Now calling the Celebrity-in-Chief "cool" is racist

Umm, you quoted it and so did the OP.

"She added that "even 'cool,' the term 'cool,' could in some ways be deemed racial"

Now, those questions I asked, would you mind answering them so that I can better understand what you want to say?

Do you understand the difference between racial and racist? Heres a hint, they dont mean the same thing. So again, who is saying calling him cool is racist? The straw man?
Oh? Another "nuance", eh?

So, what exactly IS the difference between racial comments and racist comments about the POTUS?

And, let's assume there is a difference, let's have a new set of questions for you:

Is racial to wonder if someone has an intellect?

Is it racial to wonder if someone attended an Ivy League?

Is it racial to wonder if someone is educated enough?

Is it racial to wonder if someone is too educated?

Is it racial to wonder if someone is Christian enough?

Is it racial to wonder if someone is too Christian?

Is it racial to call someone cool?

Is it racial to wonder if someone is cool enough?

Is it racial to think that Bush is more cool than Obama?

Is it racial to like the music from Superfly and/or Shaft?

Uh yeah, you cant go around saying things that arent true.

The answer to those questions is it depends on the context. If you saw someone with a turban on and wondered if they are an American, its racial unless you look at all people that way.

So, no one said calling Obama is racist then why did you and the OP say someone did?
Do you understand the difference between racial and racist? Heres a hint, they dont mean the same thing. So again, who is saying calling him cool is racist? The straw man?
Oh? Another "nuance", eh?

So, what exactly IS the difference between racial comments and racist comments about the POTUS?

And, let's assume there is a difference, let's have a new set of questions for you:

Is racial to wonder if someone has an intellect?

Is it racial to wonder if someone attended an Ivy League?

Is it racial to wonder if someone is educated enough?

Is it racial to wonder if someone is too educated?

Is it racial to wonder if someone is Christian enough?

Is it racial to wonder if someone is too Christian?

Is it racial to call someone cool?

Is it racial to wonder if someone is cool enough?

Is it racial to think that Bush is more cool than Obama?

Is it racial to like the music from Superfly and/or Shaft?

Uh yeah, you cant go around saying things that arent true.

The answer to those questions is it depends on the context. If you saw someone with a turban on and wondered if they are an American, its racial unless you look at all people that way.

So, no one said calling Obama is racist then why did you and the OP say someone did?
What "context" makes any of those questions racist or racial?

And, the questions are very easy questions - take them on face value and stop being so racial.

You focus too much on a person's race. MLK, Jr. would rather you focus on the content of their character.
Oh? Another "nuance", eh?

So, what exactly IS the difference between racial comments and racist comments about the POTUS?

And, let's assume there is a difference, let's have a new set of questions for you:

Is racial to wonder if someone has an intellect?

Is it racial to wonder if someone attended an Ivy League?

Is it racial to wonder if someone is educated enough?

Is it racial to wonder if someone is too educated?

Is it racial to wonder if someone is Christian enough?

Is it racial to wonder if someone is too Christian?

Is it racial to call someone cool?

Is it racial to wonder if someone is cool enough?

Is it racial to think that Bush is more cool than Obama?

Is it racial to like the music from Superfly and/or Shaft?

Uh yeah, you cant go around saying things that arent true.

The answer to those questions is it depends on the context. If you saw someone with a turban on and wondered if they are an American, its racial unless you look at all people that way.

So, no one said calling Obama is racist then why did you and the OP say someone did?
What "context" makes any of those questions racist or racial?

And, the questions are very easy questions - take them on face value and stop being so racial.

You focus too much on a person's race. MLK, Jr. would rather you focus on the content of their character.

A white guy walks into a bar and the black guy says "Hey he's cool for a white guy" -
Uh yeah, you cant go around saying things that arent true.

The answer to those questions is it depends on the context. If you saw someone with a turban on and wondered if they are an American, its racial unless you look at all people that way.

So, no one said calling Obama is racist then why did you and the OP say someone did?
What "context" makes any of those questions racist or racial?

And, the questions are very easy questions - take them on face value and stop being so racial.

You focus too much on a person's race. MLK, Jr. would rather you focus on the content of their character.

