Now That Democrats Have Made Us a Banana Republic

The history of this part of the 14th we are told was to keep former members of the Confederacy from holding offices. Yet they were not charged and convicted for doing so.

Nope, the Southern democrat party states actually seceded from the Union….an actual insurrection ….and those who fought for them were on their payroll….

Trump was not indicted or convicted of anything…..,
The history of this part of the 14th we are told was to keep former members of the Confederacy from holding offices. Yet they were not charged and convicted for doing so.

Nope…..the democrat party states filed articles of secession from the Union….actually stating they were committing the act…..and any officer of the United States who fought for them took an oath to them

big fucking difference….

Every state in the Confederacy issued an “Article of Secession” declaring their break from the Union. Four states went further. Texas, Mississippi, Georgia and South Carolina all issued additional documents, usually referred to as the “Declarations of Causes," which explain their decision to leave the Union.

Um, no, they are very specific charges over a very specific event.

Except Biden is doing things about the border, it's just that our immigration system is broken, and Abbot pulling stunts like busing people all over the country with no warning doesn't help.

Trump hasn't been convicted or even charged with ANYTHING related to insurrection you dumbass.
Unfortunately, the city of Spokane has a flaming liberal progressive commie mayor and a rubber stamp city council. I avoid that county like the plague.
If I was 2 miles further north I would be avoiding Spokane county too. Also I'd be paying around 40% less property tax. Mayor Nadine Woodward on the Pub ticket got caught up in a scandal & is getting bounced @ the end of this month. Former Washington state senator Lisa Brown of the donkey political party will be replacing Woodward as of the 1st of January. No doubt the SAME rubber stampers will be on the city council as they were for Woodward. Till next time!
If I was 2 miles further north I would be avoiding Spokane county too. Also I'd be paying around 40% less property tax. Mayor Nadine Woodward on the Pub ticket got caught up in a scandal & is getting bounced @ the end of this month. Former Washington state senator Lisa Brown of the donkey political party will be replacing Woodward as of the 1st of January. No doubt the SAME rubber stampers will be on the city council as they were for Woodward. Till next time!
Trouble is the council wasn't rubber stamp for Woodward. They opposed every move she made. I am waiting for Lisa Brown and the council to step on a piece of their anatomy when they try to come up with something better than the Trent facility. Those morons care more for the homeless than they do for the tax paying constituents. Spokane's city government is a microcosm of the US gov't at this point. I don't envy you folks in that county. If I wasn't in the county that I'm in, I would sell out and move to Idaho---might do that anyway.
Trouble is the council wasn't rubber stamp for Woodward. They opposed every move she made. I am waiting for Lisa Brown and the council to step on a piece of their anatomy when they try to come up with something better than the Trent facility. Those morons care more for the homeless than they do for the tax paying constituents. Spokane's city government is a microcosm of the US gov't at this point. I don't envy you folks in that county. If I wasn't in the county that I'm in, I would sell out and move to Idaho---might do that anyway.
Harpster, Idaho county "the last of the Americans". Check out the last ranch/farmstead on top of the hill @ the end of Sears Creek Rd. Best home & barn we ever had within our family.
Trump hasn't been convicted or even charged with ANYTHING related to insurrection you dumbass.

He doesn't need to be. Read the clause again.

"No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability."

Merely engaging in the insurrection is enough to disqualify you.

Now, there was a practical reason for this at the time. Putting every leader of the Confederacy on trial for treason would have opened a lot of wounds and caused a lot of trouble. So, no, not even traitors like Davis and Lee were put on trial. Which is too bad, they should have been, and we wouldn't be having these stupid debates today about Confederate Flags and Statues.

It's why you don't see Nazis in Germany today. We put the Nazis on Trial. We hanged the worst of them.
Jefferson Davis was never convicted of insurrection.

Are you telling me that he was constitutionally eligible of running for president?

Since he never tried, it was never adjudicated. But the rest of the Constitution says before you are guilty of a crime, you have to be convicted of it. So the government would have had to go through the motions to convict him. How many former confederates ran for other positions at the federal level, or served in cabinets at the federal level with no issue?

Or are you a fan of any judge being able to say someone is an insurrectionist and thus banned from running for office?
Since he never tried, it was never adjudicated. But the rest of the Constitution says before you are guilty of a crime, you have to be convicted of it. So the government would have had to go through the motions to convict him. How many former confederates ran for other positions at the federal level, or served in cabinets at the federal level with no issue?

Or are you a fan of any judge being able to say someone is an insurrectionist and thus banned from running for office?
So you are telling me the authors of the 14th amendment never intended for Jefferson Davis to be banned from holding office? That would seem to be absolutely nonsensical to me.

The 14th amendment doesn’t say how it’s to be enforced, so we have to figure out a way to make it work in a practical way.

So yeah, a judge can decide I think. Relyijg on convictions of insurrection is not a practical way, given the only time we both agree there was an insurrection, it seems almost no one was convicted of insurrection.
So you are telling me the authors of the 14th amendment never intended for Jefferson Davis to be banned from holding office? That would seem to be absolutely nonsensical to me.

The 14th amendment doesn’t say how it’s to be enforced, so we have to figure out a way to make it work in a practical way.

So yeah, a judge can decide I think. Relyijg on convictions of insurrection is not a practical way, given the only time we both agree there was an insurrection, it seems almost no one was convicted of insurrection.

They may have intended, but the people after never followed through.

If it does say, then the rest of the Constitution holds sway. Due process, trial buy jury of your peers for major crimes.

Who the fuck cares about practical when you are talking about deciding 1/2 the country can't vote for the candidate it wants?

You really think the people supporting Trump will just take this lying down?
They may have intended, but the people after never followed through.

If it does say, then the rest of the Constitution holds sway. Due process, trial buy jury of your peers for major crimes.

Who the fuck cares about practical when you are talking about deciding 1/2 the country can't vote for the candidate it wants?

You really think the people supporting Trump will just take this lying down?
So we just ignore the Constitution when half the country wants something?

Nope. GFY.

What are you going to do about it? Have another insurrection?
So we just ignore the Constitution when half the country wants something?

Nope. GFY.

What are you going to do about it? Have another insurrection?

No, you actually prosecute supposed insurrectionists for insurrection via the protections given anyone accused of a crime in the Constitution.

Ask George the III what happens when you push people too far.

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