Noah and his boat -

God has special love for those that choose to live by belierving,faith,trust in His Word without more proof.and you??

God gave humans the power of critical thinking. You should try it sometimes.

if you can prove to me critical thinking came from a primordial swamp I'll join your church.
critical thinking
disciplined thinking that is clear, rational, open-minded, and informed by evidence:

church noun \ˈchərch\
: a building that is used for Christian religious services

: religious services held in a church

: a particular Christian group

the two terms are mutually exclusive...
but to answer your question
you have to show evidence that thinking critical or otherwise did not come from a primordial swamp...
wishing that god gave it to us ,is not evidence.
you didn't answer the last time I asked...did God have to bring all 37k species of beetle?.....

Good question.
It directly addresses the topic of evolution. If they could evolve into 37k species in a matter of a few thousand years, perhaps not. Maybe only one or two would do.
If you did this reduction process for all the species do you think you would have enough room for all the species that are left, and then allow for a few thousand years for everything else to evolve?

well let's see....let's say I'm an Intelligent Designer who 1) created the universe, 2) created life, 3) created DNA, 4) created the reproductive process........

and now you think I'm stuck with sitting around waiting for random chance to produce what I want?.......

I'd say He could do it in a single generation if he wanted to.......after all, even being stuck with the natural process of reproduction humans were able to breed both St Bernards and chihuahuas from wolves in less than two thousand years......

Eurasia is most likely where people first began domesticating & breeding dogs, about 15,000 years ago according to the study of fossils.
holy crap......are you still playing that tune?......didn't you get embarrassed enough the first time around?........humans have not "evolved" since 1750, they have gotten better nutrition and medical care.......and if you think blacks and whites are different species I hear there's a job opening up for slave overseer that you are imminently qualified for......

That's why I put "species" in quotes, more like we evolved to different kinds of humans because of need. Like blacks needed their kind of skin to combat the elements in hot climates, whereas whites lost those pigments because we no longer needed them living in northern climates. That humans are getting taller for whatever reason is called evolution. Our diets... have evolved. you'll be telling us gravity has "evolved".......
How did gravity evolve?
In: Gravity [Edit categories]
Gravity was the first force to split from the other three fundamental universal forces (these being the electromagnetic, strong nuclear and weak nuclear forces) during the early expansion of the universe - around the end of the Planck epoch - through phase transitions of symmetry breaking. This basically defined the gravitational relationship among the others as we know it today, and hence gravity as a unique force has existed for the entirety of the known universe.

However, beyond that, gravity is at best hazy and at worst unexplainable because of those same definitions and properties. Active research includes gravity and how it works as a major focus, with efforts so far unable to unify it with the other three forces.

How did gravity evolve
How is your question relevant?
Would I have to have seen my niece born to discover I have one?
The point is I can't sit and watch new species evolving in my backyard because I have a job and can't sit there for MILLIONS OF YEARS!

but you assume that the survivors of the flood would have been aware of animals reproducing miles away and would have written about it?......

by the way, I didn't ask if you had seen any new species.....I asked if you had seen any births.....

And that was the exact question I addressed.
How is the question relevant to anything we are discussing?
Pure pablum.
/shrugs....since its a direct response to a question you asked, I will presume you believed it relevant at the time....
Good question.
It directly addresses the topic of evolution. If they could evolve into 37k species in a matter of a few thousand years, perhaps not. Maybe only one or two would do.
If you did this reduction process for all the species do you think you would have enough room for all the species that are left, and then allow for a few thousand years for everything else to evolve?

well let's see....let's say I'm an Intelligent Designer who 1) created the universe, 2) created life, 3) created DNA, 4) created the reproductive process........

and now you think I'm stuck with sitting around waiting for random chance to produce what I want?.......

I'd say He could do it in a single generation if he wanted to.......after all, even being stuck with the natural process of reproduction humans were able to breed both St Bernards and chihuahuas from wolves in less than two thousand years......

Eurasia is most likely where people first began domesticating & breeding dogs, about 15,000 years ago according to the study of fossils.

were there St Bernards or chihuahuas 2000 years ago?....
That's why I put "species" in quotes, more like we evolved to different kinds of humans because of need. Like blacks needed their kind of skin to combat the elements in hot climates, whereas whites lost those pigments because we no longer needed them living in northern climates. That humans are getting taller for whatever reason is called evolution. Our diets... have evolved. you'll be telling us gravity has "evolved".......
How did gravity evolve?
In: Gravity [Edit categories]
Gravity was the first force to split from the other three fundamental universal forces (these being the electromagnetic, strong nuclear and weak nuclear forces) during the early expansion of the universe - around the end of the Planck epoch - through phase transitions of symmetry breaking. This basically defined the gravitational relationship among the others as we know it today, and hence gravity as a unique force has existed for the entirety of the known universe.

However, beyond that, gravity is at best hazy and at worst unexplainable because of those same definitions and properties. Active research includes gravity and how it works as a major focus, with efforts so far unable to unify it with the other three forces.

How did gravity evolve

did you know one of the primary indicators for "fucking idiocy" is the inability to let go of a bad argument?......
but you assume that the survivors of the flood would have been aware of animals reproducing miles away and would have written about it?......

by the way, I didn't ask if you had seen any new species.....I asked if you had seen any births.....

And that was the exact question I addressed.
How is the question relevant to anything we are discussing?
Pure pablum.
/shrugs....since its a direct response to a question you asked, I will presume you believed it relevant at the time....