A white guy walks into a bar and the black guy says "Hey he's cool for a white guy" -
But, YOU injected race into the questions.

The questions don't refer to race. These are questions that the person quoted in the article says are racial. If one wonders about education, it is racial. I'm trying really hard to figure out how that is possible.

Why are you so focused on race?

Take the questions at face value and try, just try, to give an honest answer.
What "context" makes any of those questions racist or racial?

And, the questions are very easy questions - take them on face value and stop being so racial.

You focus too much on a person's race. MLK, Jr. would rather you focus on the content of their character.

A white guy walks into a bar and the black guy says "Hey he's cool for a white guy" -
But, YOU injected race into the questions.

The questions don't refer to race. These are questions that the person quoted in the article says are racial. If one wonders about education, it is racial. I'm trying really hard to figure out how that is possible.

Why are you so focused on race?

Take the questions at face value and try, just try, to give an honest answer.

Of course they dont, thats why I said it depends on the context. When you asked what context could make it racial...I answered. Again, no one claimed calling Obama cool is racist now you are saying that someone (the straw man again) said asking those questions are racist. Who said that?

Also, I gave an honest answer...the cool for a white guy example is racial. Wondering if someone is an American because they wear a turban is racial. Do you understand?

The left were burned by accusing us of being racist and using racist codewords for three years so now they're going to intentionally use codewords such as "racial" instead of "racist" to try to keep getting away with their bad behavior?

In a way, I'm glad about the tiniest hint of greater care on their part, if not greater honesty.

But sorry - this is the English language - not a court of law or a sociology class. If you're going to sling around words like "racial" to describe the motive behind behaviors you are clearly calling mean-spirited, then it's natural for people to hear that as you imputing "racist" motivations.

If you're gonna play the race card, you're gonna get called on it.

And if Obama is gonna be a diva we're gonna call him on that -- no matter how hard anyone tries to suppress the criticism by implying that we get our talking points from the KKK.

Every time you call our motivation "racial" you're increasing the enthusiasm of the vote on our side.

The left were burned by accusing us of being racist and using racist codewords for three years so now they're going to intentionally use codewords such as "racial" instead of "racist" to try to keep getting away with their bad behavior?

In a way, I'm glad about the tiniest hint of greater care on their part, if not greater honesty.

But sorry - this is the English language - not a court of law or a sociology class. If you're going to sling around words like "racial" to describe the motive behind behaviors you are clearly calling mean-spirited, then it's natural for people to hear that as you imputing "racist" motivations.

If you're gonna play the race card, you're gonna get called on it.

And if Obama is gonna be a diva we're gonna call him on that -- no matter how hard anyone tries to suppress the criticism by implying that we get our talking points from the KKK.

Every time you call our motivation "racial" you're increasing the enthusiasm of the vote on our side.

Wait, so you said something was in the article that wasnt and you blame someone besides yourself, right?
A white guy walks into a bar and the black guy says "Hey he's cool for a white guy" -
But, YOU injected race into the questions.

The questions don't refer to race. These are questions that the person quoted in the article says are racial. If one wonders about education, it is racial. I'm trying really hard to figure out how that is possible.

Why are you so focused on race?

Take the questions at face value and try, just try, to give an honest answer.

Of course they dont, thats why I said it depends on the context. When you asked what context could make it racial...I answered. Again, no one claimed calling Obama cool is racist now you are saying that someone (the straw man again) said asking those questions are racist. Who said that?

Also, I gave an honest answer...the cool for a white guy example is racial. Wondering if someone is an American because they wear a turban is racial. Do you understand?
So, wondering about Obama's education, for example, IS racial. Thinking Obama is cool or not so cool IS racial.

Wow. That's beyond retarded.

The left were burned by accusing us of being racist and using racist codewords for three years so now they're going to intentionally use codewords such as "racial" instead of "racist" to try to keep getting away with their bad behavior?

In a way, I'm glad about the tiniest hint of greater care on their part, if not greater honesty.

But sorry - this is the English language - not a court of law or a sociology class. If you're going to sling around words like "racial" to describe the motive behind behaviors you are clearly calling mean-spirited, then it's natural for people to hear that as you imputing "racist" motivations.

