Now it's Cummings turn

So now we are about to see the trump butt sniffers attacking Elijah Cummings and Baltimore . They have already begun. The idiots don't understand that Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 using this tactic. All that's about to happen is that the people who did not vote in 2016 are going to come out large and vote Trumps racist ass out of office.

I know the usual suspects are going to talk crazy now. Let's see how you talk after the election next year when what I say happens as Trump continues doing this.
Isn't it odd that the only cities and the only people he attacks are people not of the same "religion" or skin hue as him.....and the vast majority of his cultists?

Agreed. Funny how he doesn't attack the rat infested, piss poor, republican district representatives of rural America.
Kimberly Klasic, a black republican, is the one who cherry picked the area used in the video. Kwesi Mfume a former congressman from Baltimore spoke about this situation during the riots.

The district is mixed and is 52 percent black. That means there are about 48 percent whites in this community. Understand this as you continue missing the point.

Yep, if someone has a record, it their father has a record, if their mother has a record...chances are life will be difficult.
MCain opposed the King holiday

Good. King was not a president you idiot.

Romney was a Mormon

King was a Baptist. Thanks for playing.

The fact is that the republican party has pandered to racists for years.

The fact is that you're a lying sack of shit and you cry like a little bitch, just like your hero Cummings, who Trump rightly called out for the pig he is
The left bitching about Trump and or his supporters attacking other's.
MCain opposed the King holiday

Good. King was not a president you idiot.

Romney was a Mormon

King was a Baptist. Thanks for playing.

The fact is that the republican party has pandered to racists for years.

The fact is that you're a lying sack of shit and you cry like a little bitch, just like your hero Cummings, who Trump rightly called out for the pig he is

More stupid from the prime beneficiary of affirmative action.

So can Trump walk up and grab you in the pussy?
Whites like you are crying about anti white discrimination that does not exist.

I thought this thread was about the liar Cummings. Of course, your racism is now on full display.

Whites complain about anti white discrimination that does not exist? It does exist you ignorant fuck. Your own Democrat Party officials have publicly said that they don't want white people. Blacks like you do nothing BUT cry about discrimination that does not exist. Your life is a failure simply because you are an idiot, not because of any faux discrimination.

Elijah Cummings is a liar and a fraud and Trump was right to call him out, just like I call you out.


Democrats Don’t Want to Nominate a Candidate Who Looks Like Bernie or Joe
In a new national survey, the party’s primary voters prefer female candidates of color in 2020
Democrats Don’t Want to Nominate a Candidate Who Looks Like Bernie or Joe
"Well now if we look at the largest city in the US, NYC, they had a Republican mayor for quite a few years and the city cleaned up IMMENSELY. To where people could actually travel, live, and work there and be safe again. Oh and now it's back to a basically Commie Dem and look what happens...."

According to friends I have that live in New York the republican mayor ran a police state with the NYPD acting as the gestapo.
Trump would not be Trump if he was not continually making sure large numbers of people will never vote for republicans ever again.

The Democratic Party is scared that President Trump is making gains with Black Voters.
That is why they are continusly calling him a racist.

MSNBC: Trump ‘More Popular with Black Voters than Mayor Pete’

Baltimore is the tip of the iceberg. I believe Trump's 2020 campaign strategy will be briefing the America people about countless Dem run disaster cities across the nation. Holding them accountable for decades of failure. As POTUS he will use the bully pulpit to shine a spotlight on how the Dem party has failed the poor in these cities.
I grew up in Alabama. There is no greater example of what conservatives do to a place than that. Did the GOP fail Alabama in it's chronic inability to thrive?

^^^ lib deflects from Baltimore after Bernie Sanders compares Baltimore to North Korea.
Trump would not be Trump if he was not continually making sure large numbers of people will never vote for republicans ever again.

The Democratic Party is scared that President Trump is making gains with Black Voters.
That is why they are continusly calling him a racist.

MSNBC: Trump ‘More Popular with Black Voters than Mayor Pete’

Baltimore is the tip of the iceberg. I believe Trump's 2020 campaign strategy will be briefing the America people about countless Dem run disaster cities across the nation. Holding them accountable for decades of failure. As POTUS he will use the bully pulpit to shine a spotlight on how the Dem party has failed the poor in these cities.
I grew up in Alabama. There is no greater example of what conservatives do to a place than that. Did the GOP fail Alabama in it's chronic inability to thrive?

