Now Missouri

Doesn’t say ‘must’
You're being a legal idiot. In legaleese (see blacks law) "shall" means has to be done without exception.

SHALL Definition & Legal Meaning - Black's Law Dictionary

As used in statutes and similar instruments, this word is generally imperative or mandatory;
Look at him run!

He can't address the simple fact that being barred from running for president is not a criminal prosecution.

And his tears of loserdom ... mmmm, so delicious.

Kaz, you're not the most cowardly Trump cult loser here ... oh wait, maybe you are.

On the bright side, by pissing yourself and crying uncontrollably, you've earn big brownie points with your masters. By Trump cult standards, anyone who doesn't have soiled britches is assumed to be a dirty liberal.

M'kay. Later, magot
Not if the insurrectionist held public office and took an oath to the Constitution. For example if Joe Blow the insurrectionist who's only crime was to walk through the Capitol during the Riot, who never held public office before, can not be excluded via the 14th
These dopes claim something doesn’t apply and yet seem not to have read it… or understand what they read
Innocent until proven guilty is NOT in the Constitution. It's a common law legal principle. Like no man can sit in judgement of his own case.

LMAO, that's so funny.

postman said: Duh, dar, burp, barf, the Constitution doesn't say presumed innocent, kaz, vomit :puke:

So you're so stupid that you don't know that innocent until proven guilty and presumed innocent mean the SAME THING YOU FUCKING MAGOT.

That is how far you racist asses take your double standards, and you think even when we are pointing them out, you're so smart we don't see it, what we are SAYING. I have no respect for you as a human being, you don't deserve any
Its pretty clear it was meant for the civil war time. But its now being used as a hail Mary attack on Trump.

12 in history.

Same shit as Logan Act that was used with Steele Dossier BS.

Ill let Tulsi Gabbard explain what is going on.

Maybe the U.S. SUPREME court will rule this? If they do, I will accept the ruling.
Actually it's Trump own delay tactics that made it take that long to get the indictments against him. Remember, he said he could not be indicted, subpoenaed or even investigated as a sitting president. Which meant delaying any investigation for years.

You lie like an eight year old, magot
You're just a bullshitter. You know if you asked for a citation I'd have one.

3 U.S. Code § 15 - Counting electoral votes in Congress
From your link….

“ (d) Procedure at Joint Session Generally.—
(1) In general.—The President of the Senate shall—
(A) open the certificates and papers purporting to be certificates of the votes of electors appointed pursuant to a certificate of ascertainment of appointment of electors issued pursuant to section 5, in the alphabetical order of the States, beginning with the letter A; and”

Just what was stated, not to open and send back was the ask
LMAO, that's so funny.

postman said: Duh, dar, burp, barf, the Constitution doesn't say presumed innocent, kaz, vomit :puke:

So you're so stupid that you don't know that innocent until proven guilty and presumed innocent mean the SAME THING YOU FUCKING MAGOT.

It's clear you haven't read the constitution. Or at least not in its entirety (BTW it's not that long)

You will find no use of "innocent", "guilty", or "presumed", (or different length versions) anywhere in the Constitution. Posted for your perusal.
From your link….

“ (d) Procedure at Joint Session Generally.—
(1) In general.—The President of the Senate shall—
(A) open the certificates and papers purporting to be certificates of the votes of electors appointed pursuant to a certificate of ascertainment of appointment of electors issued pursuant to section 5, in the alphabetical order of the States, beginning with the letter A; and”

Just what was stated, not to open and send back was the ask
What you left out

(2)Action on certificate.—
(A)In general.—
Upon the reading of each certificate or paper, the President of the Senate shall call for objections, if any.

Meaning, any judgement on the validity of the certificates is done by congress, not by the VP.
You're being a legal idiot. In legaleese (see blacks law) "shall" means has to be done without exception.

SHALL Definition & Legal Meaning - Black's Law Dictionary

As used in statutes and similar instruments, this word is generally imperative or mandatory;
Nope, I sent you the link for an actual representation. Shall only means is owed, meaning, it needs to happen, doesn’t mean it can’t be delayed
What you left out

(2)Action on certificate.—
(A)In general.—
Upon the reading of each certificate or paper, the President of the Senate shall call for objections, if any.

Meaning, any judgement on the validity of the certificates is done by congress, not by the VP.
No I didn’t, if unopened, it can’t be read out loud
BlindBoo said:
"...the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Yet they are, there are conditions, felons can't own any.

I didn't say that the Vice President doesn't eventually do it, it means it isn't absolute. Again, sent you the link.
BlindBoo said:
"...the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Yet they are, there are conditions, felons can't own any.

I didn't say that the Vice President doesn't eventually do it, it means it isn't absolute. Again, sent you the link.
Didn't you say he could just not open the the certified votes of a state and send it back to the states. Neither the Constitution nor the statute gives him that authority.
It was an attempt to stop a Constitutional requirement on 1/6 of counting the state certified results, in to the congressional record.

That is not simply a riot....

It meets the definition of insurrection...

It was more than a riot, and less than a insurrection attempt to stop a Constitutional duty, of our govt.
Oh BS. It was a Protest that got out of Hand. And mismanagement from hell on security.

The DOD offered multiple times for more National Guard. It was deemed unnecessary.

After the BLM riots this is nothing. But your side gonna push it for as much politics as you can get.
Didn't you say he could just not open the the certified votes of a state and send it back to the states. Neither the Constitution nor the statute gives him that authority.
He doesn't have to gavel the session into order, which would mean he wouldn't be opening the material.
Oh BS. It was a Protest that got out of Hand. And mismanagement from hell on security.
intentionally so
The DOD offered multiple times for more National Guard. It was deemed unnecessary.
the demofks in charge peloser said no. for a reason, Her own daughter said it was no insurrection.
After the BLM riots this is nothing. But your side gonna push it for as much politics as you can get.
it's a group of cry baby elites

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