God have to bring all 37k species of beetle?.....

Good question.
It directly addresses the topic of evolution. If they could evolve into 37k species in a matter of a few thousand years, perhaps not. Maybe only one or two would do.
If you did this reduction process for all the species do you think you would have enough room for all the species that are left, and then allow for a few thousand years for everything else to evolve?

well let's see....let's say I'm an Intelligent Designer who 1) created the universe, 2) created life, 3) created DNA, 4) created the reproductive process........

and now you think I'm stuck with sitting around waiting for random chance to produce what I want?.......

I'd say He could do it in a single generation if he wanted to.......after all, even being stuck with the natural process of reproduction humans were able to breed both St Bernards and chihuahuas from wolves in less than two thousand years......

And this explosion of species would go unnoticed and unrecorded by man as it happened all around him? No one would notice?
I guess you could go with that.
Rock on!
Good question.
It directly addresses the topic of evolution. If they could evolve into 37k species in a matter of a few thousand years, perhaps not. Maybe only one or two would do.
If you did this reduction process for all the species do you think you would have enough room for all the species that are left, and then allow for a few thousand years for everything else to evolve?

well let's see....let's say I'm an Intelligent Designer who 1) created the universe, 2) created life, 3) created DNA, 4) created the reproductive process........

and now you think I'm stuck with sitting around waiting for random chance to produce what I want?.......

I'd say He could do it in a single generation if he wanted to.......after all, even being stuck with the natural process of reproduction humans were able to breed both St Bernards and chihuahuas from wolves in less than two thousand years......

And this explosion of species would go unnoticed and unrecorded by man as it happened all around him? No one would notice?
I guess you could go with that.
Rock on!

there were only eight of them......they couldn't be everywhere......
well let's see....let's say I'm an Intelligent Designer who 1) created the universe, 2) created life, 3) created DNA, 4) created the reproductive process........

and now you think I'm stuck with sitting around waiting for random chance to produce what I want?.......

I'd say He could do it in a single generation if he wanted to.......after all, even being stuck with the natural process of reproduction humans were able to breed both St Bernards and chihuahuas from wolves in less than two thousand years......

And this explosion of species would go unnoticed and unrecorded by man as it happened all around him? No one would notice?
I guess you could go with that.
Rock on!

there were only eight of them......they couldn't be everywhere......

This is reeking with desperation.
odd....I distinctly smell sarcasm.....

do you sit around today and watch for new species evolving in your backyard?......
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Lets also not bother to mention the 25% or so of flying animals who could land on the OUTSIDE of the ARK.....

No, lets not mention that....

The boat was simply not big enough to hold 2 of every animal and food for 40 days. End of story.

the fact that Noah is mentioned by several authors in the New Testament leads credence to the Old Testament story tMaybe because to you every T is not crossed or every I is not dotted the story is false, but that is a poor excuse to believe that the story is not true.
ie you may think Jonah and the whale is a whopper but Jesus cleared all doubt the story was true.
since it was big fish not whale, jesus should have known better...
odd....I distinctly smell sarcasm.....

do you sit around today and watch for new species evolving in your backyard?......

If you look at a house built in say, 1750, you'll see that the doorways and rooms... are all smaller than we build them today. that's because over time, humans have been getting taller. That's evolution. And we've already evolved into different "species" of humans, such as asians, blacks, caucasians...
odd....I distinctly smell sarcasm.....

do you sit around today and watch for new species evolving in your backyard?......

That's my point.

I thought your point was we could.....or at least should have.....let me ask it this the last twelve months how many undomesticated creatures have you observed giving birth to their young?........
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odd....I distinctly smell sarcasm.....

do you sit around today and watch for new species evolving in your backyard?......

If you look at a house built in say, 1750, you'll see that the doorways and rooms... are all smaller than we build them today. that's because over time, humans have been getting taller. That's evolution. And we've already evolved into different "species" of humans, such as asians, blacks, caucasians...

holy crap......are you still playing that tune?......didn't you get embarrassed enough the first time around?........humans have not "evolved" since 1750, they have gotten better nutrition and medical care.......and if you think blacks and whites are different species I hear there's a job opening up for slave overseer that you are imminently qualified for......
You seem to be conveniently ignoring the fact that most of those species are acquatic. But then that's what you get when you just copy and paste a picture without taking any independent thought. If you had, you might have noticed that the picture is wrong on at least one detail and could be wrong on others.

Let us not forget about bacteria and certain types of microscopic creatures---1mm to them is like a football stadium to us!! Try that average process to the size of all the different types of living creatures and we maybe talking micrometers(average size) versus millimeter(average room allowed by Noah's Ark)!!

Even with that argument, Noah's Ark is logistically a myth.
odd....I distinctly smell sarcasm.....

do you sit around today and watch for new species evolving in your backyard?......

If you look at a house built in say, 1750, you'll see that the doorways and rooms... are all smaller than we build them today. that's because over time, humans have been getting taller. That's evolution. And we've already evolved into different "species" of humans, such as asians, blacks, caucasians...

holy crap......are you still playing that tune?......didn't you get embarrassed enough the first time around?........humans have not "evolved" since 1750, they have gotten better nutrition and medical care.......and if you think blacks and whites are different species I hear there's a job opening up for slave overseer that you are imminently qualified for......

