Now that the good guys are in charge, is it time to revisit the 14th amendment?

People who are born here are NOT "illegal." Read up.

When I got a birthday card from my grandmother, it was evident that she struggled to write it in English. Her native languages were Polish and Russian. She had a hard time with English, but I have seen the black-and-white composition books in which she struggled with writing in English. Yeah. My mother was an "anchor baby."

yeah OK, some advice, she is not the only one having trouble with the language...capisci?

Have a little respect.
there was no disrespect involved here, you asked a question, it got answered, the fact that it was not to your liking but true is the need for some faux left wing compassion

You were bitching about "anchor babies." I asked what was wrong with the 14th Amendment. You apparently have a problem with counting those who are born here as citizens. They are. There is no need to change anything about the 14th Amendment. It is fine as it is.

No, it is not because it promotes illegal immigration. That's a problem for our citizens and authorities alike.
According to you. And just who are you? The 14th Amendment confers citizenship on any person born in the USA.
New wide-ranging analysis by the Center for Immigration Studies‘ Steven Camarotta reveals that there are an estimated 28,000 births to illegal aliens every year in the Los Angeles metro area, exceeding the total number of U.S. births in 14 states and the District of Columbia.

The children of illegal aliens are commonly known as “anchor babies,” as they anchor their illegal alien and noncitizen parents in the U.S. and eventually are allowed to bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the country through the process known as “chain migration.”

More Anchor Baby Births in Los Angeles than Total U.S. Births in 14 States

If you want to stop the flies from buzzing around you, close the pancake syrup container if you're going to sit outside.

For years the left has been telling us we don't need a wall, just a heavy fine or prison time for employers who hire illegals. Well I have to agree with that, but I also think that anchor babies are just as much of a problem. Come to the US, find a way to stay for a few months, and pop out a baby(s) so you have an excuse to have to be here.

Time for that to stop.
If children without a legal status born in America aren't American, then what nationality are they?
The parents are here illegally... who cares what nationality their brood-litters are... so long as it isn't American.

Coming soon: a re-interpretation of the Fourteenth to eliminate the Anchor Baby Loophole... courtesy of a 6-3 SCOTUS.
People who are born here are NOT "illegal." Read up.

When I got a birthday card from my grandmother, it was evident that she struggled to write it in English. Her native languages were Polish and Russian. She had a hard time with English, but I have seen the black-and-white composition books in which she struggled with writing in English. Yeah. My mother was an "anchor baby."

yeah OK, some advice, she is not the only one having trouble with the language...capisci?

Have a little respect.
there was no disrespect involved here, you asked a question, it got answered, the fact that it was not to your liking but true is the need for some faux left wing compassion

You were bitching about "anchor babies." I asked what was wrong with the 14th Amendment. You apparently have a problem with counting those who are born here as citizens. They are. There is no need to change anything about the 14th Amendment. It is fine as it is.

No, it is not because it promotes illegal immigration. That's a problem for our citizens and authorities alike.
According to you. And just who are you? The 14th Amendment confers citizenship on any person born in the USA.
Until a properly constituted Court (6-3) renders a re-interpretation of the Fourteenth, anyway.
People who are born here are NOT "illegal." Read up.

When I got a birthday card from my grandmother, it was evident that she struggled to write it in English. Her native languages were Polish and Russian. She had a hard time with English, but I have seen the black-and-white composition books in which she struggled with writing in English. Yeah. My mother was an "anchor baby."

yeah OK, some advice, she is not the only one having trouble with the language...capisci?

Have a little respect.
there was no disrespect involved here, you asked a question, it got answered, the fact that it was not to your liking but true is the need for some faux left wing compassion

You were bitching about "anchor babies." I asked what was wrong with the 14th Amendment. You apparently have a problem with counting those who are born here as citizens. They are. There is no need to change anything about the 14th Amendment. It is fine as it is.

“Fine” for who? The anchor baby? The illegal?
Is it “fine” for American taxpayers?
“Fine” for good Americans who prefer to live among likeminded, English speaking, productive, decent human beings?
People who are born here are NOT "illegal." Read up.