In most red states all of the problems are in the Democrat congressional districts
bad schools
high taxes

Same as in most blue states.
Gosh, I think they think Donald Trump wants that for them too, instead of pandering to them for their vote Democrat style. Imagine that.

They know what Trump really thinks...

FBI releases documents related to Trump apartment discrimination case

And members of Trump's family don't want them to have nice homes...

Something Trump-Besieged Baltimore Would Love To Ditch: Decrepit 'Kushnerville' Housing an apartment complex run by Trump's father in the 70s proves that Trump is a racist?

Is stating the obvious racist as well?

What I noticed is whenever a neighborhood becomes predominantly black, property values tank. Democrats have been using Gentrification for decades to lower property values in their cities so they can make a killing in the housing market.
Trump's family has always been racist. The Don just realized that letting his true self show thru is the only way to expand his base. You won't ever leave him no matter how blatantly racist he is, but he's lost voters since 2016 and has done nothing to reach out to anyone else. He can still get the "he's not racist enough folks" and appears to be trying.
Actually all you have to do to become a racist is become a registered Republican.

Millions Mourn As Rocker/Activist Ted Nugent, Age 68, Found Alive

Whites like you are crying about anti white discrimination that does not exist.

I thought this thread was about the liar Cummings. Of course, your racism is now on full display.

Whites complain about anti white discrimination that does not exist? It does exist you ignorant fuck. Your own Democrat Party officials have publicly said that they don't want white people. Blacks like you do nothing BUT cry about discrimination that does not exist. Your life is a failure simply because you are an idiot, not because of any faux discrimination.

Elijah Cummings is a liar and a fraud and Trump was right to call him out, just like I call you out.

View attachment 271558

Democrats Don’t Want to Nominate a Candidate Who Looks Like Bernie or Joe
In a new national survey, the party’s primary voters prefer female candidates of color in 2020
Democrats Don’t Want to Nominate a Candidate Who Looks Like Bernie or Joe

What you call racism isn't. Your behavior is expected because you are a conservative member of the prime beneficiary of affirmative action and you oppose the very policy that has helped you the most. So you're a dumb ass. A joke. As such- :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Democrats are being out played in every tweet. TRUMP is simply highlighting democrats are running on putting illegals first.
Gosh, I think they think Donald Trump wants that for them too, instead of pandering to them for their vote Democrat style. Imagine that.

They know what Trump really thinks...

FBI releases documents related to Trump apartment discrimination case

And members of Trump's family don't want them to have nice homes...

Something Trump-Besieged Baltimore Would Love To Ditch: Decrepit 'Kushnerville' Housing an apartment complex run by Trump's father in the 70s proves that Trump is a racist?

Is stating the obvious racist as well?

What I noticed is whenever a neighborhood becomes predominantly black, property values tank. Democrats have been using Gentrification for decades to lower property values in their cities so they can make a killing in the housing market.
Trump's family has always been racist. The Don just realized that letting his true self show thru is the only way to expand his base. You won't ever leave him no matter how blatantly racist he is, but he's lost voters since 2016 and has done nothing to reach out to anyone else. He can still get the "he's not racist enough folks" and appears to be trying.
Actually all you have to do to become a racist is become a registered Republican.

Wrong. There are registered republicans who are not racists.
Democrats are being out played in every tweet. TRUMP is simply highlighting democrats are running on putting illegals first.

Trump is losing. This is why he is resorting to this.
Gosh, I think they think Donald Trump wants that for them too, instead of pandering to them for their vote Democrat style. Imagine that.

They know what Trump really thinks...

FBI releases documents related to Trump apartment discrimination case

And members of Trump's family don't want them to have nice homes...

Something Trump-Besieged Baltimore Would Love To Ditch: Decrepit 'Kushnerville' Housing an apartment complex run by Trump's father in the 70s proves that Trump is a racist?

Is stating the obvious racist as well?

What I noticed is whenever a neighborhood becomes predominantly black, property values tank. Democrats have been using Gentrification for decades to lower property values in their cities so they can make a killing in the housing market.
Trump's family has always been racist. The Don just realized that letting his true self show thru is the only way to expand his base. You won't ever leave him no matter how blatantly racist he is, but he's lost voters since 2016 and has done nothing to reach out to anyone else. He can still get the "he's not racist enough folks" and appears to be trying.

Yeah yeah yeah and Bush was A racist, so was Romney. So was McCain. Any Republican you wish to attack is a racist it happens like clockwork every election cycle
Only now Nancy Pelosi is a racist....Joe Biden is a racist.....anyone who is a person of color is a racist.

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