Now it's Cummings turn

That's how they're trained.........

Watch your mouth you little no-nut having bitch. The only people who trained me were the United States military. You're not even trained to wipe your own bitch ass.
Elijah Cummings is a lowlife, lying sack of shit just like you and the faggot-ass OP are. Live with it.
.........A few Trump supporters went into the community and cherry picked places to film and Trump used this fake depiction to attack Cummings.

As usual you are a lying sack of dog shit, just like Cummings.

Show ya right, prime benefactor of affirmative action.
You didn't answer my question about the video. Is it racist or not? Yes or no.

I gave you the only answer you're going to get.
When the Baltimore/Cummings tweets came out, I checked. Not a single one of Maryland's EC votes went to Trump in 2016. So he's got no worries on that score. He probably checked first--or maybe he's got all the results memorized.
A microcosm of his presidency. Us vs. them.
This is not who we are! President Obama
You really want to list and equate the words of those two guys? This website lacks the requisite bandwidth to fully list what Trump has said.

I know you're fine with him. He could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue and still get your vote. This is getting scary.
And Obama can lie about your healthcare multiple times and when you find out he relied on your ignorance to get it pulled through. You defended him. Now that's scary, Trump can get away with a lot, because he kept Hillary out of the white house. That should tell you, all you need to know.
Cummings is making a lot more Voters aware that the Democratic Party is racist.
Certainly, fighting for equal rights & coming out against that fat sassed racvist piece of shit you elected mares Cummings a racist.

I get it.

Anything thst might disturb your lily white world of White Supremacy sets off your inbred racist behaviors.
Hey thanks for proving the point.
Democrats make politics about race because they are racist.
they eat/shit/dream/sleep/etc RACE
it's one of the reasons they are a failure [ as facts prove ] --they concentrate on dumbshit/fake shit/non-critical crap instead of critical issues like graduation rates/HIGH crime rates
....low graduation is a cause of HIGH crime rates in the black population
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So now we are about to see the trump butt sniffers attacking Elijah Cummings and Baltimore . They have already begun. The idiots don't understand that Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 using this tactic. All that's about to happen is that the people who did not vote in 2016 are going to come out large and vote Trumps racist ass out of office.

I know the usual suspects are going to talk crazy now. Let's see how you talk after the election next year when what I say happens as Trump continues doing this.
Trump may lose but it does not make Cummings or Mueller right. People just don't like Trump whether he does something good or bad. And, I just drove thru Baltimore-Trump is right.
Bernie Sanders blasted Baltimore as ‘Third World country’ and ‘disgrace’ in past comments
Bernie Sanders blasted Baltimore as ‘Third World country’ and ‘disgrace’ in past comments

President Trump drew a torrent of criticism from Democrats on Saturday over a series of Twitter messages aimed at U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., and the Baltimore district that Cummings represents in Congress.

But just a few years ago, Sen. Bernie Sanders -- a candidate seeking the Democratic Party’s 2020 presidential nomination -- took his own shots at Baltimore, a struggling Northeast city grappling with high rates of violent crime, drug abuse, poverty and political corruption.

“Anyone who took the walk that we took around this neighborhood would not think you’re in a wealthy nation,” Sanders said during a visit to the city’s West Baltimore section in December 2015, the Baltimore Sun reported. “You would think that you were in a Third World country.”
Cummings has represented this district in Baltimore for 23 years. When is he going to get off his ass and fix the problems? Is he too busy hanging around Washington living high on the hog while the poor in his district suffer and get shot dead in the streets?
If Cummings fixed the problems, he would be out of business. Race is big business in the Democrat party. If you can't blame whitey for your problems, then you're responsible and the democrats don't fix problems, they exploit them.

In the 2020 election Democrats will not be able to hide their failures behind the media's silence and spin. Trump sent shock waves through the Democratic party with this one..."Where's all the federal money going? How much is stolen. Investigate this corrupt mess immediately"
"Infested" is a word used for vermin. Hence, saying Baltimore's people are vermin. It's actually very simple.