When I got a birthday card from my grandmother, it was evident that she struggled to write it in English. Her native languages were Polish and Russian. She had a hard time with English, but I have seen the black-and-white composition books in which she struggled with writing in English. Yeah. My mother was an "anchor baby."

yeah OK, some advice, she is not the only one having trouble with the language...capisci?

Have a little respect.
there was no disrespect involved here, you asked a question, it got answered, the fact that it was not to your liking but true is the need for some faux left wing compassion

You were bitching about "anchor babies." I asked what was wrong with the 14th Amendment. You apparently have a problem with counting those who are born here as citizens. They are. There is no need to change anything about the 14th Amendment. It is fine as it is.

No, it is not because it promotes illegal immigration. That's a problem for our citizens and authorities alike.
According to you. And just who are you? The 14th Amendment confers citizenship on any person born in the USA.

I know what it does now, and it''s time for it to stop. That's the OP. It's kind of like if our laws were you could rob a bank, and once you cross city limits, they couldn't do anything to you. All that would do is encourage people to rob banks, and then they'd all have to close down.

It's the same thing with anchor babies. Once you have a kid in the US, it makes that kid a citizen of the country with illegal parents. Illegal parents should not be allowed to have legal kids just because they were born here.
The military wouldn't accept me if I wanted to because of physical illness. However that doesn't mean I don't belong to this country and actually respect the people that fought in wars like my father and several other relatives. Plus like most conservatives, I've been a taxpayer all of my adult life and never taken a dime from the government.

so again, when it came time to man up, you didn't. Got it.

Funny thing, a lot of those immigrants manned up and took your place. So sit down and shut up.

If we need immigrants, we will invite them. We don't need them invading our country.

again, they wouldn't come here if white people weren't hiring them. Maybe you need to have a talk with other white people.
If we need immigrants, we will invite them. We don't need them invading our country.

We ARE inviting them. That's what the dimrods don't get. We're offering them jobs. The problem is that some of you don't like it and want it to stop. You want big daddy government to prevent your neighbors from inviting Mexicans here to work.
I know what it does now, and it''s time for it to stop. That's the OP. It's kind of like if our laws were you could rob a bank, and once you cross city limits, they couldn't do anything to you. All that would do is encourage people to rob banks, and then they'd all have to close down.

It's the same thing with anchor babies. Once you have a kid in the US, it makes that kid a citizen of the country with illegal parents. Illegal parents should not be allowed to have legal kids just because they were born here.

You haven't given us a compelling reason why it should stop, other than your own racism.
Compelling Reasons to stop Illegal Immigration:

1. United States law
2. Quantity
3. Precedent
4. Fewer jobs for Americans
5. Depression of wages in various trades and occupations
6. Drain on taxpayer-funded government resources
7. It's our country - we get to make the rules - not them
8. When in doubt, refer back to Reason No. 1
New wide-ranging analysis by the Center for Immigration Studies‘ Steven Camarotta reveals that there are an estimated 28,000 births to illegal aliens every year in the Los Angeles metro area, exceeding the total number of U.S. births in 14 states and the District of Columbia.

The children of illegal aliens are commonly known as “anchor babies,” as they anchor their illegal alien and noncitizen parents in the U.S. and eventually are allowed to bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the country through the process known as “chain migration.”

More Anchor Baby Births in Los Angeles than Total U.S. Births in 14 States

If you want to stop the flies from buzzing around you, close the pancake syrup container if you're going to sit outside.

For years the left has been telling us we don't need a wall, just a heavy fine or prison time for employers who hire illegals. Well I have to agree with that, but I also think that anchor babies are just as much of a problem. Come to the US, find a way to stay for a few months, and pop out a baby(s) so you have an excuse to have to be here.

