Now They've Got Marriage, Gays Come Out of the Closet...Again...Chemsex

Did you know chemsex was part of the gay male subculture while gay marriage was being deliberated?

  • Yes, but I don't care: gay marriage anyway.

  • No, but I don't care: gay marraige anyway.

  • No, Oh my GOD what have we done??

  • Yes, but I didn't think and still don't think it matters.

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It IS amusing....and you can bet the farm, those hoping for a civil war would be the first to curl up in a fetal position if it happened.
Are you talking about people who do gay stuff wanting to marry in the interim in Alabama as Justice Moore pushes the SCOTUS for clarity on Obergefell? people are still getting married in Alabama and the overwhelming majority of probate judges ignored Moore's order. You lose, again.
Psst... that doesn't matter if it's found that SCOTUS failed to take into account behaviors as race as a false premise...and hence the legal quagmire they created forcing government officials like Kim Davis to abide by a cult..

Plus, that's off topic.. you missed my comment to Syriusly last page..

The problem is Syriusly, guys who belong to a cult that practices "Chem sex" on the down low while trying to legally force catholic adoption agencies to give them little boys to take home. The OP's point is that if gay men have so little self-restraint on "anything goes hypersexual depravity", how safe are adopted orphan boys in their home? Remember the OP....

....and the false-premise "(just some of the Court's favorite Behaviors = race")
Moore is trying to use gay marriage to climb into the governor's chair and it is unlikely to work. I believe Alabama's state laws prohibits him from running for the Alabama Supreme Court again due to his age so he is just using his position to mug for press.
It IS amusing....and you can bet the farm, those hoping for a civil war would be the first to curl up in a fetal position if it happened.
Are you talking about people who do gay stuff wanting to marry in the interim in Alabama as Justice Moore pushes the SCOTUS for clarity on Obergefell? people are still getting married in Alabama and the overwhelming majority of probate judges ignored Moore's order. You lose, again.
Psst... that doesn't matter if it's found that SCOTUS failed to take into account behaviors as race as a false premise...and hence the legal quagmire they created forcing government officials like Kim Davis to abide by a cult..

Plus, that's off topic.. you missed my comment to Syriusly last page..

The problem is Syriusly, guys who belong to a cult that practices "Chem sex" on the down low while trying to legally force catholic adoption agencies to give them little boys to take home. The OP's point is that if gay men have so little self-restraint on "anything goes hypersexual depravity", how safe are adopted orphan boys in their home? Remember the OP....

....and the false-premise "(just some of the Court's favorite Behaviors = race")

The only person that is making the claim that' behaviors equals race' is you. Seeing how you know jack and shit about the law I am not too concerned with what you feel the court needs to take into account.

The real point is that you hate gay people and are looking for any reason to deny them marriage and families. Knowing that you are failing miserably in your crusade warms the cockles of my heart.
[. The OP's point is that if gay men have so little self-restraint on "anything goes hypersexual depravity", how safe are adopted orphan boys in their home? Remember the OP....


You quoting yourself again- so sad.

And you wanting to say that all gay men are the same because of the actions of the few is no different than those who claim all blacks are the same when a black man kills someone or all Jews are the same when a Jewish settler murders a Palestinian.
The problem is Syriusly, guys who belong to a cult

Let me stop you there. There is no cult. It is all in your head.

"LGBT" (an incomplete gathering of sexual behavioral deviants, organized, evangelizing, litigating, requiring others to play along, beating up heretics (Anne Heche)...targeting children to teach..) is not all in my head. It is a fact.
The problem is Syriusly, guys who belong to a cult

Let me stop you there. There is no cult. It is all in your head.

"LGBT" (an incomplete gathering of sexual behavioral deviants, organized, evangelizing, litigating, requiring others to play along, beating up heretics (Anne Heche)...targeting children to teach..) is not all in my head. It is a fact.

Which do you want to talk about- your imaginary cult- or LGBT people?
Chemsex. That's the topic of this thread. Chemsex illustrates the complete lack of restraint of gay men sexually. And how this could be a problem when gay men go to adopt little boys (that's what they're after, 99% of the time) from catholic adoption agencies.

I suppose your solution to this obvious problem is to eliminate all adoption agencies having any ties to religion (decency in intent to protect children)?
Chemsex. That's the topic of this thread. Chemsex illustrates the complete lack of restraint of gay men sexually. And how this could be a problem when gay men go to adopt little boys (that's what they're after, 99% of the time) from catholic adoption agencies.

I suppose your solution to this obvious problem is to eliminate all adoption agencies having any ties to religion (decency in intent to protect children)?