No, you are wrong about that term being used as slang for people in Baltimore. The inner city and west side IS rat infested with actual 4-legged, long tail rodents. They are a huge problem and have been since before I moved to the area several years ago. I was warned about the rats before I was relocated here by the company I worked with at the time. Trying to spin something someone says into something it isn't is what the media is good at - don't be like the mainstream media regardless of what side you fall on politically.
Cummings is making a lot more Voters aware that the Democratic Party is racist.
Certainly, fighting for equal rights & coming out against that fat sassed racvist piece of shit you elected mares Cummings a racist.

I get it.

Anything thst might disturb your lily white world of White Supremacy sets off your inbred racist behaviors.
Hey thanks for proving the point.
Democrats make politics about race because they are racist.
....also--they put HUGE efforts into protesting against cops and LOVING criminals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
our city just had over 5 BLACK CHILDREN shot and killed--NO protests/etc
but if a cop shot a criminal--OMG--the blacks would go crazy = THIS IS STUPID-----
So now we are about to see the trump butt sniffers attacking Elijah Cummings and Baltimore . They have already begun. The idiots don't understand that Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 using this tactic. All that's about to happen is that the people who did not vote in 2016 are going to come out large and vote Trumps racist ass out of office.

I know the usual suspects are going to talk crazy now. Let's see how you talk after the election next year when what I say happens as Trump continues doing this.

Jesus Christ, grown black men in tears because someone calls their city an infested shithole.


Lol! Whites telling us that Trump has been good for blacks is just not something we will listen to.

Because it's not true.

When the Baltimore/Cummings tweets came out, I checked. Not a single one of Maryland's EC votes went to Trump in 2016. So he's got no worries on that score. He probably checked first--or maybe he's got all the results memorized.
A microcosm of his presidency. Us vs. them.
This is not who we are! President Obama
You really want to list and equate the words of those two guys? This website lacks the requisite bandwidth to fully list what Trump has said.

I know you're fine with him. He could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue and still get your vote. This is getting scary.
And Obama can lie about your healthcare multiple times and when you find out he relied on your ignorance to get it pulled through. You defended him. Now that's scary, Trump can get away with a lot, because he kept Hillary out of the white house. That should tell you, all you need to know.
I'm not trying to convince you of anything.

I'd have as much luck telling a North Korean family to remove the portrait of Kim Il Sung from their wall.

(And by the way, not that facts matter in your universe, but I have always been strongly against the ACA and did not support Obama on it in any way. Sorry.)

Bernie Sanders says it....and it's applauded.
Trump says the exact same thing and he's a racist.

Stop ignoring the millions who are hurting.
Bernie presents ideas to help. How did Trump offer to help?

All Bernie does is talk.
He has little or no effect on legislation.
He's been in congress for 28 years and still has no major accomplishments to brag about.
What he seems to be good at is blocking others from getting any progress.

Sanders had big ideas but little impact on Capitol Hill
Cummings has represented this district in Baltimore for 23 years. When is he going to get off his ass and fix the problems? Is he too busy hanging around Washington living high on the hog while the poor in his district suffer and get shot dead in the streets?
If Cummings fixed the problems, he would be out of business. Race is big business in the Democrat party. If you can't blame whitey for your problems, then you're responsible and the democrats don't fix problems, they exploit them.

How people can make themselves believe the absolutely ludicrous is amazing.
Doing your job is "ludicrous" now. Amazing.
Watch your mouth you little no-nut having bitch. The only people who trained me were the United States military. You're not even trained to wipe your own bitch ass. Elijah Cummings is a lowlife, lying sack of shit just like you and the faggot-ass OP are. Live with it.
You're a fine Christian Conservative Trump supporter..

I tell the truth you little punkass bitch, something that you are incapable of doing.

As for being a Christian, I don't allow baby-killing vermin like you to lecture me about morality, so go fuck yourself

Elijah Cummings is a lowlife, lying sack of shit just like you and the faggot-ass OP are. Live with it.
.........A few Trump supporters went into the community and cherry picked places to film and Trump used this fake depiction to attack Cummings.

As usual you are a lying sack of dog shit, just like Cummings.

Show ya right, prime benefactor of affirmative action.
You didn't answer my question about the video. Is it racist or not? Yes or no.

I gave you the only answer you're going to get.
Racist piece of shit.

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