Now it's Cummings turn

My point is that the popular vote does count.

Obviously it does not. Your side wishes it did, only because you lost.

When your sides wins a vote by a majority you blab on about how the will of the people was respected. Then when you lose a majority vote you run to the courts to overturn the result and will of the people. What total phonies the Dem's are.

If it didn't what happened in 2016 would always be the case. Trump did not win with a majority. That's the realty you refuse to understand. Hillary got 65 million votes. Trump, 62 million.
How many states did he win 30, that’s 60% and that’s a majority

He barely won by fewer than 80,000 votes in three states. That's a mighty slim margin...and that was WITH unprecedented help from a foreign country. (Enthusiastically encouraged by Trump himself)

They only foreign countries helping in the election were working with the Clinton campaign.

That didn't happen.
You asked for "a few" and that's what you got. Poverty is everywhere. No state is exempt from homelessness, vermin, drug use, etc.

The standard was set by the Orange Moron....the fault lies with the Congressional representative, right?

Yep, setting a standard that is much higher than Baltimore's current standard.

baltimore rat problem - Bing video

So Republicans are solely responsible for the problems in their districts too, right? We can blame Republicans for all the drug addled Appalachians, correct?

Funny that when Obama was President, Trump wasn’t attacking Cummings over Baltimore...he seemed to think it was the president’s responsibility to do something...what changed?

Hmmm, how about because Trump wasn't in politics dumbass.

In 2015? Yeah, he was running for President, dumbass.

Maybe he figured you idiot libs would take care of it. But hey, you'll never guess who else knew it was a dump.
Is Obama Canceled? Former President Also Trashed Baltimore, The Gem Of The Chesapeake
Oh so now we're speculating? If that's the case, maybe he's just a racist douche that takes every opportunity to attack minorities. My supposition is at least a logical conclusion based on long observation. We've observed Trump attacking Obama over Baltimore and blaming Obama for the city's woes...until he became President...then it's some other minorities fault that Baltimore has problems.

But we don't have to speculate...Trump's advisors admitted straight up that his racist attacks help him with a racist base.

But Trump’s advisers had concluded after the previous tweets that the overall message sent by such attacks is good for the president among his political base — resonating strongly with the white working-class voters he needs to win reelection in 2020.
My point is that the popular vote does count.

Obviously it does not. Your side wishes it did, only because you lost.

When your sides wins a vote by a majority you blab on about how the will of the people was respected. Then when you lose a majority vote you run to the courts to overturn the result and will of the people. What total phonies the Dem's are.

If it didn't what happened in 2016 would always be the case. Trump did not win with a majority. That's the realty you refuse to understand. Hillary got 65 million votes. Trump, 62 million.
How many states did he win 30, that’s 60% and that’s a majority

He barely won by fewer than 80,000 votes in three states. That's a mighty slim margin...and that was WITH unprecedented help from a foreign country. (Enthusiastically encouraged by Trump himself)

They only foreign countries helping in the election were working with the Clinton campaign.

Where's the intelligence report that says that?
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What you posted states no such thing, Repug goober.

Section 2262 states: "The Secretary of State and the Department of Motor Vehicles shall establish the California New Motor Voter Program for the purpose of increasing opportunities for voter registration by any person who is qualified to be a voter under Section 2 of Article II of the California Constitution."

How is this allowing illegal aliens to vote?

You lose yet again, commie.

Cited quote, you fucking liar.

Bill Text - AB-1407 California New Motor Voter Program: voter registration.

You commies, not a hint of integrity in any of you.

There is nothing in your link that supports your lie...."The law dictates that California will consider illegal aliens voting to be done with "official authorization and shall not be guilty of fraudulently voting ""


You commies, as dumb as you are dishonest.

If a person who is ineligible to vote becomes registered or preregistered to vote pursuant to this chapter and votes or attempts to vote in an election held after the effective date of the person’s registration or preregistration, that person shall be presumed to have acted with official authorization and shall not be guilty of fraudulently voting or attempting to vote pursuant to Section 18560,}

Shit Meandering Marxist, I was thinking you got permabanned and this moron Moscow Mitch McTraitor was the sock you came back under.

So which Bolshevik retard is he then?

All that means is that if a non citizen is accidentally registered to vote through no fault of their own, they will not be prosecuted.


Official support for voter fraud.

You officially support voter fraud as your signature? That's bold.

