Norquist book: IRS assault on Tea Party saved Obama's presidency


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Obama certainly wasn't the first to use the IRS as a weapon.

Norquist book IRS assault on Tea Party saved Obama s presidency

The administration-ordered persecution of Tea Party groups shut down the movement in time to save President Obama's reelection and starve Republican Mitt Romney of the 4,262,296 votes needed to take the White House, according to an explosive new book from tax foe Grover Norquist.

In End The IRS Before It Ends Us, a clarion call for a new, fairer tax system, Norquist pieces together the IRS scandal and scholarly electoral studies to show that plot worked to stifle the expanding Tea Party movement in the nick of time to help Obama.

RELATED: Cause of Action presses IRS on taxpayer data shared with White House

"Had the Tea Party repeated and built on their activism of 2009 and 2010 in 2011 and 2012, Obama would have lost the election. What happened to the Tea Party boost? It didn't grow from 2010. It appeared to weaken," writes Norquist, president of the influential Americans for Tax Reform.

But, he adds, "The Tea Party didn't fall down the stairs. It was pushed."
Neat, a book based on unproved speculation.

Specifically, "an administration ordered."

Thats the part theyve been trying to "prove," and havent yet done so thus no convictions. Remember?

Why is propoganda not easily avoided?

Confirmation bias feeds the ego, that's why.

I still like ya though.
Also, the elephant in the room was always that they werent supposed to qualify as tax exempt if they were political based groups.

Yet not getting the tax exemption, targeted or not, hurt the oh so political "tea party" to the point it hurt them in a Presidential election?

Hmmmmmmm Doctor Spock. Hmmmmm
I thought the propaganda you people had settled on was that Romney lost because he wasn't conservative enough and the hard line conservative vote, as in Tea Party,

didn't turn out?

Comon, people. One myth at a time.

I'm not quite sure who this guy is.

Who is this guy, and why do we care?

He's the quack who has made Republican representatives sign the non binding pledge to never raise taxes, when they get elected.

For years.

I'm not quite sure who this guy is.

Who is this guy, and why do we care?

He's the quack who has made Republican representatives sign the non binding pledge to never raise taxes, when they get elected.

For years.
I know that, I can picture him running around, waving that silly paper, acting very important.

What I'm not sure about is his expertise and why so many seem to follow him. Too lazy to look him up, don't care enough.

Well, other than the entertainment value of watching politicians box themselves into a corner by signing a piece of paper.


I'm not quite sure who this guy is.

Who is this guy, and why do we care?

He's the quack who has made Republican representatives sign the non binding pledge to never raise taxes, when they get elected.

For years.
I know that, I can picture him running around, waving that silly paper, acting very important.

What I'm not sure about is his expertise and why so many seem to follow him. Too lazy to look him up, don't care enough.

Well, other than the entertainment value of watching politicians box themselves into a corner by signing a piece of paper.

He shares a name with a blue guy from Sesame street, and so he's adorable.
Also, the elephant in the room was always that they werent supposed to qualify as tax exempt if they were political based groups.

Yet not getting the tax exemption, targeted or not, hurt the oh so political "tea party" to the point it hurt them in a Presidential election?

Hmmmmmmm Doctor Spock. Hmmmmm

Of course, morons like you would have us believe that and the HuffingtonPost are not political organizations. The criteria is whether they are "partisan," meaning to they contribute to politicians or give them endorsements like the NAACP does, and the answer is a resounding "no."
Also, the elephant in the room was always that they werent supposed to qualify as tax exempt if they were political based groups.

Yet not getting the tax exemption, targeted or not, hurt the oh so political "tea party" to the point it hurt them in a Presidential election?

Hmmmmmmm Doctor Spock. Hmmmmm

Of course, morons like you would have us believe that and the HuffingtonPost are not political organizations. The criteria is whether they are "partisan," meaning to they contribute to politicians or give them endorsements like the NAACP does, and the answer is a resounding "no."
Angry old people like you have no place within intelligent discourse. You should stop wasting your time in these discussions, all you're doing is driving yourself MAD. Look at ya.
Also, the elephant in the room was always that they werent supposed to qualify as tax exempt if they were political based groups.