Time for that to stop.
No problem with your wall. Just tell Dumpf to KEEP HIS PROMISE!!! MEXICO IS GONNA PAY FOR THE WALL!! Otherwis, forget it! Bigly!!
1. United States law
2. Quantity
3. Precedent
4. Fewer jobs for Americans
5. Depression of wages in various trades and occupations
6. Drain on taxpayer-funded government resources
7. It's our country - we get to make the rules - not them
8. When in doubt, refer back to Reason No. 1

1- The law is stupid and unworkable, which is why so many people ignore it.
2- The number of UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANTS leveled off in 2011. Not really an issue.
3- They take the jobs Americans don't want to do.
4- Americans don't want to do those jobs, and negotiating your wage is on you.
5- They pay taxes and produce economic activity, which is a net plus for the economy.
6- See #5
7- Sorry, man, you racist dumb crack whites are going to be in the minority really soon. The good news for you is that the new progressive majority will not treat you nearly as shitty as you've treated others.

Which comes to think of it, is probably what scares you the most.
New wide-ranging analysis by the Center for Immigration Studies‘ Steven Camarotta reveals that there are an estimated 28,000 births to illegal aliens every year in the Los Angeles metro area, exceeding the total number of U.S. births in 14 states and the District of Columbia.

The children of illegal aliens are commonly known as “anchor babies,” as they anchor their illegal alien and noncitizen parents in the U.S. and eventually are allowed to bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the country through the process known as “chain migration.”

More Anchor Baby Births in Los Angeles than Total U.S. Births in 14 States

If you want to stop the flies from buzzing around you, close the pancake syrup container if you're going to sit outside.

For years the left has been telling us we don't need a wall, just a heavy fine or prison time for employers who hire illegals. Well I have to agree with that, but I also think that anchor babies are just as much of a problem. Come to the US, find a way to stay for a few months, and pop out a baby(s) so you have an excuse to have to be here.

Time for that to stop.
No problem with your wall. Just tell Dumpf to KEEP HIS PROMISE!!! MEXICO IS GONNA PAY FOR THE WALL!! Otherwis, forget it! Bigly!!

I don't see why. A wall is a one time cost that amounts to what we spend on food stamps in just one year alone. Plus given the fact of how much immigration costs taxpayers, it will pay for itself in a matter of a few years.
I know what it does now, and it''s time for it to stop. That's the OP. It's kind of like if our laws were you could rob a bank, and once you cross city limits, they couldn't do anything to you. All that would do is encourage people to rob banks, and then they'd all have to close down.

It's the same thing with anchor babies. Once you have a kid in the US, it makes that kid a citizen of the country with illegal parents. Illegal parents should not be allowed to have legal kids just because they were born here.

You haven't given us a compelling reason why it should stop, other than your own racism.

Yes I did, but you have selective reading abilities.
New wide-ranging analysis by the Center for Immigration Studies‘ Steven Camarotta reveals that there are an estimated 28,000 births to illegal aliens every year in the Los Angeles metro area, exceeding the total number of U.S. births in 14 states and the District of Columbia.

The children of illegal aliens are commonly known as “anchor babies,” as they anchor their illegal alien and noncitizen parents in the U.S. and eventually are allowed to bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the country through the process known as “chain migration.”

More Anchor Baby Births in Los Angeles than Total U.S. Births in 14 States

If you want to stop the flies from buzzing around you, close the pancake syrup container if you're going to sit outside.

For years the left has been telling us we don't need a wall, just a heavy fine or prison time for employers who hire illegals. Well I have to agree with that, but I also think that anchor babies are just as much of a problem. Come to the US, find a way to stay for a few months, and pop out a baby(s) so you have an excuse to have to be here.

Time for that to stop.
If children without a legal status born in America aren't American, then what nationality are they?
The parents are here illegally... who cares what nationality their brood-litters are... so long as it isn't American.

Coming soon: a re-interpretation of the Fourteenth to eliminate the Anchor Baby Loophole... courtesy of a 6-3 SCOTUS.

When ?
If we need immigrants, we will invite them. We don't need them invading our country.

We ARE inviting them. That's what the dimrods don't get. We're offering them jobs. The problem is that some of you don't like it and want it to stop. You want big daddy government to prevent your neighbors from inviting Mexicans here to work.