If you're gonna play the race card, you're gonna get called on it.

And if Obama is gonna be a diva we're gonna call him on that -- no matter how hard anyone tries to suppress the criticism by implying that we get our talking points from the KKK.

Every time you call our motivation "racial" you're increasing the enthusiasm of the vote on our side.
Amelia, give it up; you and I are just too "cool" (one of the new "codewords") to get this.


Or, wait? Is one of us not "cool" enough?

Well, it doesn't matter; that's also "code" for being "racial". ;)

The left were burned by accusing us of being racist and using racist codewords for three years so now they're going to intentionally use codewords such as "racial" instead of "racist" to try to keep getting away with their bad behavior?

In a way, I'm glad about the tiniest hint of greater care on their part, if not greater honesty.

But sorry - this is the English language - not a court of law or a sociology class. If you're going to sling around words like "racial" to describe the motive behind behaviors you are clearly calling mean-spirited, then it's natural for people to hear that as you imputing "racist" motivations.

If you're gonna play the race card, you're gonna get called on it.

And if Obama is gonna be a diva we're gonna call him on that -- no matter how hard anyone tries to suppress the criticism by implying that we get our talking points from the KKK.

Every time you call our motivation "racial" you're increasing the enthusiasm of the vote on our side.

Wait, so you said something was in the article that wasnt and you blame someone besides yourself, right?

I take responsibility for not recognizing the exact wording which was used to convey the idea that criticisms of Obama are due to his race.

Since you are such a fan of parsing, I will tell you now that a large amount of my criticism of Obama is in fact due to his race but not because of the reason that those on the left would say it is about.

If Obama had not been black, he would not have been running for president in 2008, and therefore he would not have been in a position for me to criticize him for his behavior in connection with his presidency. I was about to say that I would still be criticizing him for his partisan behavior in the Senate, but then I remembered that if he hadn't been black there's a good chance he wouldn't have been in the Senate, since his political trajectory was influenced by his historic position as the first black president of the Harvard Law Review.

I have incredible disdain for those on the left who pushed him forward because he was "clean and articulate [for a black guy]". The dishonesty of those on the left has heightened and electrified the political criticism of Obama in a way is attributable to his race because that's the trait they considered most remarkable about him.

The left incessantly played the race card and thus racially charging a debate which could have been about issues if the left hadn't been so desperate to distract America from Obama's unreadiness for the job.

Now, four years later, Obama has shown some strengths, but on balance he has shown that he does not have the leadership skills necessary to successfully navigate us through the muck which is our economy and he has opened himself to much mockery in such a way that he even gets friendly fire now, so ya'll are back with a new round of distraction.

I let myself get tripped up by the parsing. I'll be MUCH more careful about preserving the wording in the future.
Last edited:

The left were burned by accusing us of being racist and using racist codewords for three years so now they're going to intentionally use codewords such as "racial" instead of "racist" to try to keep getting away with their bad behavior?

In a way, I'm glad about the tiniest hint of greater care on their part, if not greater honesty.

But sorry - this is the English language - not a court of law or a sociology class. If you're going to sling around words like "racial" to describe the motive behind behaviors you are clearly calling mean-spirited, then it's natural for people to hear that as you imputing "racist" motivations.

If you're gonna play the race card, you're gonna get called on it.

And if Obama is gonna be a diva we're gonna call him on that -- no matter how hard anyone tries to suppress the criticism by implying that we get our talking points from the KKK.

Every time you call our motivation "racial" you're increasing the enthusiasm of the vote on our side.
Amelia, give it up; you and I are just too "cool" (one of the new "codewords") to get this.


Or, wait? Is one of us not "cool" enough?

Well, it doesn't matter; that's also "code" for being "racial". ;)

Yeah, it's all code for racism, er, I mean racialism. :rolleyes:
But, YOU injected race into the questions.

The questions don't refer to race. These are questions that the person quoted in the article says are racial. If one wonders about education, it is racial. I'm trying really hard to figure out how that is possible.

Why are you so focused on race?

Take the questions at face value and try, just try, to give an honest answer.

