Now that Trump will be CIC, should his tax returns be revealed?

We now can see that NOTHING can curtail Trump's popularity and now that he will sit upon the oval office, should ALL Americans finally learn what was "hidden" in those infamous tax returns?

Just asking......
naw , no reason for it , no law requiring it and its none of my or the rabbles business Nat !!
Proof of citizenship is a requirement for the office
Not sure where the breakdown in logic is for you.

Want to enlighten us all by showing where in the Constitution the revealing of your long-form birth certificate is a requirement?.......Of course, if you're half-black, well....that's a different story, right?.
The election is over.

The left is starting to look like those people that dress up like civil war era soldiers to re-enact the battle of Gettysburg or whatever on the weekends.

seriously, this is getting to the embarrassing stage for y'all...

Get use to it, everything he does will be known to you, just like how everything Obama did and Clinton. We might even make stuff up like most of you did, and blow things out of proportion.
should ALL Americans finally learn what was "hidden" in those infamous tax returns?
Why bother? most Americans wouldn't understand the contents of his tax returns anyways, hell our tax code is so complicated even the scumbags in Congress that voted for its component parts don't understand it.

All releasing his tax returns would do is provide more fodder for the disingenuous talking heads in the media to distort, spin and outright lie about and they already have enough of that to keep them busy for the next 1000 years.
We now can see that NOTHING can curtail Trump's popularity and now that he will sit upon the oval office, should ALL Americans finally learn what was "hidden" in those infamous tax returns?

Just asking......
I have a better idea, lets see Obama's Columbia University Documents that have been sealed. If found out that Barry Sorento had used the system to apply to that college as a foreign exchange student then everything that Obummer did in office is null and void. Wouldn't that be a real slap down on Barry's legacy, and how duped all you liberals really are.
Proof of citizenship is a requirement for the office
Not sure where the breakdown in logic is for you.

Want to enlighten us all by showing where in the Constitution the revealing of your long-form birth certificate is a requirement?.......Of course, if you're half-black, well....that's a different story, right?.
It's not in the constitution, nor is everything relating to the running of this country.
Nah, still none of your business...

But Obama's long form birth certificate WAS everyone's business?
Proof of citizenship is a requirement for the office
Not sure where the breakdown in logic is for you.

Proof was provided. The refusal to accept it was where the break down in logic occurred.
a birth certificate drawn up on toilet paper in crayon is not exactly proof.
Ok, maybe that is really stretching it too far but, it took a few attempts before he actually came up with something even half way believable, and by then he had been in office long enough to have a certificate forged professionally.
He screwed around too long with getting the real one out.
Now, consider that and think about it, lets say Trump come up with a tax return that shows he paid tax and nothing is wrong, how fast do you think certain people would be on here claiming that the returns were fake because they failed to show what he was hoping to see.
It would be never ending, not showing them will create less distraction than showing them would.
If Trumpsters have no problem with the possibility that the POTUS has not contributed a dime to the tax base in decades, then by all means live with the delusions.
Why Nitwit49.00 you haven't contributed a dime in all your life, you welfare puke. You're just jealous that President Trump has more money than you.
Why bother? most Americans wouldn't understand the contents of his tax returns anyways, hell our tax code is so complicated even the scumbags in Congress that voted for its component parts don't understand it.

All releasing his tax returns would do is provide more fodder for the disingenuous talking heads in the media to distort, spin and outright lie about and they already have enough of that to keep them busy for the next 1000 years.

So, from now on, NO candidate for the WH should ever show their tax returns because.......well, because the average voter is too dumb to understand the intricacies of tax dodging, correct?
I have a better idea, lets see Obama's Columbia University Documents that have been sealed. If found out that Barry Sorento had used the system to apply to that college as a foreign exchange student then everything that Obummer did in office is null and void. Wouldn't that be a real slap down on Barry's legacy, and how duped all you liberals really are

You and your ilk will never "forgive" Obama for being half-black AND sitting in the oval office......LOL
We now can see that NOTHING can curtail Trump's popularity and now that he will sit upon the oval office, should ALL Americans finally learn what was "hidden" in those infamous tax returns?

Just asking......
I have a better idea, lets see Obama's Columbia University Documents that have been sealed. If found out that Barry Sorento had used the system to apply to that college as a foreign exchange student then everything that Obummer did in office is null and void. Wouldn't that be a real slap down on Barry's legacy, and how duped all you liberals really are.
even if that was discovered today, what do you think the best course of action would be? announce it and let the world know that we were all duped or, keep it quiet and maintain the respect and integrity that the office currently has.
Why? He obviously doesn't break any laws. Maybe you lefties shouldn't vote for politicians promising to raise taxes just so the rich can get out of them. Its called a circle of stupidity.

Oh? How do you know that? Have you seen them? Have any of his emails been leaked?

Should be an interesting 4 years :popcorn:
He would be arrested, dummy :spinner:
Why bother? most Americans wouldn't understand the contents of his tax returns anyways, hell our tax code is so complicated even the scumbags in Congress that voted for its component parts don't understand it.

All releasing his tax returns would do is provide more fodder for the disingenuous talking heads in the media to distort, spin and outright lie about and they already have enough of that to keep them busy for the next 1000 years.

So, from now on, NO candidate for the WH should ever show their tax returns because.......well, because the average voter is too dumb to understand the intricacies of tax dodging, correct?
From now on, if they dont want to show it, they should be able not to show it without a bunch of asscrack lintballs giving them crap about it. regardless of the party they are affiliated with. I promise you that I would not be concerned about hillarys tax returns if she preferred not to show them.
So, from now on, NO candidate for the WH should ever show their tax returns because.......

.... it's nothing more than a pointless act of feeding the bread and circus machine that we lovingly call "The Media", if a candidate is guilty of tax evasion the IRS already has their tax returns and can prosecute such cases WITHOUT having the returns released to the general public.
Why? He obviously doesn't break any laws. Maybe you lefties shouldn't vote for politicians promising to raise taxes just so the rich can get out of them. Its called a circle of stupidity.

That is only what they say before caught for tax evasion, money laundering, and fraud.
He has been filing taxes for decades. When has he ever been arrested? How many times has he been audited? Get real
If Trumpsters have no problem with the possibility that the POTUS has not contributed a dime to the tax base in decades, then by all means live with the delusions.


Every Billionaire has used the tax system to skirt paying taxes. i can provide Warren Buffett being sued for taxes that a corporation he was part of did not pay.

So arguing that Donald Trump used a system to skirt taxes is wrong well then change the laws...

Seeing the Democratic Party never did tell me they knew about Trump and did nothing because it would hurt their big donors like Gates, Buffett and so on.

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