Yes, if the state accidentally registers a non citizen the individual who got registered through no fault of their own doesn't get prosecuted. That's a bad thing to you? Wow, you are a dick of the highest order aren't you?
Keep in mind Cummings was only elected because some white Democrat hit him in the head with a brick about 1/2 century ago.

It's not like he's not used to playing the victim.

First off try taking a brick to the head like John Louis did before you run your mouth.

The district Cummings was elected from was represented by Kwesi Mfume, another black man, who gave up his seat to become president of the NAACP.

So show me the national policy of anti white discrimination, victim. Because that's all MAGA stands for, white victimhood. And your victim hood is imaginary. Therefore you have a mental problem. There is no shame in seeking help. You are protected by HIPPA, so your identity and condition won't be made public.
A classic example of psychosis.

Hit a little too close to home to suit you?
Yep, setting a standard that is much higher than Baltimore's current standard.

baltimore rat problem - Bing video

So Republicans are solely responsible for the problems in their districts too, right? We can blame Republicans for all the drug addled Appalachians, correct?

Funny that when Obama was President, Trump wasn’t attacking Cummings over Baltimore...he seemed to think it was the president’s responsibility to do something...what changed?

Hmmm, how about because Trump wasn't in politics dumbass.

In 2015? Yeah, he was running for President, dumbass.

Maybe he figured you idiot libs would take care of it. But hey, you'll never guess who else knew it was a dump.
Is Obama Canceled? Former President Also Trashed Baltimore, The Gem Of The Chesapeake
Oh so now we're speculating? If that's the case, maybe he's just a racist douche that takes every opportunity to attack minorities. My supposition is at least a logical conclusion based on long observation. We've observed Trump attacking Obama over Baltimore and blaming Obama for the city's woes...until he became President...then it's some other minorities fault that Baltimore has problems.

But we don't have to speculate...Trump's advisors admitted straight up that his racist attacks help him with a racist base.

But Trump’s advisers had concluded after the previous tweets that the overall message sent by such attacks is good for the president among his political base — resonating strongly with the white working-class voters he needs to win reelection in 2020.

Speculate? Is that what it's called when you idiots create threads and posts loaded with WHAT IF's and COULDA'S...dumbass.
Obviously it does not. Your side wishes it did, only because you lost.

When your sides wins a vote by a majority you blab on about how the will of the people was respected. Then when you lose a majority vote you run to the courts to overturn the result and will of the people. What total phonies the Dem's are.

If it didn't what happened in 2016 would always be the case. Trump did not win with a majority. That's the realty you refuse to understand. Hillary got 65 million votes. Trump, 62 million.
How many states did he win 30, that’s 60% and that’s a majority

He barely won by fewer than 80,000 votes in three states. That's a mighty slim margin...and that was WITH unprecedented help from a foreign country. (Enthusiastically encouraged by Trump himself)

They only foreign countries helping in the election were working with the Clinton campaign.

That didn't happen.

Unless you can prove that Great Britain, Australia, and The Ukraine are not foreign countries -
I dismiss you as totally uninformed.
Obviously it does not. Your side wishes it did, only because you lost.

When your sides wins a vote by a majority you blab on about how the will of the people was respected. Then when you lose a majority vote you run to the courts to overturn the result and will of the people. What total phonies the Dem's are.

If it didn't what happened in 2016 would always be the case. Trump did not win with a majority. That's the realty you refuse to understand. Hillary got 65 million votes. Trump, 62 million.
How many states did he win 30, that’s 60% and that’s a majority

He barely won by fewer than 80,000 votes in three states. That's a mighty slim margin...and that was WITH unprecedented help from a foreign country. (Enthusiastically encouraged by Trump himself)

They only foreign countries helping in the election were working with the Clinton campaign.

Where's the intelligence report that says that?

Literally everywhere.
If it didn't what happened in 2016 would always be the case. Trump did not win with a majority. That's the realty you refuse to understand. Hillary got 65 million votes. Trump, 62 million.
How many states did he win 30, that’s 60% and that’s a majority

He barely won by fewer than 80,000 votes in three states. That's a mighty slim margin...and that was WITH unprecedented help from a foreign country. (Enthusiastically encouraged by Trump himself)

They only foreign countries helping in the election were working with the Clinton campaign.

That didn't happen.