Of course they dont, thats why I said it depends on the context. When you asked what context could make it racial...I answered. Again, no one claimed calling Obama cool is racist now you are saying that someone (the straw man again) said asking those questions are racist. Who said that?

Also, I gave an honest answer...the cool for a white guy example is racial. Wondering if someone is an American because they wear a turban is racial. Do you understand?
So, wondering about Obama's education, for example, IS racial. Thinking Obama is cool or not so cool IS racial.

Wow. That's beyond retarded.

That is retarded because again, no one said that but here we are pages and apages later and you are still making up things that no one said. Unless you missed the whole discussion on context....Wait, you didnt miss that because you quoted it. Your Straw man building is top notch
Amelia, you're's someone else fault you lied.

It is my fault that I did not preserve Angela Rye's exact wording.

I accept that you call that a lie even though I did not see it as a material misrepresentation of her charge.
Of course they dont, thats why I said it depends on the context. When you asked what context could make it racial...I answered. Again, no one claimed calling Obama cool is racist now you are saying that someone (the straw man again) said asking those questions are racist. Who said that?

Also, I gave an honest answer...the cool for a white guy example is racial. Wondering if someone is an American because they wear a turban is racial. Do you understand?
So, wondering about Obama's education, for example, IS racial. Thinking Obama is cool or not so cool IS racial.

Wow. That's beyond retarded.

That is retarded because again, no one said that but here we are pages and apages later and you are still making up things that no one said. Unless you missed the whole discussion on context....Wait, you didnt miss that because you quoted it. Your Straw man building is top notch
Oh? Then the person interviewed in the piece IS full of shit.
Kudos Dave! You are the first person in 4 pages to admit that this is racist but Racial is the same as racist? Being called cool can be seen as racial yes, but the OP claimed? No
Being called cool can not be seen as racial. No way, no how. Not by normal people.

So that explains why you say it can be.

Sure it can depends on how it done. Like He's cool for a white guy. Not racist, but racial. It took 5 pages for some to understand that racial doesnt mean racist
Oh, now you're changing the argument.

Prolly because you were losing the other one.

You're really not worth the effort. You're just another race-hustling leftist who can't defend Obama's policies so you shout "Racist!!" in a pathetic attempt to shame your opponents into silence.

How's that working out for you?
Being called cool can not be seen as racial. No way, no how. Not by normal people.

So that explains why you say it can be.

Sure it can depends on how it done. Like He's cool for a white guy. Not racist, but racial. It took 5 pages for some to understand that racial doesnt mean racist
Oh, now you're changing the argument.

Prolly because you were losing the other one.

You're really not worth the effort. You're just another race-hustling leftist who can't defend Obama's policies so you shout "Racist!!" in a pathetic attempt to shame your opponents into silence.

How's that working out for you?
Race ... ahem ... racial card - the new snake oil of the left.
So, wondering about Obama's education, for example, IS racial. Thinking Obama is cool or not so cool IS racial.

Wow. That's beyond retarded.

That is retarded because again, no one said that but here we are pages and apages later and you are still making up things that no one said. Unless you missed the whole discussion on context....Wait, you didnt miss that because you quoted it. Your Straw man building is top notch
Oh? Then the person interviewed in the piece IS full of shit.

No you are again misquoting.
Being called cool can not be seen as racial. No way, no how. Not by normal people.

So that explains why you say it can be.

Sure it can depends on how it done. Like He's cool for a white guy. Not racist, but racial. It took 5 pages for some to understand that racial doesnt mean racist
Oh, now you're changing the argument.

Prolly because you were losing the other one.

You're really not worth the effort. You're just another race-hustling leftist who can't defend Obama's policies so you shout "Racist!!" in a pathetic attempt to shame your opponents into silence.

How's that working out for you?

How have I changed anything? I've said since page one no one claims that calling Obama cool is racist. I didnt start this thread and this thread started out shouting "racist". I understand if you believe it's my fault the OP misrepresented but that doesnt make it true. You want to talk policy, fine, but this thread, in case you noticed is not about Obama's policies. Want to change the subject?
Prolly because you were losing the other one.

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