Now That Democrats Have Made Us a Banana Republic

No, you actually prosecute supposed insurrectionists for insurrection via the protections given anyone accused of a crime in the Constitution.

Ask George the III what happens when you push people too far.
The court disagrees and your interpretation of the 14th amendment isn't supported by text or common sense.

But we have to bend to your demands because you are going to become violent if we don't.

And you guys love to claim you aren't little wannabe fascists? This is exactly what a fascist would say.
The court disagrees and your interpretation of the 14th amendment isn't supported by text or common sense.

But we have to bend to your demands because you are going to become violent if we don't.

And you guys love to claim you aren't little wannabe fascists? This is exactly what a fascist would say.

The court is full of shit, just like the court was with Plessey.

"we need to save democracy by preventing democracy"

That's what your side is saying, fuckwit.
Democrats are using the same tactics that Putin does.
Trump tried to seize control of the government by taking away our ability to vote for president.

But no one on your side seems to care about that because the integrity of the nation is less important than winning.
The court is full of shit, just like the court was with Plessey.

"we need to save democracy by preventing democracy"

That's what your side is saying, fuckwit.
Preventing Democracy is exactly what Trump tried to do in 2020 and that doesn't seem to bother you, so spare me your hypocritical bullshit.

The Constitution says some people aren't eligible to be president. Does the Constitution prevent democracy by requiring the president to be a natural born citizen or 35 years old? Of course not.
They may have intended, but the people after never followed through.

If it does say, then the rest of the Constitution holds sway. Due process, trial buy jury of your peers for major crimes.

Who the fuck cares about practical when you are talking about deciding 1/2 the country can't vote for the candidate it wants?

You really think the people supporting Trump will just take this lying down?
At the moment Donald J. Trump is making the argument that a President of the United States is immune from all prosecution for acts he did in office. Including criminal acts. Not only have very similar arguments been rejected previously. He has made them, although in different context. They were rejected out of hand, including by the Supreme Court.

I've yet to see ANY Maga person EVER claim. Trump shouldn't try that.

Jan 6th was about the notion that the Vice-president of the United States under a certain way to read the Constitution had the right to ignore the vote tally certified by the States.
I've yet to see ANY Maga person claim.
Trump shouldn't have tried to get the VP to ignore the voters.

Your objection is not about the voters or respect for the Constitution. Your objection is to Trump being penalized for his actions.

You expect everyone to take those actions "lying down", and are pissed the judicial branch (not just Democrats) aren't.
He doesn't need to be. Read the clause again.

"No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability."

Merely engaging in the insurrection is enough to disqualify you.

Now, there was a practical reason for this at the time. Putting every leader of the Confederacy on trial for treason would have opened a lot of wounds and caused a lot of trouble. So, no, not even traitors like Davis and Lee were put on trial. Which is too bad, they should have been, and we wouldn't be having these stupid debates today about Confederate Flags and Statues.

It's why you don't see Nazis in Germany today. We put the Nazis on Trial. We hanged the worst of them.

Trump didnt
do any of those things.....

This is a kangaroo court and they need to be arrested for
violatimg the Civil Rights of Trump
So you are telling me the authors of the 14th amendment never intended for Jefferson Davis to be banned from holding office? That would seem to be absolutely nonsensical to me.

The 14th amendment doesn’t say how it’s to be enforced, so we have to figure out a way to make it work in a practical way.

So yeah, a judge can decide I think. Relyijg on convictions of insurrection is not a practical way, given the only time we both agree there was an insurrection, it seems almost no one was convicted of insurrection.

Dumb shit, the democrat party states files articles of seccession....they literally filed paper work in their insurrection you dumb fuck.....and members of the United States
military joined those states in their actual insurrecton...

Trump did one was indicted for "Insurrection" for Jan. 6 no trials were held for "Insurrection" for Jan6...

You are a moron
Dumb shit, the democrat party states files articles of seccession....they literally filed paper work in their insurrection you dumb fuck.....and members of the United States
military joined those states in their actual insurrecton...

Trump did one was indicted for "Insurrection" for Jan. 6 no trials were held for "Insurrection" for Jan6...

You are a moron
And yet after all of that Jefferson Davis was never tried for insurrection.

According to the Republicans, that means even though he was president of the confederacy, he was eligible to run for any office including President of the United States.

And that's why the Republicans are morons. They never think through what they say.
Trump tried to seize control of the government by taking away our ability to vote for president.

But no one on your side seems to care about that because the integrity of the nation is less important than winning.
Cool NARRATIVE, bro.

And yet after all of that Jefferson Davis was never tried for insurrection.

According to the Republicans, that means even though he was president of the confederacy, he was eligible to run for any office including President of the United States.

And that's why the Republicans are morons. They never think through what they say.

Moron, he was party of the states who submitted
actual paperwork of their insurrection, you dumb fuck....
Preventing Democracy is exactly what Trump tried to do in 2020 and that doesn't seem to bother you, so spare me your hypocritical bullshit.

The Constitution says some people aren't eligible to be president. Does the Constitution prevent democracy by requiring the president to be a natural born citizen or 35 years old? Of course not.
No, fucker. That's what Democrats did in 2020 by injecting millions of fake votes into the system

(after the election was actually over) to install a braindead puppet regime.

They had to get the real numbers, then cheat enough to beat the real numbers, but they went too
far and there's no way to deny how ludricrous it was now.
No, fucker. That's what Democrats did in 2020 by injecting millions of fake votes into the system to

install a braindead puppet regime.
Can you show me where anyone was convicted of injecting millions of fake votes into the system?
Show me where he was convicted of insurrection.

Ill go with your bullshit.....the 14th Amendment violates and is in conflict with the 7th and 8th amendments
and is unConstitutional.....hopefully the Supreme Court rules
that way
Ill go with your bullshit.....the 14th Amendment violates and is in conflict with the 7th and 8th amendments
and is unConstitutional.....hopefully the Supreme Court rules
that way
A constitutional amendment is unconstitutional.

You guys are goddamn geniuses.
Preventing Democracy is exactly what Trump tried to do in 2020 and that doesn't seem to bother you, so spare me your hypocritical bullshit.

The Constitution says some people aren't eligible to be president. Does the Constitution prevent democracy by requiring the president to be a natural born citizen or 35 years old? Of course not.

Then convict him of it in front of a Jury.

If you are really comparing an age requirement and being born here the same as some court denying the people the right to vote for who they want to vote for (A previously elected President no less) than you are the biggest hack on the planet and deserve to die cold and alone, mourning the loss of all your loved ones before you.

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