Now it's the Utah governors turn to step in it


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Because, you know, even suggesting being gay might be a choice is hate speech.
So bend over, grab those ankles real tight, apologize, and move on.

Governor asked to apologize for remarks about gays

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — A gay rights organization is calling on Utah Gov. Gary Herbert to apologize for suggesting homosexuality is a choice and for calling decisions by other state leaders to not defend same-sex marriage bans the "next step to anarchy."

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John Netto, head of the Utah Pride Center's board, said the governor's comments during his monthly televised news conference Thursday were hurtful.

"To suggest that allowing gay marriage is the foundation of anarchy, to us, is hate speech," Netto told The Salt Lake Tribune (LGBT leader calls for apology over Utah governor?s comments | The Salt Lake Tribune ). "We think he is uneducated ... on current scientific positions in regard to human sexuality."

Herbert's office didn't immediately respond to requests for comment.

Herbert said Thursday that he remains committed to defending Utah's same-sex marriage ban, which was struck down by a federal judge in December. The ruling led more than 1,000 same-sex couples to marry in the state before the U.S. Supreme Court issued an emergency stay pending an appeal to the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver.

The Republican governor said he's dismayed by the suggestion that Utah should drop its defense of the 2004 voter-approved ban because public opinion and social mores are shifting.

He said seeing Oregon and Pennsylvania leaders this week decide not to appeal rulings from federal judges striking down bans there does nothing to change his thinking.

"For elected officials, governors or attorney generals, to pick and choose what laws (they) will enforce I think is a tragedy, and is the next step to anarchy," Herbert said. "We have an obligation as a state to defend those laws."

Oregon and Pennsylvania became the 18th and 19th states to allow gay marriage.

The governor also commented on his views on homosexuality, after being asked if he thinks approving gay marriage is analogous to the legalization of interracial marriage 47 years ago.

"What you choose to do with your sexual orientation is different in my mind than what you're born with as far as your race," Herbert said.

He added later: "What your attraction may be is something else, but how you act upon those impulses is a choice."

Netto said the governor's comments show a lack of understanding about how Utah's laws affect same-sex couples and their families.

"We are quite confident that the 18 or 19 states that have legal marriage are not in a state of anarchy, and there has been no damage down to heterosexual marriage," he told The Tribune. "We absolutely think he should apologize, and we think he should reach out and we think he should get some education."

Governor asked to apologize for remarks about gays
Well, contrary to what Mr. Netto thinks, it looks to me like Herbet has a very modern understanding of homosexuality.

"What you choose to do with your sexual orientation is different in my mind than what you're born with as far as your race," Herbert said.

At least he understands there are different sexual orientations. Progress!

Doesn't seem like much of a story to me, overall. What he said isn't really inflammatory, and it only seems to be one guy trying to call him out over it.
It's Utah. I'm surprised he didn't say that the only thing that protects him form those marauding faggots for equality is his magic Mormon underpants.

Someone should remind Governor Herbert that Mormonism is a choice,

and then ask him to explain why whether or not something being a choice should be a relevant factor in determining whether or not something should be a right.
Most of our rights are based on choices, not on how one was born.

Speech, press, assembly, religion, guns...all choices protected as rights.
Gary Herbert is a nice guy, a good family person, and speaks in the guise of the governor for the LDS church.

He is wrong about homosexuality being a choice.

He is wrong in saying not defending state laws leads to anarchy.
Gary Herbert is a nice guy, a good family person, and speaks in the guise of the governor for the LDS church.

He is wrong about homosexuality being a choice.

He is wrong in saying not defending state laws leads to anarchy.

Gee, guy, A Mormon trying to impose his silly cult on other people.

Good thing we dodged that bullet nationally, eh?
He's correct and the left can't stand that. Let them start an impeachment over speech they don't like. Let the voters of Utah decide.
Gary Herbert is a nice guy, a good family person, and speaks in the guise of the governor for the LDS church.

He is wrong about homosexuality being a choice.

He is wrong in saying not defending state laws leads to anarchy.

Gee, guy, A Mormon trying to impose his silly cult on other people.