No, just as long as they do it legally. If they are crawling across the desert or digging tunnels for my neighbor to hire them, then we are not inviting them in, they are invading our country.
New wide-ranging analysis by the Center for Immigration Studies‘ Steven Camarotta reveals that there are an estimated 28,000 births to illegal aliens every year in the Los Angeles metro area, exceeding the total number of U.S. births in 14 states and the District of Columbia.

The children of illegal aliens are commonly known as “anchor babies,” as they anchor their illegal alien and noncitizen parents in the U.S. and eventually are allowed to bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the country through the process known as “chain migration.”

More Anchor Baby Births in Los Angeles than Total U.S. Births in 14 States

If you want to stop the flies from buzzing around you, close the pancake syrup container if you're going to sit outside.

For years the left has been telling us we don't need a wall, just a heavy fine or prison time for employers who hire illegals. Well I have to agree with that, but I also think that anchor babies are just as much of a problem. Come to the US, find a way to stay for a few months, and pop out a baby(s) so you have an excuse to have to be here.

Time for that to stop.

What is wrong with the 14th Amendment, guaranteeing due process and equal protection of the law for all?
...Except it costs us billions of dollars every year.
Keeping red state economies afloat is the single biggest expense this nation incurs.
The military wouldn't accept me if I wanted to because of physical illness. However that doesn't mean I don't belong to this country and actually respect the people that fought in wars like my father and several other relatives. Plus like most conservatives, I've been a taxpayer all of my adult life and never taken a dime from the government.

so again, when it came time to man up, you didn't. Got it.

Funny thing, a lot of those immigrants manned up and took your place. So sit down and shut up.

If we need immigrants, we will invite them. We don't need them invading our country.

again, they wouldn't come here if white people weren't hiring them. Maybe you need to have a talk with other white people.

“again, they wouldn't come here if white people weren't hiring them. Maybe you need to have a talk with other white people.”
LefTard Logic:
“If his boss would have paid him more he wouldn’t have HAD to rob that bank...his boss MADE him do it.”
If we need immigrants, we will invite them. We don't need them invading our country.

We ARE inviting them. That's what the dimrods don't get. We're offering them jobs. The problem is that some of you don't like it and want it to stop. You want big daddy government to prevent your neighbors from inviting Mexicans here to work.

LefTard Logic:
“If his boss would have paid him more he wouldn’t have HAD to rob that bank...his boss MADE him do it.”
The military wouldn't accept me if I wanted to because of physical illness. However that doesn't mean I don't belong to this country and actually respect the people that fought in wars like my father and several other relatives. Plus like most conservatives, I've been a taxpayer all of my adult life and never taken a dime from the government.

so again, when it came time to man up, you didn't. Got it.

Funny thing, a lot of those immigrants manned up and took your place. So sit down and shut up.

If we need immigrants, we will invite them. We don't need them invading our country.

again, they wouldn't come here if white people weren't hiring them. Maybe you need to have a talk with other white people.

“again, they wouldn't come here if white people weren't hiring them. Maybe you need to have a talk with other white people.”
LefTard Logic:
“If his boss would have paid him more he wouldn’t have HAD to rob that bank...his boss MADE him do it.”
What a crock of shit.

You wail about this and fight against the FIX.

Get employers to stop hiring illegals and illegals will have no reason to come here.'

'It's so simple that it's stupefying
“again, they wouldn't come here if white people weren't hiring them. Maybe you need to have a talk with other white people.”
LefTard Logic:
“If his boss would have paid him more he wouldn’t have HAD to rob that bank...his boss MADE him do it.”

Actually, the better metaphor would be if the Boss told him how to rob the bank, where the bank was, and shich teller would hand over the money without a fuss.

Here's the thing. Most of us would report a bank robbery if we saw one.

Most of us pass by undocumented immigrants every day, cleaning up our dirty dishes, cleaning our dirty bathrooms, and doing all the other unpleasent jobs we don't want to do.

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