Now it's Cummings turn

So now we are about to see the trump butt sniffers attacking Elijah Cummings and Baltimore . They have already begun. The idiots don't understand that Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 using this tactic. All that's about to happen is that the people who did not vote in 2016 are going to come out large and vote Trumps racist ass out of office.

I know the usual suspects are going to talk crazy now. Let's see how you talk after the election next year when what I say happens as Trump continues doing this.

There was not one thing racist Trump said about Cummings or Baltimore. Cummings criticizes Trump all the time. Trump fired back. Where is the racism? What, because Cummings is Black he gets a pass on accountability for his job lwhile Trump gets held accountable for his? What had Cummings done for Baltimore to improve things? His wife certainly isn’t helping things.

What Trump said was racist. I am not going to argue with a bunch of racist whites about it.

So now we are about to see the trump butt sniffers attacking Elijah Cummings and Baltimore . They have already begun. The idiots don't understand that Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 using this tactic. All that's about to happen is that the people who did not vote in 2016 are going to come out large and vote Trumps racist ass out of office.

I know the usual suspects are going to talk crazy now. Let's see how you talk after the election next year when what I say happens as Trump continues doing this.

  1. Elijah Cummings. Black dude. That is the only reason why you side with him.
  2. Baltimore. Been there several times. Even worse than you imagine.
  3. Popular vote. A statistic poll takers collect for statistical value and interest which otherwise means about as much as your opinion.
  4. Vote Trump's ass out of office. Since only about 132-133 million of the roughly 270 million eligible voters voted, if you think one person who voted for Trump before ain't going to vote for him again, you're an even bigger idiot than I thought. And a lot of people who were on the fence before and didn't think he could run the country well are going to vote for him after his doing a great job. And a lot of people who held their nose to pull the lever for Hillary are going to REALLY think twice when they see the hayseed radical socialist the dimowits produce this time who will make Hillary look like Abraham Lincoln. And half the remaining base don't think Sanders, Biden or Warren are half far enough to the Left.
All that leaves is the people who HATE Trump. And since Trump has never pulled punches about what he believed and stood for, those that hated him in 2016 still hate him now and are no more or less surprised by him. The rest of us, we understand we want a leader by what he actually gets done, not by how he looks or acts. If we elected on personality, we'd put Julie Andrews in office. I only regret I cannot be there come election night when the triggered TDS hits you squarely in the face -- -- -- -- again.

So now we are about to see the trump butt sniffers attacking Elijah Cummings and Baltimore . They have already begun. The idiots don't understand that Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 using this tactic. All that's about to happen is that the people who did not vote in 2016 are going to come out large and vote Trumps racist ass out of office.

I know the usual suspects are going to talk crazy now. Let's see how you talk after the election next year when what I say happens as Trump continues doing this.

There was not one thing racist Trump said about Cummings or Baltimore. Cummings criticizes Trump all the time. Trump fired back. Where is the racism? What, because Cummings is Black he gets a pass on accountability for his job lwhile Trump gets held accountable for his? What had Cummings done for Baltimore to improve things? His wife certainly isn’t helping things.

What Trump said was racist. I am not going to argue with a bunch of racist whites about it.

You think all whites are racist and everything said by whites is racist. The reality is you can’t argue this one because Baltimore has had problems for years.... before Trump, before Obama. Cummings has been there for years. What is Cummings doing about it besides letting his wife dip her hand into the til?
You guys are butt hurt because you know Trump is right about Baltimore!
I've never been there, so how the hell would I know? Have you ever been there? If not, why does anyone but Trump care?

I've been there. Parts of it look like every city that has voted Democrat for far, far too long.
That's a highly partisan trope to blame the Democrats for all the ills in any major city. All major cities have "bad" neighborhoods, don't they? I lived in a year in New Haven--cockroaches and rats everywhere, no matter how much Lysol you used. And neighborhoods that white chics like us don't want to get lost in. But you say the Republicans would magically "fix" that somehow? Increase spending and services to clean up those neighborhoods? From all the threads I've read here, that's the last thing Republicans want to spend money on.

Well now if we look at the largest city in the US, NYC, they had a Republican mayor for quite a few years and the city cleaned up IMMENSELY. To where people could actually travel, live, and work there and be safe again. Oh and now it's back to a basically Commie Dem and look what happens....

You guys are butt hurt because you know Trump is right about Baltimore!
I've never been there, so how the hell would I know? Have you ever been there? If not, why does anyone but Trump care?

I've been there. Parts of it look like every city that has voted Democrat for far, far too long.
That's a highly partisan trope to blame the Democrats for all the ills in any major city. All major cities have "bad" neighborhoods, don't they? I lived in a year in New Haven--cockroaches and rats everywhere, no matter how much Lysol you used. And neighborhoods that white chics like us don't want to get lost in. But you say the Republicans would magically "fix" that somehow? Increase spending and services to clean up those neighborhoods? From all the threads I've read here, that's the last thing Republicans want to spend money on.
No these shitat holes are getting worse the longer democrats are in charge. America is an idea! Democrats ideas don’t work! These areas are over regulated they have taken all opportunity away from blacks , they breath and eat that’s all democrats allow them to do
Trump would not be Trump if he was not continually making sure large numbers of people will never vote for republicans ever again.

