Now it's Cummings turn

Rat infested” is now racist


That’s what Pelosi claimed when President Trump told Super Hypocrit Cummings to spend more time in his “disgusting, rat and rodent infested” district than going after the Border Patrol.

Kimberly Klacik, a black woman on the Baltimore County Republican Central Committee, responded to the critics of President Trump, saying:

I can’t believe people are upset I went to West Baltimore and filmed all of the trash. Hopefully this attention forces the city to clean up the mess & treat residents better. Enjoy your Saturday

And she provided this video:

More to come

And then comes these Tweets from people living in the district.

West Baltimore’s violent crime rate is approximately 3,500 per 100k people. The national violent crime rate is 394 per 100k. It’s one of the most violent places in one of the country’s most violent and dangerous cities. Ben Gittleson on Twitter — Cam Edwards (@CamEdwards) July 27, 2019

I invite Bill to walk the streets of West Baltimore at night with no security. Let’s go for a stroll bruh Bill Kristol on Twitter — Jeffrey Sykes (@J_Sykes2016) July 27, 2019

So far, no response from Cummings or Pelosi

The Left Eats Their Words After Claiming “Infested” is “Racist” Because Trump Said it About Elijah Cummings’ West Baltimore @ VIDEO: The Left Eats Their Words After Claiming "Infested" is "Racist" Because Trump Said it About Elijah Cummings' West Baltimore

WH Archives: Remarks by the President in Roundtable with My Brother's Keeper Alliance
"Infested" is a word used for vermin. Hence, saying Baltimore's people are vermin. It's actually very simple.
Oh bullshit woman infested means they are talking about rats not humans. Rat infested means fucking rat infested.
You guys are butt hurt because you know Trump is right about Baltimore!
I've never been there, so how the hell would I know? Have you ever been there? If not, why does anyone but Trump care?

I've been there. Parts of it look like every city that has voted Democrat for far, far too long.
That's a highly partisan trope to blame the Democrats for all the ills in any major city. All major cities have "bad" neighborhoods, don't they? I lived in a year in New Haven--cockroaches and rats everywhere, no matter how much Lysol you used. And neighborhoods that white chics like us don't want to get lost in. But you say the Republicans would magically "fix" that somehow? Increase spending and services to clean up those neighborhoods? From all the threads I've read here, that's the last thing Republicans want to spend money on.

Well now if we look at the largest city in the US, NYC, they had a Republican mayor for quite a few years and the city cleaned up IMMENSELY. To where people could actually travel, live, and work there and be safe again. Oh and now it's back to a basically Commie Dem and look what happens....

And.....she's done it again. Broken record.

Sweetie, you started with the "partisan trope" and then said it's our propensity to blame the Democrats. I think what really happened here is I came back with a point you couldn't counter so you ran away.
Infestation is a term used for rodents and insects. Baltimore has both.

A year later, did extermination campaign solve rat problem at Baltimore's public housing complexes?

Rat Film - MdFF

That's from 2018. Crime in Baltimore has been discussed on earlier threads on Baltimore.

Come on, folks. The over emotional shitfests have to stop.

No, it's a term the Racist in Chief uses on very particular occasions. Now, I'll grant you it's so baked into his racist psyche that he doesn't realize he's doing it, but...

CNN anchor Victor Blackwell defends hometown of Baltimore against Trump tweets, points out president uses "infestation" when talking about "black and brown people"
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Watch your mouth you little no-nut having bitch. The only people who trained me were the United States military. You're not even trained to wipe your own bitch ass. Elijah Cummings is a lowlife, lying sack of shit just like you and the faggot-ass OP are. Live with it.
You're a fine Christian Conservative Trump supporter..
I tell the truth you little punkass bitch, something that you are incapable of doing.
As for being a Christian, I don't allow baby-killing vermin like you to lecture me about morality, so go fuck yourself
Elijah Cummings is a lowlife, lying sack of shit just like you and the faggot-ass OP are. Live with it.

It took me a minute to see what was wrong with this punkass bitch Mac1958's post: This lowlife does what the Left always does, cry about WORDS while they engage in EVIL ACTS.

Democrats murder babies by the millions and now infanticide too, their gangs beat people in the streets, they impose policies that hurt people... ...THESE ARE REAL TANGIBLE ACTS. They are okay with that.

But what do they whine about? WORDS!
Whether its Trump's tweets or me calling Mac1958 out for the faggot he is, its just words. They cry about WORDS while they engage in actual evil violent ACTS!!

That's something to always remember about these vermin on the Left.

Whoa hold up! Me and mac don't agree on much but your cowardly attacks on him just are not going to stand you ignorant racist bitch. You talk all that shit about words, well words turn into words written in laws and policies. Those words create tangible acts. You talk about abortion, but abortion is the end of life at any stage. If you support war, you support abortion. The death penalty-abortion. Opposition to decent heal care-abortion. Reducing or ending food assistance-people dying of hunger or malnourishment-abortion. So maybe you look in the mirror when you talk about vermin and literally think about the fact that your ass is a female when you talk about somebody having no balls.

