Now it's Cummings turn

Watch your mouth you little no-nut having bitch. The only people who trained me were the United States military. You're not even trained to wipe your own bitch ass. Elijah Cummings is a lowlife, lying sack of shit just like you and the faggot-ass OP are. Live with it.
You're a fine Christian Conservative Trump supporter..

I tell the truth you little punkass bitch, something that you are incapable of doing.

As for being a Christian, I don't allow baby-killing vermin like you to lecture me about morality, so go fuck yourself
And again.

I just toss the softballs up in the air, they whack 'em over the fence for me.
So now we are about to see the trump butt sniffers attacking Elijah Cummings and Baltimore . They have already begun. The idiots don't understand that Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 using this tactic. All that's about to happen is that the people who did not vote in 2016 are going to come out large and vote Trumps racist ass out of office.

I know the usual suspects are going to talk crazy now. Let's see how you talk after the election next year when what I say happens as Trump continues doing this.

Jesus Christ, grown black men in tears because someone calls their city an infested shithole.

Whites like you are crying about anti white discrimination that does not exist.
.........A few Trump supporters went into the community and cherry picked places to film and Trump used this fake depiction to attack Cummings.

As usual you are a lying sack of dog shit, just like Cummings.

Show ya right, prime benefactor of affirmative action.
You didn't answer my question about the video. Is it racist or not? Yes or no.

I gave you the only answer you're going to get.
Racist piece of shit.

That's what you are.
So now we are about to see the trump butt sniffers attacking Elijah Cummings and Baltimore . They have already begun. The idiots don't understand that Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 using this tactic. All that's about to happen is that the people who did not vote in 2016 are going to come out large and vote Trumps racist ass out of office.

I know the usual suspects are going to talk crazy now. Let's see how you talk after the election next year when what I say happens as Trump continues doing this.

There was not one thing racist Trump said about Cummings or Baltimore. Cummings criticizes Trump all the time. Trump fired back. Where is the racism? What, because Cummings is Black he gets a pass on accountability for his job lwhile Trump gets held accountable for his? What had Cummings done for Baltimore to improve things? His wife certainly isn’t helping things.
So now we are about to see the trump butt sniffers attacking Elijah Cummings and Baltimore . They have already begun. The idiots don't understand that Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 using this tactic. All that's about to happen is that the people who did not vote in 2016 are going to come out large and vote Trumps racist ass out of office.

I know the usual suspects are going to talk crazy now. Let's see how you talk after the election next year when what I say happens as Trump continues doing this.

There was not one thing racist Trump said about Cummings or Baltimore. Cummings criticizes Trump all the time. Trump fired back. Where is the racism? What, because Cummings is Black he gets a pass on accountability for his job lwhile Trump gets held accountable for his? What had Cummings done for Baltimore to improve things? His wife certainly isn’t helping things.

What Trump said was racist. I am not going to argue with a bunch of racist whites about it.
So now we are about to see the trump butt sniffers attacking Elijah Cummings and Baltimore . They have already begun. The idiots don't understand that Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 using this tactic. All that's about to happen is that the people who did not vote in 2016 are going to come out large and vote Trumps racist ass out of office.

I know the usual suspects are going to talk crazy now. Let's see how you talk after the election next year when what I say happens as Trump continues doing this.

Who gives a shit about the popular vote?

As usual you are a lying sack of dog shit, just like Cummings.

Show ya right, prime benefactor of affirmative action.
You didn't answer my question about the video. Is it racist or not? Yes or no.

I gave you the only answer you're going to get.
Racist piece of shit.

That's what you are.
People like you are the problem in this country. You're a coward.
When the Baltimore/Cummings tweets came out, I checked. Not a single one of Maryland's EC votes went to Trump in 2016. So he's got no worries on that score. He probably checked first--or maybe he's got all the results memorized.
A microcosm of his presidency. Us vs. them.
This is not who we are! President Obama
You really want to list and equate the words of those two guys? This website lacks the requisite bandwidth to fully list what Trump has said.

I know you're fine with him. He could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue and still get your vote. This is getting scary.
You know....I said the exact same thing about the democrats with the last administration.
Funny how that works.
So now we are about to see the trump butt sniffers attacking Elijah Cummings and Baltimore . They have already begun. The idiots don't understand that Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 using this tactic. All that's about to happen is that the people who did not vote in 2016 are going to come out large and vote Trumps racist ass out of office.

I know the usual suspects are going to talk crazy now. Let's see how you talk after the election next year when what I say happens as Trump continues doing this.

There was not one thing racist Trump said about Cummings or Baltimore. Cummings criticizes Trump all the time. Trump fired back. Where is the racism? What, because Cummings is Black he gets a pass on accountability for his job lwhile Trump gets held accountable for his? What had Cummings done for Baltimore to improve things? His wife certainly isn’t helping things.

What Trump said was racist. I am not going to argue with a bunch of racist whites about it.
Ha but Cummings actions are the definition of racism, your charge is not.
So now we are about to see the trump butt sniffers attacking Elijah Cummings and Baltimore . They have already begun. The idiots don't understand that Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 using this tactic. All that's about to happen is that the people who did not vote in 2016 are going to come out large and vote Trumps racist ass out of office.

I know the usual suspects are going to talk crazy now. Let's see how you talk after the election next year when what I say happens as Trump continues doing this.

Who gives a shit about the popular vote?


You did in 2008 and 2012. That's why your ilk started crying about voter fraud.
You guys are butt hurt because you know Trump is right about Baltimore!
I've never been there, so how the hell would I know? Have you ever been there? If not, why does anyone but Trump care?

I've been there. Parts of it look like every city that has voted Democrat for far, far too long.
That's a highly partisan trope to blame the Democrats for all the ills in any major city. All major cities have "bad" neighborhoods, don't they? I lived in a year in New Haven--cockroaches and rats everywhere, no matter how much Lysol you used. And neighborhoods that white chics like us don't want to get lost in. But you say the Republicans would magically "fix" that somehow? Increase spending and services to clean up those neighborhoods? From all the threads I've read here, that's the last thing Republicans want to spend money on.
Watch your mouth you little no-nut having bitch. The only people who trained me were the United States military. You're not even trained to wipe your own bitch ass. Elijah Cummings is a lowlife, lying sack of shit just like you and the faggot-ass OP are. Live with it.
You're a fine Christian Conservative Trump supporter..
I tell the truth you little punkass bitch, something that you are incapable of doing.
As for being a Christian, I don't allow baby-killing vermin like you to lecture me about morality, so go fuck yourself
Elijah Cummings is a lowlife, lying sack of shit just like you and the faggot-ass OP are. Live with it.

It took me a minute to see what was wrong with this punkass bitch Mac1958's post: This lowlife does what the Left always does, cry about WORDS while they engage in EVIL ACTS.

Democrats murder babies by the millions and now infanticide too, their gangs beat people in the streets, they impose policies that hurt people... ...THESE ARE REAL TANGIBLE ACTS. They are okay with that.

But what do they whine about? WORDS!
Whether its Trump's tweets or me calling Mac1958 out for the faggot he is, its just words. They cry about WORDS while they engage in actual evil violent ACTS!!

That's something to always remember about these vermin on the Left.

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