Good thing we dodged that bullet nationally, eh?

He's not imposing anything. He's speaking freely....something that the constitution guarantees. And his statement isn't necessarily false either.
He's right when he said: "What your attraction may be is something else, but how you act upon those impulses is a choice."

Yes, the only choice is in acting upon our natural or god-given attractions. In a free society, why should it matter if we choose to act upon our attractions as long as it is with other consenting adults? Why should that disqualify us from equal protection under the law for our partnerships?

The Governor should be asked how he would feel if California were to pass a law, by people's referendum, that would prohibit Mormons from getting a civil marriage license.
Gary Herbert is a nice guy, a good family person, and speaks in the guise of the governor for the LDS church.

He is wrong about homosexuality being a choice.

He is wrong in saying not defending state laws leads to anarchy.

Gee, guy, A Mormon trying to impose his silly cult on other people.

Good thing we dodged that bullet nationally, eh?

He's not imposing anything. He's speaking freely....something that the constitution guarantees. And his statement isn't necessarily false either.

Actually he is. By demanding that the law be defended, he's imposing 2nd class citizenship on his gay constituents.
He's right when he said: "What your attraction may be is something else, but how you act upon those impulses is a choice."

Yes, the only choice is in acting upon our natural or god-given attractions. In a free society, why should it matter if we choose to act upon our attractions as long as it is with other consenting adults? Why should that disqualify us from equal protection under the law for our partnerships?

The Governor should be asked how he would feel if California were to pass a law, by people's referendum, that would prohibit Mormons from getting a civil marriage license.

No one is limiting your partnerships. You are as free to write a partnership agreement as anyone else.

There is a Constitutionally guaranteed right of freedom of religion. There is no Constitutionally guaranteed right to fuck.
So it's 100% "i've gotta be me " gene?
If it was 100% genetic there would be no same sex people.
Think about it.
The only purpose for sexual intercourse is reproduction.
Reproduction is the ONLY way to insure your immortality.. i.e. your genes get passed on.
Reproduction is the ONLY way for a species to survive. If you don't reproduce the species ceases to exist.

SO... taking that to the next level.. how can two people of the same sex reproduce?

They can't. They need opposite sex for reproduction in almost ALL species and especially humans as that's how the species has survived.

If that's the case from biology 101 how can a gene that controls sexual attraction be passed on that abhors opposite sex but attracted to same sex?

Again.. how can there be then a 100% confidence that the "I gotta be me" gene is reproduced again.. if sexual attraction of same sex is passed on?

Explain that.
He's right when he said: "What your attraction may be is something else, but how you act upon those impulses is a choice."

Yes, the only choice is in acting upon our natural or god-given attractions. In a free society, why should it matter if we choose to act upon our attractions as long as it is with other consenting adults? Why should that disqualify us from equal protection under the law for our partnerships?

The Governor should be asked how he would feel if California were to pass a law, by people's referendum, that would prohibit Mormons from getting a civil marriage license.

No one is limiting your partnerships. You are as free to write a partnership agreement as anyone else.

There is a Constitutionally guaranteed right of freedom of religion. There is no Constitutionally guaranteed right to fuck.

I never said limiting partnerships, I said not treating them equally under the law. My marriage is not treated the same as your marriage. That will end when the rest of DOMA is struck down or when the SCOTUS rules all anti gay marriage laws unconstitutional.
He's right when he said: "What your attraction may be is something else, but how you act upon those impulses is a choice."

Yes, the only choice is in acting upon our natural or god-given attractions. In a free society, why should it matter if we choose to act upon our attractions as long as it is with other consenting adults? Why should that disqualify us from equal protection under the law for our partnerships?

The Governor should be asked how he would feel if California were to pass a law, by people's referendum, that would prohibit Mormons from getting a civil marriage license.

No one is limiting your partnerships. You are as free to write a partnership agreement as anyone else.

There is a Constitutionally guaranteed right of freedom of religion. There is no Constitutionally guaranteed right to fuck.

There is no Constitutional right to practice religion in a manner that violates other constitutional rights.

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