Unless you can prove that Great Britain, Australia, and The Ukraine are not foreign countries -
I dismiss you as totally uninformed.

Since none of those countries helped the Clinton campaign and you are spewing right wing conspiracy, you have shown you are totally misinformed
Baltimore is filthy. Rat infestations are the least concerns. The filth of the streets wash off into the harbor then flow down through the Bay.

It’s the crime that needs to be addressed. The NYT did a nice piece earlier this year on how corrupt the city leaders have been and the struggles with violent crime.

Long term Democratic policies led by criminals have caused an issue.
Over-bearing and aggressive tactics around policing were employed and helped (although police involved shootings were up) until the Federal Government stepped in as oversight. Now that the feds are in charge? Dangerous city with greatest number of murders.

Calling that out and Cummins’ unwillingness to do anything is most certainly not racist. It’s the disgusting truth.

Baltimore Residents Tell You What's Really Happening In Their City

7 Baltimore police officers indicted on federal racketeering charges

Equity Sought in Baltimore's Development Strategy

It Was Bound To Happen': Back To Baltimore

It Was Bound To Happen': Back To Baltimore | All In | MSNBC

Baltimore’s Economic Devastation Goes Back To Racist Housing Policy

From Ferguson to Baltimore: The Fruits of Government-Sponsored Segregation

No bull shit on the streets but you can find human as well as rat shit.

Corruption upon corruption and I said over bearing and aggressive policing. Crooks have run the city for years - all aspects. The feds are not helping, they are making it worse.

Go there. Check it out.

And personally attacking one single congressman fixes the problems how?

he's letting the people of Baltimore know, he cares more about them then their elected official Cummings. He is calling out cummings to make a point to his constituents that cummings cares more for illegals then them. Cause he knows they live in the same conditions he described for the illegals, and he has never convened a committee to discuss his constituents needs, but he did for illegals. Trump called him out. it's quite simple. And it's obvious you don't care about the people in Baltimore over the illegals. wow.
Question to you all, why hasn't there ever been a committee convened to discuss the urban issues in this country with gangs and violence, lack of employment and unsanitary conditions? Why? Shit, we sure have had them for illegals!!!!
Obviously it does not. Your side wishes it did, only because you lost.

When your sides wins a vote by a majority you blab on about how the will of the people was respected. Then when you lose a majority vote you run to the courts to overturn the result and will of the people. What total phonies the Dem's are.

If it didn't what happened in 2016 would always be the case. Trump did not win with a majority. That's the realty you refuse to understand. Hillary got 65 million votes. Trump, 62 million.
How many states did he win 30, that’s 60% and that’s a majority

He barely won by fewer than 80,000 votes in three states. That's a mighty slim margin...and that was WITH unprecedented help from a foreign country. (Enthusiastically encouraged by Trump himself)

They only foreign countries helping in the election were working with the Clinton campaign.

That didn't happen.
Dossier= England, Ukraine and Russia. hmmmm you must be brain dead.
Obviously it does not. Your side wishes it did, only because you lost.

When your sides wins a vote by a majority you blab on about how the will of the people was respected. Then when you lose a majority vote you run to the courts to overturn the result and will of the people. What total phonies the Dem's are.

If it didn't what happened in 2016 would always be the case. Trump did not win with a majority. That's the realty you refuse to understand. Hillary got 65 million votes. Trump, 62 million.
How many states did he win 30, that’s 60% and that’s a majority

He barely won by fewer than 80,000 votes in three states. That's a mighty slim margin...and that was WITH unprecedented help from a foreign country. (Enthusiastically encouraged by Trump himself)

They only foreign countries helping in the election were working with the Clinton campaign.

Where's the intelligence report that says that?
Right/ where is it? why didn't Mueller look into that, or his team? yep, you will get your answer after Barr is done. Hang in there. but know, England, Ukraine, and russia. I missed Australia as well.
So Republicans are solely responsible for the problems in their districts too, right? We can blame Republicans for all the drug addled Appalachians, correct?

Funny that when Obama was President, Trump wasn’t attacking Cummings over Baltimore...he seemed to think it was the president’s responsibility to do something...what changed?

Hmmm, how about because Trump wasn't in politics dumbass.

In 2015? Yeah, he was running for President, dumbass.