That's why I put "species" in quotes, more like we evolved to different kinds of humans because of need. Like blacks needed their kind of skin to combat the elements in hot climates, whereas whites lost those pigments because we no longer needed them living in northern climates. That humans are getting taller for whatever reason is called evolution. Our diets... have evolved.
If you look at a house built in say, 1750, you'll see that the doorways and rooms... are all smaller than we build them today. that's because over time, humans have been getting taller. That's evolution. And we've already evolved into different "species" of humans, such as asians, blacks, caucasians...

holy crap......are you still playing that tune?......didn't you get embarrassed enough the first time around?........humans have not "evolved" since 1750, they have gotten better nutrition and medical care.......and if you think blacks and whites are different species I hear there's a job opening up for slave overseer that you are imminently qualified for......

That's why I put "species" in quotes, more like we evolved to different kinds of humans because of need. Like blacks needed their kind of skin to combat the elements in hot climates, whereas whites lost those pigments because we no longer needed them living in northern climates. That humans are getting taller for whatever reason is called evolution. Our diets... have evolved. you'll be telling us gravity has "evolved".......
holy crap......are you still playing that tune?......didn't you get embarrassed enough the first time around?........humans have not "evolved" since 1750, they have gotten better nutrition and medical care.......and if you think blacks and whites are different species I hear there's a job opening up for slave overseer that you are imminently qualified for......

That's why I put "species" in quotes, more like we evolved to different kinds of humans because of need. Like blacks needed their kind of skin to combat the elements in hot climates, whereas whites lost those pigments because we no longer needed them living in northern climates. That humans are getting taller for whatever reason is called evolution. Our diets... have evolved. you'll be telling us gravity has "evolved".......

No, but at least now you know what evolution means.
odd....I distinctly smell sarcasm.....

do you sit around today and watch for new species evolving in your backyard?......

That's my point.

I thought your point was we could.....or at least should have.....let me ask it this the last twelve months how many undomesticated creatures have you observed giving birth to their young?........

How is your question relevant?
Would I have to have seen my niece born to discover I have one?
The point is I can't sit and watch new species evolving in my backyard because I have a job and can't sit there for MILLIONS OF YEARS!
That's my point.

I thought your point was we could.....or at least should have.....let me ask it this the last twelve months how many undomesticated creatures have you observed giving birth to their young?........

How is your question relevant?
Would I have to have seen my niece born to discover I have one?
The point is I can't sit and watch new species evolving in my backyard because I have a job and can't sit there for MILLIONS OF YEARS!

but you assume that the survivors of the flood would have been aware of animals reproducing miles away and would have written about it?......

by the way, I didn't ask if you had seen any new species.....I asked if you had seen any births.....
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odd....I distinctly smell sarcasm.....

do you sit around today and watch for new species evolving in your backyard?......

If you look at a house built in say, 1750, you'll see that the doorways and rooms... are all smaller than we build them today. that's because over time, humans have been getting taller. That's evolution. And we've already evolved into different "species" of humans, such as asians, blacks, caucasians...

holy crap......are you still playing that tune?......didn't you get embarrassed enough the first time around?........humans have not "evolved" since 1750, they have gotten better nutrition and medical care.......and if you think blacks and whites are different species I hear there's a job opening up for slave overseer that you are imminently qualified for......
Top 10 Signs Of Evolution In Modern Man

Jamie Frater January 5, 2009

Through history, as natural selection played its part in the development of modern man, many of the useful functions and parts of the human body become unnecessary. What is most fascinating is that many of these parts of the body still remain in some form so we can see the progress of evolution. This list covers the ten most significant evolutionary changes that have taken place – leaving signs behind them.

Goose Bumps

Humans get goose bumps when they are cold, frightened, angry, or in awe. Many other creatures get goose bumps for the same reason, for example this is why a cat or dog’s hair stands on end and the cause behind a porcupine’s quills raising. In cold situations, the rising hair traps air between the hairs and skin, creating insulation and warmth. In response to fear, goose bumps make an animal appear larger – hopefully scaring away the enemy. Humans no longer benefit from goose bumps and they are simply left over from our past when we were not clothed and needed to scare our own natural enemies. Natural selection removed the thick hair but left behind the mechanism for controlling it.

Jacobson’s Organ

Vomeronasal organ

Jacobson’s organ is a fascinating part of animal anatomy and it tells us a lot about our own sexual history. The organ is in the nose and it is a special “smell” organ which detects pheromones (the chemical that triggers sexual desire, alarm, or information about food trails). It is this organ that allows some animals to track others for sex and to know of potential dangers. Humans are born with the Jacobson’s organ, but in early development its abilities dwindle to a point that it is useless. Once upon a time, humans would have used this organ to locate mates when communication was not possible. Single’s evenings, chat rooms, and bars have now taken its place in the process of human mate-seeking.

Junk DNA

While many of the hangovers from our “devolved” past are visible or physical, this is not true for all. Humans have structures in their genetic make-up that were once used to produces enzymes to process vitamin C (it is called L-gulonolactone oxidase). Most other animals have this functioning DNA but at some point in our history, a mutation disabled the gene – whilst leaving behind its remnants as junk DNA. This particular junk DNA indicates a common ancestry with other species on earth, so it is particularly interesting.
Top 10 Signs Of Evolution In Modern Man - Listverse
I thought your point was we could.....or at least should have.....let me ask it this the last twelve months how many undomesticated creatures have you observed giving birth to their young?........

How is your question relevant?
Would I have to have seen my niece born to discover I have one?
The point is I can't sit and watch new species evolving in my backyard because I have a job and can't sit there for MILLIONS OF YEARS!

but you assume that the survivors of the flood would have been aware of animals reproducing miles away and would have written about it?......

by the way, I didn't ask if you had seen any new species.....I asked if you had seen any births.....

And that was the exact question I addressed.
How is the question relevant to anything we are discussing?
Pure pablum.

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