I NEVER asked a question about seeing animals give birth.
I asked if Noah and family would have noticed new species popping up all around them.
Really stupid stuff here PmP. you'll be telling us gravity has "evolved".......
How did gravity evolve?
In: Gravity [Edit categories]
Gravity was the first force to split from the other three fundamental universal forces (these being the electromagnetic, strong nuclear and weak nuclear forces) during the early expansion of the universe - around the end of the Planck epoch - through phase transitions of symmetry breaking. This basically defined the gravitational relationship among the others as we know it today, and hence gravity as a unique force has existed for the entirety of the known universe.

However, beyond that, gravity is at best hazy and at worst unexplainable because of those same definitions and properties. Active research includes gravity and how it works as a major focus, with efforts so far unable to unify it with the other three forces.

How did gravity evolve

did you know one of the primary indicators for "fucking idiocy" is the inability to let go of a bad argument?......

You should heed your words here.
It applies to your argument in the other thread about agnosticism as well. you'll be telling us gravity has "evolved".......
How did gravity evolve?
In: Gravity [Edit categories]
Gravity was the first force to split from the other three fundamental universal forces (these being the electromagnetic, strong nuclear and weak nuclear forces) during the early expansion of the universe - around the end of the Planck epoch - through phase transitions of symmetry breaking. This basically defined the gravitational relationship among the others as we know it today, and hence gravity as a unique force has existed for the entirety of the known universe.

However, beyond that, gravity is at best hazy and at worst unexplainable because of those same definitions and properties. Active research includes gravity and how it works as a major focus, with efforts so far unable to unify it with the other three forces.

How did gravity evolve

did you know one of the primary indicators for "fucking idiocy" is the inability to let go of a bad argument?......[/Q======================THE GOD REJECTOR IS A BLINDED CLUELESS FOOL!!! you'll be telling us gravity has "evolved".......
How did gravity evolve?
In: Gravity [Edit categories]
Gravity was the first force to split from the other three fundamental universal forces (these being the electromagnetic, strong nuclear and weak nuclear forces) during the early expansion of the universe - around the end of the Planck epoch - through phase transitions of symmetry breaking. This basically defined the gravitational relationship among the others as we know it today, and hence gravity as a unique force has existed for the entirety of the known universe.

However, beyond that, gravity is at best hazy and at worst unexplainable because of those same definitions and properties. Active research includes gravity and how it works as a major focus, with efforts so far unable to unify it with the other three forces.

How did gravity evolve

did you know one of the primary indicators for "fucking idiocy" is the inability to let go of a bad argument?......
Like the one where your god just plops down humans fully formed? :dunno:
And that was the exact question I addressed.
How is the question relevant to anything we are discussing?
Pure pablum.
/shrugs....since its a direct response to a question you asked, I will presume you believed it relevant at the time....

I NEVER asked a question about seeing animals give birth.
I asked if Noah and family would have noticed new species popping up all around them.
Really stupid stuff here PmP.

and you are equally stupid if you don't realize it could have been happening ten miles away and they would never have seen don't see things that happen in your own back yard.....
How did gravity evolve?
In: Gravity [Edit categories]
Gravity was the first force to split from the other three fundamental universal forces (these being the electromagnetic, strong nuclear and weak nuclear forces) during the early expansion of the universe - around the end of the Planck epoch - through phase transitions of symmetry breaking. This basically defined the gravitational relationship among the others as we know it today, and hence gravity as a unique force has existed for the entirety of the known universe.

However, beyond that, gravity is at best hazy and at worst unexplainable because of those same definitions and properties. Active research includes gravity and how it works as a major focus, with efforts so far unable to unify it with the other three forces.

How did gravity evolve

did you know one of the primary indicators for "fucking idiocy" is the inability to let go of a bad argument?......

You should heed your words here.
It applies to your argument in the other thread about agnosticism as well.

???...I won that argument.....
How did gravity evolve?
In: Gravity [Edit categories]
Gravity was the first force to split from the other three fundamental universal forces (these being the electromagnetic, strong nuclear and weak nuclear forces) during the early expansion of the universe - around the end of the Planck epoch - through phase transitions of symmetry breaking. This basically defined the gravitational relationship among the others as we know it today, and hence gravity as a unique force has existed for the entirety of the known universe.

However, beyond that, gravity is at best hazy and at worst unexplainable because of those same definitions and properties. Active research includes gravity and how it works as a major focus, with efforts so far unable to unify it with the other three forces.

How did gravity evolve

did you know one of the primary indicators for "fucking idiocy" is the inability to let go of a bad argument?......
Like the one where your god just plops down humans fully formed? :dunno:

?????....why would that be a bad makes a lot more sense than claiming life climbed out of mud....
Like the one where your god just plops down humans fully formed? :dunno:

?????....why would that be a bad makes a lot more sense than claiming life climbed out of mud....

That makes sense to you that humans just magically appeared out of nowhere? :cuckoo:
It makes sense to me that God created human beings.....the "magic" is your contribution....God just contributed the people......
Danged inconvenient facts.


Anyone seen the movie?

The dimensions on this picture are wrong and don't agree with Answers In Genesis, Wikipedia and probably other sources I have. That is why PBS will always be the liberal organization that makes up the facts as they go along.


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?????....why would that be a bad makes a lot more sense than claiming life climbed out of mud....

That makes sense to you that humans just magically appeared out of nowhere? :cuckoo:
It makes sense to me that God created human beings.....the "magic" is your contribution....God just contributed the people......

So god created humans through evolution, or by making them appear fully formed as we are today?

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