I agree with this. Words are very important and always will be but I must always look to myself when I talk about policing words 'cause I ain't a long shot.

The Book of John starts "In the beginning was the Word..." and more than that, God created all that is with words, by speaking. Words create worlds....literally, and change the world!
It’s partisans in general. I often criticize O and the lefties go crazy. O like Donnie was clearly and factually awful, yet the partisan can’t see the truth.
One of the many shared behaviors between the two.

There are no such shared behaviors.
And there ya go, Gipper.

Show me the left equivalent of Trump and Trumpism.
I can't. This is an animal I haven't seen in America before, and one I hope to never see again.

But that's not what I'm talking about. As I've said a zillion times, I'm talking about behaviors.

But how can you make observations about behaviors if the situations encountered by the groups are not the same?
One of the many shared behaviors between the two.

There are no such shared behaviors.
And there ya go, Gipper.

Show me the left equivalent of Trump and Trumpism.
I can't. This is an animal I haven't seen in America before, and one I hope to never see again.

But that's not what I'm talking about. As I've said a zillion times, I'm talking about behaviors.

But how can you make observations about behaviors if the situations encountered by the groups are not the same?
That's the point. Many of the behaviors are shared across the situational spectrum.

There are obviously going to be differences, but the behaviors that are shared are pretty obvious.
Trump would not be Trump if he was not continually making sure large numbers of people will never vote for republicans ever again.

The Democratic Party is scared that President Trump is making gains with Black Voters.
That is why they are continusly calling him a racist.

MSNBC: Trump ‘More Popular with Black Voters than Mayor Pete’

Baltimore is the tip of the iceberg. I believe Trump's 2020 campaign strategy will be briefing the America people about countless Dem run disaster cities across the nation. Holding them accountable for decades of failure. As POTUS he will use the bully pulpit to shine a spotlight on how the Dem party has failed the poor in these cities.
I grew up in Alabama. There is no greater example of what conservatives do to a place than that. Did the GOP fail Alabama in it's chronic inability to thrive?

In most red states all of the problems are in the Democrat congressional districts
bad schools
high taxes
Sorry guy you are talking to someone who knows what rural America is really like. Poverty, drug addiction, crime and despair exist in your small towns just like everywhere else. The sorriest people i have ever seen lived out in the country but they were white and voted republican. The GOP has convinced these desperately poor people that they are better off than anyone living in a city. The actual truth is that they never do any better until they leave and go where the jobs are, the cities.
Infestation is a term used for rodents and insects. Baltimore has both.

A year later, did extermination campaign solve rat problem at Baltimore's public housing complexes?

Rat Film - MdFF

That's from 2018. Crime in Baltimore has been discussed on earlier threads on Baltimore.

Come on, folks. The over emotional shitfests have to stop.

No, it's a term the Racist in Chief uses on very particular occasions. Now, I'll grant you it's so baked into his racist psyche that he doesn't realize he's doing it, but...

CNN anchor Victor Blackwell defends hometown of Baltimore against Trump tweets, points out president uses "infestation" when talking about "black and brown people"

No. You don't win that.

From 2013.

Rat eradication from 2015
County Announces Rat Eradication Success

Appeals to deal with the rat infestation in 2016
Rat infestation frustrates county residents | The Baltimore Watchdog
Last edited:

Who is more accountable for Cummings District, Trump or Cummings? Cummings’ wife certainly is not helping Baltimore.

Trump is the president.

So, you don’t think Congressional Reps have any accountability? Do you believe The President is accountable for Baltimore? Did you hold Obama accountable for Baltimore when he was President? My guess is “no” and that you are only interested holding white politicians accountable.
Gosh, I think they think Donald Trump wants that for them too, instead of pandering to them for their vote Democrat style. Imagine that.

They know what Trump really thinks...

FBI releases documents related to Trump apartment discrimination case

And members of Trump's family don't want them to have nice homes...

Something Trump-Besieged Baltimore Would Love To Ditch: Decrepit 'Kushnerville' Housing an apartment complex run by Trump's father in the 70s proves that Trump is a racist?

Is stating the obvious racist as well?

What I noticed is whenever a neighborhood becomes predominantly black, property values tank. Democrats have been using Gentrification for decades to lower property values in their cities so they can make a killing in the housing market.
There are no such shared behaviors.
And there ya go, Gipper.

Show me the left equivalent of Trump and Trumpism.
I can't. This is an animal I haven't seen in America before, and one I hope to never see again.

But that's not what I'm talking about. As I've said a zillion times, I'm talking about behaviors.

But how can you make observations about behaviors if the situations encountered by the groups are not the same?
That's the point. Many of the behaviors are shared across the situational spectrum.

There are obviously going to be differences, but the behaviors that are shared are pretty obvious.

You can't compare behaviors if the situations presented are not the same. That's science.
And there ya go, Gipper.

Show me the left equivalent of Trump and Trumpism.
I can't. This is an animal I haven't seen in America before, and one I hope to never see again.