And you still haven't explained why we would prevent a gay couple from adopting a child.......when they *haven't* engaged in 'chem sex.

See, that's where your argument breaks. Where you insist we penalize specific gay couples for something they've never done
Chemsex. That's the topic of this thread. Chemsex illustrates the complete lack of restraint of gay men sexually.

Spring break illustrates the complete lack of restraint of straight men.

Yet- we allow my fellow straight men to get married and have kids.
when gay men go to adopt little boys (that's what they're after, 99% of the time

And once again- Silhouette with her slimy lies.

Kinda takes the wind out of her 'same sex role model' schtick. But then, self contradiction is the core of her pseudo-legal gibberish.

For example, California and all levels of law were bound to the Windsor decision per Sil. But Alabama and no levels of law are bound to the Obergefell decision. Why? 'Because'.

The Obegefell doesn't authorize any gay marriage....but it does make polygamy legal. Despite explicitly overturning laws banning same sex marriage and never even mentioning polygamy. Why? 'Because'.

'Behaviors' aren't protected by the constitution per Sil. But Kim Davis is protected in her behavior of practicing religion. Why? 'Because'.

Pseudo-legal gibberish is as pseudo-legal gibberish does, I suppose.
And you still haven't explained why we would prevent a gay couple from adopting a child.......when they *haven't* engaged in 'chem sex.

See, that's where your argument breaks. Where you insist we penalize specific gay couples for something they've never done
How can we tell? See, the CDC did a study on gay men..a survey of about 3,000 of them and it was published in Clinical Psychiatry News. Bear in mind the CDC is very hesitant about using the words "pervasive" or "epidemic" and when they do, you'd better sit up in your seat and listen carefully:

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

And when you read the article in the OP, the gays talking about chemsex orgies are talking about it like "damn, somebody let the cat out of the bag". Like it's the most common of common knowledge in the gay male subculture. It isn't like they're protesting "hey, this isn't fair, this is only a small percentage of us!".. They're saying "hey, we wanted to keep this a secret. If everyone knew this was a major gig in the gay male population, we'd have trouble with selling our "marriages" off as legit"...
And you still haven't explained why we would prevent a gay couple from adopting a child.......when they *haven't* engaged in 'chem sex.

See, that's where your argument breaks. Where you insist we penalize specific gay couples for something they've never done
How can we tell? See, the CDC did a study on gay men..a survey of about 3,000 of them and it was published in Clinical Psychiatry News. Bear in mind the CDC is very hesitant about using the words "pervasive" or "epidemic" and when they do, you'd better sit up in your seat and listen carefully:

But why would we penalize a gay couple who *aren't* using drugs, preventing them from adopting.

See, that's where your argument breaks. As you insist we punish people for things they haven't done.....based solely their sexual orientation.

That makes no sense. And of course is wildly illegal.
And you still haven't explained why we would prevent a gay couple from adopting a child.......when they *haven't* engaged in 'chem sex.

See, that's where your argument breaks. Where you insist we penalize specific gay couples for something they've never done
How can we tell? See, the CDC did a study on gay men..a survey of about 3,000 of them and it was published in Clinical Psychiatry News. Bear in mind the CDC is very hesitant about using the words "pervasive" or "epidemic" and when they do, you'd better sit up in your seat and listen carefully:

But why would we penalize a gay couple who *aren't* using drugs, preventing them from adopting.

See, that's where your argument breaks. As you insist we punish people for things they haven't done.....based solely their sexual orientation.

That makes no sense. And of course is wildly illegal.

Well it makes sense to Silhouette- since her objective is to punish all homosexuals.

Because that is the way she rolls.
Still in the closet??..


Gays are not going to go back in the closet no matter how much you stomp your feet.
Sure you will. Either the moral people in the US recover control from you degenerates or eventually Islam takes over and then starts throwing fagots off the tops of buildings here like they do in the ME.

Either way, fagots will be hiding like the slime they are once again. It is only a matter of time and a question of how many lives get ruined till then.

How much lesbian porn do you figure this dude has?
The bane of the ridiculous social right - stop worrying about what others do in their private lives.
If an activity seriously impacts public health and safety, it isn't "private" anymore.
And if an activity does that and tries to involve children in its peripheral sphere (hypersexual gay men without boundaries adopting little boys), then it's REALLY not private anymore..
The bane of the ridiculous social right - stop worrying about what others do in their private lives.
If an activity seriously impacts public health and safety, it isn't "private" anymore.
And if an activity does that and tries to involve children in its peripheral sphere (hypersexual gay men without boundaries adopting little boys), then it's REALLY not private anymore..

If only you spent this much time worrying about your own family...if only.

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