Now that Trump will be CIC, should his tax returns be revealed?

So arguing that Donald Trump used a system to skirt taxes is wrong well then change the laws...

Seeing the Democratic Party never did tell me they knew about Trump and did nothing because it would hurt their big donors like Gates, Buffett and so on., in "draining the swamp", we should expect Trump to dramatically change the tax codes to eliminate ALL tax loop holes, correct?

Would I like him to do that?


Do i believe the GOP and the President will do that?


If Trump did that it would not benefit him nor the one percent in this nation.

If he does do it then it will be something Teddy Roosevelt would have done, and will shock me!

Precisely my point......If Trump wants to be the change agent in "draining that swamp" that is DC, then I hope he will tear apart that tax code along with his promises to cut taxes.
.... it's nothing more than a pointless act of feeding the bread and circus machine that we lovingly call "The Media", if a candidate is guilty of tax evasion the IRS already has their tax returns and can prosecute such cases WITHOUT having the returns released to the general public.

I am NOT saying that Trump broke the tax laws......What I AM saying is that it would be nice to learn from Trump HOW to avoid virtually all taxation he probably has.
A very nice public service from trump, don;t you agree?
Nope, since the vast majority of the public doesn't have the resources to take advantage of the tax code in any significant way. The well connected and well moneyed interests that control our politicians and the bureaucracy in Washington wrote it for themselves to exploit NOT for the general public to exploit, why do you think it just keeps getting more complicated year after year? Why do you think they constantly talk about tax code simplification but never actually do a damn thing about it?
He has been filing taxes for decades. When has he ever been arrested? How many times has he been audited? Get real

No one gets really arrested for using the tax code to their benefit.....I'm not saying that he broke the law, but what I AM saying is that Trump can teach us all tax-avoidance schemes.
if you are that interested, perhaps you could just find out who Trumps tax people are and see if you can hire them to do yours.
I warn you though, when you pay nothing to start with, the savings might not be that impressive.
I don't think he ran on such a platform. He can only do what Congress agrees to do. Trump is not the Legislative Branch of our government, he will be the Executive Branch. While you are studying income tax preparation, take a course in Civics as well.

Stupid expected.......Are you saying that its BEYOND Trump's prerogative to introduce to Congress a complete overhaul of the tax code that allowed he and other billionaires to pay zero taxes?i
if you are that interested, perhaps you could just find out who Trumps tax people are and see if you can hire them to do yours.
I warn you though, when you pay nothing to start with, the savings might not be that impressive.

Actually, when Romeny was "forced" to reveal his tax returns.....I was a bit peeved that I and my family paid a HIGHER percentage than he did.....Fair???
Let me ask it a different way........Eventually, the IRS will be finished with that darn "audit"...and Trump had promised that he would release his tax returns AFTER that was done.

Now, should he or should he not adhere to that promise.....A simple yes or not will suffice.
Some Democrat wingnuts are still in denial. They still don't realize they're no longer calling the shots. Their faux outrage on the Trump tax issue, didn't help them in the Election. So why do they think it's gonna help them now?

It's all over. They lost. Trump doesn't answer to them. His tax issue is a moot point. Trump's the man now. They better start dealing with that new reality.
We now can see that NOTHING can curtail Trump's popularity and now that he will sit upon the oval office, should ALL Americans finally learn what was "hidden" in those infamous tax returns?

Just asking......

I think maybe two of you actually care.
We now can see that NOTHING can curtail Trump's popularity and now that he will sit upon the oval office, should ALL Americans finally learn what was "hidden" in those infamous tax returns?

Just asking......
In your opinion, if he shows his tax return, do you believe it will make him a better president?
if you are that interested, perhaps you could just find out who Trumps tax people are and see if you can hire them to do yours.
I warn you though, when you pay nothing to start with, the savings might not be that impressive.

Actually, when Romeny was "forced" to reveal his tax returns.....I was a bit peeved that I and my family paid a HIGHER percentage than he did.....Fair???
I look at what we paid, if we all equally share in the debt, and we do. lets say our share of the debt equally distributed is 152,000 as a rough number, and at tax time I pay 40,000 in taxes which end up being 28% of my gross, yet some rich guy pays 500,000 which ends up being 20% of his gross, is that fair?
In your opinion, if he shows his tax return, do you believe it will make him a better president?

NO......but a more honest and transparent president?....... YES!!!
Oh, so making public a tax return makes a person honest and transparent......What a strange view you have of life.

I think you just want to glean information you wish to use against him in rhetoric having failed with all of your efforts to stop him.

Have a nice day.
I look at what way paid, if we all equally share in the debt, and we do. lets say our share of the debt equally distributed is 152,000 as a rough number, and at tax time I pay 40,000 in taxes which end up being 28% of my gross, yet some rich guy pays 500,000 which ends up being 20% of his gross, is that fair?

Absolutely........Check out what YOU have left in your net income, and what that "rich gut" has left in his net.....

Trump used for his private jet, the airports that YOU paid for....and if he did not contribute a penny toward the building and maintenance of that should be just a bit concerned.
if you are that interested, perhaps you could just find out who Trumps tax people are and see if you can hire them to do yours.
I warn you though, when you pay nothing to start with, the savings might not be that impressive.

Actually, when Romeny was "forced" to reveal his tax returns.....I was a bit peeved that I and my family paid a HIGHER percentage than he did.....Fair???

And how much of that years total federal expenditures did the income taxes you paid represent and how much did Romney's represent? Did Mitt Romney get fair value for his tax bill or did he end up paying thousands of times more for basically the same federal government services that you received ?
Oh, so making public a tax return makes a person honest and transparent......What a strange view you have of life.

I think you just want to glean information you wish to use against him in rhetoric having failed with all of your efforts to stop him.

Have a nice day.

NO, is "good" for a president to hide much from the common citizens.....after all, Hillary hid some things from us and you readily forgave her, right?
Let me ask it a different way........Eventually, the IRS will be finished with that darn "audit"...and Trump had promised that he would release his tax returns AFTER that was done.

Now, should he or should he not adhere to that promise.....A simple yes or not will suffice.
Considering it was a promise, then I would like to see him hold true to it. But, Im not interested in his tax return as much as his word in this case.
Why bother? most Americans wouldn't understand the contents of his tax returns anyways, hell our tax code is so complicated even the scumbags in Congress that voted for its component parts don't understand it.

All releasing his tax returns would do is provide more fodder for the disingenuous talking heads in the media to distort, spin and outright lie about and they already have enough of that to keep them busy for the next 1000 years.

So, from now on, NO candidate for the WH should ever show their tax returns because.......well, because the average voter is too dumb to understand the intricacies of tax dodging, correct?
The only reason why Tax returns have been shown, was so the left like Jimmy Carter could show how rich Ronald Reagan was and how out of touch he is. Still people voted for Reagan because Jimmy was a failure, now Jimmy is the 2nd worst president.
Considering it was a promise, then I would like to see him hold true to it. But, Im not interested in his tax return as much as his word in this case.

Agreed......and, those audits cannot go on forever. So, we'll see.
We now can see that NOTHING can curtail Trump's popularity and now that he will sit upon the oval office, should ALL Americans finally learn what was "hidden" in those infamous tax returns?

Just asking......

LMAO ah newsflash the American people already decided they don't give a shit about Trumps tax returns. But thanks for the belly laugh. :laugh:

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