Now it's Cummings turn


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
So now we are about to see the trump butt sniffers attacking Elijah Cummings and Baltimore . They have already begun. The idiots don't understand that Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 using this tactic. All that's about to happen is that the people who did not vote in 2016 are going to come out large and vote Trumps racist ass out of office.

I know the usual suspects are going to talk crazy now. Let's see how you talk after the election next year when what I say happens as Trump continues doing this.
So now we are about to see the trump butt sniffers attacking Elijah Cummings and Baltimore . They have already begun. The idiots don't understand that Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 using this tactic. All that's about to happen is that the people who did not vote in 2016 are going to come out large and vote Trumps racist ass out of office.

I know the usual suspects are going to talk crazy now. Let's see how you talk after the election next year when what I say happens as Trump continues doing this.
When the Baltimore/Cummings tweets came out, I checked. Not a single one of Maryland's EC votes went to Trump in 2016. So he's got no worries on that score. He probably checked first--or maybe he's got all the results memorized. Wouldn't surprise me. He doesn't remember much, but if it has to do with him winning--or getting Nielsen ratings--he's right on the ball.
I feel sorry for the poor people of Baltimore. They live in a crime infested the richest nation the world has ever known.

Time for a change.
Cummings is a piece of shit, just like the OP.
Cummings is a baby-killing, homo-promoting, racist piece of garbage.

Trump has done more for blacks in 2 years than Cummings has done his whole pathetic life.



Bernie Sanders says it....and it's applauded.
Trump says the exact same thing and he's a racist.

Stop ignoring the millions who are hurting.
Bernie presents ideas to help. How did Trump offer to help?
Did Cummings ever talk to this guy?
I'm a Young Black Man and I Support Donald Trump
I'm a Young Black Man and I Support Donald Trump

"........The independent streaks ingrained into the hearts and souls of America’s youth are the cornerstone of the billionaire’s youth appeal. The problems of America’s young folks are far bigger than Snapchat and emojis—undeniable truths Hillary Clinton doesn’t seem to understand. In the coming weeks and months, while Mr. Trump is releasing detailed policy proposals to deal with the issues plaguing young America, Clinton will likely still be doing what she seemingly does best—pandering until she’s blue in the face.
While the past eight years may feel distant to some, the wounds—full of devastation and pain—inflicted by President Obama’s agenda remain fresh.
As a young black male, I’ve seen my community flailing and struggling due to the disastrous impacts of the Obama political agenda, and I refuse to allow the possibility of a Clinton presidency to extend that suffering. After eight years of promises of hope and change, 2 out of 5 black boys and girls live in poverty. Compared to white Americans, African-Americans are more likely to own fewer homes and are more likely to be unemployed.
The policies of the Obama administration have done little to help people of color, yet Clinton has unwaveringly defended them at every turn. In a recent speech in Detroit, Trump pointedly said: “If Hillary Clinton’s goal was to inflict pain on the African-American community, she could not have done a better job.”
Trump’s message to young people of color is simple: what do you have to lose?
In my young optimistic eyes, after the last eight years of the Obama presidency, there is little left to lose. There is only room to do better, and there is only one goal: to make America great for every Americ

Rat infested” is now racist


That’s what Pelosi claimed when President Trump told Super Hypocrit Cummings to spend more time in his “disgusting, rat and rodent infested” district than going after the Border Patrol.

Kimberly Klacik, a black woman on the Baltimore County Republican Central Committee, responded to the critics of President Trump, saying:

I can’t believe people are upset I went to West Baltimore and filmed all of the trash. Hopefully this attention forces the city to clean up the mess & treat residents better. Enjoy your Saturday

And she provided this video:

More to come

And then comes these Tweets from people living in the district.

West Baltimore’s violent crime rate is approximately 3,500 per 100k people. The national violent crime rate is 394 per 100k. It’s one of the most violent places in one of the country’s most violent and dangerous cities. Ben Gittleson on Twitter — Cam Edwards (@CamEdwards) July 27, 2019

I invite Bill to walk the streets of West Baltimore at night with no security. Let’s go for a stroll bruh Bill Kristol on Twitter — Jeffrey Sykes (@J_Sykes2016) July 27, 2019

So far, no response from Cummings or Pelosi

The Left Eats Their Words After Claiming “Infested” is “Racist” Because Trump Said it About Elijah Cummings’ West Baltimore @ VIDEO: The Left Eats Their Words After Claiming "Infested" is "Racist" Because Trump Said it About Elijah Cummings' West Baltimore

WH Archives: Remarks by the President in Roundtable with My Brother's Keeper Alliance

Bernie Sanders says it....and it's applauded.
Trump says the exact same thing and he's a racist.

Bernie Sanders must be some sort of racist because he says that Cumming's district which has been ran by the corrupt Democrats for many generations and is a "third world country" .

Bernie has a plan to help. What does Trump say in that tweet?
You folks aren't really listening.
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