The Democratic Party is scared that President Trump is making gains with Black Voters.
That is why they are continusly calling him a racist.

MSNBC: Trump ‘More Popular with Black Voters than Mayor Pete’

Baltimore is the tip of the iceberg. I believe Trump's 2020 campaign strategy will be briefing the America people about countless Dem run disaster cities across the nation. Holding them accountable for decades of failure. As POTUS he will use the bully pulpit to shine a spotlight on how the Dem party has failed the poor in these cities.
I grew up in Alabama. There is no greater example of what conservatives do to a place than that. Did the GOP fail Alabama in it's chronic inability to thrive?
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Watch your mouth you little no-nut having bitch. The only people who trained me were the United States military. You're not even trained to wipe your own bitch ass. Elijah Cummings is a lowlife, lying sack of shit just like you and the faggot-ass OP are. Live with it.
You're a fine Christian Conservative Trump supporter..
I tell the truth you little punkass bitch, something that you are incapable of doing.
As for being a Christian, I don't allow baby-killing vermin like you to lecture me about morality, so go fuck yourself
Elijah Cummings is a lowlife, lying sack of shit just like you and the faggot-ass OP are. Live with it.

It took me a minute to see what was wrong with this punkass bitch Mac1958's post: This lowlife does what the Left always does, cry about WORDS while they engage in EVIL ACTS.

Democrats murder babies by the millions and now infanticide too, their gangs beat people in the streets, they impose policies that hurt people... ...THESE ARE REAL TANGIBLE ACTS. They are okay with that.

But what do they whine about? WORDS!
Whether its Trump's tweets or me calling Mac1958 out for the faggot he is, its just words. They cry about WORDS while they engage in actual evil violent ACTS!!

That's something to always remember about these vermin on the Left.

Whoa hold up! Me and mac don't agree on much but your cowardly attacks on him just are not going to stand you ignorant racist bitch. You talk all that shit about words, well words turn into words written in laws and policies. Those words create tangible acts. You talk about abortion, but abortion is the end of life at any stage. If you support war, you support abortion. The death penalty-abortion. Opposition to decent heal care-abortion. Reducing or ending food assistance-people dying of hunger or malnourishment-abortion. So maybe you look in the mirror when you talk about vermin and literally think about the fact that your ass is a female when you talk about somebody having no balls.
Trump would not be Trump if he was not continually making sure large numbers of people will never vote for republicans ever again.

The Democratic Party is scared that President Trump is making gains with Black Voters.
That is why they are continusly calling him a racist.

MSNBC: Trump ‘More Popular with Black Voters than Mayor Pete’

Baltimore is the tip of the iceberg. I believe Trump's 2020 campaign strategy will be briefing the America people about countless Dem run disaster cities across the nation. Holding them accountable for decades of failure. As POTUS he will use the bully pulpit to shine a spotlight on how the Dem party has failed the poor in these cities.
I grew up in Alabama. There is no greater example of what conservatives do to a place than that. Did the GOP fail Alabama in it's chronic inability to thrive?

In most red states all of the problems are in the Democrat congressional districts
bad schools
high taxes
You did in 2008 and 2012. That's why your ilk started crying about voter fraud.

LOL! All you DO is cry, like a little bitch.

Cummings is a piece of shit just like you. God bless Trump for calling him out.

Blah. blah, blah.

The prime beneficiary of affirmative action rambles on.
Trump would not be Trump if he was not continually making sure large numbers of people will never vote for republicans ever again.

The Democratic Party is scared that President Trump is making gains with Black Voters.
That is why they are continusly calling him a racist.

MSNBC: Trump ‘More Popular with Black Voters than Mayor Pete’

Baltimore is the tip of the iceberg. I believe Trump's 2020 campaign strategy will be briefing the America people about countless Dem run disaster cities across the nation. Holding them accountable for decades of failure. As POTUS he will use the bully pulpit to shine a spotlight on how the Dem party has failed the poor in these cities.
I grew up in Alabama. There is no greater example of what conservatives do to a place than that. Did the GOP fail Alabama in it's chronic inability to thrive?

In most red states all of the problems are in the Democrat congressional districts
bad schools
high taxes

You guys are butt hurt because you know Trump is right about Baltimore!
I've never been there, so how the hell would I know? Have you ever been there? If not, why does anyone but Trump care?

I've been there. Parts of it look like every city that has voted Democrat for far, far too long.
That's a highly partisan trope to blame the Democrats for all the ills in any major city. All major cities have "bad" neighborhoods, don't they? I lived in a year in New Haven--cockroaches and rats everywhere, no matter how much Lysol you used. And neighborhoods that white chics like us don't want to get lost in. But you say the Republicans would magically "fix" that somehow? Increase spending and services to clean up those neighborhoods? From all the threads I've read here, that's the last thing Republicans want to spend money on.

Well now if we look at the largest city in the US, NYC, they had a Republican mayor for quite a few years and the city cleaned up IMMENSELY. To where people could actually travel, live, and work there and be safe again. Oh and now it's back to a basically Commie Dem and look what happens....

And.....she's done it again. Broken record.

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