Noah and his boat -
Even if the Gospels were not written until 30 years after Christ’s death, that would still place the writing of them prior to the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70. This presents no major problem with their authority or accuracy. Passing on oral traditions and teachings was commonplace in the Jewish culture of that day, and memorization was highly cultivated and practiced. Also, the fact that even at that time there would have been a considerable number of eyewitnesses around to dispute and discredit any false claims, and the fact that none of the “hard sayings” of Jesus were taken from the Gospel accounts, further supports their accuracy.

BADABING!!!! We have a winner! Oral traditions are what I call hearsay, or myths.

well, why didn't you just say you didn't know what hearsay would have saved time.....
You seem to be conveniently ignoring the fact that most of those species are acquatic. But then that's what you get when you just copy and paste a picture without taking any independent thought. If you had, you might have noticed that the picture is wrong on at least one detail and could be wrong on others.
Lets also not bother to mention the 25% or so of flying animals who could land on the OUTSIDE of the ARK.....

No, lets not mention that....
You seem to be conveniently ignoring the fact that most of those species are acquatic. But then that's what you get when you just copy and paste a picture without taking any independent thought. If you had, you might have noticed that the picture is wrong on at least one detail and could be wrong on others.
Lets also not bother to mention the 25% or so of flying animals who could land on the OUTSIDE of the ARK.....

No, lets not mention that....

The boat was simply not big enough to hold 2 of every animal and food for 40 days. End of story.
You seem to be conveniently ignoring the fact that most of those species are acquatic. But then that's what you get when you just copy and paste a picture without taking any independent thought. If you had, you might have noticed that the picture is wrong on at least one detail and could be wrong on others.
Lets also not bother to mention the 25% or so of flying animals who could land on the OUTSIDE of the ARK.....

No, lets not mention that....

The boat was simply not big enough to hold 2 of every animal and food for 40 days. End of story.
Food for a year!
It just rained for 40 days.
You seem to be conveniently ignoring the fact that most of those species are acquatic. But then that's what you get when you just copy and paste a picture without taking any independent thought. If you had, you might have noticed that the picture is wrong on at least one detail and could be wrong on others.
Lets also not bother to mention the 25% or so of flying animals who could land on the OUTSIDE of the ARK.....

No, lets not mention that....

Like those flying monkeys from the Wizard of Oz?
What I love and do love the most is the truth in the Word. The Lord was so sad that he had commanded this be done he gave us rainbows.
What I love and do love the most is the truth in the Word. The Lord was so sad that he had commanded this be done he gave us rainbows.

Word Perfect or Microsoft Word?

So god gave us rainbow pride parades? Cool. :cool:
God has special love for those that choose to live by belierving,faith,trust in His Word without more proof.and you??
You seem to be conveniently ignoring the fact that most of those species are acquatic. But then that's what you get when you just copy and paste a picture without taking any independent thought. If you had, you might have noticed that the picture is wrong on at least one detail and could be wrong on others.

Show me where modern-day Mormonism believes literally in the Noah story.

Genesis 6,7,8,9
Moses 8
Heb 11:7
2Pet 2:5
1Pet 3:20
DC 107:52

Remember, the Bible was authored by Mormons;)
You seem to be conveniently ignoring the fact that most of those species are acquatic. But then that's what you get when you just copy and paste a picture without taking any independent thought. If you had, you might have noticed that the picture is wrong on at least one detail and could be wrong on others.
Lets also not bother to mention the 25% or so of flying animals who could land on the OUTSIDE of the ARK.....

No, lets not mention that....

The boat was simply not big enough to hold 2 of every animal and food for 40 days. End of story.

the fact that Noah is mentioned by several authors in the New Testament leads credence to the Old Testament story tMaybe because to you every T is not crossed or every I is not dotted the story is false, but that is a poor excuse to believe that the story is not true.
ie you may think Jonah and the whale is a whopper but Jesus cleared all doubt the story was true.
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You seem to be conveniently ignoring the fact that most of those species are acquatic. But then that's what you get when you just copy and paste a picture without taking any independent thought. If you had, you might have noticed that the picture is wrong on at least one detail and could be wrong on others.
Lets also not bother to mention the 25% or so of flying animals who could land on the OUTSIDE of the ARK.....

No, lets not mention that....

The boat was simply not big enough to hold 2 of every animal and food for 40 days. End of story.
all 237 of them wouldn't fit?....
Lets also not bother to mention the 25% or so of flying animals who could land on the OUTSIDE of the ARK.....

No, lets not mention that....

The boat was simply not big enough to hold 2 of every animal and food for 40 days. End of story.

the fact that Noah is mentioned by several authors in the New Testament leads credence to the Old Testament story tMaybe because to you every T is not crossed or every I is not dotted the story is false, but that is a poor excuse to believe that the story is not true.
ie you may think Jonah and the whale is a whopper but Jesus cleared all doubt the story was true.

So basically ANY steaming pile of malarkey is ok with you. I'm still trying to figure out how Noah got polar bears from the high arctic to his boat and back again. Plus, everything that Jesus is supposed to have said is hearsay, written long after the events. Anyways, wtf would Jesus know about some whale story that he wasn't around to see?
God has special love for those that choose to live by belierving,faith,trust in His Word without more proof.and you??

God gave humans the power of critical thinking. You should try it sometimes.
all 237 of them wouldn't fit?....

237? How do you come up with that number?

obviously whatever number you've used to calculate there was no room for them....
My number of species is around 8.7 million, and even if you discount that number for the aquatic species, you're still talking millions who need food for a year. That's how I conclude there was no room.

BBC News - Species count put at 8.7 million
237? How do you come up with that number?

obviously whatever number you've used to calculate there was no room for them....
My number of species is around 8.7 million, and even if you discount that number for the aquatic species, you're still talking millions who need food for a year. That's how I conclude there was no room.

BBC News - Species count put at 8.7 million

you didn't answer the last time I asked...did God have to bring all 37k species of beetle?.....

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