Yet not getting the tax exemption, targeted or not, hurt the oh so political "tea party" to the point it hurt them in a Presidential election?

Hmmmmmmm Doctor Spock. Hmmmmm

Of course, morons like you would have us believe that and the HuffingtonPost are not political organizations. The criteria is whether they are "partisan," meaning to they contribute to politicians or give them endorsements like the NAACP does, and the answer is a resounding "no."
Angry old people like you have no place within intelligent discourse. You should stop wasting your time in these discussions, all you're doing is driving yourself MAD. Look at ya.

Ah, so you aren't "angry" even though you spew ad hominems in every post?

There's no pretention like liberal pretention.
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All I can say, we will have a republican president next. I don't want to hear no whining from liberals on the new powers Obama has given him.
Also, the elephant in the room was always that they werent supposed to qualify as tax exempt if they were political based groups.

Yet not getting the tax exemption, targeted or not, hurt the oh so political "tea party" to the point it hurt them in a Presidential election?

Hmmmmmmm Doctor Spock. Hmmmmm

Of course, morons like you would have us believe that and the HuffingtonPost are not political organizations. The criteria is whether they are "partisan," meaning to they contribute to politicians or give them endorsements like the NAACP does, and the answer is a resounding "no."
Angry old people like you have no place within intelligent discourse. You should stop wasting your time in these discussions, all you're doing is driving yourself MAD. Look at ya.

Ah, so you aren't "angry" even though you spew ad hominems in every post?

There's no retention like liberal retention.

"Look look he maaaaaaad right now..........he wants to punch a wall soooo00 baaaaaad right now"
All I can say, we will have a republican president next. I don't want to hear no whining from liberals on the new powers Obama has given him.
I sincerely doubt it.

With the current list of contenders.

Whichever side produces a new face that sounds semi intelligent, the people will vote for that. The American people en masse are not these partisan degenerate message boarder / propoganda channel watching cronies like we all are. Thjey just want new and fresh, and all that's been rumored so far from either side is the same fucking guys that have been in these same fucking conversations for YEARS
Obama certainly wasn't the first to use the IRS as a weapon.

Norquist book IRS assault on Tea Party saved Obama s presidency

The administration-ordered persecution of Tea Party groups shut down the movement in time to save President Obama's reelection and starve Republican Mitt Romney of the 4,262,296 votes needed to take the White House, according to an explosive new book from tax foe Grover Norquist.

In End The IRS Before It Ends Us, a clarion call for a new, fairer tax system, Norquist pieces together the IRS scandal and scholarly electoral studies to show that plot worked to stifle the expanding Tea Party movement in the nick of time to help Obama.

RELATED: Cause of Action presses IRS on taxpayer data shared with White House

"Had the Tea Party repeated and built on their activism of 2009 and 2010 in 2011 and 2012, Obama would have lost the election. What happened to the Tea Party boost? It didn't grow from 2010. It appeared to weaken," writes Norquist, president of the influential Americans for Tax Reform.

But, he adds, "The Tea Party didn't fall down the stairs. It was pushed."

I would take anything Norquist has to say with a huge grain of salt. He is less than neutral. As to whether or not the TP fell or was pushed down the stairs... if they were pushed it wasn't the administration that did it. I understand that people think Obama has God like powers, but he really doesn't.
All I can say, we will have a republican president next. I don't want to hear no whining from liberals on the new powers Obama has given him.
I sincerely doubt it.

With the current list of contenders.

Whichever side produces a new face that sounds semi intelligent, the people will vote for that. The American people en masse are not these partisan degenerate message boarder / propoganda channel watching cronies like we all are. Thjey just want new and fresh, and all that's been rumored so far from either side is the same fucking guys that have been in these same fucking conversations for YEARS
Don't want to hear any whining.
All I can say, we will have a republican president next. I don't want to hear no whining from liberals on the new powers Obama has given him.

Name one new power Obama has exercised which had not already been exercised by prior presidents.

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