Not 1 of the 8 still hospitalized in El Paso would even meet with Trump

He is ridiculed where he goes. Baby orange cant handle the heat, all he does is whine.


All white confirms what we all know lol. You can him for 6 or 20 years here in California I have never seen a trump supporter, proud sanctuary state you can enjoy your flyover useless red areas. Keep going to those rallies he needs your love.
They didn’t want to be attacked by leftists again.

Indeed. Good point. Lying helpless in a hospital with no protection from the scum would be very bad thing.
We already know how the Left repeatedly put the addresses of children out with death threats.
Do you think Trump will rethink some of his rhetoric based on the strong rejection he is getting in ElPaso? Do you think he might see a glimmer of "the light" when the victims of a mass shooting turn their backs and won't even speak to him?
What rhetoric OL?....what has he said exactly that calls for your comment?...copy and paste whatever you find here in its is your big show business chance to tell us all why Trump is a racist...lets see it...
I'm not getting involved in your "busy work." You've seen his words and you've seen endless threads here quoting him. Don't play dumb.
What words? He ph uks with those who ph uks with him. He is a New Yorker. One person stands up for Repubs and you are in a tizzy. You have successfully railed half the nation against you. Your self inflicted wounds have 90% and more of vicious killings from your own to your own. You will bring in a dicator that will get rid of this drama. Figure it out.
If I were laying in a hospital room with my arse hanging out of one of them gowns I wouldn't want the President and the WH press corp in my room either.....wouldn't matter who was POTUS.
Not me...Hospitals are boring as hell....that would be something to have the leader of the free world check in on me....
The leader of the free world ? HAHAHAHAHA
That's right laughing boy...he won remember?....or were you on a drinking binge?....
Do you think Trump will rethink some of his rhetoric based on the strong rejection he is getting in ElPaso? Do you think he might see a glimmer of "the light" when the victims of a mass shooting turn their backs and won't even speak to him?
What rhetoric OL?....what has he said exactly that calls for your comment?...copy and paste whatever you find here in its is your big show business chance to tell us all why Trump is a racist...lets see it...
I'm not getting involved in your "busy work." You've seen his words and you've seen endless threads here quoting him. Don't play dumb.
You made the accusation back it up...I bet you can't and you know you can't...remember empty false accusations always backfire...always...
One day when they are recovered and removed from this current political nonsense we are living with from liberals...they will look back and regret not meeting the President of the United States....
I would like to see Trump file suits against everyone who has slandered him after he gets out of office. Starting with the Obama brothers, Barack and Sleepy Joe.
ummm yeah, that'll work. Slander against Trump the namecaller.
There's a yuuuuge difference.
All white confirms what we all know lol. You can him for 6 or 20 years here in California I have never seen a trump supporter, proud sanctuary state you can enjoy your flyover useless red areas. Keep going to those rallies he needs your love.

There in Kali a MAGA cap or yard sign could mean a homicide about to happen....we in Arizona know all about you airhead trash....thousands of you came here to escape the taxes but demand the same services here. No worries...God has a master plan for's called the San Andreas long can you hold your breath under water, chimp?
So it appears this fake news stemmed from an unamed source at the hospital told someone this. And the media parroted it all over without vetting what he said.
According to the local TV station and El Paso Times he met with at least 3 and several of the victims families.
Do you think Trump will rethink some of his rhetoric based on the strong rejection he is getting in ElPaso? Do you think he might see a glimmer of "the light" when the victims of a mass shooting turn their backs and won't even speak to him?

No, he won't. He has absolutely NO capability for introspection and zero empathy for anyone except himself. That was clearly evident when he gave his teleprompter speech about the shootings: He was stiff, uncomfortable, with a constant nervous sniffing that he does when he has to speak about something he could give a shit about, and expressionless. He's a fucking monster.
Do you think Trump will rethink some of his rhetoric based on the strong rejection he is getting in ElPaso? Do you think he might see a glimmer of "the light" when the victims of a mass shooting turn their backs and won't even speak to him?

No, he won't. He has absolutely NO capability for introspection and zero empathy for anyone except himself. That was clearly evident when he gave his teleprompter speech about the shootings: He was stiff, uncomfortable, with a constant nervous sniffing that he does when he has to speak about something he could give a shit about, and expressionless. He's a fucking monster.

He's a fucking monster.

He sure as shit is and he's OUR monster....try as you sissies will, you won't find one of your own to beat him.

He did the mash....he did the MONSTER was a graveyard smash....the MONSTER mash....:badgrin:
If I were laying in a hospital room with my arse hanging out of one of them gowns I wouldn't want the President and the WH press corp in my room either.....wouldn't matter who was POTUS.

No shit. When I think back, anytime I've been admitted to the hospital, I was in no mood for socializing. The only people I wanted to talk to were medical professionals. And even they were lucky I didn't bite their head off.
Of course, if any of the family members of the Dallas policemen who were assassinated by a black radical, not long after Obama and BLM had criticized the police--if any of those family members had refused to meet with Obama, you guys would have said they were being very disrespectful and were politicizing a tragedy. If any of the policemen had survived the shooting and had refused to meet with Obama, you would have said the same thing--and so would I.

But, you will show no such courtesy or respect for President Trump.
You left wing faggots are going to lose in 2020. Get used to it. Hopefully deport yourselves; we've noted all those assorted gimps and dykes who claimed they were leaving are still here. Why is that ? Why is 'Fat, Loud, and Black' such a big thing on daytime TV?

Why are you such a whiny snowflake?
Wow......a bunch of illegals didn't want to meet Trump.....maybe they were told he was gonna deport them.

Yahoo news is fake news.

If anyone didn't want to meet Trump then they definitely aren't conservative. And if they're illegal then when they get released it should be to ICE.

Cult45 aren't conservatives.

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