North Korea holding an American Hero - are you outraged?

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  • I am outraged and you are an anti American

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1. Absolutely.

2. Well, are you............Exactly what is the purpose of that question.......

To the point, yeah, I'm pissed off by it...........I think we should demand his return and even point the guns across the border over it.

And Tell China to put their dang dog on a leash........
I'm outraged, but not surprised. N. Korea and its Dear Leader (or whatever that fat fuck is called) needs attention. I'm sure they monitor this and similar message boards and see what they hope - a house divided. So, they take advantage and do outragious things, hoping, IMO, to get some attention to legitimaize the illegitmate leadership of the fat fuck.

How? They hope President Bill Clinton once again goes to the rescue. Anything that takes the population of their people off their empty tummy and the despair of living in a real world totalitarian hell.
I'm outraged, but not surprised. N. Korea and its Dear Leader (or whatever that fat fuck is called) needs attention. I'm sure they monitor this and similar message boards and see what they hope - a house divided. So, they take advantage and do outragious things, hoping, IMO, to get some attention to legitimaize the illegitmate leadership of the fat fuck.

How? They hope President Bill Clinton once again goes to the rescue. Anything that takes the population of their people off their empty tummy and the despair of living in a real world totalitarian hell.

This looks like a job for Rod-man
Don't worry, the old war veteran is probably safer in North Korea than he is in one of US big cities like North Philadelphia where I lived.
I don't think teens in N. Korea like to play the knock out game like they do in USA:
Knock that old man down:

"One expert says teens who play the so-called game, in which random strangers are sucker punched with the goal of knocking them out, crave the notoriety and know they won't go away for long because they're kids." Terrifying teen 'knockout' game assaults spread across U.S. -

Last edited:
I wonder if teens in N. Korea like to play the knock out game like they do in USA:
Knock that old man down:

"One expert says teens who play the so-called game, in which random strangers are sucker punched with the goal of knocking them out, crave the notoriety and know they won't go away for long because they're kids." Terrifying teen 'knockout' game assaults spread across U.S. -

131123154104-knock-out-game-brown-newday-00023125-c1-main.jpg are just being stupid. Why try to bring that stupid shit into this thread?

Not an exceptionally brilliant plan visiting the DPRK at that age with such infirmities.
The reason old people go to places in Asia (and I say this having seen it first hand in Philippines) is because they have no one to take care of them in their own country - in American culture it is considered normal to abandon their parents or send them to special homes, kids who stay with their parents are even intimidated by others. the reason the society has been made like that is because it is easier to rape it that way, something average American will not even understand.
I wonder if teens in N. Korea like to play the knock out game like they do in USA:
Knock that old man down:

"One expert says teens who play the so-called game, in which random strangers are sucker punched with the goal of knocking them out, crave the notoriety and know they won't go away for long because they're kids." Terrifying teen 'knockout' game assaults spread across U.S. -

131123154104-knock-out-game-brown-newday-00023125-c1-main.jpg are just being stupid. Why try to bring that stupid shit into this thread?

I worded it a little wrong, but edited it before you quoted me, read again.
Simply enlisting, or being drafted does not make one a hero.
Appying the term to every draftee cheapens its meaning.
Send over Rodman. He might be able to get his pal to let the guy leave.
Still stupid. Why must nutters always be so stupid?
I am not the one stupid that plays a PATRIOT of a society which TOLERATES assholes who punch random people in the face. you on the other hand may be IGNORANT for not seeing the POINT that I made.
Still stupid. Why must nutters always be so stupid?
I am not the one stupid that plays a PATRIOT of a society which TOLERATES assholes who punch random people in the face. you on the other hand may be IGNORANT for not seeing the POINT that I made.

Was your point that N. Korea is a place that has real patriots and should be looked up to by Americans?
Let me see; an ex American soldier, part of an army that committed a long string of war crimes in Korea, is arrested and detained for investigation.

When a country detains a Nazi, everyone cheers but when America loses one of its people, part of an army that committed terrible war crimes, it's terrible, bad news, he's a hero, a patriot...

... but they won't release his war record to prove he had nothing to do with America's war crimes in Korea.

The Korean War: The ?Unknown War?. The Coverup of US War Crimes | Global Research

One of the worst atrocities was perpetrated by the South Korean police at the small city of Tae Jun. They executed 7,000 political prisoners while Central Intelligence Agency and U.S. military officials looked on, Cumings said. To compound the crime, the Pentagon blamed the atrocity on the Communists, Cumings said. “The Joint Chiefs of Staff classified the photographs of it because they make it clear who’s doing it, and they don’t let the photographs out until 1999 when a Korean finally got them declassified.”

Mass rapes of Korean women, executions of political prisoners, deliberately targeting civilian populations with massive bombing raids and a load of other crap....all brushed under the carpet and hidden by classifying the documents and photos.

Much as I dislike the NK government, I can't blame NK on this issue; I would probably have done the same if I'd got hold of a member of the army that did these things.

Remember, NK was absolutely no danger to the United States, you invaded their country and were the aggressor in every way, all to keep your dictator in power in the south.
I'm outraged, but not surprised. N. Korea and its Dear Leader (or whatever that fat fuck is called) needs attention. I'm sure they monitor this and similar message boards and see what they hope - a house divided. So, they take advantage and do outragious things, hoping, IMO, to get some attention to legitimaize the illegitmate leadership of the fat fuck.

How? They hope President Bill Clinton once again goes to the rescue. Anything that takes the population of their people off their empty tummy and the despair of living in a real world totalitarian hell.

I assume you're aware, America did a lot of such things.
Your war crimes finally came out so you're hardly in a position to moan.

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