Maybe he figured you idiot libs would take care of it. But hey, you'll never guess who else knew it was a dump.
Is Obama Canceled? Former President Also Trashed Baltimore, The Gem Of The Chesapeake
Oh so now we're speculating? If that's the case, maybe he's just a racist douche that takes every opportunity to attack minorities. My supposition is at least a logical conclusion based on long observation. We've observed Trump attacking Obama over Baltimore and blaming Obama for the city's woes...until he became President...then it's some other minorities fault that Baltimore has problems.

But we don't have to speculate...Trump's advisors admitted straight up that his racist attacks help him with a racist base.

But Trump’s advisers had concluded after the previous tweets that the overall message sent by such attacks is good for the president among his political base — resonating strongly with the white working-class voters he needs to win reelection in 2020.

Speculate? Is that what it's called when you idiots create threads and posts loaded with WHAT IF's and COULDA'S...dumbass.

This isn’t one of those though and you’re the one pulling suppositions out of your fourth point of contact.

But Trump’s advisers had concluded after the previous tweets that the overall message sent by such attacks is good for the president among his political base — resonating strongly with the white working-class voters he needs to win reelection in 2020.
Racism works to fire up his base.. Who’d a thunk it? (Spoiler alert: everyone)
Last edited:
If it didn't what happened in 2016 would always be the case. Trump did not win with a majority. That's the realty you refuse to understand. Hillary got 65 million votes. Trump, 62 million.
How many states did he win 30, that’s 60% and that’s a majority

He barely won by fewer than 80,000 votes in three states. That's a mighty slim margin...and that was WITH unprecedented help from a foreign country. (Enthusiastically encouraged by Trump himself)

They only foreign countries helping in the election were working with the Clinton campaign.

Where's the intelligence report that says that?

Literally everywhere.

Link to it. Link to the intelligence community stating foreign countries helped Clinton.

Like this:

Senate Intelligence report finds ‘extensive’ Russian election interference
Baltimore is filthy. Rat infestations are the least concerns. The filth of the streets wash off into the harbor then flow down through the Bay.

It’s the crime that needs to be addressed. The NYT did a nice piece earlier this year on how corrupt the city leaders have been and the struggles with violent crime.

Long term Democratic policies led by criminals have caused an issue.
Over-bearing and aggressive tactics around policing were employed and helped (although police involved shootings were up) until the Federal Government stepped in as oversight. Now that the feds are in charge? Dangerous city with greatest number of murders.

Calling that out and Cummins’ unwillingness to do anything is most certainly not racist. It’s the disgusting truth.

Baltimore Residents Tell You What's Really Happening In Their City

7 Baltimore police officers indicted on federal racketeering charges

Equity Sought in Baltimore's Development Strategy

It Was Bound To Happen': Back To Baltimore

It Was Bound To Happen': Back To Baltimore | All In | MSNBC

Baltimore’s Economic Devastation Goes Back To Racist Housing Policy

From Ferguson to Baltimore: The Fruits of Government-Sponsored Segregation

No bull shit on the streets but you can find human as well as rat shit.

Corruption upon corruption and I said over bearing and aggressive policing. Crooks have run the city for years - all aspects. The feds are not helping, they are making it worse.

Go there. Check it out.

And personally attacking one single congressman fixes the problems how?

he's letting the people of Baltimore know, he cares more about them then their elected official Cummings. He is calling out cummings to make a point to his constituents that cummings cares more for illegals then them. Cause he knows they live in the same conditions he described for the illegals, and he has never convened a committee to discuss his constituents needs, but he did for illegals. Trump called him out. it's quite simple. And it's obvious you don't care about the people in Baltimore over the illegals. wow.

According to Herr Drumph, humans don’t live in Baltimore. That shows how much he cares? I’m very sorry about the childhood abuse you obviously suffered if you think that’s how someone shows they care.
If it didn't what happened in 2016 would always be the case. Trump did not win with a majority. That's the realty you refuse to understand. Hillary got 65 million votes. Trump, 62 million.
How many states did he win 30, that’s 60% and that’s a majority

He barely won by fewer than 80,000 votes in three states. That's a mighty slim margin...and that was WITH unprecedented help from a foreign country. (Enthusiastically encouraged by Trump himself)

They only foreign countries helping in the election were working with the Clinton campaign.

That didn't happen.
Dossier= England, Ukraine and Russia. hmmmm you must be brain dead.

You mean that dossier that was first used by republicans who opposed Trump?

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