But that's not what I'm talking about. As I've said a zillion times, I'm talking about behaviors.

But how can you make observations about behaviors if the situations encountered by the groups are not the same?
That's the point. Many of the behaviors are shared across the situational spectrum.

There are obviously going to be differences, but the behaviors that are shared are pretty obvious.

You can't compare behaviors if the situations presented are not the same. That's science.
Great, then never mind.
A dumb guy like Cummings, who also happens to be a phony, should just lay low and depend on an ignorant electorate to reelect him. Every time he shoots his mouth off he puts his ignorance on display. Viva Trump.
Gosh, I think they think Donald Trump wants that for them too, instead of pandering to them for their vote Democrat style. Imagine that.

They know what Trump really thinks...

FBI releases documents related to Trump apartment discrimination case

And members of Trump's family don't want them to have nice homes...

Something Trump-Besieged Baltimore Would Love To Ditch: Decrepit 'Kushnerville' Housing an apartment complex run by Trump's father in the 70s proves that Trump is a racist?

Is stating the obvious racist as well?

What I noticed is whenever a neighborhood becomes predominantly black, property values tank. Democrats have been using Gentrification for decades to lower property values in their cities so they can make a killing in the housing market.
Trump's family has always been racist. The Don just realized that letting his true self show thru is the only way to expand his base. You won't ever leave him no matter how blatantly racist he is, but he's lost voters since 2016 and has done nothing to reach out to anyone else. He can still get the "he's not racist enough folks" and appears to be trying.
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And members of Trump's family don't want them to have nice homes...

Jared Kushner-Owned Company Fined As Negligent Property Owner In Baltimore County

Slum lords are a problem everywhere. Nobody has given a ever, now is an excellent time to start.

That means that you would have to come up with a plan of action. You have to make a choice between I hate Trump and actually correcting the problem. Then you have to determine where the responsibility lies as far as local/state/federal and funding. Now you have an issue to work with.
Gosh, I think they think Donald Trump wants that for them too, instead of pandering to them for their vote Democrat style. Imagine that.

They know what Trump really thinks...

FBI releases documents related to Trump apartment discrimination case

And members of Trump's family don't want them to have nice homes...

Something Trump-Besieged Baltimore Would Love To Ditch: Decrepit 'Kushnerville' Housing an apartment complex run by Trump's father in the 70s proves that Trump is a racist?

Is stating the obvious racist as well?

What I noticed is whenever a neighborhood becomes predominantly black, property values tank. Democrats have been using Gentrification for decades to lower property values in their cities so they can make a killing in the housing market.
Trump's family has always been racist. The Don just realized that letting his true self show thru is the only way to expand his base. You won't ever leave him no matter how blatantly racist he is, but he's lost voters since 2016 and has done nothing to reach out to anyone else. He can still get the "he's not racist enough folks" and appears to be trying.

Yeah yeah yeah and Bush was A racist, so was Romney. So was McCain. Any Republican you wish to attack is a racist it happens like clockwork every election cycle
So now we are about to see the trump butt sniffers attacking Elijah Cummings and Baltimore . They have already begun. The idiots don't understand that Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 using this tactic. All that's about to happen is that the people who did not vote in 2016 are going to come out large and vote Trumps racist ass out of office.

I know the usual suspects are going to talk crazy now. Let's see how you talk after the election next year when what I say happens as Trump continues doing this.
Isn't it odd that the only cities and the only people he attacks are people not of the same "religion" or skin hue as him.....and the vast majority of his cultists?
Kimberly Klasic, a black republican, is the one who cherry picked the area used in the video. Kwesi Mfume a former congressman from Baltimore spoke about this situation during the riots.

The district is mixed and is 52 percent black. That means there are about 48 percent whites in this community. Understand this as you continue missing the point.
Gosh, I think they think Donald Trump wants that for them too, instead of pandering to them for their vote Democrat style. Imagine that.

They know what Trump really thinks...

FBI releases documents related to Trump apartment discrimination case

And members of Trump's family don't want them to have nice homes...

Something Trump-Besieged Baltimore Would Love To Ditch: Decrepit 'Kushnerville' Housing an apartment complex run by Trump's father in the 70s proves that Trump is a racist?

Is stating the obvious racist as well?

What I noticed is whenever a neighborhood becomes predominantly black, property values tank. Democrats have been using Gentrification for decades to lower property values in their cities so they can make a killing in the housing market.
Trump's family has always been racist. The Don just realized that letting his true self show thru is the only way to expand his base. You won't ever leave him no matter how blatantly racist he is, but he's lost voters since 2016 and has done nothing to reach out to anyone else. He can still get the "he's not racist enough folks" and appears to be trying.

Yeah yeah yeah and Bush was A racist, so was Romney. So was McCain. Any Republican you wish to attack is a racist it happens like clockwork every election cycle

MCain opposed the King holiday. Romney was a Mormon. The fact is that the republican party has pandered to racists for years.

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